Ride Reports and News

As at 22 October 2024

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Nina's Ride Sheets from 2019 Bike N Barge Holiday, click here!
Christmas Party 2024 - Brochure.
Abbreviation Key:CVBN = Chain Valley Bay North, CVBS = CVB South, JDR or JD = Jenny Dixon Reserve, WBD = Wilfred Barrett Drive, CCH = Central Coast Highway, CCC = Central Coast Council, PH = Pacific Highway, BBB = Bateau Bay Beach, SLSC = Surf Life Saving Club, SRA = State Recreation (Conservation) Area, Nic/Nikki = Nicolette, FT = Fernleigh Track, ARS = Adamstown Railway Station, CW = Clockwise, ACW = anti-clockwise, Lizzie Bay = Elizabeth Bay, LBD = Lizzie Bay Drive, PHWY = Pacific Highway, OCR = Ourimbah Creek Road, RAB = Don't know yet. Let me know if there are any more.

Reports -

T&DCC Ride report, Ballina to Lennox Head loop
Tuesday 22 October 2024 - Day 3 of Ballina Holiday
Today's ride as the heading says is to Lennox Head with a loop to Lake Ainsworth. There were 20 riders as best I can make out. Anne did a private ride, and I am not sure if Estelle was there, we normally know she is there the way she overtakes us up the hills with her legs going a hundred miles an hour. Danny and Margaret G joined us today after arriving yesterday. Rick was the ride leader with assistance from Carol at a few places, John D was the sweep. For those not at Ballina here is the ride list for today. Rick, Lyn, Carol, Len, Virginia, John B, John D, Stuart, David R, Rod, Anne, Karen, Keith A, Tony K, Chris B, Linda, Kerry, Margaret G, Danny and James.
After we left the start point, we headed North along the Coastal Recreational Path (CRP) where we stopped at various points with great views for a few minutes. At the end of the CRP, we turned left onto another bike path that took us to Hinterland Drv. As can be guessed by the name we were in for some climbing. After a while on the highway, we turned left to Skennars Head Rd then right into North Creek Rd, maybe this was where we started a long climb. It was not as hard as the ride to Cumbalum yesterday, but it was still hard going. After the climb we turned left onto Byron Bay Rd that led us back to Pacific Parade.
Aside from the climbs, Rick set a pace on the flats around 20km an hour, and of course faster down the hills. After a few minutes we turned left into Camp Drewe Rd that led to dead-end where of course we did a U-turn. We noticed the area had a lot of hippy type characters enjoying themselves close to the beach. On the return to Pacific Parade, Stuart’s bike suffered a puncture, John and others assisted Stuart while the rest of us rode to junction with the Pacific Highway and enjoyed the views of the ocean. With the tyre now fixed we set off towards Ross Park in Lennox Head where we hanging out for Gelato. On arrival at Ross Park lots of members noted how much the area has come along over the years. Yes, the group did enjoy their Gelati.
After Gelato we headed down south again and joined the coastal path that took us to the actual headland called Lennox Head. After a bit of sightseeing near the summit, too many stairs to climb for us to get to the Pat Morton Lookout. Sightseeing finished, we rejoined the path. Unfortunately Lady Luck deserted us again and Rick got a puncture in his front wheel tyre. The repairs completed we continued down the path and took a right turn to Silver Gull Drive. We followed Silver Gull Drive and few other roads before joining Angels Beach Drive and turning left towards Ballina, obviously heading for our favourite coffee shop. At the end of Angels Beach Rd we rejoined the KSW that led us to the coffee shop. As some of our riders has partaken too much Gelato they decided to head back to camp. After the coffee break some went shopping while John D led the rest of us back to town. I forgot to mention Anne joined us somewhere along the ride early enough to join us at the Café.
Thanks to Rick, Carol, John and whoever else helped with the ride.
Ballina Holiday - Next Edition
Ride report, Ballina to Cumbulam loop Monday 21 October
The ride took us in a Westerly direction to Cumbulam, then a loop back to West Ballina where we stopped for coffee before returning to Ballina from the North along the beach front.
From the Discovery Caravan Park we headed onto the Kerry Saxby Walkway to the Missingham Bridge which we crossed and joined the section of the Kerry Saxby Walkway heading west. We then headed further west and joined a great bike path named after a local Olympian whose name I don’t know, see Rick if you want to know, it is not on the Strava map.
At the end of the track we turned into Deadmans Creek Rd, sent a chill up some spines, no problems all went well. After that we encountered some nasty hills on Tamarind Drive. Some of our top riders struggled, and a few on muscle bikes had to walk to the top of the hill. Not surprisingly all the e-bikes made it to the top without stopping but still found it hard going. The best e-bike performers were the females in our group, that proves they have a better power to weight ratio than us old blokes.
After getting to the top of the last hill it was all go to the lower levels of the surrounding terrain. After arriving at river level, we had a nice flat ride back into Ballina, with the thoughts of coffee and other goodies on our mind. Due to the flat terrain, we soon arrived in a nice little café that is part of a Motel. The owner was very pleasant and greeted us on arrival and said they would bring our goodies out to us, it was a very nice and comfortable area to relax and have a coffee.
After coffee some members went shopping to Woolies, the guys to Bunnings, the rest of us headed North again and on the bike path beside Angels Beach Drive, riding beside North Creek, Prospect Lake and Chickabi Lake and while doing so we crossed Munsies Bridge before heading for the coast to join up with the Coast Road Shared Path. Along the way we stopped at a few lookout points for pics that can be seen on Strava and other social media. The shared path led us back to the caravan park. Great but hard rides with some great views of the Ballina Hinterland and beaches. Thanks to Rick, John D, and Rick’s merry band of helpers.
Ballina Holiday - James' Report
T&DCC Ballina Orientation Ride 20 October 2024
The purpose of today’s 2 rides was to introduce our members to Ballina and its surrounds as the name orientation suggests.
Rick led one group of 15 riders for a tour North of Ballina to Skennars Head north of Ballina along a beautiful, shared path between sand dunes and great parks. Our new CCCouncil should take a trip up here to see how much better Ballina looks after cyclists. Some steep hills were encountered but the views compensated for the effort. Rick took time out along the way to point out interesting landmarks and tragically where shark attacks have occurred. From Skennars Head we turned South and passed Chickiba Lake, Prospect Lake, went over Munsies Bridge. Some great sounding names for places up this way. Next, we headed west and passed under Tamarind Drive just before the bridge over North Creek.
After a few twists and turns of the back streets we joined Burns Point Ferry Rd, you guessed it, the road led to a Ferry that crosses the Richmond River. Once across the river numerous Sugar Cane farms suddenly appeared. Rick advised us that this area is flood prone but luckily not very often. After we crossed the river the road name logically changed to River Rd as it followed the river to Wardell the most southern part of our ride. The wind gods decided to put on a show for us and made it hard going all the way to Wardell. We hoped the wind direction did not change to a NE as it usually does around midday.
We crossed the Richmond River again to gain access to Wardell. The bridge looks like an amazing piece of engineering, it has the capacity to open up to let high vessels pass, probably built in the 1880s. When we arrived at the Wardell Café and Pie shop, we overloaded the 2 persons serving and making coffee. But soon we were all tucking into coffee and other goodies reenergising ourselves to the trip back to Ballina as the wind and coarse bitumen really tested some of our riders.
Rick took us on a Cooks Tour of Wardell before heading head back the Ferry, this time the Southerly wind helped us along at a good pace. On the way the main group rode out to the end of the Southern Break Wall. The other part of the group decided to bypass this part of the ride and headed for the Ferry. While we were out on the break wall, we were rewarded by sighting 2 dolphins have a lazy swim out to the Sea. After some sight-seeing the main group returned to the Ferry where we rejoined the other group and crossed the river as one group. We returned to Ballina via a different way from the South Side of town along miscellaneous roads and the famed Kerry Saxby Walkway, although most of it is a shared path. Lots of people out and about enjoying the warm weather. All agreed what a great ride it was. Thanks to Rick and John D who was sweep.
The second ride was made up of people who wanted an easier ride. Carol has been surveying some rides and came up with a ride to Lennox Head via West Ballina and then back to the coast to go to Lennox Head via Skennars Head. The ride went past Lennox head to a place called Lake Ainsworth. See Strava and other social web pages for photographs. The return ride was much the same except for some minor detours that were parallel to the outgoing path. Thanks to Carol for managing this ride.

Heading home from Sam's after coffee - James and Virginia out front - 16 October 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 16 October 2024
Group 1 Wednesday 16 October 2024- A small team left Norah Head and rode out to Wyee and Morisset, through the industrial area before continuing to Wyong along Jilliby Road. Looks like a coffee break at Oasis before finishing the ride through Tacoma. 80-95km. Excellent ride!

T&DCC Grp 2 Tuggerah Lake CW via The Entrance & Berkeley Vale ride report 16 October 2024

On arrival at Peel St.
After viewing the weather reports from the BOM in the last few days, we expected some rain, but to our enjoyment it looked like the rain would not interfere with the ride. We expected the ride numbers to be down today as some members have already left for Ballina or are in the process, and some lucky ones are overseas. So, it was a pleasant surprise that 10 members turned up for the ride. James was the ride leader, Doug the sweep for most of the ride and Michael B for the last section of the ride. The rides in sign-on order were James, Linda, Michael B, Chris, Virginia, David G, Rolf, Doug, Jill and Trevor.

Peel St to Blue Bell Park.
At the ride briefing it was mentioned that we would be stopping at Blue Bell Park in case anyone needed to do a refill of their water bottles, otherwise the route was as per the ride calendar. The conditions at the start of the ride were pleasant with a temperature of 17°C with a slight southerly breeze of 7 km/hr. Jill and Trevor met us on WBD near the quiet place, and after they signed on the riders were invited to go for it to the North Entrance where we would have a regroup. After a break at the North Entrance, it was onto the bike path at Picnic Point. It was decided that we stay on the shared path due to the road being in such a dangerous condition owing to the number of potholes, thanks to Merrilyn for mentioning this matter last week that helped us make this decision.
As we have not ridden from Long Jetty to Blue Bell Park for such a long time due to water over the path, the ride seemed a lot longer than our memories would have us believe. We must say it was enjoyable riding on the shared path that did not have too many people using the facility. On arrival at the park, Virginia and the other dog lover’s attention was soon drawn to some women sitting at one of the tables with 3 or so dogs, they were a breed not known to most of us, they were about 8” tall and very cute. We had to tear the girls away from the dogs so we could get on our way again. David G who lives in the Cooranbong area had not been to this area of the world before, and wondered where we were, we don’t know what David thought about Berkeley Rd, which is really in the bush, and hilly.

Blue Bell Park to Wadalba.
After leaving the park we headed East to Panorama Parade where we turned right to take us to Wyong Road where we crossed to Berkeley Road at the traffic lights. Thankfully plenty of room and time to get across Wyong Rd. Soon the challenges of the undulating wee hills as Pedro calls them started to confront us. All the riders were advised about the hills, and we would wait at Enterprise Drive for those who struggled a bit. The E-bikers were ok, but most of the muscle bike riders struggled except for David who kept up with the E-bikers on his muscle bike. David also races on Sundays with a club in Newcastle, so he is a multi-talented rider. The ride along Enterprise Drive was pleasant as always, not so the shared path beside Wyong Road that is badly damaged by tree roots. This being the case, we detoured through the industrial area before passing over the railway line, then through the tunnel to Tuggerah Straight. On arrival at Wyong, we realised we were behind the E.T.A. for our coffee stop at Sams. We were hoping Danny and Co would not be upset with our late arrival. [Poh!]

Coffee at Sams Café Wadalba
On arrival at Sams, we could see Danny looking quite relaxed, so no problems. Next, Barry appeared, then Len who did not ride today due to lots of commitments including packing for the Ballina trip. The coffee at Sams was not to the liking of some of our members [one person!] as it was too hot to drink, the food was ok though especially the heart-shaped pastry with pink icing. After a break of half an hour or so and with lots of stories told, it was time to head home.

Sam's to Peel St
After coffee all the Westies left for home, the remaining riders returned to JDR via the Roller Coaster on Marks Rd. Linda, Virginia, Chris left us shortly after coffee, Doug and Rolf left us at Gorokan, Jill and Trevor at Toukley, only Michael, David and James made it back to Osborne Park. Luckily a new car none of us had seen before was in the parking lot, as we were admiring the car its owner arrived, and looked happy with our appraisal of his new Hyundai that looks like a Range Rover. Very nice.

Reminders for the Xmas party, and rides while we are away in Ballina
XMAS Party. In case anyone has not read the latest email from the club, the Xmas party date is now a day later, Wednesday the 4th of December, also the venue has been changed from Toukley to the Norah Head Community Hall, please check your email for details. Please let Barry, Carol, and Rod know if you are going, so we know the correct amount of food to supply.

Home rides next week.
While the main group of members are in Ballina, Rolf will lead a ride next Wednesday and Nicolette next Friday, they will put a post on WhatsApp the day before each ride for your information.

No problems today, all went well.

The good news
Many people have asked us today and recently how Pedro is going, we were lucky that Doug was nearby today and was able to tell us that Pedro has moved into his new abode and that he is planning to start using his engineering equipment as soon as possible. Thanks to Doug and Co who helped Pedro in the move to his new abode.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Best wishes to Lois and Barry whose hand is on the mend, Nic, John R, Col, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone. Danny was on duty as always providing his recovery vehicle service, thanks Danny. [xx]

The Ride.
The ride was about 48km, the speed was about 20km/hr, the temperature varied between 19-21°C, quite pleasant in fact. Thanks to Doug and Michael B for sweeping us up.

Back end of Group 2 - 16 October 2024
Friday 11 October 2024 - TDCC Rides
Skylarkers had a good ride. Down WBD through The Entrance and Bateau Bay to Wamberal, then across via Bellevue Road and Tumbi Road, Hansen Rd and Palm Valley to Wyong Road to Enterprise Drive to Ourimbah. Turn left at the PHWY (see keycode above), nudge into OCR, right into Footts Road. Back up to Kangy Angy the hard way and back to Wyong for m/t at Oasis. Then back via Tacoma to the start. Maybe 6 riders. Over 70km. Well done!
Coasters T&DCC Coasters JDR-CVB South Loop ride report 11 October 2024
On arrival at JDR.
There were smiles all around when we arrived at JDR, as the sun was doing its best to make us feel welcome. The memories of the rides we missed in the last few weeks due to the weather were now just something in the distant past. The nice weather enticed 16 riders for the advertised ride to Chain Valley Bay South via Lizzy Bay and return via Doyalson. The ride manager was Carol, the Sweep for stage 1 of the ride was Doug, for the second stage David R. The other riders in sign-on order were James, Col, Linda, Rolf, Chris B, Lynette, Keith A, Doug, Len, Graeme, Merrilyn, Virginia, Angela and Daryl. It was good to see Angela and Lynette who has started riding again with the group again now that the sun is higher in the sky, and not hurting her eyes.

JDR to Chain Valley Bay South.
As usual, before the ride, Carol gave us her ride briefing, and mentioned there will be rides for the members not going to Ballina on Wednesday the 23rd and Friday the 25th that will be led by Rolf and Nicolette respectively. Carol as usual was looking after first aid, and James was the “000” coordinator. Carol advised us we would not ride via the Motorway Link, but via the back streets of San Remo to the Secret Cafe, and that we would return from coffee via Budgie, and not Toukley as originally planned. After the formalities we set off towards the RAB with the Central Coast Highway, thankfully it was a breeze today as there was little traffic to hinder our progress, most likely due to school holidays. For the first part of the ride, we used the bike track beside the golf course, and the underpass at the Budgewoi Creek Bridge to avoid the main road traffic. The ride from Budgie to Lizzy Bay was a nice fast ride due the SSW blowing at around 20km/hr with the temperature hovering around 20°C. Carol, as promised, set a nice pace as she had promised at the briefing, good one Carol. After a short break at Lizzy Bay, we went up the Pacific Hwy and turned right before waiting for any riders caught by the lights, thankfully we were all on our toes today and got around as one group. Leaving Lake Munmorah, we headed down Chain Valley Bay Rd to CVB South via the bridge over Karignan Creek, it is always a pleasure to do this part of the ride due to the beaut surroundings. Soon we were at Josh Porter Reserve at CVB South where we rested ourselves for 10 minutes or so. While there the discussion came around to the ETA at The Secret Café, Carol estimated 10:46 am, James and others 11:15 am. We will see who was correct later. It was also heard that one our members was trying to convince Angela to buy a Carbon framed e-bike costing $13K, that weighed only 12 kg, no luck, she preferred her trusty muscle bike.

Chain Valley Bay South to Charmhaven Secret Café
After our break at Josh Porter Reserve, we were on our way to Doyalson via Tall Timbers Rd, again, through luck or good skills we were all able to get around the lights as one group. As we were now heading South on the Highway, the SSW breeze that was a help on the way now became a slight hindrance, but with muscle power and with help from a few electrons, we were soon at Doyalson. It took a while to get into the bike lane to make our way to the Bus Stop cutting at the top of the hill near Col’s place, but eventually we all made it through the cutting to be soon on our way down Emu Drive to the bike path leading to the Wallarah Creek Bridge. While most of the group rode across the pitifully narrow pedestrian crossing over the creek, Linda who is not alone in disliking this crossing, put her power to the pedals, and rode across the road bridge at a faster pace than we had ridden all day. We were impressed, Linda. Soon we all arrived at the pedestrian barrier at the Charmhaven Shopping centre that supposedly assists in crossing the Highway for access to the Secret Café. Unfortunately, today, everyone North of Charmhaven decided to go shopping or to the beach as it took about 1000 (10 minutes) heart beats before we were able to cross the road. We need pedestrian crossing lights badly at this location. Once across the road it was a few rotations of the pedals, and we were at the Secret Café where we were greeted by Paul and Danny.

Coffee at The Secret Cafe.
As we dismounted from our bikes, Carol noted the time, it was 10:46 am, Carol 1, James 0. When one of the groups sat down, we were in the Sun as all the other seats were taken by Mothers groups and the local Firies. A bit of luck came our way shortly after when the Firies departed the scene, and we were able to sit under the umbrella over the table in the shade. As most people are aware, Penrith beat Melbourne in the Rugby League Grand Final last weekend, that said a few of Paul’s mates had a bit of fun about the result with Paul who is a Melbourne supporter. Paul still thinks it was poor refereeing, don’t worry Paul, always next year. As usual the food and coffee were perfect.

The Secret Cafe to JDR.
After coffee all the Westies left for home, the remaining riders returned to JDR via Northlakes and Budgewoi on the bike path. Col left us at Northlakes, Rolf closer to Buff Point and Lyn at Budgie. Only Carol, Merrilyn, Graeme, Daryl, James and David R who took over as sweep returned to JDR.

No problems today, all went well.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Best wishes to Lois and Barry whose hand is on the mend, Nic, John R, Col, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone. Danny was on duty as always providing his recovery vehicle service, thanks Danny.

The Ride.
The ride was about 43km, the speed was about 19km/hr, the temperature varied between 19-21°C, quite pleasant in fact. Thanks to Carol, Doug and David for running the ride.
[No photos, unless you can provide any.]

Cabbage Tree Bay, Norah Head - 9 October 2024
Wednesday 9 October 2024
Group 1 - A quorum showed up at Norah Head and a nice ride was conducted around Tuggerah Lake and down to Bateau Bay, then back up WBD. Coffee at Better Days. >61km.
Group 2 - Peel Street 08:30. Grey skies, drizzle, cool to cold. James is nice and dry in his car, bike on the rack. He and a soaked ride leader bemoan the dismal conditions. No other riders in sight and no one is likely to turn up. With the usual concern that the weather might improve after all, the decision is made to call off the ride and James organises a 10.00am meet up at the Anchor Café, Norah Head [The Anchor is at Lakes Beach. Only Danny and the Busts showed at Norah Head]. After waiting until 09:00, I too went to meet Len for coffee in Toukley Greens and then rode home... in more rain! Better luck on Friday.
See you then, Rolf
Friday 4 October 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Wyong, Hidden Valley Ourimbah and back around Tuggerah Lake.
Coasters - Today the 4th. of October, Friday Coasters Ride was as per our Ride Calendar.
After Wednesday’s cancelled Ride due to poor weather conditions, 12 Riders were present at JD under blue skies.
Linda was our ride manager/Leader, and David R. Volunteered to look at the rear end of the group. A welcome back to Lyn rejoining the group after a short absence with some eye problem.
After a quick briefing by Linda, we were all ready to ride west over the Toukley Bridge and towards the roller coaster to Prawn lane for a quick re-gather. On our way we picked up two more riders (Doug & Keith) at Molly’s place.
Always a very picturesque ride on the bike path along the lake. Next stop was at Tacoma Toilets, and right towards Hillcrest Ave Jensen Rd to Pollock Ave and through Wadalba. Then along Minnesota Rd. onto Sparks Rd. Through the Wetlands, towards Charmhaven. Here Colin decided to to take a short cut home. Across the PHWY into Moala Pde. towards Budgewoi Lake, we took the bike path all the way to Budgewoi, again a very pleasant ride.
Contact was made to our support crew (Danny) for our arrival at The Anchor Coffee Shop at Lakes Beach SLSC. On our arrival, unfortunately there were only 9 only riders left. James had visitors and went straight home, Graham & Merrilyn also went back to JD. and four others went to their preferred coffee shop.
At The Anchor, Danny was waiting for us and Paul also turned up for a chat. I have to say “Great Coffee” and a nice view. Then it was time to get back where we started - JDR. A good leisurely Ride, around 40 km. at around 19km/hr.
Thanks to Linda & David for guiding us.
HAVEAGOODLONGWEEKEND! Sorry no photos!! Our photographer Nicolette is in NZ visiting her Mum.
Wednesday 2 October 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 ride - Takes more than rainy skies to deter this group... From JDR out to Lizzie Bay, up through the SRA and along Kanangra Drive, around Summerland Point and Gwandalan, back to the highway and Motorway Link to Sparks Rd. Warnervale and Minnesota Road to Sam's for coffee (I think) and back through Toukley home. A couple of nice photos at Summerland Point, but I don't know how to pinch 'em.
Group 2 non-ride - Morisset to Lemon Tree and return (by James).
On a wet and windy day, 6 keen riders turned up at Morisset for the ride up and down the Mountains along Mandalong Road to Lemon Tree via Dooralong and return.
The hardy members who turned up were Warwick, Robyn, Estelle, Rod, Rolf, and James. Warwick had checked out the route yesterday and found it ok except for some potholes on the road leading into Dooralong. However, on arrival at Morisset the rain was cause for concern due to the road becoming damaged due to the rain. The thought of roads being blocked by the heavy rain, and the pot-holed road leading into Dooralong becoming treacherous due to the rain, our ride manager Warwick decided to call it a day. So, Warwick, Robyn, Rod and Rolf decided to go the bakery at Cooranbong for coffee. Estelle and James decided the warmth of home sounded better. Unfortunately, Danny missed out on coffee.
[Danny - So nobody rode anywhere? - James - Correct]
No photos today!

Taking a break at Catherine Hill Bay - 25 September 2024
Wednesday 25 September 2024 - TDCC Group Ride Reports
Group 1 - Cooranbong Loop. Visited a farm with nice little goats. Out Wyee Road to a new estate. Morning coffee was at the café at Avondale, and the return trip was via the Pacific Hwy and Lizzie Bay Drive. About 75km and of course 100km for Vic.

T&DCC Group 2 - Cams and Nords Wharf ride report 25 September 2024
On arrival at Peel St.
We expected to see Warwick and Robyn in the car park when we arrived at Peel St, as they are generally two of the first riders to turn up, even though they come from the Umina area. As they were not there, we thought they must have been delayed by traffic. However, about 8:45 hrs Warwick rang James and said he could not make the ride due to unforeseen circumstances. So, James took over as the ride manager, and David R took the sweep duties as Doug could not make it due to circumstances. The BOM forecast a little bit of rain today and the black clouds were very ominous looking, and we expected the number of riders to be down a bit lower than usual. As usual Nic was first on site followed by James, then the rest of the members eventually all arrived by 8:45 hrs. So, 11 riders turned up for what we knew would be a tough ride with lots of nasty hills. The riders in sign-on order were James, Col, Nic, Stuart, Len, Rolf, Tony, David G, Michael B, David R and Estelle.

Peel St to Cams Wharf.
As Carol was not riding today due to adventures around the Southern parts of Oz, Nic took over the first aid role, and Stuart was the “000” coordinator. Col advised us he had to leave the ride at Lake Munmorah due to a commitment. After the ride briefing, we set off towards Noraville with little or no wind annoying us at a pleasant temperature of 20°C. The breeze increased from 9 km/hr at the start to around 30km/hr from mostly NNW and NNE directions as the ride progressed. The pace was the usual, that is around 20km/hr. To avoid the roundabout at Budgewoi we took the old bike path that saw us coming out opposite the “local” before passing Mackenzie Reserve on our way to Lizzy Bay. It was hard going due to the NNW wind, but we eventually made it to the Pacific Highway where Col turned left and headed home. The rest of us took off up the Pacific Highway, admiring the road works at Kanangra Drive. It looks like it will be a big improvement. As James had not led this ride before but having ridden with Rolf a few times before, he asked Rolf for advice on which road was the correct one to take to Cams Wharf. With that settled, we headed to the waterside at Cams Wharf to partake of the views. When we got to Cams Wharf Road, Stuart and Tony advised us they would return to the junction of Awabakal Drive so as to avoid the steep climb out of Nords Wharf, good idea guys.

Cams Wharf to the Lakes Beach for coffee.
After leaving the Cams Wharf Boat Ramp Reserve we headed for Nords Wharf along some very hilly and picturesque roads that included Crangan Bay Drive, Government Road and the infamous Awabakal Drive that had our muscle bike riders wishing they had gone with Stuart and Tony. When we got to the lights on the top of the hill at the Pacific Highway, we thought we were in for a long wait due the sensors having trouble picking us up. Thankfully, Rolf must have influenced the powers-that-be to adjust the sensor to pick up our bikes, as they turned green within a few seconds of us arriving over the sensors, good one Rolf. It was noted the best climber in the group is Estelle who on her minibike overtook all the blokes and reached the top of the hill way in front of the other e-bike riders, good effort Estelle. Once we crossed the Pacific Highway we met up with Tony and Stuart who had been waiting patiently for us to arrive. As we set off towards Catherine Hill Bay, David G had had his share of hills and decided to wait for us at the Montefiore Parkway traffic lights till we returned from Katho. Soon the rest of us arrived at the beachside and took in the ambience, while Nic took some pics for our social pages. The ocean had an unusual colour that had a mysterious look about it, most likely due to the dangerous looking clouds out to sea. After we finished enjoying the views, the hard work started again as we were on our way back to the Pacific Highway, again half of the group struggled due to the long up-hill drag to the Highway. On arrival at the Pacific Highway, we were joined by David G who was looking forward to the mostly downhill ride to the Munmorah State Conservation Area. With the NNE breeze at our back, we were soon at Blue Wren Drive where we had a drinks break. While having a break we were advised the café at Lakes Beach had closed, Danny then organised a booking at The Anchor Café in the Lakes Beach Surf club. From Blue Wren Drive we headed for Lizzie Bay with some of the riders taking the chance to put the power to the pedals. The forementioned breeze helped us to arrive at The Lakes Beach in no time flat. Sad to see the Lakes Beach Café closed, that's life.

Coffee at The Anchor.
As mentioned, Danny was there, we were also joined by Paul who was looking forward to Melbourne beating his wife’s team the Sharkies in the NRL preliminary final. The food looked good, Danny’s hamburger and chips looked great, Estelle took a chance and sneaked a few chippies when Danny was not looking. David R had a Ham and Cheese Croissant that also looked good enough to sneak a bite.

The Anchor to Peel St.
As James was without a car today, he decided to ride home without stopping at Peel St, David R and Tony did the same. So, Nic took over the reins with Michael as sweep. From memory only Nic, Michael, David G and Estelle eventually rode back to Peel St. The rest of the group went straight home.

We are still overtaking at speed and close to other riders without saying passing or words to that effect.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Best wishes to Lois and Barry whose hand is on the mend, Nic, John R, Col, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone. Danny was on duty as always providing his recovery vehicle service, thanks Danny.

The Ride.
The ride was about 57 km, the average speed was around 21km/hr, we climbed 572 metres, the weather was warm, got to 22°C, winds varied from 9-30km/hr. Thanks to Dave R, Nic and Michael for assisting with the ride, and thanks to Nic for providing first aid assistance and Stuart who acted as our “000” coordinator. Also, thanks to Nic for her photos that can be seen on social media. [And here!]

Some good news - The CCC has started repairing the shared path at Buff Point and we were told should be ready before Xmas. Also, we were told Barry has started riding again after his hand surgery. Some of us were jealous of the group 1 ride today that showed photos of baby goats at the farm they visited, very cute. See pictures on Strava.

Morning tea at The Anchor, Lakes Beach - 25 September 2024

Candid shot of Coasters at Bateau Bay lookout - 20 September 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Friday 20 September 2024
Skylarkers - Start at JDR (for most of them) then anti-clockwise around Tuggerah Lake, through Wyong, Tuggerah and over Kangy Angy, Palmdale, Footts Rd, then back to Enterprise Drive. On to Chittaway, m/t at Better Days (I think) then continue through The Entrance and back up WBD.

Coasters - Today Friday 20 September 2024, the TDCC Ride was as per the Ride Calendar, with James the ride manager.
The weather could not have been any better, No wind, No Rain, only beautiful blue skies. Eighteen Riders present for the Ride, including our two new members Margaret & Stephen [from Wotchip].
Also present at JD, was Peter (Bones) who has not been riding with us for quite a long time. James was kind enough to invite him to ride with us as a visitor with the hope that he will join the club again soon.
After a quick briefing by James, and with Doug taking care at the back of the group, we were off towards The Entrance at a very leisurely pace. Unfortunately Doug had mentioned that he would leave us there for an appointment, so Keith and I took over the duties of looking after the rear of the group. Also Peter (Bones) decided he would wait for us at The Entrance, and catch up with us on our way back, as his fitness requires a bit more time. [I caught up with him on my walk at Picnic Point and chatted for about 20 minutes - Danny.]
Once over the Bridge and right towards the bike path to Long Jetty and Killarney Vale, Tuggerah Lake was at its best. Then with some Right and left we made our way to Bateau Bay, where James had promised a show by the whales travelling north. We were too late, there was No Show, just a few surfers trying to catch a wave on a very flat sea. So, back on our bikes towards Toowoon Bay and Blue Bay, where the pace picked up a bit, towards The Entrance for our coffee break.
At our arrival at EuroBean Coffee Shop, James got a phone call that he had to return home to pick up the key for his Electric Bike which is at the moment having some modification at a bike shop.
James passed the bâton to Nicolette for the return trip to JD.
As usual, Danny (our support crew) was waiting for us with, of course, Peter. After our social coffee break it was time to make our way back to JD, where we started, via Wilfred Barrett Dr. The group spread out on the route towards JD, some of us taking time to have a look at the new bike path, which is progressing well.
Thanks to Keith for looking after Peter, who did pretty well after his long absence. Thanks to Nicolette for taking the reins and getting all the riders back to JD in a safe manner.
A short ride today of around 40 km. at an average speed of 19 km/hr.
Thanks to all for coming and

Lovely morning tea at EuroBean, The Entrance - 20 September 2024

Group 2 bikes having a day out at Lakes Beach - 18 September 2024
TDCC Group Rides - 18 September 2024
TDCC Group 1 - Headed towards Wyong, then Tuggerah and Chittaway. Around Tuggerah Lake to Berkeley Vale then spear south to Tumbi Road and Terrigal. Back straight up the CCHwy through The Entrance and up WBD to the start at Norah Head. JD 75km and Vic 105km. Well done!

T&DCC Group 2 Tacoma-Wadalba-Charmhaven-Budgie Loop ride report 18 September 2024
On Arrival at Peel Street.
The nice weather brought out 18 riders who were champing at the bit to get going. We were pleasantly surprised when we were joined by Stephen and Margaret Rae all the way from Wauchope up North. They have applied to join the club, so welcome our 2 new members. Both are excellent riders due to the hilly terrain the Wauchopiens are used to riding around. James turned up for the ride after telling Chris he could not ride due to his bike work being delayed. Luckily, at the last moment he borrowed an e-bike from one of his sons. Chris was the ride leader, and James the sweep, the other riders in sign on order were, Len, Nic, Col, Michael B, Jill, Trevor, David R, Virginia, Stuart, Linda, Tony, Rod, and Rolf.

Peel St to Woongarrah wetlands
After Chris gave his ride briefing, we set off towards Gorokan hoping to see Molly, but like a lot of us she is struggling with some arthritis and must have decided to stay in bed with her boyfriend Felix. Next, we set off towards Prawn Beach Lane where we were joined by Linda. No time for a group photo, so we headed for a comfort stop at the new Tacoma loos. After a chat for 5 minutes or so it was off towards Wadalba, that is Chris’s hometown, he had told us at the briefing we were going to avoid Orchid Way as a new aggressive Maggie is full of testosterone, so we rode down Fig Tree Boulevarde instead. After crossing the Pacific Highway at Wadalba, we regathered near the Dam Hotel waiting on James who was struggling on his loan bike, it was also noted Rolfy was slower than usual due to his battery levels being conserved. From there we were on our way to the nice ride through the wetlands. At this stage Chris as promised took a wrong turn up a dead end. He had promised at the start of the ride something like this may happen. All was ok in the end as we did a “U” turn, and were soon on our way again.

Woongarrah wetlands to the Lakes Beach.
After leaving the wetlands it was full speed ahead to Bunnings, where we crossed the Pacific Highway at the pedestrian island. Unfortunately, the traffic was very heavy and took us a long time to cross the Highway. Hopefully the authorities will instal lights somewhere along that stretch of road to make crossing easier. We won’t hold our breath. From Charmy we crossed the Wallarah Creek bridge, where Jill, Linda, and James walked the bridge path after coming to grief in earlier attempts to ride the narrow path. After a regather at the shared path, we set off towards Edgewater Park at Buff Point for a comfort break and H2O. Chris wisely decided to return to Budgie along Buff Point Avenue so as to bypass the damaged shared path. After arriving at Budgie, we received a message from Danny that the Lakes Beach Café had run out of coffee beans. An emergency meeting was called by Chris, and eventually it was decided to go to the Anchor Café in the Lakes Beach Clubhouse. Soon we were on our way to the Lakes Beach with the wind again in our faces, no matter which direction we went, the wind was always in our face, strange.

Coffee at The Anchor Café in The Lakes Beach SLSC.
On arrival at the Café the group went upstairs to the said Café, James did not as his crook knees prevented him from climbing the stairs, instead he took in the views of the Lakes Beach that was deserted. Deb, who is Virginia’s Sister, Paul, and Danny greeted us at the Café. We were told the food, drinks and the ambience of course were great with views over the beach.

The Anchor Café to Peel Street
After coffee we set off towards Peel Street, at this point Chris asked James to swap roles for the ride back to Peel Street, Michael took over as sweep when Chris left the ride with the other westies. On the way along Elizabeth Drive a lot of laughing and discussion was heard in the Peloton, as the ride leader could not hear what it was about, they assumed it related to the tourists who walk around wearing minimal clothing. The rest of the group made it safely back to Peel Street, where we had after-ride chats. During this chat some bloke tried to park beside our cars in a space that was too small for his car, due to his lack of skill he ran into one of those poles. He then started to abuse us calling us idiots, he eventually came to his senses and parked in the near empty carpark, we think he was losing his marbles and spatial awareness.

Smiles all around today after a very safe ride, no incidents reported. As the UV levels have risen again, it is time to slip-slop-slap again, also with warmer days predicted, make sure we carry and drink plenty of H2O.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Best wishes to Lois and Barry whose hand is on the mend, Nic, John R, Col, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone. Danny was on duty as always providing his recovery vehicle service, thanks Danny. Barry’s hand looked a lot better recently, and we hope to see him riding withing a few weeks.

The Ride.
The ride was about 45km, the average speed was around 19km/hr, we climbed 286 metres, the weather was warm, got to 22°C, winds varied from 17-24km/hr. Thanks to Chris, and to Dave R for assisting with the ride, and thanks to Nic for providing first aid assistance and Stuart who acted as our “000” coordinator.


Morning tea at The Anchor, Lakes Beach - 18 September 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Friday 13 September 2024
Skylarkers - Did a anti-clockwise loop around Tuggerah Lake, including a visit to Ourimbah over Kangy Angy, and back up WBD. 65km
Coasters - Today the 13th. of September the Friday TDCC RIDE was as per advertised on our club calendar.
David R was our Ride manager/ leader, 11 Riders were present at JD for the ride and another 2 riders (Virginia & Linda) were to join us during the ride near Dudley St which made it 13 Riders on Friday the 13th. (that was a bit of a worry) Don’t think David was aware of it?? And to make it worse, we went past Molly’s place (the Black Cat) where she luckily was not there to welcome us. Obviously terrorizing the neighbourhood!!
At JD Pedro (Peter) made an appearance and looked a lot better, we all hope that he continues to improve. Great to see him.
The Ride was virtually to go around Budgewoi lake, with a loop of Blue Haven, where Colin took the reins for a slightly longer route around his area. All went according to plan, after a quick stop at Edgewater Park, we went on Buff Pt. Ave. To dodge the not so friendly path, which we believe is not repaired yet.
Back on the path, all the way to Budgewoi and onto Budgewoi Rd towards Norah Head for our Coffee break. Unfortunately we lost 3 riders who took a short cut to their preferred coffee place, which is on their way home. The remainder went the the “Beach Haus“ Coffee Shop at Norah Head. Joining us there was Danny, Barry, and Paul, always great to see them.
After our social gathering with Coffee and Cake, it was time for some to go back to JDR and others to make our way home. Great Friday ride with NO incidents and thanks to David for leading the ride and Doug as usual looking at the rear end.
Friday the 13th. is not done yet so stay focused.

Re-group at Bateau Bay - 11 September 2024
Wednesday 11 September 2024 - Tumbi Road Excursion
Group 1 - A 3-lake loop involving the SRA in the north, Pacific Hwy to Doyalson, Motorway Link to Sparks Road, Warnervale Road, Minnesota Rd back onto the Pacific Hwy, Wyong, Chittaway, Better Days for coffee, and through Toowoon Bay and The Entrance to WBD and back up to JDR. 77km
Group 2/3 Waz's Report - We left Peel Street under sunny skies and a slight but cool breeze. Fifteen members made off towards the cemetery where we were joined by Jill and Trevor.
We had been warned of heavy traffic on Wilfred Barrett Drive caused by the Council laying what looked like the last cement for the new shared path. There were “lollypop” staff, but we passed quickly and safely towards North Entrance. We were overtaken by some members of the St Huberts Island Touring Cycle Club as we progressed. We arrived at North Entrance, had a short rest and Nicolette took some photos including one of the blossoming Mulberry tree beside the bus stop. Then off over the bridge where we met up with Carol, before making our way to Bateau Bay.
There were no whales, but we did meet up with Pam and Richard Young who were about to walk up Crackneck Point lookout. After a chat we took off towards The Entrance Rd and then made our way across to Tumbi Rd and then over some diabolical hills on Hansens Rd to the Mingara lights. Down to the bike path on the lake and back to The Entrance for coffee.
We started off from coffee and gathered outside the toilets, as required after coffee. Unfortunately, one of our number collided with another and there was a slight fall. A lot of minor accidents appear to happen as riders try to gather while riding very slowly in a bunch instead of setting up in single file. Patched up, we took off up Wilfred Barrett Drive into one of the strongest north easterly winds that I have experienced. I was leading and no rider passed me from North Entrance to the cemetery. It became apparent that the others were using my ample frame to shelter from the wind. I felt used! We could not use the shared path from Magenta as the carpark is closed but some may have gone through the bush. We said our goodbyes to those continuing to Budgewoi and rode back to Peel Street.
A short 53 kilometres.

Morning tea at EuroBean - 11 September 2024

Feeding time at the club picnic - 6 September 2024 (sorry, no bike riding photos as all our photographers were at the picnic)
Friday 6 September 2024 - Club group rides and Picnic day
Skylarkers - Most of them did a ride around Tuggerah Lake, but a couple did a different ride around Budgewoi and Munmorah Lakes, all before going to the Club Picnic Day at MacKenzie Park, Budgewoi. Modest distances given the time constraints.
Coasters, report from Rolf - Friday 6 September 2024. Picnic Day! 8 o‘clock and Len (with his furry mate Coco) arrived at Mackenzie Reserve with scrubbers and detergent, soon followed by people with bikes ready for a pre-festivities mystery ride. After signing on and some chit-chat the riders gathered for a short briefing. At 0905, Virginia, Karen, Anne, Dave, Stuart, Daryl, Keith, Doug and Rolf departed, leaving Len to his scrubbing.
Heading north on Elizabeth Bay Drive it was good to think of a nice tail wind on the return. Non-stop ride to Munmorah/PacHwy lights where Stuart turned left home to get ready for the party. We turned off the Highway onto Chain Valley Bay Rd, then used the gravel Link Rd to switch over to Kanangra Drive. Mystery just about solved and yes, we soon swung right to Summerland Point “harbour”. Without Doug, however, who was fixing a puncture back on Kanangra Drive after sending Dave on to let us know! That gave us an excuse to loiter and enjoy the lake view for a while.
Then a short variation via ‘Yeramba Road’ to get back to Kanangra Drive with a brief diversion to check out the new Crangan Bay development. Further on, the well fenced off major road works at the PacHwy lights were easily negotiated to cross into the SCA for a smooth ride to Elizabeth Bay.
Barbecued sausages, coffee and cakes were now the priority. And yes, the tailwind was good. Thanks to come along and make it a safe and pleasant morning ride. And thanks to all the organisers of the Picnic Day!

Lyn and Paul at McKenzie Park - 6 September 2024

Mary St, Gorokan, Molly the Cat's place, with a cat lady in front - 4 September 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 4 September 2024
Group 1 - Quite a big team rode out to Dooralong and Lemon Tree in perfect weather for a 85-104km ride.
Group 2 - T&DCC Group 2 Wyee loop ACW ride report 4 September 2024
On Arrival at Peel Street.
As always, Nic was the first on the scene as noted by the presence of her little red car, James was next. Nic was nowhere to be seen as she likes to beat the challenges set on Strava by riding extra kilometres, eventually she returned about the same time as Warwick and Robyn arrived from down South. Our riders then turned up in dribs and drabs, eventually we had 9 starters at Peel St. While we were getting ready to ride Nic noticed hundreds of birds swimming and diving into the lake including Pelicans, Cormorants etc, they must have found a big school of fish about 150 metres in diameter. The school must have been fleeing from the birds as it moved some hundreds of metres in the time we were looking at them. A giant sea eagle disturbed the hungry flock momentarily, before they were into feeding again. See Nic’s pictures elsewhere on social media. Warwick was the ride manager, and James shared the sweep duties with Chris. The riders in sign-on order were: Warwick, Robyn, James, Nic, Chris, Carl, David R, David G, Rolf and Virginia. We welcomed back David G who has not ridden with us since Carol led a ride around Cooranbong some months ago. David has now got a great looking second-hand bike, so we were interested to see how he went.

Peel St to Wyee
Warwick called us all together for the ride briefing, before heading off towards Molly's place at Gorokan. On the way we were abused by a young boy in the back of an expensive car, seems class does not come with money. Unfortunately, Molly was not there, and we were told she has gone on holidays with Felix her boyfriend. Virginia joined the ride at this juncture. Next we joined The Corso via Dudley Street and then with a quick spin of the pedals we were at San Remo ready to ride under the Wallarah Creek Bridge. Unfortunately, there was a lot of glass on the path, so Warwick being an old bushie, fashioned a broom out of a tree branch and swept away the glass to provide a safe passageway. Thanks Warwick! Just after we exited from the path, Virginia heard a noise of something falling from someone’s bike, so a few of us turned around and looked for that something. It turned out to be a lens from Virginia’s bike light, phew, problem solved. From there we did a loop of Blue Haven before joining Wyee Road at Doyalson. From Doylo we headed to Wyee riding into the 20km/hr NW breeze, no problems except for those on muscle bikes. Along the way we were stopped by a crew unloading a semi-trailer with bricks for a new house. They were blocking one lane of traffic, a bit overdone, eventually the lolly-pop people gave us the go ahead after what seemed a long time. Once we got going again, instead of going to Warnervale via Bushels Ridge Road we headed for Wyee Town Central and stopped at the tennis courts for a wee break and a long chat. The loos are a long way from where we stopped, so there was a rush of riders once we got off the bikes to see who got there first, the ones with the best knees got there first.

Wyee to Wadalba
With everyone feeling refreshed we set off southwards along Hue Hue Road to Warnervale, enjoying the scenery of the farms along the way, horses and sheep etc. Hue Hue Road these days is much better to ride on as the surface has been improved over the years. Some hills but generally reasonably flat. However, one hill is extremely steep, some riders were reported doing 65km/hr, the more sedate of us kept our speed to 45km/hr, that still seemed fast. In no time flat we were at Sparks Road and on our way to Sam's at Wadalba. As we turned into Minnesota Road, we noticed some firies having a break, there must have been an emergency soon after as in no time flat they had the sirens blaring and overtook us, our first thoughts were they on the way to Sam's, but not so, must have been a real call out. The ride to Sam's along Minnesota Road was mostly downhill so in no time we arrived there. By the way, Sam does exist, we have seen his car out the back with his number plate “Sam”. [I've never seen a bloke at the bakery, could be a lady!]

Coffee at Sam's.
On arrival at Sam's, we were greeted by Danny, no Paul, so the call went out for Paul, soon he was sighted, he had dropped June off at Coles to do some shopping, good thinking Paul. As you know we are all experts when the Rugby League season comes around so the blokey talk was all about the NRL finals coming up. Paul goes for Melbourne, where most of the group go for the Penrith Panthers, Chris is an exceptionally emotional Penrith fan, being an old boy from Penrith. Nic took some photos, some will come with the report, some on social media. Nearly forgot, Danny has moved into his new abode, and he talked about all the new friendly people he has met in the village, good one Danny. The subject of David’s new bike came up and we were all impressed with his performance, David also rides with another club in Newcastle that involves racing, so don’t challenge him to a race, he is fast.

Sam's Wadalba to Peel Street
After coffee David R and Chris left for home while the rest of us headed for Peel St. On arriving at Gorokan while stopped at the lights, Virginia, Rolf and James were abused by some young louts for not riding on the footpath, no shared paths in sight, where do they come from these people? Virginia and Rolf left us at this point for home while the rest of us headed to Peel Street. James had a problem with his left leg and had to be helped off his bike by David G and Nic, seems like a torn ligament, might be not riding for a while. Thanks, Nic and David.

Picnic Day.
Don’t forget the Picnic Day is this Friday the 6th of September at 11.00am. The club will provide snags, rolls, bread, coffee and tea etc. Members are asked to bring a plate with something on it and their own cold drinks. We will have a mystery ride starting at Mackenzie Park at 9.00am for the Coasters and finishing at Mackenzie Park at 11.00am. More information will be put on WhatsApp by the ride manager on Thursday. We picked up some equipment from Barry last week for use at the Picnic Day and our Xmas party, thanks to Barry and Lois for being the custodians of the club property over such a long time. Len checked out the BBQ today and reported they are working ok, thanks Len and Coco his dog who loves riding in the back of Len’s bike, see photo on WhatsApp. Thanks to Linda for organising the picnic day and Carol for assisting Linda.

Smiles all around today after a very safe ride, no incidents reported.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay
Best wishes to Lois and Barry whose hand is on the mend, Nic, John R, Col, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone. Danny has got his vehicle back and was on duty for retrieval service if required, thanks Danny.

The Ride.
The ride was about 50km, the average speed was around 20km/hr, we climbed 400 metres, the weather was warm, got to 22°C, winds varied from 17-24km/hr. Thanks to Warwick, and to Chris for assisting with the ride, and thanks to Nic for providing first aid assistance and Warwick who acted as our “000” coordinator. [And thanks to Nikki for the photos]


Morning tea at Sam's Bakery, Wadalba - 4 September 2024

About 15 riders gather somewhere on this mystery ride - 30 August 2024
Friday 30 August 2024 - TDCC Club Rides
Skylarkers - A few of us got together for a ride up to Doylo, then down the Motorway Link to Sparks Road, to Wyong, then over Kangy Angy. A short sight-seeing trip up Palmdale Road then back via Enterprise Drive to Chittaway and completing the circumnavigation of Tuggerah Lake for a 2 or 3 lake circuit for the ride. 80 to 110km ride, well done!
Coasters - Today the 30th of August was TDCC's last Winter Ride, but it felt like Summer's here already.
We had 14 Riders ready at JD for our Mystery Ride organized by James, With temperature forecast to reach above 25°C by 12.00 noon, but also with a strong North West wind predicted, not what you would expect for the last days of Winter.
With not much direction with his briefing, James only kind of told us we were going North (Mystery Ride) The first section was from JD to Budgewoi along the old bike path. The second segment was along Elizabeth Bay Drive to the Pacific Hwy. Where we picked up Doug. Third segment was left onto Chain Valley Bay Rd. To Chain Valley Bay North where we had a bit of a break, and could admire Kingfisher Shores from a different angle.
Then it was back on our track, but right onto Mulloway Rd. towards, you guessed it. Yes, to Kingfisher Shores. (Across Karignan creek) To Joshua Porter Reserve for a quick break and onto Tall Timbers Rd. and a loop of Kingfisher Shores.
Back on our track, but this time Right, on the PHW towards Doyalson, where the group was a bit stretched out due to the temperature and wind.
We stopped near the Ambulance Station for a well earned rest. Then James gave us some more information of how to get to the Lakes Coffee shop via San Remo and Buff Point. Some were a bit too quick, suddenly we created two groups before the bike path to Budgewoi. By the time we got to Edgewater Park, we were all back together.
No big problem, coffee break was calling. We all headed to the Lakes Coffee Shop, with only Three members deciding to go to one of their preferred coffee places. At the Lakes, it was great to see Paul finally recovered form the man Flu, and also Danny who fell asleep in his car waiting for us to arrive. After our usual chat, it was time for all of us to head home.
The Mystery Ride was around 45 km. at an average of 20 km/hr. Great Ride as usual, thanks to James for organizing the ride and Keith for looking after the tail.
To all the Fathers hope you get looked after on Sunday.

This is Lakes Beach where we enjoyed a brew, mostly coffee - 30 August 2024

Rolf's crew at the new section of the Fernleigh Track - 28 August 2024
T&DCC Group Rides - Wednesday 28 August 2024
Group 1 - A clutch of dedicated G1 riders rode from Jenny Dixon's to Redhead and back - 85km for some, 100km for Vic and Stuart (and probably Ric). Excellent ride with lots of hills - well done you guys, probably Kerrie too, I just don't know - I'm out of the loop!

Group 2 Blacksmiths-Broadmeadow loop via Fernleigh Track
On Arrival at Blacksmiths.
With a forecast temperature of around 29°C, we were surprised on our arrival that the temperature was only 18° with a low humidity of around 40%. The predicted temperature brought out 17 keen riders who were up for the challenge. On the way to Blacksmiths, we passed Rolf who rode from home on his muscle bike - the head winds would have made it hard going! As we were preparing our bikes, Len introduced a friend of his from the kayaking club who wanted to give us a go. Glenn T is a regular rider but does not belong to any club. We issued Glenn with the necessary paperwork to become a member and showed him the Risk Warning and safety documents. Warwick was the ride manager and “000” coordinator, Nic the first aider, Keith and James rotated the sweep duties as Doug had a rest day. The riders in sign on order were Warwick, Robyn, Nic, Angela, Len, Anne, James, Michael B, Jenny B, Hans, Keith A, Chris B, David R, Tony, Rolf, Linda, and Glenn T.

Blacksmiths to Maccas Broadmeadow
As everyone has been advised by Warwick over the last few days, the ride was supposed to be the Tarro to Morpeth loop, unfortunately road works at Tarro made the logistics of the ride too difficult with our normal access points to Tarro closed.
After the safety briefing from Warwick, we set off towards Blacksmiths Beach, then headed for the new section of the Fernleigh Track. Some of our riders have ridden on the new part of the track before, most of us had not, so we were pleasantly surprised on the great job the Lake Macquarie Council has done. The track goes over the wetlands and has a viewing platform over the wetlands and the nearby Belmont Lagoon. The platform has tables and chairs, so it is well setup. A side track has been provided for bird watchers to get a closeup of the water birds. After Nic photographed the participants, we were off again. Next up we were at the start of the old section of the Fernleigh Track behind the Belmont TAFE. No stopping us as we headed for Whitebridge, which is at the highest point of the Fernleigh Track. After a regroup we headed downhill all the way to Adamstown Railway Station (ARS), which was nice after riding uphill for about 8kms. We then headed to Maccas at Broadmeadow, where we crossed the busy Lambton Road and sat ourselves down for coffee and a snack. Luckily Maccas was deserted so we were served in a jiffy by pleasant staff.

Maccas Broadmeadow to Blacksmiths
After 20 minutes or so break, Warwick cracked the whip to get us all moving again, this time we returned to ARS via Turton Road, a nice easy way to cross Lambton Road due to the shared bike path crossing at the lights. On the way to ARS, David had a mechanical problem, not sure what it was, but Chris helped David getting him going again in about 5 minutes. Warwick got the peloton to stop near the ARS while the repair was underway. Thanks to those other riders who also helped. On arriving at ARS our progress was stopped by a goods train that had 3 locos and it seemed like a hundred trucks. Warwick picked a good spot to stop under some nice trees, so we whiled away the time with exaggerated stories, some true. Once we got going again, another mechanical problem occurred with James’s bike dropping a chain, thankfully his companion sweep Keith fixed the problem in a minute or so. Thanks Keith. The climb up the Fernleigh Track was starting to take its toll on our riders with muscle bike riders and some e-bike riders, no names to be mentioned. Thankfully when we got to Whitebridge, it was a downhill run to Belmont most of the way, so our tired muscles had a chance to revitalise themselves. On the way 2 gung-ho riders passed us at high speed then cut in on us as a woman with a pram was between us and them, they gave us no warning but scared us like hell. Shortly after we noticed a woman on the side of the track with a pram and a baby on a blanket, Anne stopped to see if there was a problem, thankfully no, just I think just a nappy change, thanks Anne for being so caring. After a regather at the Belmont end of the track, it was back onto the new section. It is an easy ride back to Belmont except for a nasty hill just before a place where a lot of people are underground, i.e. Belmont Cemetery. If you are not in the correct gear, it can be a hard climb, even though it is only 30 metres long. Most of the way back along the track we were protected from the wind by the trees surrounding the track, however when we rode on the shared bike path beside the Highway, we encountered the full force of the 70 km/hr winds, thankfully it was now only a few kilometres to Blacksmiths at the stage. After arriving at Blacksmiths, we had the normal post-ride chats and decided if we were going home or going for coffee and snacks. Thanks to everyone for coming, and to Warwick for managing the ride, Nic as first aider, and Keith one of our sweeps.

Coffee at various places in Blacksmiths and Swansea at the end of the ride.
On arrival at Blacksmiths Nic, Rolf and Chris went for coffee at the café on the other side of the bridge, it was reported back that the coffee and nibblies were great, parking is a problem so you need to ride and park your bike out front. Some riders went to the pie shop [Baker's Den] at Blacksmiths, unknown numbers, and the rest of us headed for home. Warwick and Robyn had a long trip as they came up from the Umina area, a good effort. After coffee Rolf rode home to Buff Point, he will sleep well tonight. Great effort Rolf!

Smiles all around today after a very safe ride, no incidents reported. Hint for today - always keep your hands on the brake levers when riding in a group, it saves a few seconds in case of an incident. It was noted that Newcastle drivers are more friendly and safer than those on the coast, quite a few times they gave way to us even though they had the right-of-way.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay
No Danny today, as it was a bit far to travel, we are sure he would come to the rescue if needed. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone. Col hopes to be back riding on Friday. Don’t forget all non-riders and partners etc, you are welcome to join us for coffee on all our rides.

The Ride.
The ride was about 46km, the average speeds were from 19.8 to 20.7 km/hr, depending on where you were riding in the group, in the front group, or at the tail. We climbed 275 metres. The temperatures varied from 20°C at the start of the ride to 28°C at the end of the ride. The wind was 28km/hr at the start of the ride with gusts of 46km/hr from the NW most of the time. At the end of the ride, they increased to 46 and 70km/hr.


Beautiful new wetland viewing platform - 28 August 2024
Wednesday 21 August 2024 - T&DCC Group 2 Nords Wharf, Catho Bay loop

On Arrival at Peel Street.
When we arrived at Peel Street, Rolf was the only rider in sight. Maybe the warm weather with Spring in the air had persuaded some riders to go to the beach instead. Although we were without a few of our regular riders for various reasons, no worries, as our riders started to arrive in dribs and drabs, so we ended up with 12 riders. Rolf was the ride manager, Doug the sweep, Keith his companion rider, and Tony took over as sweep when Doug left the ride at Budgie. The 12 riders in sign on order were Rolf, Michael B, David R, Virginia, Len, Keith A, Doug, Tony, Karen, Trevor and Jill. We were pleased to welcome back Jill and Trevor who have not ridden for a few weeks, and Michael who has had some medical issues. Michael was on his new bike that is a Specialized Vado 4 bike in a fast RED colour, Michael was very happy with his bike as it has allowed him to continue riding.

Peel St to Wrightson Park Nords Wharf
Rolf, as ever, was well prepared for the ride, and gave us a detailed briefing. He then confirmed Karen as the first aider, and Virginia as the “000” coordinator. Rolf also mentioned he had contacted Transport NSW about the traffic lights at the Nords Wharf junction at Awabakal Drive not being bicycle friendly, when returning to the Pacific Highway from Nords Wharf at Awabakal Drive. They responded quickly saying the detectors were ok, and that they had increased the time that the green light stayed on to allow the riders to cross. We will see what happened when we arrive there on the ride. Rolf set off at a good pace considering the 20-30km/hr NW wind that prevailed for most of the ride. Along the way a bloke in a Ute stopped in front of us without warning to talk to his girlfriend, evasive action was required, all ok in the end. Soon we were in Budgewoi where we were joined by Jill and Trevor. From there it was a tough ride to Lizzy Bay with the Northerly part of the wind making the ride a bit tougher than we would have liked. From Lizzy Bay we went up Elizabeth Bay Drive to the Pacific Highway at Lake Munmorah. Thankfully motorists must have been in a good mood due to the nice weather as they were all very polite in allowing us to merge safely before turning onto the Pacific Highway. Soon we were on our way to Nords Wharf along the Pacific Highway, a bit scary at times with some cowboys in trucks coming too close for comfort. As Pedro would say, the road to Cams Wharf Road along the Pacific Highway was undulating, in the words of some riders and people on muscle bikes, it was hilly and hard going. The riders on e-bikes sailed along as though sitting in their lounge chairs. After turning into Cams Wharf Road, it was downhill to Wrightson Park at the bottom of the hill. On the way we passed some beautiful homes on acreage, so if you are up that way, take a drive and enjoy the views. Some took advantage of the local loos at the park, others decided to munch on goodies, and partake of some fluid. One unnamed rider decided to have a drink, and a peanut bar just as the ride manager was about to start the ride again. Rolf being patient, waited while the said member finished his peanut bar and then pulled out a toothpick and cleaned his teeth. He would not start the ride without cleaning his teeth, laughter all around.

Nords Wharf to The Lakes Beach
After leaving the park we rode along Marine Parade where we passed the greatly named Nords Wharf Trading Post, sounds like a general store in the Rockies somewhere in the Americas. We then ventured to the Pacific Highway up Government Road and Awabakal Road to the previously mentioned traffic lights at the Pacific Highway. As we assembled at the lights, we were starting to think the lights were not going to change, and with traffic behind us, we were just about to pull to one side to let a car activate the lights when the lights changed, as Transport NSW promised Rolf, the lights did stay Green long enough for all of us to cross the road. Good one Rolf. From there we rode along the Pacific Highway to the delightfully named Montefiore Parkway which we turned into and continued to the beach front at Catho Bay. On arrival at the beach, we rested our muscles which were telling us that we were not 21 anymore. After a good rest we headed back to Montefiore Parkway along some hilly sections of road. The Parkway to the Highway was the toughest part of the ride, as it was a long climb combined with the NW wind of 30km/hr blowing in our faces. On arriving at the Highway, we eventually had the wind in our favour and hightailed it to the MSCA where we turned into Blue Wren Drive and headed for Lizzy Bay. The ride through the MSCA is very enjoyable these days due to the road surface, so we had fun riding to Lizzy Bay. At this point Jill, Trevor, Doug and Keith advised us they would be leaving the ride at Budgewoi. On arrival at Budgie, Tony took over as sweep for the rest of the ride. After our goodbyes to the just-mentioned group, we were soon at The Lakes Beach for our coffee break.

Coffee at The Lakes Beach.
On arrival at The Lakes Beach, we were greeted by Nic, Danny, and Barry. Barry looked all set for summer, dressed in Tee Shirt and shorts. Barry showed us his hand that is recovering from surgery, looked very painful still, so we wish Barry all the best and hope he is back riding soon. Nic asked did we miss her, we all replied of course we did, as with all our nice people. Sitting in the sunshine with the nice breeze blowing seemed like paradise after such a long cold period. Hurry up Spring! After we said goodbye to the 3 musketeers, we gathered for the last part of our ride to Peel St.

Lakes Beach to Peel Street
We took the normal way back to Peel St via Kelsey Road and Evans Rd. The westies left us at Evans Road and only Rolf, Michael, James, Tony, and Karen returned to Peel St.

Smiles all around today after a very safe ride, no incidents reported. Hint for today - Don’t abuse motorists who do the wrong thing, you never know how they respond these days.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Danny was without his truck today, so he had a little Nissan Micra on loan. He looked like Mr Bean trying to get into his Mini Minor. Luckily, we had no incidents today that required Danny’s retrieval service. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone. One of our favourite riders, Col, advised us that his doctor has stood him down from riding, hopefully not for too long, all the best Col.

The Ride.
The ride was about 54km, the average speed was around 21km/hr, we climbed 530 metres, the most for a while, the weather was warm, got to 25°C, winds varied from 20-30km/hr. Thanks to Rolf, Doug, Keith, and Tony for assisting with the ride, and thanks to Karen for providing first aid assistance and Virginia who acted as our “000” coordinator.


Virginia with her crew at Toowoon Bay - 16 August 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Friday 16 August 2024
Skylarkers - Ride from Norah Head through Budgewoi and Lizzie Bay up SRA to Pacific Hwy. All the way to the M1 along Motorway Link, exiting at Sparks Road, through Warnervale and Wadalba, Tuggerah and Chittaway, around the final lake, Tuggerah, and back up to Jenny Dixon Reserve. 77km

Coasters - T&DCC Coasters Tuggerah Lake loop ride report 16 August 2024
On Arrival at JDR. We were pleasantly surprised when we turned up at JDR that the weather was looking good after such a bad run in the last few weeks. The improved weather looked like it may encourage a good turnout. It looked like we were going to have 18 riders. However, fate intervened, and we had 2 late starters Tony and Daryl. We were disappointed that Daryl was not there close to the start time as he said on WhatsApp, he would be joining us. Unfortunately, in Daryl’s haste to get to JDR, a bloke with red and blue lights on the top of his car wanted to talk with Daryl. So, in the final analysis we had 20 riders. The riders in sign-on order were, Stuart, Col, Len, Linda, Virginia, David R, Carol, Nic, Chris, Anne, Doug, Keith A, James, Graeme, Rod, Karen, Rolf, Merrilyn, Tony and Daryl. Virginia was the ride manager, Doug the sweep, and Keith his companion rider.

JDR to Bateau Bay Beach.
Before the ride, Virginia gave a run-down of the route [briefing] and explained that we may have to detour certain sections of the bike path at Killarney Vale due to the rain and repair work on the path. Virginia also confirmed Carol as the lead first-aider and Stuart as the ride coordinator. As usual we were advised that any rider who wanted a fast ride to the Entrance to go ahead from WBD, six or more riders took the challenge. Once the ride started Virginia set a nice pace to The Entrance, no sign of the cheeky new Magpie who has taken over Wilfred’s role. Of course, the faster riders were out of sight in a few minutes. Thankfully the ride to North Entrance was easy as there was no wind to speak about. The road works on the way did not interfere with the ride as we rode behind the traffic cones. When we regrouped at the North Entrance Virginia advised us that the next regroup would be at the picture perfect Swadling Park at Toowoon Bay. From Toowoon Bay it was a quick ride to BBBeach where the loos appeared to be greatly appreciated, must have been the cold weather. As there were no Whales to view, we had an extended chat and downed some H2O before setting off towards the Long Jetty boat ramp carpark.

Bateau Bay Beach to Wadalba
After leaving BBBeach we headed for the bike path at Long Jetty crossing the Entrance Road using the two sets of traffic lights to cross the road, due to the number of riders, it seemed to work with no hassle. No Pelicans in the boat ramp area but a Mum with a nice little child, who looked mystified by our presence, Mum gave us a hello and smile, but the child looked bemused by so many people on bikes. From there we headed along the shared path to Blue Bell Park, we must have crossed 20 sections of the path covered with water. Thankfully they water levels were only a few centimetres deep. Once at Blue Bell Park we had a short break, where Len had a chat with the local firies having coffee about e-bike batteries, see Len for details. After the break we changed from the path to Lakedge Avenue that led us back to Wyong Road from where we cycled along Church St to Tuggerah, where it sounded like a school carnival was taking place, lots of excited kids with squeals of excitement could be heard, even though they were out of sight. From Tuggerah we had a quick break at the Wyong Lions Park for you-know-what, before heading off to Sams for coffee at Wadalba.

Coffee at Sams Wadalba.
On arrival at Sams, we were greeted by 2 of our mates, Paul and Danny who were deep in conversation, and enjoying a coffee. Unfortunately, Barry and Lois [Lois didn't come] had to leave early for an appointment, so we missed having a chat with them. As you know by now, Barry is busy organising our Christmas Party, thanks to Barry and Lois for all the hard work with all that is going on in their lives. While we were getting ready to leave, it started to rain lightly, this caused a certain bloke to put on his rain jacket, unbeknown to him his jacket also covered the seat he was sitting on, and caused him great trouble putting on his jacket, and a few laughs. Hopefully no one has put a picture on our social pages. [It will happen!]

Wadalba to JDR
After coffee some of our riders left for home immediately, some left further along Wahroonga Rd, Chris left at the round-a-bout and returned home along Johns Rd. We nearly had a collision with a car when a woman with kids in the car pulled out in front of Virginia, thankfully Virginia’s skills avoided an accident. The woman did apologise, she might have been distracted by the kids in the car. On arriving at Gorokan, we lost Virginia, Doug, Keith and Rolf who rode home. Carol then took over as ride manager and James the sweep. Going along Main Road Toukley, some bloke with part of his brain missing, lent out the window of a car, and said some dumb words in our direction, when will they ever learn. Soon we were in familiar territory and turned into Peel St, then headed for JDR. On arrival at JDR we had some long discussions, everyone mentioned what an enjoyable ride it was, thanks to Virginia for setting a good pace, that was around our average speed.

Smiles all around today after a very safe ride, no incidents reported. Hint for today. Do not dart in front of another rider, and if changing course notify the rider behind you of your intention.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Danny was without a vehicle today, so Paul thankfully picked him up to take him to Sams. Luckily, we had no incidents today that required Danny’s retrieval service.
Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, Trevor, and Mike who are in recovery mode or receiving treatment. Sorry if we have missed anyone.

The Ride.
The ride was about 54km, the average speed was around 20km/hr, the weather was cool, no wind to speak about, but we had a few light showers along the way, but it warmed up nicely towards the end of the ride. Thanks to Virginia, Doug, Keith, for assisting with the ride, and thanks to Carol and Stuart for providing first aid assistance if and when needed.


Everyone, including non-riding visitors Danny and Paul, enjoying coffee at Sam's Bakery, Wadalba - 16 August 2024
Wednesday 14 August 2024 - Norah Head for Coffee
No riding today, too rainy! Group 2 went to Beach Haus at Norah Head for coffee. Lucky participants were Nicolette, Stuart, Barry and Lois, Rolf and Danny. Raining as we sat in comfort inside and discussed our medical history. Very pleasant way to spend an hour. Sold my muscle bike last night. Amazing!

Rear Guard at Lakes Beach - 9 August 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Friday 9 August 2024
Skylarkers - JD and Rodney did a 3-lake loop, up to Blue Wren Drive, back down the hwy to Sparks Road, through Warnervale and continue around Tuggerah Lake, a total of 77km.
Coasters (Chris) - Today 9 August, we had 14 Riders at JD for the start of our Friday Coasters Ride.
It was great to see a new Ride Manager/Leader David Rooke taking the reins. Good to see! So right on 9.00 David gave us a quick briefing about the ride, which was as per the Ride Calendar. Since we were going North along Lake Munmorah, we rode towards Budgewoi on the bike path and onto Elizabeth Bay Dr, where we lost Rolf for a kilometer or so. No drama, he was back with us through Budgewoi Peninsula. Before reaching the Highway, we turned left on Acacia Ave. Back towards Lake Munmorah, on the bike path towards Tall Timbers Rd. and Scaysbrook Ave, for a loop to Joshua Porter Reserve for our first break. The view across the the water is always nice.
Then we were back on the bike path crossing Karignan Creek to Mulloway Rd. We crossed Chain Valley Bay Rd, onto the dirt Rd. towards Kanangra Dr.
To our surprise, it was not bad at all, compared to some tarred road that is absolutely full of debris and broken glass, very surprised that we did not have a puncture!!
From Kanangra Dr. across the Pacific Hyw. onto Blue Wren Dr. Into the MSCA, What a great ride back to Elizabeth Bay Rd. We all enjoyed it.
Since we were all ready for our coffee break at Lakes Beach, Dave gave the OK for those who wanted to stretch their legs to go ahead.
In no time some were on their way to the cafe and the rest was not that far behind.
We were surprised to see Danny there, as we were told he could not make it today due to the fact he his moving into his new home soon and was doing some packing. We think he needed a break and was great to see him as usual. [Had some people picking up furniture, but they re-scheduled to 3.30pm.]
After our break we all headed back towards JD. and the westies who rode from home continued on towards their home.
Fairly short ride, 34 km @ 20klm/hr, good Riding weather
Thanks goes to Dave for taking the ride and as usual Doug took care of the tail, thanks for everyone for coming & HAVEAGOODEEEKEND.!

Forward Guard at Lakes - 9 August 2024

Some of group 2 today at Lakes Beach - 7 August 2024
Meeting and Group Rides - 7 August 2024
Group 1 - A few dedicated riders from Group 1 headed out up the SRA and on to the highway, for a trip up to Catherine Hill Bay, then back out Montrfiore Parkway and down the highway all the way to the M! and Sparks Road. Through Warnervale and Minnesota Road to Wadalba where morning tea was enjoyed at one of our favourite bakeries, Sam's. Then back to the start and the annual meeting at Toukley.
Group 2/3 Wednesday 7th August 2024
15 members gathered at Peel Street with 7°C temperatures and sunny skies. We set off towards Aldi and were met by Rolf, and so we were 16 riders. Across Toukley Bridge and around the back of Gorokan shops to meet up with Molly the cat (not yet a member). Unfortunately, we couldn’t get Molly to come out. Disappointed, we left and rode around Marks Road and then onto Wahroonga Rd, making our way to Wadalba. We took a short cut here and went straight through the lights at the Pacific Highway and straight up Minnesota Rd to Sparkes Rd. We then ventured into the new estate and through all the new homes to Hakone Rd for a change of scenery. Then on to Bunnings where we lost a few who went off to prepare for the General Meeting.
We followed the highway down to the shops, around the back and down onto Charmhaven bridge where we were abused by an older citizen on a mobility scooter, with a big dog, for going too slow over the bridge. Round the lake to Buff Point for a short comfort stop and then on the road, missing the broken bike path (thanks Central Coast Council), to Budgewoi. Off to Lakes Beach for coffee and cake. We disrupted the joint by taking most of their chairs to place around a table, but the owner seemed to be happy with us [he's always happy to see us]. Having eaten and slaked our thirst, we worked up the big hill and onto the bike path to make our way through the little lane onto Chelsea Close. But no, Central Coast Council had blocked the bike path with machinery without any warning signs. We didn’t vent our spleen, well not much, before going out on the road and back to Peel St.
A short 48 kilometres.
On arriving at the meeting, we were faced with more food and drink (very nice) and a pleasant meeting with friends. James tried to get Karaoke going but we were too tired.
By the way James, that was a good meeting. Well done.

The rest of G2 (minus the early leavers) at Lakes - 7 August 2024

Rest point at Wyong River, Tacoma, for the Coasters - 2 August 2024
TDCC Group Reports - Friday 2 August 2024
Skylarkers - Couldn't find much about them today. JD did a short ride down to The Entrance, and Gary and Vic went on a gravel ride in the Watagans. 48km but with 1200m of vertical. Sounds like fun!

Coasters Ride Nic’s 8 toilet blocks mystery ride report 2 August 2024

On Arrival at JDR
After all the rain, cold temperatures, and blustery winds that have made the last few weeks of riding a test for our riders, today looked more promising. Thankfully, Nic must have pleased someone up above as the weather was nicer than it has been for weeks. Still a bit chilly - it is winter we know. After looking at last night’s weather radar with all the rain clouds around, we were sceptical if the ride would go ahead, but thankfully 13 riders turned up for the ride. Nic was the ride leader. As this was her first go as a ride leader with our club, we expected her to be nervous, but she was as calm as could be. She advised us that she has led rides at other clubs, so this explains why she looked so comfortable in the role. The riders were Nic, James, Rod, Carol, Doug our sweep, Rolf, Tony, Keith A our sweep's ride companion, Linda who joined the ride at PBL (Prawn Beach Lane), Dave R, Chris, Stuart and Daryl G. Although we did not mention it at the start of the ride, we all know by now who looks after first aid, and who is the “000” coordinator.

JDR to Ourimbah Heatherbrae Pie shop
After the pre-ride speech that included no details of where we were going, we set off towards Gorokan, without stopping to talk to Molly. Nic set a frenzied pace that belied the problems she has with her back. Some of us struggled to keep up with the pace, but we had a go, and by the time we reached PBL the tail group was not too far behind the Peloton. After we arrived at PBL, Linda was signed on we headed towards Tuggerah, stopping at Loo number 2 then crossing the Wyong River Bridge, after struggling up the incline from River Road to the Pacific Highway. We may not have to worry about crossing the bridge in future as it has been announced that the road and bridge is going to be widened to 4 lanes and then continue through the shopping centre and further up the highway. Hopefully they won’t forget bike lanes over the bridge in both directions. We sensed that either Linda has ESP, or there was a leak in the camp as Linda was aware we were going via PBL. The matter is being investigated by the AFP at the moment [Nikki told her]. From Tuggerah we then meandered up Kangy Angy hill, where our muscle bike riders were soon struggling. Luckily for them, Nic called for a regroup at the top of the hill, ensuring that we did not stop in front of the lady who owns the florist shop. We have been victims of her tongue in the past for blocking her driveway, scary! From the top of the hill, it was an up-and-down ride to the Heatherbrae Pie Shop at Ourimbah. Unfortunately, some riders overtook others at high-speed downhill, without warning the other riders they were passing. Soon we were on the flat section of the Highway then we realised Nic’s plan was to have coffee and other goodies at the famous pie shop.

Coffee at the Pie shop
On arrival at the Pie Shop, we looked around for some of our comrades who are presently not riding, hoping they would be there, we could only find a very dapper Danny in his Andy Capp attire, with the famous Cap. We are all grateful to Danny who makes an effort to be there for coffee every week and volunteers his service to anyone who needs it. Thankfully his retrieval services were not needed today. The stop was supposed to be a short one, but due to the nice company, and the warm disposition where we were seated (and the coffee), we stayed a bit longer than usual. As Daryl had to go for an eye check, he gave us a hint to move when he flashed the evil-eye look. It was a bit hard to get going again as we were so comfortable, but all nice breaks must end, so it was on the road again.

Ourimbah Heatherbrae Pie Shop to JDR
After leaving the Pie Shop, we headed for Enterprise Drive and headed towards Wyong Road. Along the way we had the assistance of a great southerly breeze. Nic was in torture mode, and made us put in our best efforts to keep up with her. Looking at the speedo we were doing around 27-30km/hr, for about 5 kilometres, not bad going for those on muscle bikes and e-bikes that cut power over 25km/hr. This furious pace was not destined to last as Nic had another mystery up her sleeve. After a regroup on Enterprise Drive we turned left onto an unnamed dirt road just after the turnpike that leads to the railway workshops. The riders with skinny tyres were a bit apprehensive to ride on the dirt, but pride got the better of them and took on the challenge, pot-holes galore and all. Unfortunately, the Sanitarium factory was not cooking Weatbix today, so we did not get to enjoy the beaut aromas drifting from the ovens. The road then took us beside the railway line, and then followed Ourimbah Creek to Wyong Road where we rode under the road and joined the bike path to Chittaway Road. At this point Linda and Daryl returned home via Tuggerah for various reasons, and the rest of us pushed onwards JDR (via The Entrance). After a regroup at Chittaway, we were on our way to Bluebell Park where nature called, and we had a break at loo number 6 or 7. From Bluebell Park, it was back onto the bike path, and then up WBD where the wind had changed from 13km/hr to 28km/hr from, in general, a SSW direction. It gave us some help along the way but was mostly blocked by the trees lining the road. Again, Nic punished us with her pace all the way to JDR. At the end of the ride Nic was congratulated on her ride-leading skills by all our riders present, and Linda and Daryl via WhatsApp. We look forward to David R leading his first ride next week, and Virginia the following week. It is great they have volunteered to lead the rides as they get an insight into some of the problems encountered in the ride and gives the members a variety of ride leaders. Thanks to all the ride leaders present and new.

Aside from passing at speed without warning, no issues arose today. Remember our goal is to keep all members safe on the rides. Riders like Col, myself, and Danny know the outcomes when things go pear-shaped. So, a tip for today, always leave enough room when riding past a parked stationary car, someone opened the door in front of one of our riders in the past, and they sustained serious injuries.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay
Danny as usual volunteered his rider/bike recovery service, thanks Danny.
As usual, our best wishes go out to those riders and their partners who are in recovery mode or receiving medical treatment. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, Trevor, Michael B, and Mike. Sorry if we have missed anyone.

The Ride
The ride was about 63km, the average speed was around 21km/hr, the weather was cool and windy but warmed up nicely towards the end of the ride. Thanks to Nic, Doug, Keith, for assisting with the ride.


Happy group (2) at EuroBean, The Entrance - 31 July 2024
Wednesday 31 July 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - Nige's Ride Compact group rode out to Dooralong, first via Wahroongah Road and Wadalba to Minnesota Road and Sparks Road to Hue Hue and up Dicksons Rd to Dooralong, down Jilliby to Wyong where coffee was taken at Oasis, then back via Tacoma to the start, where I saw them heading up Oleander. Over 70km for everybody, including 83km for Gaz and 96 for Stuart. Typical excellent ride everyone, well done, considering the cold, rainy and windy weather.
Group 2 - Chris reporting - Today 31 July, the last day of a very cold month. We were not surprised for our TDCC Group 2 ride that only 9 of us turned up for our programmed ride.
Our ride manager James as usual was the first one there, followed by Colin, Dave 2, myself, Carl, Doug, Keith, Tony, and Rolf.
Temperature 10°C, and with the wind blowing off the lake, it felt like 5°C at Peel street, and the skies were also not looking great. Now it was time to move on and try to get warm.
But with a South Westerly blowing, going towards The Entrance on WBD we were not getting warmer. Carl had the right idea, taking the lead and working harder into the wind. Unfortunately we found out that Doug had a flat and decided to abandoned the ride.
Just before the bridge, we were joined by Nicolette. And at our usual rest spot, Tony had some mechanical problem. His gear-shifting cable broke, but he managed to make some adjustment and to continue the ride. And Carol and Karen also joined us just after the bridge.
From there we headed to Killarney Vale, the temperature was looking a bit better at 12°C. We headed to Bateau Bay, on our way to Toowoon Bay we felt a few drops of rain, but it did not last long, and the pace increased towards The Entrance for some hot beverage and hoping not to get wet.
Again Danny was there to greet us. Great to see him as usual. [Thanks Chris!]
While we were having our coffee break, it started to shower, so we were not in any hurry to leave. With the weather not looking to improve, we decided to head back to Toukley via WBD, but this time with the wind in our back.
Carl did not waste any time, as on the horizon towards Toukley it was not looking good. We hope he made it back without getting wet.
Nicolette, Carol & Karen went home after Coffee. The remainder enjoyed the ride back to Peel St.
Unfortunately for Keith and I who rode from home, just before the Toukley bridge down came a light shower just enough to get us wet, and also the temperature had dropped again to 11°.
A 45 km ride in very cool conditions at an average speed of 20 km/hr. Great to have been able to get this ride in and looking forward to Friday Mystery Ride, and thanks to Keith for taking over looking after the tail after Doug's departure. Thanks Nikki for the photos!

Rest stop on the way to Bateau Bay - 31 July 2024
Friday 26 July 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Can't find any trace.
Coasters - Watanobbi loop report 26 July 2024

On Arrival at JDR.
On arrival at JDR the car park was deserted and it looked like we might not be riding due to the pessimistic forecast by the BOM. However, we remained optimistic as the weather radar showed the rain was clearing up. One of our members forgot some riding gear so cancelled their ride and had a private ride later in the day. Col had a treatment day, our regulars Chris, Dave R and Stuart were nowhere to be seen. This suggested a small turnout, and so it came to be with only six riders arrived at JDR. Virginia and John advised us they would meet us at Molly’s place. Thankfully the BOM got it wrong, and we did not experience any rain during the ride. James was the ride leader, Doug the sweep with Keith as his companion rider. As Carol and Nic were not present, Karen and James performed the first aid and “000” coordinator roles.
The riders in sign on order were, James, Keith A, Doug, Karen, Daryl G, Tony, Rolf, Virginia, and John B.

JDR to Watanobbi.
After the pre-ride route advice, and safety spiel, we set of towards Molly’s place where we met up with Virginia and her brother John, where we stopped to have them sign on. Unfortunately, the pen had an end-of-life experience, so we had to fill out the form at the end of the ride. From Molly’s place we headed to Prawn Beach Lane (PBL). All was going well till we got a message on WhatsApp from Keith that Doug’s bike had a flat. When no reason for the flat was discovered, we felt like Doug’s bike was not in a good mood and did not feel like having Doug telling it what to do. Always a worry when we can’t find the reason for the flat tyre. After the tube was replaced, we headed down the lovely PBL. No photos today as we had to make up time to meet our ETA at Sam's. After PBL we stopped at Tacoma for a short wee break, then it was off towards Watanobbi via the usual route that encounters some nice areas and not so nice areas. The round-a-bout was the turn around point, as we decided earlier not to return to Wadalba via the highway as some of riders do not like riding this way due to the increased amount of traffic in the area in the last year or so.

Watanobbi to Wadalba.
After arriving at the round-a-bout on the corner of Brittania Drive and Guardian Road we turned right into Guardian Road to avoid the highway as mentioned. Doug had advised us earlier that it was a steep climb up Guardian Road, but a quick mental calculation said our group was up to the task. It was not as steep as the route we chose on our last ride in this area, but it was longer, thankfully we all reached the summit, even though we had to wait for some riders on muscle bikes. From the summit it was a fast downhill ride to Delisle Drive where we returned to the route that we rode on in the way into Watanobbi. After a short stop at the Wyong loos, we were on our way to Wadalba. On our way, a bloke on a muscle bike was towing a trailer with 2 twenty litre drums half filled with water. We must have been riding slowly as he overtook us at a rate of knots. However, we overtook him on hilly parts of Pollock Avenue, however he arrived at Wadalba the same time as us. He was no spring chicken, so a good effort mate.

Wadalba for Coffee.
On arrival at Sam's, we were greeted by the smiling faces of Paul, Linda, Len and Danny, we felt famous being greeted by such a nice group of our friends cheering for us. Remember, if you need a lift for coffee don’t be afraid to ask Danny or any of our other non-riding folk who are available on the day for a lift. The goodies were nice, some said the coffee was too hot for their liking, others said it was good, suppose it depends on your tastes.

Wadalba to JDR
After an extended coffee break it was all heads down for the ride home. Virginia, John, and Doug advised they would be leaving on the way. However circumstance intervened along the way. We shortly had a call from Keith that Doug’s bike had spit the dummy again. As Doug had run out of spare tubes and none of us had that size tube, Doug and Keith arranged for Doug to be picked up. We are not sure if Sue, Doug’s wife, or Keith ended up picking up Doug as both were mentioned in our discussions. After we got going again, Daryl took over the sweep duties along with Tony till we were safely back to JDR.

No safety issues were encountered today, but we still need be vigilant about our own safety and others. We scored 10 out of 10 today for safety. A hint given to us by an experienced rider is that when coming to a corner, instead of saying clear, say car left, or car right, it is up to the individual to make their own decision whether to stop depending on the situation. Sometimes you can say clear, and the next moment a car pops-up from nowhere, such is the speed of the modern car and the way we drive them.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Danny as usual volunteered his rider/bike recovery service, thanks Danny.
Our best wishes go out to those riders and their partners who are in recovery mode or receiving medical treatment. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, Trevor, and Mike. Sorry if we have missed anyone. FYI during the week we got in touch with Michael B who we have not seen for a while, knowing that he has a new bike we wondered where he has been. Michael advised us he had some logistic problems with his new bike in that it was too heavy for his present bike carrier, so he now has a new carrier. Michael has also been in Maroon’s territory for a break. He will be riding with us next week. Thanks for the feedback, Michael.

The Ride.
The ride was about 45km, the average speed was around 20km/hr, the weather was cool and windy but warmed up nicely towards the end of the ride. Thanks to Doug, Keith, Daryl and Tony for assisting along the way.


Warwick with his faithful crew - 24 July 2024
Wednesday 24 July 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 made the trip out to Yarramalong, and well beyond, for a total of over 100km. Good effort all of you.
Group 2 - T&DCC Blacksmiths-Belmont-Warners Bay-Jesmond-Broadmeadow-Fernleigh Track loop report 24 July 2024

On Arrival at Blacksmiths.
The weather as usual at this time of the year was a bit chilly, 4°C out West, and a bit warmer at Blacksmiths when we arrived. We did not expect a high turnout, but we were pleased that we got 13 riders. Warwick was the ride leader, Doug the sweep and Keith his companion rider. Robyn came along with Warwick but decided not to ride, instead, Robyn was our gear steward for the day, keeping an eye on our 4 wheeled pride and joys with their expensive bike racks. The other riders in sign on order were, Len, Virginia, Nic, Angela, Hans, Rolf, James, Carol, Keith A, David R, and Anne. As usual Carol was the first aider, and Warwick was the “000” coordinator as Stuart was not riding with group 2 today. After the ride briefing from Warwick explaining the route and possible hazards, including the diversion at Jesmond due to the new flyover that will link up with the Newcastle City Bypass Road we were on the way. Luckily, Hans had local knowledge and guided us around the road works via the back street of Jesmond, thanks Hans. After ensuring we were well rugged up, we set off towards Jesmond.

Blacksmiths to Broadmeadow McDonalds.
The first part of the ride from Blacksmiths was past Blacksmiths Beach then onto the bike path beside the Highway, before going onto the new section of the bike path just past the golf course. We passed the old Belmont cemetery along the way, it looked a very old cemetery with no new graves in sight. I hope we did not disturb the residents on our way. At this point the work on the unfinished Fernleigh Track ended, and we were soon back on the Highway heading for Belmont, and Warners Bay. Up to the point we reached the Belmont 16ft sailing club, the ride was nice and flat, however when we ascended the hill to the top of Croudace Bay Road even those on e-bikes were finding it hard going. One old chap's heart rate got to 156 bpm which is 16 bpm above the normal maximum for their age. Of course, some of the muscle bike riders struggled up this section of the road. After passing over the summit we were soon on flat sections of road and paths again. Riding along the waterfront alongside Warners Bay is a magical ride, the problem is most of Newcastle think the same. The path has dogs off-leads sections that we had to be very careful as the dogs seemed to enjoy the delights of the parklands as much as their masters. As expected, there was a lot of walkers, joggers, bike riders, and sundry so we were forever calling out the hazards. After exiting the bike path at Speers Point, we were soon riding alongside Cockle Creek and heading towards Argenton where we joined the old Tram Track Ride that is now a shared path. This path to the top of the hill was a long drag and relatively steep, but not as bad as Croudace Bay Road. Thankfully a long downhill stretch bought out the teenage spirit in us, as every rider rode downhill as though they were in the Tour de France. The fun ended at Wallsend where we were again riding in the back streets of Wallsend and Jesmond, led by the said mentioned Hans. Eventually we were at Maccas in Broadmeadow, after navigating our way through very busy streets with long delays at traffic lights.

Coffee at Maccas.
On arriving at Maccas we could not find Danny, maybe too far for him to come for a coffee [yep], it was suggested we will see Danny and our other non-riding friends this Friday at Sam's for coffee. Thankfully Maccas are set up for cyclists with bike racks handy to the store entrance. Soon we were all seated and enjoying our goodies. As we had such a long break at Maccas, most of the riders decided not to partake of the coffee, pies, and cakes on offer at Blacksmiths when we finished the ride. After an extended coffee break, we set off towards Blacksmiths via the Fernleigh Track starting at Adamstown.

Broadmeadow Maccas to Blacksmiths
After leaving Maccas we had to cross Lambton Road via a close-by pedestrian crossing but, with so many of us, we could not make it across the road in time before the lights turned red. Thankfully, the Newcastle drivers have more patience than some of our Coast drivers and waited for all of us to cross the road without bipping their horn. Shortly after, we were at Adamstown and the start of the Fernleigh Track. At this stage we had a re-gather and Warwick advised us those who wanted to go ahead to do so and suggested that meet up again at the Belmont end of the Fernleigh Track. Of course, Angela, Rolf, Len, Nic, James, Virginia and Dave took the challenge to burn off some stored-up energy. Surprisingly, those riders on muscle bikes put the e-bike riders to shame, especially on the downhill and flat sections of the track [not surprised really]. On arrival at Belmont, we could see the new section of the Fernleigh Track being built behind the Belmont TAFE. We also spotted the new bridge that goes over the wetlands. It should not be too long before it is finished, and we can enjoy the scenic delights and a safer riding environment. After the re-gather at Belmont, it was full steam ahead for Blacksmiths where we caught up with the patient Robyn, and then we said our goodbyes and headed for home.

No safety issues were encountered today, but we still need be vigilant about our own safety and others. However it was noted some riders are overtaking at high speeds without warning other riders they are passing. It just needs the rider being overtaken to move to avoid a hazard to cause an accident. Call out 'passing' and leave a metre gap when passing another rider at a much greater speed.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Danny as usual volunteered his rider/bike recovery service, thanks Danny. As usual, our best wishes go out to those riders and their partners who are in recovery mode or receiving medical treatment. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, Trevor, and Mike. Sorry if we have missed anyone.

The Ride.
The ride was about 60km, the average speed was around 20km/hr, the weather was cool and windy but warmed up nicely towards the end of the ride. Thanks to Warwick, Doug and Keith his companion rider for guiding us along the way, and to Carol for performing marshalling duties.


Rolf and Keith on Fernleigh Track. Thanks Nikki for the photos- 24 July 2024

Morning tea at Lakes Beach - 19 July 2024
Friday 19 July 2024 - TDCC Club Ride Reports
Skylarkers - Out through Wyong and Kangy Angy to Palmdale to see the flowers, back via Enterprise Drive to Better Days for coffee, and continue around Tuggerah Lake Loop. JD and Irene at least. Vic and Gaz went on a gravel ride near Yarramalong. 70km for the 'Larkers and 63km for the two dirt riders.
Today 19 July 2024 Coasters Ride was as per our Calendar, James was the Ride manager and as usual Doug looked after the tail end. 17 Riders braved the cool and windy conditions to join the start at JDR.
Temperature was 9°C with a South West breeze that made it feel like 6°C, but with a nice blue sky. James gave his briefing and we were off towards our furthest point - Vales Point.
Travelling towards Gorokan, to see if our Mascot (Molly the black Cat) was waiting for us, and yes, as usual she was present to walk around all of us to greet us.
Then it was off towards Charmhaven, where we picked up our 18th. Rider (Virginia) who joined us.
After the usual loop of Blue Haven, we were on the PAHWY [Pacific Hwy] to Doyalson and left on Rutleys Rd to Vales Point, Mannering Park, where we had our break, very picturesque spot.
Then it was time to make our way back. James took us up on the foreshore of Mannering Park using the bike path. Very nice area!!
Before we knew it, we were back on the PAHWY travelling East towards Lake Munmorah and on to Elizabeth Dr. to Budgewoi for our Coffee break at Lakes Beach Coffee Shack. Suddenly it was a bit of a rush to get there??
It was then time to have our social chat, and very glad to see Danny, who turned up late? [sorry] and also to be joined by Lois (Barry’s wife) . After quite a long coffee break, the group dispersed in different directions, for a short-cut home, and the remainder back to JDR.
Again a very nice ride around 45 klm at an average speed of 20 klm/hr.
Thanks for every one for coming.
Thanks Chris and Nikki for the photos.

Morning tea, north elevation - 19 July 2024

Helpful mates Doug and Tony help Nikki with her flat - 17 July 2024
Wednesday 17 July 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - Despite the very cold weather, a small dedicated Group 1 rode out through Budgewoi to Doyalson (yes, along the dangerous Scenic Drive) to Wyee to Morisset, through the industrial area and on to Mandolong Road. Folllowed that rural road to Dooralong and continued along Jilliby Road to Hue Hue Road to the bailiwick of Alison. Looks like they then rode into Wyong and visited Oasis coffee shop before continuing their ride via Tacoma and Tuggerawong back to the start - 75km for JD and Carl, Gaz 85 and Vic 102km, for example.
Group 2 - Munmorah State Conservation Area (MSCA) loop 17 July 2024
On Arrival at Peel Street.
We did not expect too many riders to arrive at Peel Street today due to the low temperature and prevailing wind. However, 10 riders turned up at Peel Street to our pleasant surprise. Rolf was the leader, with Doug the sweep. Nic looked after first aid as Carol was not riding today, Stuart was the “000” man if needed. Jill informed us that she would meet us at Budgewoi. The riders were Nic, Rolf, Col, Stuart, James, Chris, David R, Doug, Keith A, Tony, Angela and Jill who met us further up the road. Trevor was not feeling too well so had the day off.

Peel Street to Josh Porter reserve
Rolf set off at a steady pace with the Westerly breeze ensuring we were well rugged up on the way to Budgie. On arrival at Budgewoi, Jill joined the group, shortly after Angela joined the group on the way to Lizzy Bay. Angela had ridden from home and predicted she would meet us halfway to Lizzy Bay, a good prediction. Around this time Nic’s rear tube encountered some foreign body and caused it to go flat. Our new member Tony and our sweep Doug came to give assistance, however Nic being very protective of her pride and joy decided to take matters into her hand and did most of the repair work herself. The type of bike Nic rides has the motor in the rear wheel, and it is a lot harder to work on than a normal bike’s rear wheel. We now know who to call next time we have a flat.
The rest of the group was patiently waiting for us at Lizzy Bay and were champing at the bit to get going by the time we caught up with them. So, in a flash, Rolf had us puffing up the climb to the top of the hill in the Munmorah State Recreation Area (MSCA) to give it its correct name. It is now a pleasure to ride in the MSCA now the roads have been upgraded. After another regroup at the Pacific Highway, we waited ages for the lights to go green, eventually they did after 5 minutes, in the meantime James tried to find another way across the road further down the Highway, but by this time the lights had turned green. After crossing the Highway, it was a fast ride to the dirt road that links up with Mulloway Road, thankfully the Link Road was in a good condition with a minimal amount of gravel and potholes to test out our riding skills. At the end of Mulloway Road, we rode through North and South Chain Valley Bays along the beaut bike path to our favourite spot at Josh Porter Reserve where we took in the sunshine, drinks, and had a chat about all things good and bad in the world.

Josh Porter Reserve to Lakes Beach Cafe
After leaving JPR we headed up Tall Timbers Road and turned right onto the Highway before heading to Doyalson. Around this time Angela left us as she had ridden from home. The wind had increased and was blowing from the West at an increased rate. The riders on muscle bikes were struggling to keep up with the show-offs on their electric bikes, Chris was struggling against the wind, some suggest he might be in the market for an e-bike shortly. Further along the Highway we joined the Motorway Link Road and then meandered around the back streets of Col's Country (Blue Heaven) to come out at the bike path at San Remo. At this point Col left us for home as he had ridden to Peel St, Dougy and Keithy also did the same. Jill also left us nearer to Budgewoi while the rest of us headed to the Lakes Beach, with just Nic, Stuart, Chris, Tony, David R, Rolf and James meeting up with the Barista.

Coffee at The Lakes Beach.
On arrival at the Lakes Beach, we were greeted by Danny who advised us that Paul and Linda had left after having coffee, we were disappointed we did not get to see them, however in future it may be best if we advise an ETA when we are about half an hour away so as to avoid a similar circumstance, as we never know what delays can happen. As can be seen by photos on Strava and other social sites the waves at the Lakes Beach were some of the best we have seen, although not many of us are still surfing the waves. As is the usual the coffee and service was excellent, and we look forward to coming again on Friday. Thankfully we were protected from the wind and were relatively comfortable.

Ride from the Lakes Beach to Peel St
After coffee we headed back to Peel St via the normal route up Elizabeth Drive past the beautiful Hargraves House, then via back streets to Evans Road then Osborne Park. A certain member decided to ride a few extra kilometres to bring the total up to 50km, so most of us followed and ended up riding a nice round number.

No safety issues were encountered today, but we still have to be vigilant about our own safety and others. There was no riding that endangered the safety of other riders or themselves, there was no overtaking on the left, or passing without warning, no cutting in on other riders, our manners on the bike path were exemplary and we gave warning of hazards on the roads and paths. Great effort everyone!

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Danny as usual volunteered his rider/bike recovery service, thanks Danny.
As usual, our best wishes go out to those riders and their partners who are in recovery mode or receiving medical treatment. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, Trevor, and Mike. Sorry if we have missed anyone.

The Ride.
The ride was about 50km, the average speed was around 20km/hr, the weather was cool. Thanks to Rolf and Doug for guiding us along the way.

Grumpy Central, Lakes Beach - 17 July 2024

Everybody at the table at Sam's Bakehouse and Coffee Shoppe - 12 July 2024
Friday 12 July 2024 - TDCC Club Rides
Skylarkers - Rode to Budgewoi then Buff Point, up past Camp Breakaway, Wyee Road to Morisset Industrial Area, Mandolong Road to Dooralong then down Jilliby Road and Hue Hue to Wyong. Push on to Tacoma and Tuggerawong, not via the new path but Cadonia Road and Toukley for a total of 75 to 95 (Vic) kms for the day. Perfect weather and no dramas.
Coasters - Today Friday 12 July 2024 Ride for TDCC was as per our Calendar Ride. (Clockwise around Tuggerah Lake )
Nicolette was supposed to be our ride manager, but due to some medical attention passed it on to James, who is always ready to fill in.
After missing out on last Wednesday and Friday rides, due to the wet weather, 17 Riders turned up for today’s ride.
We would like to welcome a new member to our Club, Tony. Hope he will enjoy our rides and eventually get to know the group.
Due to some of the bike path still not in good condition, James gave some instructions about some changes to the programmed ride.
Among the 17 riders, we were surprised by the presence of John D, and Karl.
Right at 9.00am we headed towards the Entrance via WBD. James gave the OK to the slightly faster riders to lead the group.
After a regroup before the bridge, we continued towards Killarney Vale and then it was some left and right turns away from the bike path which is still a no-go zone.
Between James & Carol navigating us towards Berkeley Vale for a quick pit stop, we were back on the plan road towards Chittaway.
Then it was smooth sailing to Tuggerah, Wyong & Wadalba. Unfortunately on Pollock Ave Stuart went over some type of drain which resulted a puncture. Since we were very close to our Coffee stop, the bunch continued on to Sam’s and John D & Doug gave Stuart a hand repairing the flat. Soon they were back joining the group for a well-earned Coffee Break.
As usual, Linda, Danny and Darryl, the non-riders at the moment, joined us for our social get-together. Then it was time to return to JDR via Toukley where we started.
Around Toukley, some who rode from home took the short-cut home and the remainder went back to their car at JD.
The Ride was around 52 klm. at an average speed of 20klm/ Hr. Under cool conditions (13°C).
We hope you all enjoyed the ride and see you all soon.

Getting ready to leave Wadalba for home - 12 July 2024

At Molly's place on our way around Tuggerah Lake - 10 July 2024
Wednesday 10 July 2024 - TDCC Group rides
Group 1 - A nice ride out through Kangy Angy and up to Hidden Valley. Back around Tuggerah Lake for a total of 87-100km.

Group 2 - T&DCC Tuggerah Lake Loop ACW Report 10 July 2024
On Arrival at Peel Street.
On arrival at Peel Street, Warwick and Robyn had already unloaded their bikes and were raring to go. Robyn mentioned that they had to set the alarm to 6.00am to arrive at Peel Street in time. The nice weather we were greeted with today made it a little easier than it has been in the last few weeks to get to the starting point. No breeze to speak about, but once on the bike the wind chill factor ensured we were well rugged up. By the time the bell rang to start the ride, we had 16 riders champing at the bit to get going after missing a few rides due to the persistent rain.
Warwick was the ride leader with Doug the sweep. The riders in sign on order were Len, Robyn, Warwick, Carol, Nic, Stuart, Rolf, James, Col, Doug, Keith A, Barry, Chris, Angela, Karen and Tony. This was Tony’s second ride, he likes riding with us so much he has decided to join the club. Welcome to the club Tony! We were surprised to see Nic today due to her having a medical procedure done on Tuesday, but being the determined rider that she is, it takes a lot to stop her riding. During the briefing Warwick mentioned there were a few obstacles to overcome on the ride, such as flooding at Chittaway, road works on Lakedge Avenue at Berkeley Vale and multiple obstacles on WBD. However, with some of our riders having local knowledge, he would modify the ride to steer clear of these hazards.

Peel Street to Tuggerah
After Warwick’s pre-ride spiel, we set off towards Aldi, and were then soon riding over the Toukley Bridge before arriving at Mary Street where we were greeted by Molly, the most famous cat in Gorokan, and Virginia who had not posted on WhatsApp that she would be there, so that was a pleasant surprise. During the break we got talking to a rider from Canberra who was going to ride around the lake but was unsure of the route. After talking with some of our group he decided to follow us, Harvey was his name, a nice bloke, we invited him for coffee, but he had to get home to go out with his wife.
After saying goodbye to Molly, we pushed forwards to Prawn Beach Lane, where the views across the lake brightened our spirits with the Sun’s rays bouncing off the water and then reflecting off the leaves of the trees surrounding the lake, highlighting the nice area we live in. Prawn Beach Lane is such a nice place to ride, but we had to continue onto Tacoma for a pit stop. After leaving Tacoma we headed to the playing fields at Tuggerah. It seemed very busy in the playing fields, possibly a sports carnival or something, but we were hanging out for coffee so we continued our ride.

Tuggerah to The Entrance
After leaving Tuggerah we headed for Lakedge Avenue at Berkeley Vale, via Church St. Once at Lakedge Avenue we had a short stop at Blue Bell Park before heading off along Lakedge Avenue again. Further down the Avenue we turned up Elaine Avenue to avoid the road works, this led us to Henry Parkes Drive, and eventually back onto the bike path at Lucinda Avenue. This little detour took us through some nice streets most of us have not ridden on before, thanks to Carol who knows the area like the back of her hand. From the bike path we crossed The Entrance Road then cycled to The Entrance via some nice back streets. Warwick had told us at the briefing that we would go whale watching at Bateau Bay Beach if we had time. As it was, we did not have time, so we went full steam ahead to The Entrance with the aroma of coffee starting to stimulate our imaginations. Barry had decided to leave us as he did not want to do the Bateau Bay Beach (BBB) detour, instead he went straight to The Entrance.

Coffee at The Entrance.
On arrival at The Entrance, we were greeted by Paul and Danny who had been waiting patiently for us to arrive. After we were seated, Rod arrived and joined us for coffee as he had a free day. Barry was surprised when we turned up a short time after him as he thought we would be whale watching. Unfortunately, no whales in sight anywhere along the coast this morning. As it is school holiday time, we thought there would be lots of people around, but to our surprise there were not too many people around, and we had plenty of room to spread ourselves out.

Ride from the Entrance to Peel St
After coffee we set off up WBD, by this time a northerly breeze had sprung up and made our task a bit harder. The fore mentioned road works on WBD were not actually road works but large machines pumping concrete for our new bike path. There were no problems encountered as we rode around the works, although some riders mentioned the traffic cones could have been positioned better, so we did not have to keep riding into the traffic lane. Soon we were at the existing bike path beside WBD where the westies went home and the rest of us returned to Peel Street. The three amigos Nic, Angela and Huddo decided to do a few extra kilometres before returning to Peel Street. James who was sweep in the last part of the ride also went along, it seems the goal was to bring the total to 60kms, good effort amigos.

No safety issued were encountered today, but we still have to be vigilant about our own safety and others.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Danny as usual volunteered his services, thanks Danny.
As usual, our best wishes go out to those riders and their partners who are in recovery mode or receiving medical treatment. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike. Sorry if we have missed anyone.

The Ride.
The ride was about 57km, 60kms for some, the average speed was around 20km/hr, the weather was great. Thanks to Warwick, Doug and Carol for looking after the ride.


Prawn Beach Lane, Tony, Baz, Stuie, Robyn and Jimmy - 10 July 2024

The happy Group at Eurobean - 10 July 2024

Scene at Beach Haus, Danny's photo - 5 July 2024
Gwandalan - 5 July 2024
Didn't really go to Gwandalan, too wet! Instead we had a morning tea party at The Beach Haus, Norah Head. Good turn-up - 12 people! Saw Merle! Had a good chat and nice coffee and tasty food. Then we went home. No riding, leading or sweeping.

Nikki's photo - 5 July 2024

Nikki's photo - club members at The Beach Haus, Norah Head, north view - 3 July 2024
Wednesday 3 July 2024 - Club Group Activities
Group 1 - No sign of them today, probably the same as everybody else, and didn't ride.
Group 2 - T&DCC Summerland Point Loop 3 July 2024.

On Arrival at Peel Street.
As the day dawned the optimists among us thought that there would be a ride, this was based on the BOM radar. Some people reported rain in their area while others got none, but we had reports of strong winds. Eventually 3 riders turned up, they were Rolf, Stuart and James. Rolf reported that the bike path we were going to return on was under water. Stuart was not deterred, so after much discussion they decided to have a non-club ride around Budgie Lake. After much discussion the official ride was abandoned, and plans were made to have coffee at the Norah Head Beach Haus. This was advertised on WhatsApp, we were not sure how many would turn up, but hoped for the best.

Coffee at the Beach Haus.
On arrival at the Beach Haus, James was getting out of his car when Nic turned up. Nic, being the organiser that she is, sort of rushed into the café, and secured us a table big enough to handle 8 people. We were informed on WhatsApp that Col would not be coming, Jill and Trevor might ride to the Café. Chris found the warmth of his house too much to resist. Linda advised she would be there but did not tell us about her special guests, Peter her partner, and our old favourite Pedro. Around about 10.00am, we suddenly had 14 people seated by adding an extra table and some chairs. Those attending were Pedro, Linda, Peter, Paul, Danny, Virginia, Rolf, Keith A, Jill and Trevor, Len, Stuart, Nic, and James. During our time in the Café, we had quite a few downpours, this made the members' decision a wise one. The coffee and food as usual were great, the company great, with lots of different subjects discussed along the tables. Thankfully the ladies with young babies left a short time after we arrived as the babies’ lungs were well developed. The local birds were a problem as they flew all around us looking for morsels. Thankfully they did not leave any calling cards. As today was such a success, in future on cancelled ride days, someone suggested we try the Anchor Café in the Lakes Beach Surf Club due to it being indoors also, we will keep this in mind.

Everyone was rugged up, so no colds were expected. Arthur [reference to arthritis?] may visit some of the members with limps.

Helping hands informal concept and recovery bay.
Peter and Linda today performed a helping-hand function today when Linda and Peter gave Pedro a lift to the Beach Haus, thanks Linda who is also in recovery mode and won’t be riding for about another 5 weeks after her Op. Danny as usual volunteered his services, thanks Danny.
As usual, our best wishes go out to those riders and their partners who are in recovery mode or receiving medical treatment. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, Keith M, and Mike. Sorry if we have missed anyone.

South view, Nikki's photo. Rolf almost getting away - 3 July 2024

A peaceful scene at morning tea, Secret Café, Charmhaven - 28 June 2024
Friday 28 June 2024 - TDCC Group Rides

Skylarkers - Summerland Point, 2 lake loop, via Motorway Link and Sparks Road. 70km plus. 100km for Vic of course!

Coasters - T&DCC Hamlyn Terrace – Budgie Lake Loop Report 28 June 2024
On Arrival at JDR.
On a very crisp morning 15 riders turned up to challenge the conditions. Thankfully there was no breeze of any consequence present at JDR, so we were in our comfort zone.
As today was a mystery ride, that is, no one except Carol knew the planned route. Carol however did let her guard down and mentioned that coffee would be at the Secret Café, and that we would be meeting up with Molly the Worldwide famous cat, now that she has appeared so many times on Strava. As mentioned, Carol was the ride leader and Keith was the sweep as Doug could not attend today due to another commitment. Carl was the companion rider to the sweep. The other riders were Nic, Chris, Virginia, Angela, Anne, Len, David R, Rolf, Barry, Greg, Graeme, Merrilyn, Sturt and James. Greg, the plains wanderer, was so keen to ride with us this week, he caught a bus up from Erina to ride with us. Great effort Greg! Greg is known for his rides in remote country areas, and riding where most of us would never dare to ride alone. A real nice person as well as a great character.

First stage of the ride to Sparks Road after the loop da loop of Warnervale.
After the ride briefing that was brief due to the nature of the ride, we set off towards Molly’s place where we were met by Virginia and Chris. Molly was purring way due to all the attention she was receiving from Virginia and Chris, spoilt little pussy. Chris volunteered that he was too exhausted to ride to JDR after working in the back yard and having big ride on Monday with the group 1 blokes, sounds like he has TMB (Too Many Birthdays). After saying goodbye to Molly, we meandered through Mascord Park next to the Wadalba School, then along Minnesota Road to Warnervale Road where we did a Cooks tour of the new estate with street names of Australian Birds. That is Galah, Godwit, Blackbird, Eastern Rosella, and so the list goes on. Some riders were expecting that we were heading towards Warnies, but Carol surprised us by going back to Minnesota Road, then doubled back along Sparks Road, before doing a loop along Virginia Rd that took us back to Sparks Road, to complete the second part of the loop da loop as Carol promised during her ride briefing.

Second stage of the ride from the Warnervale loops to Charmhaven for coffee.
After joining Sparks Road for the second time, we headed for the wetlands, or we thought we were. Again, another surprise, as we continued past the wetlands up Peppercorn Avenue, then into Mountain View Road that led us to the Mataram Ridge Park entry. At this point we had to dismount from our steeds and walk up an embankment before cycling to the top of Mataram Ridge Park. The climb up the to the top of the was worth the effort, with nice views to the Mountains in the west and lake views to the east. After a short stop at the top of Mataram Ridge we headed back down to Mataram Road where to our surprise we joined up with the second part of the wetlands. After passing through the wetlands, we expected to turn right and return to the café our usual way. Carol again pulled a rabbit out of the hat, and went up Waterside Drive to the Woongarrah Sports Complex, from where we returned to the Secret Café via our usual route past the bus depot and Bunnings. On arrival at the Secret Café, we were greeted by some special guests as listed below.

Secret Café Charmhaven to JDR via Budgewoi.
As expected, Danny had commandeered the best seats in the house in the sunshine. We were delighted to see that Linda, Paul, Doug, and Daryl G were also present. It was great to see people who are out of action catching up with their riding pals. Don’t forget you are all welcome, and if needed we can arrange a lift if you don’t have transport. It was very enjoyable sitting in the sunshine, we were lucky enough to be visited by 2 young Kookaburras sitting on the branches of a nearby tree with some Rainbow Lorikeets next to them. Unfortunately, our resident photographers were too busy socialising to take some photos. It was a day for catching up with pals, and our stay at the Café was a bit longer than usual. Keith and Anne must have been worried about being attacked by a Blue Wren as they wore their helmets while having coffee, don’t know what the Magpies thought. When it was time to leave, Carol had trouble trying to rouse the group as they were enjoying themselves so much. However, we eventually set off home via the path around Budgewoi Lake instead of going back via the Corso. Of course, the local Westies left us at this point. On our way along the bike path beside the Pacific Highway, we nearly witnessed a serious accident with a bloke in a tradie’s ute got impatient and joined the Highway from one of the side streets, how he did not get hit was a miracle, his ute nearly tipped over trying to avoid the oncoming traffic. Some men!
Our ride along the bike path back to JDR was very pleasant as the weather had warmed up from the 5°C or so early in the morning. Daryl left us at Budgewoi on his muscle bike, as his electric bike has been on 2 trips to Brisbane for repair, it was sent to the wrong address the first time, as Daryl advised us. On arrival at JDR we had the regular chat before heading home. While saying our goodbyes it was noticed Nic was not present, apparently Nic likes to round off her numbers and recorded 50Kms. Thanks to Carol, Keith, Carl and those riders who performed the roles of marshals.

The ride today was without any safety incidents, no dangerous manoeuvres were sighted, and everyone rode with respect to the other riders. Keep up the good work. Carol was thankful that no duties came her way again. We learnt that on rides that don’t cover our standard routes, that corner marshals are a must. Thanks to Carol for pointing this out. Thanks to Carol for looking after first aid needs and Stuart for being on standby as the “000” coordinator.

Helping hands informal concept and sick bay.
As usual, our best wishes go out to those riders and their partners who are in recovery or receiving medical treatment. Best wishes to Lois and Barry, Nic, John R, Col, Linda, Paul, Pedro, and Mike. Sorry if we have missed anyone.

The Ride.
The ride was about 43kms, we climbed around 328 metres, the average speed was about 18km/hr. The temperature varied from 13°C at 9 am, to 18° at the end of the ride. The wind was 6km/hr from the North at the start of the ride, and 7km/hr from the SSE at the end of the ride. Felt a bit chilly due to the wind-chill factor, but still a pleasant day for a ride.

The other half of us - 28 June 2024

The crew at Bateau Bay Lookout, not looking for whales - 26 June 2024
TDCC Group Rides - 26 June 2024
Group 1 - Rode from JDR to Budgewoi, on the bike path to Buff Point, San Remo and up past Camp Breakaway on to Wyee Road and all the way to Morisset, continuing to Cooranbong, before heading down Newport Road to Dora Creek, the town.
Then down Main Road, under the little bridge and the back way to Morisset again, and back down Wyee Road to Rutleys Road, continue to the other end, past Manno, to the hwy, left there and up to Kanangra Drive before crossing into Blue Wren Drive and continuing on to Jenny Dixon, or home, for a total of about 75km, or more for those who wanted it. A lovely ride guys!

Group 2 - Today’s Wednesday Ride for the 26 June 2024 was managed by James McCarthy. Report by Chris.
It was a cool 9°C at Peel Street for the start of our ride. Twelve riders gathered around James for the briefing, for most of us it sounded like a mystery ride. Some of us in the group had never wandered around that area. Present was Robyn who we have not seen for a while due to a foot issue. Welcome back! So with no delays we were off towards WBD, where we picked up our thirteenth member (Trevor) near the Cemetery.
James gave the go-ahead for the fast riders, but only Stuart and Nicolette got the message, the others were not quite warmed up yet.
We were warned about the road works before The Entrance, but it was not much of a problem. As usual we had a regroup before the bridge at The Entrance.
Then it was on our usual road towards Blue Bay, Toowoon Bay & Bateau Bay, where we had a quick stop to see if we could spot any whales - no luck!
After Marlowe Rd, we headed towards The Entrance Rd. and turned right into Belleview Rd and Right into Tumbi Rd. (That was all new for some of us.) A few wee hills for the ones on muscle bikes. Quite a nice bit of road to ride!!
With the group stretched a bit, Rolf had joined us. But not for long. We got the message from Doug that Rolf had a puncture, and told the group to go ahead and he will join us for coffee at EuroBean in The Entrance.
After a few lefts and rights we were back on the bike track along Tumbi Umbi Creek towards The Entrance through Long Jetty.
When we reached The EuroBean Café, Danny and Linda were there to greet us. Always great to see Danny, and Linda who is recuperating from an Op. We hope all is going as planned for Linda and she will be back on her bike soon. And Rolf got there as well.
After our social gathering, it was time to head back to where we started at Peel St. Unfortunately we had a little mishap as we were leaving The Entrance - Robyn had a tumble, not sure what really happened (I was not there at the time), she was a bit shaken but OK I think.
Luckily our support crew (Danny) was still there, and was able to load Robyn’s bike on his truck (Mazda BT50), and Robyn, for a safe ride back to Peel St.
The rest went back to Peel St. via WBD. Some of the riders went west towards Canton Beach and the others crossed Toukley Main Rd and the back way to Peel St.
Quite an interesting Ride, we hope all is good with Robyn, and we all got home safe.
Today’s ride was around 52klm. Average speed 21 Klm/Hr. Temperature started at 9°C and finished time was 18°. Thanks to James, Doug & Danny for their contribution.

Happy Group 2 enjoying social time at EuroBean - 26 June 2024

Riders and volunteers at The Secret Café - 21 June 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Friday 21 June 2024
Skylarkers - A keen group of riders made their way up to Yarramalong for today's ride. Coffee was enjoyed at the village up there. Seventy-odd kms, well done!
Coasters - Warnervale Wetlands
Today 21 June 2024. 15 Riders turned up at JD for the TDCC Friday Ride. Temperature was not too bad at 12°C, and clear skies. Carol was our Ride manager and as usual Doug volunteered to look after the back end.
It was great to see Barry back, and Nicolette, who, after a holiday in NZ, has had some issues with her back, which is under investigation, and hope for some type of remedies soon.
Carol informed us about today's ride, and some of the dangerous spots. Right on 9.00am we were on our way over Toukley Bridge towards Gorokan, where Virginia and Molly were waiting for us. Molly our Mascot the black cat who very often waits to greet us in front of her house and who, after a wander around the riders and a pat and pose for some photos, then retreats to her warm house. Colin left us there, for his doctor's appointment.
Up and down the roller coaster to Prawn Beach Lane for a quick stop. Carol reminded us that we would turn right towards Jensen Rd. and onto Pollock Ave, towards Johns Rd in Wadalba.
On arrival at Johns Rd, half of the riders were missing. Then Dave arrived to advise us that Nicolette had a flat. With Doug, Keith, Len and Rolf who stopped to render assistance for the repair job, the rest of us on top of the hill were able to have a good rest and a chat among ourselves.
Barry unfortunately had some home duties and left us, hope to see him back next week. Soon we were back together to continue our ride towards Hamlyn Terrace, on Sparks Rd. along the wetlands towards Charmhaven, where we were to meet Danny & Paul for coffee.
Unfortunately I got a flat. Since being so close to the coffee place, the group was advised to continue on and I would catch up with them. Doug and Keith were kind enough to stay and give me a hand repairing the flat. It was quickly fixed and we reached the Secret Café where they were all seated in the sun enjoying the best part of the day (socialising).
After our coffee break, most of the riders took a short cut home, the remainder went back to JD around Budgewoi lake, through Buff Point, Budgewoi & Noraville. The ride was around 38klm. At a moderate 18 klm/ hr, with the temperature reaching only 17°C. A nice ride to finish the week.
Danny walked to the café and back, a total of 4.5km, which is as good as a 38km ride on an e-bike!

TDCC Rescue Team fixing Nikki's bike - 21 June 2024
Wednesday 19 June 2024 - Mt Sugarloaf
James' Report - T&DCC Speers Pt - Mt Sugarloaf Loop Report 19 June 2024

On Arrival at Speers Point.
With temperatures hovering around 5°C when the wake-up alarm went off, most of us would have been thinking, what have we got ourselves into today riding on such a cold day, with the thought of the climbs later in the day. On arrival at Speers Point we were greeted by the peak-hour traffic. Fortunately we all made it to the starting point in time. The local [Lakes] council have done a great job in making the northern part of Lake Macquarie such a pleasant place for families and sports enthusiasts. CCC - take note please! On arrival, we were pleased that the weather did not deter 10 of our club members from turning up at Speers Point. Rolf was the ride leader; Doug was the sweep with Keith as his companion rider. The other riders were Rod, Carol, Len, David R, Stuart, Chris and James. Rod joined us from his usual group 1 ride to test himself out on the tortuous climb up Mount Sugarloaf. To make it harder for himself he chose to use his muscle bike. More on that later.
After Rolf’s pre-ride briefing about the route, hazards, location of the loos along the way, nomination of emergency managers, i.e. Rolf as overseer, Carol for first aid, and Stuart as “000” coordinator, we warmed up our muscles for the challenge ahead of us.

First stage of the ride to Mount Sugarloaf.
All rugged up with wind jackets, we headed across the Cockle Creek bridge, then did a “U” turn on the bike path that took us under the main road to the west side of Cockle Creek. As we know Rolf is a hard task-master and set a good pace along the Weir Road to Barnsley. After turning right at Barnsley, and as we were heading towards West Wallsend, James' new bike had a mechanical problem, and ground to a halt. Thankfully the companion sweep Keith was on hand and had the problem fixed in a jiffy. The chain had come off due to the way James was riding his new bike, that is different to his old bike. Keith advised James on how to change gears properly on the new bike, from then on there were no problems, thanks Keith. After we got going again, we stopped at West Wallsend, a town that looks like a scene from the 1880s. The smell of burning coal permeated the air, taking us back to times in the past. Thankfully the loos at Gregory Park were open this time, to the relief of some of our members. Rolf then took us on a tour around the back streets of West Wallsend, we were delighted with the architecture of the miners’ cottages, and the sight of the abandoned pubs, and the location of an operating pub in the back streets. Due to the scenic delights, we did not notice all the climbing we were doing, however, soon we did as we headed up George Booth Drive towards Mount Sugarloaf Road (MSR). Soon we were on MSR where the muscle bike riders Stuart, Rod and Chris were soon huffing and puffing at the end of group, as the road got steeper. When we got to the steeper section, some of us got off our bikes and walked the 20% or more incline to a section that was less steep. The old man on the new bike [James?] could not make it so he headed back down the fire station on George Booth Drive and waited for the group to return. Of course, the sweep was advised of the situation. The rest of the group made it to the summit, congratulations to all the riders, great effort!

Second stage of the ride from Mt Sugarloaf to Marmong Point for coffee.
After a well-earned rest at the top of the Mountain, the group were informed a second time of the dangers of riding down the mountain too fast, and that the group should stay in sight of each other in case of a fall. Thankfully, caution prevailed, and all riders made it safely down the mountain, where they joined James at the fire station. From there we cycled back to Barnsley but instead of going back the way we came, we veered right to Wakefield at Barnsley. The route, using Pedro's words, was undulating, that is very hilly. Rod was probably thinking, I wish I had ridden with group 1 today. Chris was struggling, but the younger and leaner Stuart seemed to handle the grades on his muscle bike with no problems. After passing through Wakefield, we were soon passing through the nicely named Fassifern and Fennell Bay. After crossing Toronto Road, Rolf took us on a nice undulating tour of Bolton Point and Marmong Point where we stopped at the Marina for coffee. The sights around the lake were taken in and enjoyed by us all, plenty of good spots for picnics and lazy days.

Coffee at the Marmon Point, and the ride to Speers Point.
On arrival at Marmong Point we were surprised by the number of expensive-looking boats in the water and on the dry dock. Unfortunately, none of us were in the position to purchase any of the boats, there were no prices on them, but we guessed about a million dollars to be the starting point. Thankfully there was plenty of chairs for our tired rear ends. The coffee and food were ok, but not as good as our favourites on the coast. On the way back to Speers Point we rode via Booragul along the beaut waterfront bike path, then over the bridge on the bike path to Speers Point that is always busy with families enjoying the facilities. On arrival at Speers Point we gathered in the car park to share stories about the ride, all thankful we made it back without being too exhausted. Thanks to all our helpers including the ride leaders, Len and Dave who acted as marshals along the way.

The ride today was without any safety incidents, no dangerous manoeuvres were sighted, and everyone rode with respect to the other riders. Keep up the good work. Carol was thankful that no duties came her way.

Helping hands informal concept and sick bay.
A big cheerio to all our members and their partners who are going through a tough period. Nic has now been added to the list of people who are destined to have surgery, as Nic posted on Strava, she is having back surgery at a time to be determined. In the meantime, she is still able to cycle and enjoy a coffee with her fellow rides. We wish her all the best for the operation and recovery.

The Ride.
The ride was about 53km at an average speed of 18km/hr, the elevation was about 750 metres. The weather was cold with an apparent temperature of 7°C at the start of the ride to 12° at the finish. Maximum temperature was 16°. The wind at its worst was 20km/hr from the NW.

Rolf's version of events - TDCC Group 2 - Wednesday 19 June 2024
On this pristine winter morning with a clear sky and a lazy breeze, walkers, joggers and cyclists were already out doing their thing as ten of us off-loaded our bikes. Soon we too were on our way along Cockle Creek and The Weir Road where the three towers of Mt Sugarloaf beckoned in the distance.
The final climb was done at a pace to suit individual bodies and bikes (three road bikes and seven eB’s of various kinds). After some time out with a view of the ocean and some protein bars, we descended at safe speeds to regroup at Seahampton RFS, then continued downhill through the old mining town of West Wallsend.
From Barnsley onward we rode through ‘undulating’ country under a perfect sky and with a short regroup at the entrance to the Newstan Colliery. After crossing the lights at Fennell Bay, we rode around Bolton Point with a couple more ups (and downs) to arrive at the Marmong Marina Café for well deserved coffees and some ‘toasties’. The final stretch was on the path along the lake shore and over the bridges to the cars.
Only approx. 52 km but enhanced by ‘elevations’. No untoward incidents nor battery anxiety. Thanks Carol, Chris, Dave R, Doug, James, Keith, Len, Rod and Stuart for making it an enjoyable ride.
Two excellent reports so kept them both! But no photos. - Danny

Setting off to Jenny Dixon's after coffee at Sam's - 14 June 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Friday 14 June 2024
Skylarkers - Vic and mates did Tuggerah Lake again, with a visit to Ourimbah, and back along Enterprise Drive to The Entrance and JDR. Vic does a loop of Lake Munmorah before starting the ride proper, giving him 95km today.

Coasters - T&DCC Coaster Wyee Loop Report 14 June 2024

On Arrival at Jenny Dixon Reserve (JDR).
We did not expect many riders today due to the weather radar showing rain clouds along the coast. To our pleasant surprise 13 riders turned up for the hillier-than-usual ride along Bushell’s Ridge Road at Wyee. We also had a guest rider, Tony W, who also rides with the Central Coast Touring and Cycling Club. Tony is considering joining TDCC. Trying to keep the sign-on sheet dry was going to be problem, but thankfully the rain stopped just in time for us to sign on. Karen was the first-aid person, and Stuart being “000” coordinator, James was assistant to Karen if needed. The ride was as per the ride calendar, that is the Wyee Loop returning via Hue Hue Road and Sams for coffee.
James was the ride leader as Chris was unavailable, Doug was the sweep to Sam's, afterwards Graeme M took over for the last part of the journey. The riders in sign on order were, James, David R, Rolf, Stuart, Keith A, Karen, Tony, Len, Doug, Col, Graeme M, Merrilyn and Virginia.

First stage of the ride to Hue Hue Road Wyee.
After the ride briefing, we took off towards Gorokan using the new route via Dudley St to The Corso [Chelmsford Road East] avoiding changing lanes on Wallarah Road and crossing lanes on The Corso. As we were riding along Dudley St, Virginia appeared on the road riding towards us. Virginia advised us that it was too cold standing there waiting for us, so she jumped on the bike to warm up, good thinking Virginia. After joining The Corso, we were soon at San Remo for our first regroup. From there we cycled the Blue Haven Loop to the Junction with the Pacific Highway for our second regroup. After a short briefing about the next stage of the ride we set off for Wyee via Doyalson and Wyee Road. Wyee Road is a pleasant road to ride on, with a nice hot mix surface most of the way. However today the Lake Mac Council was cutting the grass on the side of the ride, so we had to stop for the lollypop people. Once we got to Gosford Road, we had another regroup, where Merrilyn, who is still riding a muscle bike, was taking some deep breaths, great effort Merrilyn. While regrouping some of the members asked where the next loo was, unfortunately there is none till we get back to Wadalba. James forgot to advise the riders of this situation. Col came to the rescue advising the blokes that he knew about a good spot in the bush near Hue Hue Road, problem solved for about 3 of our riders.

Second stage of the ride from Hue Hue Road Wyee to Wadalba and Sam's for coffee.
After the regroup it was downhill along Hue Hue Road at scary speeds of up to 50kms/hr, thankfully with skill and caution we all made it safely to the bottom of the hill. Next, we were heading along Sparks Road to Warnervale. As road works were being carried out on Sparks Road, the lollypop staff were on the road, but when the leader rode past them, they had their lollypops down by their side. The rest of the group got caught when the lone lollypop person realised the leader had passed when she was not attentive. When the group caught up to the leader, Graeme M advised him that the lollypop person said James did not stop. Graeme said she was cursing and carrying on a bit. On checking my video camera footage when I got home, it appears she did not have her lollypop on display when the ride leader passed. After regrouping we headed for Sam's along Sparks Road, crossing at the traffic lights, some confusion arose at the crossing, but we all made it across the road it one piece. Soon it was smooth sailing into Sam's Café at Wadalba.

Coffee at Sam's, and the ride home.
On arrival at Sam's, Danny was patiently waiting for us. He looked very cold, but he assured us he was OK. Thankfully the loo at Woolworths was just over the road for those riders who had been hanging on. Pedro advised us that he could not take up Danny’s offer of a lift to Sam's, as he was committed elsewhere. Paul and Nic also had commitments so could not be there. After a longer than usual coffee break, a lot of the riders headed home from Wadalba, the rest of us headed back to JDR. On the way we copped a drenching, thankfully on arrival at JDR it stopped raining long enough for us to store our bikes and go on our way.

The ride today was without any safety incidents; however, it is best to stay alert.

Helping hands informal concept and sick bay.
As usual Danny was on hand to give assistance to those who needed it, thanks Danny. Nic was not riding today as she is still suffering with a medical condition, we wish her all the best. Of course, all the best to the other members and partners who are battling medical conditions.

The Ride.
The ride was about 50km at an average speed of 21km/hr.
Weather was cold with an apparent temperature of 10°C, with rain on the way back from Gorokan. Wind was SSW at 19km/hr with gusts up to 30km/hr at the later stages of the ride.
Danny - I saw Stuart arriving home while I was out for a walk. Even though he started the ride from home (Lake Haven) he rode back to Jenny Dixon's again for a total of 84km for the day.

Tail-enders leaving Sam's - 14 June 2024
Wednesday 12 June 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - Good ride today, 3 lakes loop, at least 77km, including Ourimbah and Enterprise Drive, about 106 for Vic.
Group 2 - T&DCC CVB N-S Loop Report 12 June 2024
On Arrival at Osborne Park.

A cool winter’s morning greeted us on arrival at Osborne Park. Thankfully the strong breeze that blew up later in the day had not arrived. We still required our storm gear to keep us warm. We were pleasantly surprised to see Barry arrive at Osborne Park; however, Barry was not able to ride today, but stated he will be returning to riding in the future. As most of us are aware Lois has a medical condition that requires lots of Doctor’s visits. Barry took the time to explain to us how Lois’s treatment was coming along. Our best wishes go to Lois and Barry.
Ten riders turned up for the ride to Chain Valley Bays, North and South, with a loop along the waterfront of Lake Munmorah, as advertised in the ride calendar.
Warwick was the ride leader and Doug the sweep. The other riders were Carol, Linda, Anne, Len, Keith, Rolf, Stuart, David R, and James. There was no Chris today, as Cheryl had persuaded Chris to have day off, and proposed that they go out for lunch or something else exciting. We are looking forward for Chris’s report for the day out.
It was noted that Keith’s bike now had a pedal after it had come off during the night ride, so Keith was keen to get going after missing most of the night ride.
Carol oversaw first aid care, Stuart was the “000” coordinator, and Warwick was the overall controller in case of a medical or any other incident.
First stage of the ride to Lake Munmorah foreshore.
In pleasant conditions we set off towards Noraville, then Budgie, then we had our first regroup at Lizzy Bay, where we were greeted by a chorus of local dogs who always greet us with the local song telling their mates that the cyclists are here. After the regroup we were off to North CVB via Chain Valley Bay Road. When we turned into the said road, we were surprised to see to traffic backed up to the dirt link road that joins up with Kanangra Drive. Shortly after the police arrived and went up the dirt road to take control of the situation. We were not aware what had happened, we can only assume it must have been an accident on Kanangra Drive, as road works would not cause such mayhem. Our next regroup was at Josh Porter Reserve at South CVB where we refilled our water bottles, checked out a member’s new bike, and had a short break before heading to Lake Munmorah. We returned to Lake Munmorah via Tall Timbers Road and the Pacific Highway on the bike path on the east side of the highway, a much safer way than trying to cross lanes of the highway. We joined the bike path at Colongra Bay Road next to the community hall and cycled to the end of the path at Diane Avenue.
Second stage of the ride from Lake Munmorah to Charmhaven and Secret Cafe.
As no one needed to stop for water etc at the end of the pathway, we continued back up Diane Avenue and rejoined the Pacific Highway before returning to Doyalson. It was noted at this time the wind had picked up from 6km/hr to nearly 20km/hr from the west. Some cyclists on muscle bikes were seen to be struggling, the e-bike riders were also having to put in more effort, especially the big boys whose bodies acted as sails. We then returned to Charmhaven and the Secret Café via the Link Road, and the Blue Haven loop.
Coffee at the Secret Café, and ride home.
On arrival at the Café, we were greeted by Nic, Danny and Paul. Nic returned from NZ last weekend but had developed back pain that restricted her movement, thankfully Nic was much improved today. Danny was on standby in case any rider had a problem and needed a lift. As Danny no longer uses his riding gear, he was offering it for free to those gathered. Some of our members got some special deals. Paul is still recovering from his medical incident but is always willing to talk about his Melbourne Storm. Most times there is peace in his house except when they play the Sharks, whom June follows, Paul needed tissues a few weeks ago when the Sharkies won. For the moment there is peace in the household. Thankfully we were protected from the wind at the Café, although on the ride home we were buffeted by the ever-increasing wind. After coffee most riders left for home and only Warwick returned to Peel Street after James left at the Peace Park.
The ride today was without any safety incidents; however, it is best to stay alert.
• Congratulations everyone, no obvious safety or etiquette breaches occurred.
Helping hands informal concept and sick bay.
Best wishes again go to all those mentioned in last week’s report who have been affected by illness or injury, we wish them all the best with their recovery. Keep in mind if you need help, Danny or someone else can offer a lift to join us for coffee. Just give Danny or James a ring.
You will have noticed Robyn has not ridden for a few weeks as one of her toes needed an operation, Warwick informed us it would be a couple of weeks before Robyn can ride again. All the best Robyn and we hope to see you soon. Also, Nic is having further tests done on her back and we wish her all the best with the diagnosis and treatment.
The ride was about 50km at an average speed of 20km/hr.

Everybody at the Secret Café, Charmhaven, including non-riders Paul, Nikki and Danny (behind the camera)

Night-time ride, Chris's photo - 9 June 2024
Sunday 9 June 2024 - Twilight Ride
Yesterday 9 June was our yearly afternoon/night ride.
As published, the starting point of our ride was on the foreshore of The Entrance at 4.00pm. The weather was picture-perfect, with a lot of families enjoying the King’s Birthday long weekend under blue skies and perfect temperature for the beginning of winter.
The night Riders were Doug, Keith, Linda, Len, David 2, Rod, Stuart, Darryl, Rolf, James and Chris. Our support crew was Nicolette, who had just returned from a NZ trip the day before and is suffering badly with a back problem, so was unable to join us. We wish Nicolette a speedy recovery. Doug (our Ride Manager) had drafted the trip, which he explained briefly before we took off, I am pretty sure not many of us took it on board!?!
The first part was in daylight and was towards Toowoon Bay and Shelly Beach. Along Tumbi Umbi Creek on the bike path, the sun had started sinking behind the cloud in the west. And, I think, to dodge the muddy path along the way, we went back on the road towards Wyong Road BP (bike path). Towards Berkeley Vale and Chittaway Bay. Unfortunately around that area Keith had an issue with his bike, one of his pedals worked its way loose. (Could not put it back on due to damage to the thread). So he decided to go back to the Entrance with only one pedal?!? Must not have been easy! Then we were back on the BP towards Tuggerah, under Wyong Rd towards the sport fields and Church Rd. By then it was complete darkness, with all our lights on, we had those back streets to ourselves, and with James at the rear with his flood lights on, it was not an issue.
Back along Ourimbah Creek and back towards Chittaway Bay, we were onto Lakedge Ave, where in the distance across te lake we could see the reflection of the lights at The Entrance. Again we went through some back streets to dodge the muddy area on the BP. A very pleasant ride on the BP towards Long Jetty to The Entrance where we started.
On our arrival at The Entrance, surprisingly Keith and Nicolette were waiting for us. Keith had just finished some Fish & Chips! James brought his car closer to the picnic table and we were able to help ourselves to hot beverages and biscuits, and had a bit of a chat.
A big thanks to Doug for drafting the course, with at least 70% of the ride being on BP. And Keith and James looking after the tail.
The ride was 36 klm. and the average speed was 18klm/hr. Another successful Night Ride by the TDCC.
And thanks to James for organising the goodies for after the Ride. Hope you all got home safe.

Supper at The Entrance carpark (Nikki's photo) - 9 June 2024

Everyone enjoying a break at Better Days Café - 7 June 2024
Friday 7 June 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - No mention found yet.

T&DCC Coasters Bateau Bay Beach Loop (BBB) Report 7 June 2024
On Arrival at Jenny Dixon.
On a mild Winter morning 11 riders fronted up for the ride to Bateau Bay Beach in a clockwise direction as per the ride calendar with a few minor changes due to the wet conditions on the bike paths.
Rod was the leader today, his first attempt at leading a ride. Thanks to Rod, Carol, Nicolette and David R for putting their hands up to lead rides in the set of rides for the next 3 months.
The riders were Rod, Doug the sweep, Karen who rode to JDR from The Entrance, Len, Keith, James, Rolf, David R, Chris, Stuart, and Col. Carol joined the ride at The Entrance.
During the pre-ride briefing Rod suggested we go to the Better Days Café instead of the Euro Bean Café due to the logistic problems with the revised route. All were in agreeance, so Rod advised the non-riders where we were going for coffee via WhatsApp. Danny, the DRS man was also notified. Although not mentioned at the briefing, Carol oversaw first aid care, Stuart was the “000” coordinator, and Rod was the controller in case of a medical incident.
First stage of the ride to North Entrance.
Rod set a gentle pace leaving Jenny so we could warm up our muscles before the going got tough. However, after we accelerated on WBD we noticed the tail group was starting to drop behind. Shortly after Rod got a call from the tail group saying one of members had been diagnosed as having a flat tyre on their bike. The lead group waited near the Resort for the repairs to be completed. It gave us time to check out the new bike path that seems to be coming along quite nicely. We learnt how they move those big sandstone blocks around now, a giant crane with grappling hooks did the job.
After the bike repairs were completed, we had our second regroup at North Entrance where nature called for some riders. After the nature break, we headed for Toowoon Bay via The Entrance where we were joined by Carol. Our next regroup was at Bateau Bay Beach where our order to the head of the Whale Pod manager for some Whales to greet us, must have got lost, as no Whales were sighted, just a lone surfer out a few hundred metres off the beach showing off his skills on a special winged keel surfboard, that was lifting him about a half a metre above the water. We were very impressed, but envious we could not do those type of things anymore. After a long chat trying to solve all types of things, we ended the first stage of our ride.
Second stage of the ride from Bateau Bay Beach to The Better Days Cafe.
After a longer break than usual at BBB due to the great ambience and sunny skies, yes it was sunny in patches, we headed off towards the Bateau Bay playing fields, crossing The Entrance Road via Passage Road at the roundabout. Once through the playing fields it was onto various roads leading us to Wyong Road where we crossed the busy Wyong Road on our way to old Mingara Club where the Better Days Café is located. Due to the GPS being faulty, Carol guided us through some tricky bits to get us back on track. On arrival at the Café our non-riding mates could not be seen, panic started within the group as we looked around for Danny, but no show. We started to think the DRS may have had a flat tyre also.
Coffee at the Better Days Cafe, and ride home.
After arranging the tables and chairs to suit our needs we started ordering our goodies, what could go wrong with only 12 riders to look after. Thankfully D&P arrived shortly after us, to our relief. When everyone had just about got all their coffee and food, the waiter came out with some more food, oops a mistake, David had eaten Rolf’s tucker by mistake, then he had to eat the one he was originally intended to eat. Rolf was then seen coming back with another almond croissant in lieu of the one David had devoured. Similar things happen at the Euro Bean Café, maybe it is our fault. All this confusion did not stop Carol from enjoying her delicious smelling noodle soup.
After a nice chat while sitting in the sunshine we had eventually to pack up and head back up WBD. Carol and Karen left us at The Entrance. The westies left us at the bike track and only a few of us made it back to JDR.
Thanks to Rod and Doug for being patient with us and keeping us in check.
Safety. The ride today was without any safety incidents; however, it is best to keep in mind the following points.
• When overtaking another rider at speed, please warn them in advance by saying 'passing', some riders are not doing this simple etiquette gesture.
Helping hands informal concept and sick bay.
As mentioned previously Danny has volunteered to take non-riders to our coffee breaks on ride days if they do not have transport for any reason. He is also available to have a chat if you feel like having a chat. The club committee and some members are aware that some members miss the company of their fellow riders now that they cannot join the ride either permanently or temporarily. Best wishes to those members and partners who are recovering from illness or receiving treatment. These include Mike, Pedro, John R, Paul, Col, Lois, and Barry. We were also informed Warwick and Robyn have just over a nasty dose of Covid, so best wishes to them also, we are hoping to see them next Wednesday.
Night ride, change of time.
We brought forward the start time of the night ride on Sunday the 9th of June to 4:00Pm. Arrive at 3:45Pm. Don’t forget to have your lights charged up and ready to go. Doug will scout out the planned route on Sunday before the ride, and where needed he will make detours to the original route.

Totally candid shot of Group 2 riders at Tuggerah Lake Cycleway - 5 June 2024
Wednesday 5 June 2024 - Club Rides
Group 1 - A team headed out to Lemon Tree for a big ride. Rick did 100km, as usual. Well done G1!
Group 2 - Today 5 June, our first winter Ride, was managed by Carol in the absence of James who is nursing a crooked knee, hope it is on the mend and hope to see back soon.
Only 9 of us were at Peel St, ready to take on a cold morning ride. Carol gave us a quick briefing about the ride, which was a trip around the Tuggerah Lake in anti-clockwise direction. The troops were Carl, Stuart, Rolf, & myself on muscle bikes, and Carol, Len, Keith, Dave 2, and Doug on Ebikes.
Carol took the lead and Doug looked after the back end, towards Toukley Bridge and left at Gorokan to tackle the Roller Coasters, At Molly’s place the black cat was there to greet us, and Virginia was also there to join us on her muscle bike. (Now we were even - 5 muscle bikes and 5 Ebikes)
We turned left into Prawn Beach Lane onto the bike path for a nice cruise along the lake and for our first stop at the toilets in Tacoma. Then it was straight to Wyong and Tuggerah, Lake and Church Rds. Towards Chittaway with no stops, it was great, as all the riders were keeping pretty close together. When we took on the pathway at the Lions Park towards Long Jetty, within a couple of meters we encountered flooded pathway. So, with no hesitation, Carol did a U-turn and back on the road. Before we reached Killarney Vale, we took a right hand turn (which Carol mentioned in her briefing) to go a new way to Bateau Bay ( Carol’s Backyard)
Not many of us knew where we were, but very interesting. We all kept pretty close together, so we would not get lost. Passing along Shelly Beach Golf Course, we started realising where we were. As it took a bit longer than anticipated Carol had to let Danny waiting for us at the coffee shop know that we would be a bit later than the 11.00 am published.
Again a slightly different approach to The Entrance to get there a bit quicker, and surely we arrived at the EuroBean Coffee shop with Danny present, but unfortunately Peter and Paul had already left, sorry about that guys, catch up next time,
But we were not expecting Barry and Lois, also waiting for us. Great to see both of them. Unfortunately Virginia could not stop for her tea, as her husband had a doctor’s appointment, and she had to rush home. During our discussion as normal, Dave 2 is seeing a specialist in a fortnight concerning a hip replacement!! We wish him all the best!
Then it was time to head back to Peel St via Wilfred Barrett Dr. Stuart took the lead while Rolf and Carl followed him and the rest followed not far behind. Carl & Rolf continued on towards Noraville and the remainder turned left on the bike path towards Toukley & Peel Street. Keith, Doug and myself continued towards Gorokan and went home.
We started with the temperature at 8°C and on completion of the ride it was 18°C.
Today’s ride was just under 60 klm. At an average of 19.5 Klm/ hr.
Great Ride, and thanks to Carol for taking the ride and Doug as usual making sure nobody got lost.
Thanks to Chris for the report and Carol for the photos.

The rest of the crew - 5 June 2024

Ready for the trip home, with Pedro in attendance - 31 May 2024
TDCC Friday 31 May 2024 - Group Rides
Skylarkers A big loop of Budgewoi and Tuggerah Lakes, and Munmorah by Vic, the Skylarkers continued from Jenny Dixon, through Doylo and Wyee to Hue Hue Road, to Wyong, Kangy Angy, Footts Road and Enterprise Drive to The Entrance and home up WBD. 110km for Vic!
Coasters Today Friday 31 May 2024, the last day of Autumn we had a mystery ride organised by James. As usual 10 riders were at JD for our Friday Ride. Rain was predicted for today, under cloudy skies and unusually warmish temperature for that time of the year, it was surprising that the numbers were down. And no rain in sight!
At the briefing, very little was said about the ride, as it was a mystery ride. Today we welcome back Carl to the Coasters, after a long absence due to family issues, but he had a ride with group 1 on Wednesday which was a bit much for his first ride after nearly 8 months.
Since rain was predicted for late in the afternoon and the weekend, James was keen to finish the ride before the rain came. So it was going to be a ride with minimum stops.
With James ahead and Doug at the back, we were on our way towards Toukley Bridge at a very steady pace. Then after a brief stop at Molly’s place (the black cat) all ten of us took on the roller coaster and left into Prawn Beach Lane for a leisurely ride along Tuggerah Lake on the bike path to Rocky Point and a pit stop at the new toilet at Tacoma.
On our way to Wyong some of us witnessed something that could have been distressing. For some reason a dog came charging from the river across the road towards the houses, and a car coming the opposite direction had very little chance after applying his brakes and connected with the dog. Some of the riders stopped, and the driver of the car stopped as well, but the “Lucky” dog apparently got back up and jumped over a fence. Could have been worse!
So, we continued on towards Watanobbi (the mystery part) loop and Kenobi loop [a reference to Obi Wan?]. After a few left and right turns we came across a small hill (grading 11.4%). That is where Carl decided to bail out and take a short cut towards the coffee shop at Wadalba. After the loop we were back in Wyong and looking forward to our coffee break.
On arrival at Sam’s Coffee shop, Danny was waiting for us and Carl had already ordered his coffee. As usual we all had some great conversations, and was glad to see Peter (Pedro) and Barry also joining us. And Darryl. Peter is waiting to see a specialist about his eye, and Barry’s Wife, Lois, is also waiting on further test results. We wish them both all our best and some positive outcomes.
After coffee it was time to get home before the weather turned nasty. Off we went towards Kanwal and Gorokan, but I decided to only go to Wyongah, and back to Wadalba via Jensen Rd. The remainder went back towards JD via Toukley Bridge. A few took shortcut home, and the remainder went back to JD.
Well done James, great ride and not one of us got wet!! and no rain in sight?!?
Thanks to everyone that came and have a GOODWEEKEND.

Daryl supervising the departure of the crew from Sams Bakery - 31 May 2024

Some of the riders at Lakes Beach - 29 May 2024
Wednesday 29 May 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 had a lovely ride up to Redhead return, about 6 riders. 85km.
Group 2 Chain Valley Bay and 2 lakes Loop Report 29 May 2024
On Arrival at Osborne Park
The weather started out quite cool out west where a lot of our riders come from. At Hamlyn Terrace it was 6.7°C. Thankfully as the day wore on the temperature increased to 24°C by the end of the ride. Twelve riders turned up for the starter's gun. The nice weather brought out all the local dogs who were taking their owners for a walk. Of course, Warwick was still smiling after the Mariners won the grand finale.
Pre ride briefing.
During the ride briefing, Warwick, our ride leader, informed us the route would be changed slightly, instead of going to The Corso via the Peace Park we would go to Mary Street, then cross the main road at the lights to join up with Dudley Street, and then The Corso. This way is much safer, and will be included on all future ride calendars. Thanks to Virginia and Doug for suggesting this alternate route a few weeks ago.
As noted earlier, Warwick was the leader, and Doug the sweep. With the safety team in place, that is Warwick being the “000” man, and James the first aid man as Carol was not riding today, we were set to go. As usual Danny was on standby to retrieve any stranded riders. Warwick informed us that 14 riders were signed on or were going to join us later. They were Warwick, Anne, Doug, Col, Keith, Stuart, James, Trevor, Jill, Rolf, Chris, Len, Virginia and David R.
First stage of the ride to Chain Valley Bay North (CVBN).
As is the usual practice we started at a subdued pace allowing for all our joints, muscles etc to warm up before the pace was increased. As we were going past Aldi, our mate Rolf joined the group. Our first regroup was at Harry Moore Oval as some riders were held up by those pesky traffic lights, and motorists. After admiring the beautifully kept Oval we headed to Mary Street then crossed Wallarah Road at the lights as we headed for Dudley Street, and The Corso. Thankfully by the time we got to Dudley Street there was no school traffic buzzing about. It turned out to be a good decision as the first part of The Corso was undergoing repair work. At this stage Virginia joined the group, and soon we were crossing the bridge at Wallarah Creek. Jill and James walked the bridge due to the bridge encountering them in the past. Next it was a loop of Blue Haven. When we got to Aldi, Jill, Trevor, and Keith decided to do a detour, and then rejoined the ride at Doyalson. By this stage the temperature had risen to such a degree [°], we had to partially disrobe. Leaving Doyalson, Warwick set a brisk pace along the Pacific Highway to Chain Valley Bay Road where we turned left, and continued to CVBN from where we crossed the bridge over Karignan Creek. It is a beautiful ride over the creek, and then beside the wetlands, and council nursery to Carters Road where the next part of our journey begins.
Second stage of the ride from CVBN to the Lakes Beach via Lizzy Bay.
After leaving the meandering path we encountered two sets of barriers on the path leading to Carters Road, the council has erected them to stop motor bike riders. They don’t stop the motor bike riders, but have made it tortuous for us cyclists to get past them, due to them being at the steepest part of the path. After crossing the Pacific Highway at the lights, it was a lovely downhill ride to Lizzy Bay before the climb up the short hill. From the top of the hill, it was plain sailing to Budgewoi where Doug, Keith, Jill, and Trevor left us for home or another coffee café. The rest of the group rode onto the Lakes Beach where we were greeted by a smiling Danny wearing his Dick Tracey detective style hat. He looked very dapper.
Coffee at the Lakes Beach, and ride home.
As usual the coffee and food were great. We asked the manager would he be opening during winter, he said he would except for extenuating circumstances. We promised to give him our ride calendar for the next 3 months so he can tell us if he is not open on days that we are programmed to stop at his café. After some great swapping of yarns, we set off for Osborne Park via torture hill, and then Kelsey Road to avoid the dangerous routes, and riding on pedestrian only paths that are off limits to us. On arrival at East Toukley the westerners left us so only Warwick, and James were the only two cyclists to arrive at Osborne Park. As Warwick and James were having a post-ride chat our old mate Nigel Smith and his ever-present dog stopped for a pleasant chat, Nigel that is, it was nice to hear from Nigel who these days rides motorcycles instead of bicycles. After the ride finished, we were told Rolf had a flat or two that could not be repaired, thankfully Danny came to the rescue, picked Rolf up, and returned him home in one piece.
Thanks to Warwick for leading, Doug for sweeping, Stuart, Dave R, Len, and Trevor for performing marshal duties. Also, thanks to DRS, aka Danny Retrieval Service.
The ride today was without any safety incidents; however, it is best to keep in mind the following points -
· Remember it is not a race, it is a social ride.
· Your safety is paramount to the club, family and friends.
Helping hands informal concept.
Some members are aware about a helping hand concept some members have been discussing, this came to light after members discussed the matter over coffee today, and in the last few weeks. Doug informed us that in the past the club used to have a group that followed up on the wellbeing of members or partners who were sick, injured, retired from riding or in other circumstances, to check if they needed assistance of any kind. At this stage Danny has volunteered to pick up any member who cannot make it to coffee on ride days. The group also mentioned that if they could help in other ways when family, friends or government agencies are not available then they would. Things such as going to the chemist, or the doctor, picking up some groceries etc were items to be included. Some members have asked for this to be discussed by the executive committee, so we have included it on the agenda for our next meeting. In the meantime, Danny will perform organising coffee days, aside from notifying members on WhatsApp, he will also phone around to see who needs to be taken for coffee. At this stage it is not a club policy, and is only on an informal basis until approved, or disapproved.
Well wishes
The club and all its members wish Lois and Barry all the best with Lois’s treatment, Col for his ongoing treatment, Pedro for his recovery, Mike for his recovery after surgery, and Paul for his recovery and return to cycling. Thanks to Col and others who have rung Barry to check on Lois’s health. On a ring around to check on the wellbeing today some members have got Covid or another nasty virus that takes time to clear up. All the best to those members, and partners also.
Night ride, change of time.
We brought forward the start time of the night ride on Sunday the 9th of June to 4:00pm. Arrive at 3:45pm.

Ready for the last leg of today's ride via CVBN - 29 May 2024

Coasters on their favourite ride, along the Rocky Point path at Tuggerah Lake - 24 May 2024
Friday 24 May 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Out to Lemon Tree and Dooralong, 100km for Rick.
Coasters - Today 24 May 2024 was our usual Friday Coaster’s Ride.
Starting at Jenny Dixon right on 9.00 am, 16 Riders took advantage of a cool morning with beautiful blue skies.
Two riders who have been missing for quite a while turned up. Great to see Maree, after her long holiday trekking around Australia, and Garry with an injury and the will to get back on the bike! James was our Ride manager and as usual Doug looked after the rear end.
We all took off over the Toukley Bridge towards Gorokan, and had our first stop at Molly’s place (our mascot, the black cat). A bit fresh for her, probably sitting by the fire place?! Indoors.
James gave the OK for those who wanted to stretch their legs up and down the Roller Coaster. Stuart and Graham went ahead, and the rest was not that far behind them.
At Prawn Beach Lane we took the bike path towards Tacoma, (which is all clear now, with all the debris on the side of the bike path.) The next stop was a toilet break at Tacoma. Now it was time to remove some clothing!! Absolutely beautiful temperature for riding, with blue skies and no wind.
We travelled along the river towards Wyong and turned right into Pollock Ave towards Wadalba. After a few lefts and rights we were on Minnesota Rd going towards Sparks Rd. When out of nowhere, Daryl appeared on the horizon on his muscle bike, (his E-bike must still be in repair mode!)! Great to see him as usual.
Towards the wetlands across Mataram Rd. and we were not far from our Coffee shop “The Secret Cafe” in Charmhaven. Yes, we were there in no time. Quite busy there for a Friday morning!
We had to split into two tables, one was under the Sun and the other in the shade of a tree. Waiting for us was Danny, and I was surprised with Peter’s presence after all his health issues. Good to see him up and about despite not being 100% yet. Hang in there Peter, hoping for good time ahead.
After quite a long rest we had some more visitors - John from Bathurst, Virginia and Debbie.
Then it was time to head home, some took the shortcut home, and the rest went back to JD. Good short ride enjoyed by all of us.
40 Klm. at an average of around 20klm/hr.

Morning tea at Secret Café - 24 May 2024
T&DCC Grp 2 Bateau Bay Beach Loop Report 22 May 2024
On arrival at Osborne Park, the only person on site was Warwick - his wife Robyn was nowhere to be seen as she had other things to do today. Robyn is probably sitting at home reading her favourite books that she informed us about last week. We were pleasantly surprised to see Estelle who has been away for a while touring the countryside. The Sun was out, and no breeze was present, so a perfect start to the day.
Pre-ride briefing.
During the ride briefing, Warwick informed us the route would be changed slightly. Instead of going to Norah Head via Kelsey Road, and then crossing WBD at the pedestrian barrier, we were informed we would be going to Soldiers Beach via the quiet place on the hill. Otherwise, the route would be as the ride calendar, that being a loop to Bateau Bay Beach. Warwick was the leader and Doug the sweep. With the safety team in place, that is Warwick being the “000” man, and James the first aid man as Carol was not riding today, we were set to go. As usual Danny was on standby to retrieve any stranded riders. Warwick informed us that 12 riders were signed on, they were Warwick, Doug, Col, Keith, Stuart, Estelle, James, Trevor, Rolf, Chris, Len, and David R.
First stage of the ride to Bateau Bay Beach. (BBB)
As we were about to start the ride, the breeze increased from 13 to 19km/hr from the West, this brought the apparent temperature down to 12°C. Thankfully we were well prepared with our wind jackets in place. Our first taste of winter.
In a flash we were on our way to Soldiers Beach to look for any whales going north for the winter. Unfortunately our prayers were not heeded, and no whales were sighted. So, we did a loop of the car park, and then headed for The Entrance. No dramas on the way. No rider took Warwick’s advice to ride ahead of him to The Entrance, mainly due to the pace being hot.
After a short break at North Entrance, we headed over the bridge, and as we were going through the green lights at The Entrance forecourt, a middle-aged female bicycle rider went through the red lights from our right side at high speed and nearly collected Len and James. To make things worse, she was not wearing a helmet, and had a silly grin on her face as though it was funny. This was not our first encounter with the ladies. Len told us a female in a car kept doing “U” turns in front of him making him slow down to avoid her. Len suggested she wanted to have a closer look at him due to his good looks, but we doubted his interpretation. These two incidents, and traffic, left the tail-end riders behind quite a distance, so Warwick pulled into the park at Toowoon Bay to wait for the tail group. While we were waiting, we sighted Carol riding in the direction of The Entrance. She pulled over and had a chat, then left us to continue her tasks. Carol is now fully recovered from Covid but could not make it to the ride proper or for coffee. Next stop was Bateau Bay Beach where no whales were sighted. So, we had an extended chit-chat before leaving for the next part of our ride.
Second stage of the ride to the Entrance via Killarney Vale.
On leaving BBB we crossed The Entrance Road at the round-a-bout to Passage Road. It was not as easy at first thought as some drivers don’t understand that those on the round-a-bout already have the right of way, not the cars on the right coming onto the round-a-bout.
Anyway, once safely across the Entrance Road we rode through the nearby playing fields where a local school was having a sports day. Great to see the kids getting some exercise and not playing with their mobile phones.
Next it was along Cresthaven Avenue and Sir Joseph Banks Drive. We kept an eye out for our friend from Mauritius, Jean, but he was nowhere to be seen. We don’t know if he has stopped riding or gone on holidays. After a quick ride along Cresthaven Avenue and Eastern Road, we crossed Wyong Road and were soon on the bike path back to The Entrance. Some of us with skinny tyres and heavy bikes had trouble going across the sodden grass and mud to the concrete pathway, but we all made it safely to the path with just a bit of mud on our shoes. Once on the path we set a fast pace to The Entrance, where the barista was waiting for us.
Coffee at the Entrance and ride home.
On arrival at the EuroBean café we expected to see Danny. When he was nowhere to be seen we guessed he was having work done on his house [three tradesmen in trucks!]. Doug left us at The Entrance as he had other matters to attend to. The rest of us enjoyed the great coffee and food that was provided. After an extended coffee break Stuart left the group as he had other things to do. The rest of us headed up WBD hoping for some assistance from the wind. Thankfully it had turned to a SW direction at 19km/hr and gave some assistance. Rolf and Trevor left us at the bike path on WBD for points north. Chris, Len, Dave, and Keith left at Harry Moore Oval for points west. Only Warwick, Estelle, Col, and James returned to Osborne Park. Sorry we forgot to take pictures again, we were going to do it at the café, but forgot, too much chatting.
The ride today was without any safety incidents; however, it is best to keep in mind the following points.
· No undertaking on the left.
· Warn other riders of hazards.
· Be courteous to other riders, pedestrians and drivers.
· Inform riders who you are overtaking at speed by saying “Passing”
Thanks, and well wishes
Thanks to Warwick for leading the ride, Doug for sweeping, and Trevor for being a road marshal along the way.
Best wishes to all those members and their partners who are not doing so well.

Coasters on Tuggerah Lake Western Bikepath - 17 May 2024
Friday 17 May 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Big ride today with a loop around three lakes, viz Munmorah, Budgewoi and Tuggerah, with a loop over Kangy Angy and along Footts Road and down Enterprise Drive. Through Chittaway and Killarney Vale with coffee probably at Better Days, before returning to the start up Wlfred Barrett Drive. 85km for several, 100k for Rick and 118km for Vic.

Today the Coasters Ride was managed by James, and as usual Doug looked after the back.
Thirteen Riders were ready at JDR for our Friday Ride Around Tuggerah lake in an anti-clockwise direction. So after a quick briefing by James, we were on our way over Toukley Bridge and towards the Roller coaster on Marks Rd.
On our way we had a stop at our usual place (Gorokan) to pick up Virginia and a visitor (Andrew). We hope Andrew enjoyed the ride and becomes our newest member, (welcome to TDCC). To our surprise Molly (the black Cat) was also there. Have not seen her for quite a while! We were all very happy to see her again. Our next stop was on the bike path after Prawn Beach Lane, but unfortunately the group was a bit stretched and some went ahead. But we all re-grouped at the new toilets at Tacoma. On the new bike path, there were still some debris that slowed us down after all the bad weather we had last week.
Back on the road to Wyong and Tuggerah Straight. Since we had some issues on the bike path a week ago, James and Rolf had a quick discussion about a better way. Rolf knew the way to by-pass that area and took over the reins, until we got back on the bike path after Tumbi Umbi, (thank you Rolf).
Then it was nice cruising towards The Entrance where we were able to enjoy our Coffee Break. Nice to see Paul at the coffee shop who is nursing a small Op on his arm, but is getting ready for a come back soon. Also Daryl joined us on his muscle bike, he has a problem with his E-bike!
So for our trip back to JD we have now 16 Riders. After a well-deserved break, we were ready to tackle WBD. By that time the temperature was around 18°C, absolutely great to ride.
Just after the Bridge, we were surprised by our Skylarker riders passing us. Subsequently Stuart from our group decided to go with them, and that triggered Rolf, Keith, and myself on our muscle bikes to join in. The pace was definitely quicker, and we all enjoyed it. Before we knew we were back at JDR. Then it was every man for themselves, we all took different ways home.
Great Ride under beautiful conditions.
Thanks to all for attending, HAVEAGOODWEEKEND!

Bike-loving cat Molly - 17 May 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 15 May 2024
Group 1 rode out to Sparks Road and Hue Hue for a trip up Dickson Road to Dooralong. Back via Jilliby Road to Wyong for coffee at Oasis then back through Toukley for a total of about 72km. Thanks John!
T&DCC Grp 2 Newcastle Loop via Fernleigh Track
On arrival at Blacksmiths car park beside the picturesque Swansea Channel, we were excited to see fifteen riders had turned up for the long trek to Newcastle and back via the Fernleigh.
The weather radar early in the day showed no clouds in the vicinity, however before the start of the ride we checked again this time we saw 3 large cloud groups hovering over the east coast. This made us all put weather gear into our backpacks and bike bags, just in case, thankfully there was no rain during the ride.
Warwick was the ride leader and Doug the sweep with his companion rider Keithy. Carol was in charge of first aid, with Warwick the “000” man, James was Carol’s assistant. The other riders were Virginia. Anne, David R, Trevor, Jill, Len, Jenny, Hans, Azi and Russell who were guest riders. As can be seen from the names list, we had a good turn up of female riders, 30% to be exact. On another note, we also have 2 female ride leaders Carol, and Nicolette, so they are contributing to the club effort and sharing the load around.
We have not seen Azi for a long-time and he is no longer a member, so we qualified him as a guest rider. Russell is from Sydney and is staying at Norah Head in his mobile home.
Robyn decided not to ride today, instead she brought her favourite novels with her, and sat beside the Swansea channel and had a good read waiting for Warwick to return from the ride. We could imagine her sitting in the Sun reading and having a few nibblies along whiling the time way.
Back to riding. Warwick set off at a slow pace around past Blacksmiths Beach, then onto the newly extended section of the Fernleigh Track. He lulled us into a false sense of security, because when we got onto the Fernleigh Track proper, he turned on the after-burners. Basically, the peloton split into 3 groups, the fast ones, the not-so-fast ones, and us [the slow ones]. Warwick informed the faster riders they could go ahead up the track and meet us at the end of the track. No-one took up the challenge due to the pace he set.
At the end of the track, we ventured around the back streets of Adamstown then around the back of the football stadium at Broadmeadow. We then passed through some beautiful parks that were very well kept, C.C.C. take note! After going through the park, we rode beside Throsby Creek that flows into the Hunter River, it was a very beautiful ride beside the Creek and the River into Newcastle Harbour.
We did not partake of coffee in Newcastle as we agreed with Warwick to have coffee at the Blacksmiths Bakery. So we had a shorter stay in Newcastle than usual. After the break, we headed back to the track a different way from which we came. The return trip took us through the back streets on the old parts of Newcastle City, past glorious houses in tree-lined streets from the past, when people did not have cars, so no garages.
In a short time, we were back at the track ready for the climb to the top of the hill, this side of the track is steeper than the way in, it is shorter but a harder ride. This climb really sorted out the group with us splitting into 3 groups as mentioned earlier. Thankfully, the ride back to Blacksmiths is mostly downhill so we just sat on our rear ends without pedalling, most of the time.
We noticed on the way back to Blacksmiths at South Belmont, the latest section of the Fernleigh Track has begun, when finished we will not have to ride on the Highway.
On arrival back at Blacksmiths half the group went to the Bakery for coffee and goodies, with the other group heading home due to commitments.
Thanks to Warwick for leading, Doug for sweeping, Keith for assisting Doug and Carol for performing marshal duties in the back street of Newcastle. 64km. Nearly forgot Danny who was on standby in case he was needed. [Now I'm needed!]
[No photos as no-one took any. Come back Nicolette - all is forgiven! These little square brackets means an insertion by the editor.]

Danny's shot of all the riders at Sam's Bakery in Wadalba. That's Karen right at the back - 10 May 2024
Friday 10 May 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - A loop of Tuggerah Lake with a detour over Kangy Angy to Ourimbah, coffee at Better Days, back up WBD. 64km
Coasters - Tuggerah Lake CW Loop Report 10 May 2024
On arrival at Jenny Dixon Reserve this morning, three heavily rugged-up riders were present. On stepping out of our cars we could feel why they were dressed like Eskimos. The BOM said it was 16°C with a slight breeze of 9km/hr from the SW direction, this meant the wind chill temperature was 15°C. It felt a lot colder as we have not had time to adjust to the colder temperatures after such a warm summer. This being the case, the rest of us riders donned our rain jackets for extra protection against the wind and the expected rain later in the morning.
Chris was the ride leader and Doug the sweep. The other 10 riders were Karen, Linda, Carol, Keith A, Col, Rolf, Stuart, Dave R, Len, and James.
As the planned route has been affected by the recent rain, Chris called on the local knowledge of Carol who lives in the southern area of Tuggerah Lake. After a briefing from Chris and a chat with Carol the route was finalised.
Chris was full of beans at the start of the ride and set a cracking pace to North Entrance. He told anyone who wanted to go ahead to do so, not many did as the pace was so high. On arrival at North Entrance a further discussion was held on how best to get to Tumbi Creek Road where we would be free of the flooded paths and roads.
We had a few detours from our planned route due to earth slips along The Entrance Bike Path. No worries, as we bypassed them on a secret route only known to locals. Our next stop was Blue Bell Park for the obvious reasons [toilet?]. After that it was full steam ahead to Tuggerah playing fields via Church and Lake Road that thankfully were not affected by the rain, as they usually are.
From the playing fields we passed under Wyong Rd where some idiots are still pulling rocks from the side of pathway onto the track. On the way we looked out for the orange-coloured Water Dragon that likes to sun itself beside the bike track, unfortunately nowhere to be seen today, maybe due to the lack of sunshine.
After a short break at the Wyong Lions Park, we were on our way to Sam’s Café. Unfortunately, on the way Len’s bike decided to have a chat with the gutter while rounding the bend at the corner of Settlement and Homestead Rds. As good a cyclist as Len is, he could not prevent contact with Mother Earth. Fortunately he landed on the grass and appeared no worse for wear. Oh! In case you were thinking how is Len’s bike, it apologised and said it was OK, and it won’t happen again.
After Len put everything back in place we headed for Sam’s Café where we were greeted by a surprise visitor, Virginia, who had come for coffee dressed in her civvies with a cheeky cap. The old faithfuls Paul and Danny were also there looking fit and healthy. Danny was excited that he is making plans to move house to the top of the hill overlooking Lake Haven where he can see great views of Budgewoi Lake.
After a longer-than-usual chat we headed back to JDR with Chris, Doug, Keith, Len, Linda and Col leaving us on the way, only Stuart, Carol, Huddo and James returned to Jenny Dixon. Rolf left us at East Toukley to visit the Vietnamese bakery that he reckons makes the best goodies in town.
We would like to send our best wishes to all our members and partners who are suffering from illnesses, recovering from operations, and having endless amounts of intrusive medical tests or have retired for various reasons. Best wishes to Lois, Michael S, Nicolette, Pedro, Paul, Col and Danny. Sorry if we have missed anyone.
Thanks to Danny for being in standby rescue mode, Chris, and Doug for leading and sweeping.

James' photo with Karen and Danny, not to mention Carol, Linda and Virginia. And Stuart! - 10 May 2024
Wednesday 8 May 2024 - TDCC Club Rides
Group 1 - Loop of Tuggerah Lake with detour to Ourimbah via Kangy Angy and Enterprise Drive, back through Killarney Vale with a possible stop at Better Days for coffee. Anyway, here's JD's report - Roads under water in a few places, had to detour back to Wyong Road. Around 300-400mm of water over the road. Still a lot happening at The Entrance channel. About 70km
Group 2 - Today 8 May 2024, finally a day with not much rain forecast, 13 Riders turned up for our Wednesday Ride at Peel St.
Yes, the sun was shining for our start, and after few discussions between James and some of our local members ( Colin & Len ) they came up with a few detours to miss some of the road and path that is under water due to the rain we have had lately. And not good for Electric Bikes ( Ask Rolf)!
So after the briefing by James, our Ride manager for the day, who advised us of the changes, which was very confusing for some of us, not really knowing the area. The best thing was to follow him and Col who had organised the changes.
Right on 9.00 we were off towards Toukley Bridge under slightly cloudy skies, but very pleasant temperature for riding. Then towards Gorokan, Col took over the reins through some back streets to dodge the road under water along Budgewoi lake towards Charmhaven, where we picked up Linda to make 14 Riders.
Then we were back on the right road to do the Blue Haven loop to the Pacific Hwy. And left on Wyee Rd. Then it was time to put the wet weather gear on as it started to spit (nothing serious) .
The ride on Wyee Rd. was very pleasant towards Bushells Ridge. At that stage we could not tell whether to remove our rain jackets as the fine rain was on and off. Over the Motorway and Under it, onto the dirt road (Tooheys Rd.) Surprisingly it was not too bad.
Most of the riders with Electric bikes took off and I was left behind on my muscle bike with Doug our usual tail man. Doug decided to give me a taste of riding his Electric bike, and we swapped bikes. Wow! What a difference, it just took off, leaving Doug behind on my bike. Thanks to Doug for starting me thinking what it would be like. But I am ready for it yet??
Then we took a left turn on the Doyalson Link Rd. Where, Oops! Trevor's front wheel caught the edge of the asphalt and he took a tumble. Nothing serious, a bit shocked and a grazed knee. After a bit of a rest and our medical officer (Stuart) attended to him and his wife Jill supplied a bandaid, Trevor was good to go. By the way “Happy Birthday“ Trevor! Jill let it out of the bag!
Back on the Pacific Hwy. towards Doyalson and on the bike path at Lake Mumorah to get back on Elizabeth Dr. Just before Budgewoi Peninsula we had a quick stop to find out who was going where for Coffee, Jill and Trevor went home their usual way, to probably celebrate Trevor’s Birthday. Doug, Rolf, Keith went to Toukley for Coffee, Rod went straight to Peel St. and home. The remainder went to the Lakes Cafe Where Danny & Paul were waiting for us, for a bit of social activity.
Unfortunately, it was cut a bit short as it started to rain !! We did get to have a shat with both of them, good to see them both. And great to hear that Danny is making the move closer to Budgewoi Lake.
On our way back to Peel Street the rain came down again and while I stopped to zip my jacket and got caught at the traffic lights, I lost contact with the group. Since we were so close to Peel Street I decided to keep going straight home.
I am sure you all got home safe. Altogether, It was a very good Ride. The weather was not much of an issue.
The Ride today was 50+ klm and the average speed 20klm/ hr.
Thanks to all who made that ride a success, and hopefully see you all soon.
No photos as Nikki is away.
TDCC Club Rides - 3 May 2024
Skylarkers - No report yet.
Coasters - After a rainy night no-one wanted to ride today, except a few hardy tough guys, viz Doug, Rolf and Daryl. James drove to JDR and everybody else stayed home.
Of course, it didn't rain during the allaocated riding time, so Doug and Rolf headed off on a shorter ride, both mounted on my old e-bikes. Daryl was late so finished up riding on his own. He just rode around Budgewoi Lake, while the other two rode up Lizzie Bay Dr and up the SRA, and back down to Blue Haven, before all meeting with us non-riders at The Secret Café for coffee at 1030 hrs.
Nothing else to report except maybe Linda's sorry tale of trying to bake cheese scones. Ask her! No photos of course. See you all next week!

Danny's bike on Rolf's car for Wednesday's ride
TDCC Group Rides - 1 May 2024
Group 2 - Rolf had a good ride planned for today, but the weather had other ideas, in the middle of a few days' rain. Rolf turned up at Peel Street on Danny's old bike which he had borrowed for the occasion. No-one else had any intention of riding, even though it cleared up by 0900 and didn't rain for hours.
After consulting with our president at Peel Street, Rolf took off up to Summerland Point for a trial run on a new (for him) bike, recently restored at great expense ($65) after being written off 18 months earlier.
With mixed feelings (happy at getting a ride in but sad no-one else shared his adventure), Rolf called it quits and went home, about 40km on the odometer. Better luck next time.

Coaster mates at Lakes Beach (just squeezed my car in) - 26 April 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Friday 26 April 2024
Skylarkers - Big ride by Vic and the Skylarkers out to Mandolong and back down Jilliby Road, around Tuggerah Lake, plus Vic himself did a lap of the top two lakes - 112km! Say no more!
TDCC Coasters Mystery Ride Report 26 April 2024
The people controlling the weather decided to give us a taste of winter on arrival at Jenny Dixon. The temperature was 15°, and the wind was blowing WSW at 15 km/hr, increasing to SSW at 30km/hr on the way back. This being the case all riders were well prepared, well rugged-up and dressed for the conditions.
As Col and Nicolette mentioned yesterday on Strava they were not riding due to other commitments. Nicolette was supposed to lead the mystery ride but had to withdraw at the last moment. Col also mentioned he would have liked to ride as he likes a good mystery, but unfortunately had to go to another appointment. We wish Nic, Col, Paul, Pedro, Mike all the best with their recovery plans. As some of you may have seen on WhatsApp, Barry’s wife Lois has had a recurrence of her illness, so we wish Lois and Barry all the best in confronting the illness.
The weather surely must have turned away some riders as we only had 10 hearty souls turn up for the ride. James was the leader, Doug the sweep and the other riders were Chris, Rolf, Stuart, Carol, Keith A, Len, David R and Linda.
With a slight breeze behind our back, and the riders not wanting to know where we were going, we set off for Budgie, first on the road, then onto snake alley beside the golf course. With no pickups or pit-stops at Slade Park we continued onto Lizzie Bay. With the wind at our back, we kept up a good speed to Lizzy Bay. We could not stop at our normal rendezvous location due to the number of cars parked after the 2nd Roundabout, looked like holiday makers have invaded Lizzy Bay. So, we pulled up on the footpath instead, and partook of some water and had a chat before setting off again.
After the climb up Elizabeth Bay Drive, we crossed the Pacific Highway and made our way to Josh Porter Reserve (JPR) at Chain Valley Bay South. A bit sneaky as some of the riders assumed we would continue South after the break at JPR. Due to the holiday period JPR was a bit busier than usual but it was still plenty of room in the park itself, just lots of boats on the lake. The resident ducks greeted us with a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there.
After the break we headed towards North Chain Valley Bay (CVBN) over the bike path and the great little bridge over the creek coming off Lake Macquarie. From CVBN we joined the dirt link road to Kanangra Drive. Unfortunately, the link road was not in a good condition with lots of corrugations and potholes. Some of our members had trouble keeping their false teeth in place, really!
Next, we were on Kanangra Drive which is a pleasure to ride on due to the surface, not so great is to see the number of times cars have run off the road into the metal cabled barriers along the side of the road, one section was wiped out for 50 metres. Having recently driven on the road, it seems to me that 80km/hr is too high a speed limit as some of the bends are deceptively sharp at 80km/hr, and need extra caution, that not all drivers exhibit this trait.
Soon we were enjoying the fast downhill ride in Summerland Point, as we were passing the bakery on the corner. Doug and Keith must have seen people getting stuck into Scones and Coffee, because on arrival at the Lake they were salivating discussing the delights they had smelt and seen. The ducks at Summerland Point greeted us in the same manner as the ones at JPR, they must have known each other.
There were lots of families enjoying the delights of the parks and the picnic areas at the lake, which was good to see. Their four-legged friends were well behaved, although not on a leash.
After a drink and some snacks that some riders had brought with them, we were back onto Cams Boulevarde heading to Kanangra Drive. Cams Boulevarde had 3 nasty potholes about a metre long by 300mm, we had to be cautious not to be swallowed up by them.
Kanangra Drive had 3 spots where sand mounds had been washed onto the side of the road, this made it very dangerous for our riders on narrow tyres, thankfully our riders warned those behind of the hazards.
The original plan was to return to Lizzie Bay via the dirt link road, then CVB, Tall Timbers Rd, but due to the traffic on Kanangra Drive it was deemed a bit risky to turn right into the dirt link road. So, we chose the old faithful way returning via the Munmorah State Conservation Area (MSCA) as it is now known.
After the exhilarating ride through the MSCA hills we were soon back in Budgie where Doug and Keith left us for their favourite coffee haunt. The rest of us headed to the Lakes Beach for coffee at the Ants Pants Café. On arrival we were greeted by Danny, and Paul, plus 2 horses wandering around the park, it bought back memories from earlier in the week. Thankfully as we were about to leave the beach, the horses found their riders and they were soon off on a trot along the beach.
As we were riding back to Jenny Dixon, to our surprise a red-bellied black snake appeared in front of us, thankfully for us it was dead. The snake was just across from snake alley, it got across the road onto the verge, did not make it any further, sad.
On arrival at JDR we had a short chat and were on our way. Thanks to Doug for sweeping and Carol for first-aid duties, although not required today, and Danny for being on standby. As my Garmin did not come with me today, I was advised the ride was around 42km, easy on the way out, and hard coming back into the 30km/hr SSW wind.

Morning tea at The Milk Factory - Wednesday 24 April 2024
TDCC Group Rides - 24 April 2024
No information about Group 1 for today.
Group 2 - Today 24 April our Ride was as per the Ride Calendar.
Fourteen Riders gathered at Peel street for our Wednesday Ride. Slightly overcast but no rain in sight, very nice temperature for nearly the end of Autumn.
Warwick was our ride manager and as usual Doug looked after the tail. A quick briefing by Warwick about the ride and James gave us an update about the activities coming up with TDCC this year.
Right on 9.00am we were off towards Toukley Bridge and onto The Corso towards Charmhaven. Crossing the Pacific Hwy is always a bit of an issue with growing traffic in that area. After a safe crossing we made our way towards the wetland, and continued all the way to Sparks Rd where Linda was waiting to join us on the ride.
We made our way past the Warnervale airport, across the overpass of the Motorway, to Hue Hue Rd. We detoured onto Holloway Dr where there were a few hills, but also some very glamorous homes! We were back on Hue Hue rd where some section of the road has been relaid, beautiful to ride on, and made our way to the Old Milk Factory for our coffee break, where Danny was patiently waiting for us. Always good to catch up with him [thanks and vice versa].
They have really done a lot to that place and it seems to be a very popular spot, even though we had to queue up, the service was not too bad.
We socially engaged in various topics, and before we knew it, Warwick was up and ready to tackle the second part of our ride. We made a quick dash on the bike path towards Wyong and along the river, before going back along the great bike path next to Tuggerah Lake.
At Wyongah Linda and myself (CB) turned left into Wahroonga Rd for a short cut home. The rest went up and down the roller coaster on Marks Rd. and back to Peel Street, over the Toukley Bridge. I am pretty sure some would have also taken a short cut home.
Today’s Ride was around 48 Klm. and the average speed was 20klm/hr. Was a very pleasant ride, thanks for attending and see you all on Friday for our mystery ride.
[Waiting on a photo from Chris.]

Happy morning tea at Sam's, Wadalba. Nikki's photo - Friday 19 April 2024
TDCC Club Rides - Friday 19 April 2024
TDCC Rides - Skylarkers. Vic rode around 3 lakes and the SRA. Down to the M1 and Warnervale, The Entrance and back up WBD. 103km via circuitous route. Hope you had some mates with you, Vic!
Coasters - Jenny Dixon Reserve to Warnervale Wetlands. Fourteen riders turned up at Jenny Dixon for our Friday Ride.
I (CB) was asked to filled in as Ride manager.
After yesterday's afternoon storm, we were blessed with blue skies. After a quick briefing and some information about our Spring away ride by Nicolette we were off towards Budgewoi and left over the bridge onto the BP along the Budgewoi lake, Rolf had advised me the way to go to dodge some path under water, but before we got there some water hazard made me change my mind towards the road.
Unfortunately after rejoining the path further up, there was more water on the bike path, which we had no choice and continued on to Charmhaven, over the bridge and left on Panorama Ave. And Moala Parade to the PHWY.
Just before reaching Bunnings, we crossed the Hwy. Towards the wetlands. Since we were making good time and it was a short ride, I decided to go all the way on Hakone Rd. and left on Hiawatha Rd. towards Sparks Rd.
And instead of going left onto Minnesota Rd. we continued straight and left into Virginia Rd. which has been resurfaced and a tour of the new estate in Hamlyn Terrace ( I think) lots of home being built there. Then it was time to head to Wadalba at Sam’s for our coffee break where Danny was waiting for us.
It was great to see that all 14 Riders made it there for our social get together. Then it was time to head back to JD via the Wadalba School, and on to Wahroonga Rd. and Marks Rd. Along Tuggerah Lake to Gorokan, where we started losing some riders who were taking short cut home.
Soon we were over the Toukley Bridge and left onto Peel Street, to dodge the traffic on the main Rd. When we reached JD our starting & finishing point there were only 7 riders left.
Thanks to Doug for looking after the tail.
Around 40 klm, average speed 20 klm/ hr.
Hope you enjoyed the ride and see you all next time.
[Thanks to Nicolette for the photography.]

Setting off home (sorry, too quick for me) - Friday 19 April 2024
Posing in Wadalba after lunch. Thanks Nikki for the photo! - Wednesday 17 April 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 17 April 2024
Group 1 - Vic's Strava. Three Lake Loop including Kangy Angy, Palmdale, Enterprise Drive, The Entrance, back to Blue Haven - 91km.
Group 2 - Another great Autumn Day dawned to greet us for the clockwise ride around Tuggerah Lake. Eleven riders turned up for the ride. We were a bit short on numbers probably due to fatigue after riding up the hills at the Orange away trip.
Rolf was the ride leader with Doug the sweep. The riders in sign on order were, Rolf, Len, Michael B, Jull, Trevor, Virginia, Doug, Keith A, James, Stuart and lastly Dave R.
As we were about to leave Peel St an emergency occurred. Virginia was seen riding back to her car, thankfully it was only to retrieve her gloves. After her return we set off towards The Entrance with our fearless leader setting a hot pace, even though he was on a muscle bike. The other muscle bike riders were struggling up the few hills on the way to The Entrance. We had the customary stop at the North Entrance bus stop.
Due to the recent rains the path around the lakeside was under water, so our leader devised a secret plan to bypass the temporary wetlands by going to Toowoon Bay via Bay Rd, then, instead of turning right at Shelly Beach Rd, he turned right at the new roundabout at Bonnieview St that led to the pedestrian crossing at Long Jetty, that leads to the pathway.
So far so good! Next our leader took us on a mystery ride of sorts, riding along the path for a short distance before heading up past the Better Days Café and some back streets that led us to the other side of Tumbi Umbi Creek to Tumbi Creek Rd. We then continued to Lakedge Avenue before having a regroup at Blue Bell Park.
From there we stayed on the Lakedge Road then took the path that led us to the Ourimbah Creek Bridge. After crossing the bridge, we were soon at Tuggerah and on our way to Sam's at Wadalba for coffee.
On arrival at Sam's, we were greeted by three of our mates in Nic, Danny and Chris who had reserved a table for us. Nic had an appointment for Tuesday that was cancelled and put off till today. Danny, well, he was luxuriating in his semi-retirement status, thankfully he had no call-outs today, no mechanical problems occurred. Chris had other commitments but made it to coffee.
After coffee, Virginia and Stuart left for home, Doug and Keith left at Gorokan, the rest of us headed back to Peel Street and the welcome comfort of our car seats as the leader had pushed us so hard. He is a real task master.
As predicted the rain stayed away during the ride with just a few drops falling our way.
The ride was 52km long, we climbed 320 metres, our pace was around 20km/hr. All in all, a very nice ride in pleasant conditions. Thanks to our leader “R”, Doug and the various marshals along the way.

Coasters ride at Tuggerawong Bike path - 12 April 2024
TDCC Coasters 12 April 2024
TDCC Coasters JDR-Gorokan-PBL-Wadalba-Wetland-Chvn-JDR Loop 12 April 2024
On a beautiful Autumn Day, nine riders ventured out for a short ride to the above-mentioned locations. We added a few extra kilometres on to the ride that we were supposed to do last Friday, by going the complete length of the lake path from Prawn Beach Lane (PBL) to Palmer Street.
On arrival at Jenny Dixon Reserve, we were greeted with sunshine accompanied by a slight zephyr, not a Ford Zephyr, the other type. The normally quiet ambience of JDR is being shattered by a Diesel Generator providing power to equipment involved on repair work to the stairs leading down to Cabbage Tree Bay, or as sometimes known as Jenny Dixons Beach on some maps.
James was the ride leader with Dougie and Graeme sharing the sweep duties. We had two visitors from Wauchope, Stephen and Margaret R, who are looking at moving to the Central Coast some time down the track. They also rode with us last week on the Morisset ride. The other riders were Rolfie, Nic, Merrilyn, and Virginia.
After the formalities were completed, we set off towards Gorokan. By this time the zephyr had turned into a less-friendly breeze but still comfortable. After arriving at Gorokan, we had a regroup where Nic, Stephen, Merrilyn and Graeme were given the go-ahead to put the pedal to the metal and wait for us for a photo shoot on PBL about midway along the path. There was lots of activity on the path with dogs leading their owners to every smelly thing they could detect, there were also Mums with Bubs, middle-aged joggers, and bike riders etc.
We stopped for the regulatory group photo [see above] then headed to the exit of the lakeside path at Palmer Street. From there we turned back along Tuggerawong Rd to Jensen Rd then Pollock Ave where we had a regroup at the top. It was noted that although Stephen is a very good rider, he was blowing hard when we reached the top of Pollock Ave, with his heart rate near maximum, but the e-bike riders near him had heart rates around 120 bpm. The rest of the muscle-bike riders were way behind the lead group, so Stephen did himself proud on his carbon-fibre bike with Bluetooth connected gears. Carl would have been impressed if he had been there.
After leaving Pollock Avenue we meandered around the back streets of Wadalba, named after outback scenes and locations, to Wadalba Shopping Centre, before crossing the Pacific Highway to Minnesota Road on our way to Sparks Road. We then rode along the wetlands path looking out for the big red-bellied black that lives in the wetlands. This snake has only been seen once by us, he is about 2 metres long and as thick as a cricket ball, so be beware next time you ride the wetlands.
Before we knew it, we were at one of favourite cafes, you guessed it, The Secret Café. One of our couples was seen enjoying an almond-topped Croissant. Danny would have been envious if he had been there - it's his favourite tucker. As most of you know, Danny is in Orange supporting the members who are riding and enjoying the company of those who were not riding.
During the break it was mentioned that one of our members saw a huge group of pelicans about 500 metres out to sea at The Entrance this week. Doug said that fish school along the coast this time of year and provide a nice feed to the Pelicans and the Cormorants who were seen diving for their dinner.
After the break, Virginia, Doug and Rolf [Westies] left the group, and the rest of us returned to JDR via The Corso. As Stephen and Margaret were going to leave us at Noraville to return to Budgewoi, we stopped short of the roundabout at Noraville and wished them all the best, they also thanked us for having them on the rides.
Best wishes to Col after the operation on his hands and to everyone else in the sick bay. Members of the CCTCC club who are also members of T&DCC were informed that Greg H’s wife Gail is in hospital with Covid, so we also wish Greg and Gail all the best.

Waz giving the briefing (Mandy's a neutral observer) - Friday 12 April 2024
TDCC Holiday at Orange - Friday 12 April 2024
Warwick led today's ride, so we have a report from him as well as Chris's report just below -
Before leaving we said goodbye to John and Anne Daley (off to look after relatives), and Rod and Katherine to go south. We were happy to re-connect with John Backhouse who volunteered to protect our back. John and Chris Boi, on their muscle bikes, kept us safe, riding at the back on the 55 klms ride.
Off out of Orange to the Airport and down Forest Road into Spring Hill to visit the church and their convenient toilets. Then on over the railway and out to Milthorpe Road junction. Then south along the busy road into Milthorpe and their quaint coffee shop.
After refreshments and a visit to those all-important toilets, we headed west to Forest Reefs Road and then northwest onto Spring Terrace Road. Two very long climbs later we arrived at Spring Terrace and turned towards Orange on Forest Road. A couple of rest stops later we arrived back into Orange and The Caravan Park. Thanks to John Backhouse and Chris Boi for their help in getting us back without incident.
Warwick (Ride Manager for the day).
TDCC Holiday at Orange - Day 6 Friday 12 April 2024
Today 12 April 2024 was our final ride (Ride 5) for the week in Orange. Warwick was our Ride Manager and we welcomed John Backhouse back from Bathurst for the ride, and only 12 Riders today, as some (Rod & Cathy, John & Anne, Danny) had to leave early due to some commitments back home.
Warwick, after a quick briefing, took us the safe way out of the Caravan Park to Lone Pine Ave. To the Southern Feeder Rd. and left on Hunter Rd. much like yesterday’s ride, but the reverse, and on Aerodrome Rd. Soon we turned left on Forest Rd. towards Spring Hill, where we had coffee yesterday, but this time it was only for a toilet break.
Then it was on to Whiley Rd. and Millthorpe Rd. to Providore Coffee Shop which we had visited early during the week. Great service! I had the fruit loaf slice toasted, it was at least one inch thick! With my Mocha, I struggled to consume it, but managed it. Just before Warwick rounded us up for our return trip, some had a chance to wander around the town.
Back on the road on Forest Reefs Rd. and Spring Ter. Rd. and Forest Rd. towards Bloomfield Country Golf Course. Then we were back on Southern Feeder Rd. to the Caravan Park.
Forgot to mention! Few Wee Hills, but it was all good.
A special thanks to John B for looking after me on my muscle bike!
Today’s Ride was 56 klm. Elev. 441. Five Great Rides for our Autumn Away Holiday. And a great night at the Ophir Pub for dinner last night.
Thanks to everyone for coming.

Dave, Jenny and Hans indulging at Milthorpe - Friday 12 April 2024

On the way to Spring Hill for coffee - Thursday 11 April 2024
TDCC Orange Trip, Day 5 (Ride 4) - 11 April 2024- Spring Hill (yesterday Wed 10/4 was a rest day).
Today I (Chris) was the Ride manager with Stuart looking after The tail.
We welcome a new rider(Keith A) who turned up last night, great to see him after having some issues with the bad weather back home on the CC.
Under blue skies and perfect conditions 15 riders were ready to ride after yesterday’s rest day. After a quick briefing on today’s ride, we were off on the dot at 9.00 o'clock. towards Broomfield and along Cadia Rd. (beautiful stretch of country road) and Orchard Rd. Right onto Forest Reef Rd. where a few riders passed us and others coming the other way (looks like a common road for riders).
There were NO Wee Hills just undulating. Towards Spring Hill there were few up and downs.. But no one was worried about them, as they knew that the Post Office/Bank/Coffee shop was over the hill for our coffee break.
At Bella's @ Spring Hill we were welcomed by the staff (2 of them), taking orders and dealing with a crowd of Riders (us). We thought it was going to be slow, but they did a remarkable job looking after us and some locals, and our support crew (Danny, Robyn, Mandy and Cheryl).
After more than 30 minutes rest, we were off towards Spring Terrace on Forest Rd. and back to Orange. On Southern Feeder Rd. to the Canobolas Caravan Park. A great Ride enjoyed by all the riders. Unfortunately Rod and Cathy left us after the ride, as they have got commitments in Melbourne.
Today’s Ride was 58 klm. Elev. 438m. Average speedd 20km/ hr.
See you all tomorrow for our last ride.

Another view - Thursday 11 April 2024

Fantastical bike riders at Manildra - 9 April 2024
TDCC Holiday at Orange NSW, Molong to Manildra - 9 April 2024
Today 9 April 2024 was our 3rd ride in Orange.
Today’s Ride was an out-of-town ride organized by John Backhouse from Bathurst (Virginia’s Brother). With his local knowledge he decided to start the Ride from Molong (pretty little town). He gave us a quick briefing and 13 riders were ready to tackle this new route. John D volunteered to look after the tail riders.
John B did mention that the first 6km had a few wee hills and he was right. Then we enjoyed quite a few klm on Packham rd. enjoying the scenery. Great road to ride on, no much traffic at all.
At the end of that road we found ourselves next to the big silos at Manildra next to the railway line where they load the wheat onto the trains. We had a break there and John B advised us to put our wet weather gear on as the weather was turning on us. Very cold, windy and light rain!
We went back on our track on Packham Dr. and left on Garra Rd. It was a pleasure riding on that Rd. with the wind in our back, and no rain. Then we went right on Banjo Paterson Way, just before we reached Molong we had a BIG WEEE HILL and the rain came down. I had to walk about 50 mtrs. and trying to put another wet weather coat on.
The rain did not last long and before we knew it we were back into Molong, ready for our well-deserved coffee in a café that John B had booked for us before we left. We were met by a couple of non-riders there, Danny and Cheryl.
Altogether a great ride and a big thank you to John Backhouse for looking after us. The Ride was 48klm. 595m Elv.

Beautiful murals on the wheat silos at Manildra Rail - 9 April 2024

Happy customers at the Milthorpe Coffee Shoppe - 8 April 2024
TDCC Holiday at Orange, Central West NSW
Today 8 April 2024 was our 2nd ride in Orange.
We welcomed 5 more Riders from TDCC. Estelle, Warwick and Robin, Kee and Mandy.
So today we started with 16 Riders, unfortunately John B had to go back to Bathurst for work purposes. Our Ride manager was John Daley.
After a short briefing we were off towards some back streets, over the railway line twice and along the line towards on Huntley Rd. Up and down undulating hills towards Spring Hill. At the junction few Riders chose to take a short cut back to where we started, while the remainder continued on to Millthorpe for a slightly longer ride, thanks to Warwick for taking care of the small group that decided to take the shortcut.
When we reached Millthorpe, there was only one coffee shop open and the owner was pretty happy to see us all queuing outside the shop to get our coffee, and also two of the non-riders [Danny and Rod] joined us there. The place was not big enough to accommodate us all. But we managed to all fit in.
Our return trip was towards Lucknow. On our way we passed the “Two Fat Ladies” café which is not in operation any more, and back to the caravan park. Unfortunately the group that took the short cut could not find a coffee shop open!?!
All together we covered 64 klm. 579m Elevation.
Thanks to John for a well-organised ride and Stuart for looking after the back end.

The rest of the club, plus visitors, in Windy Alley - 8 April 2024

Morning tea with visitors Rod and Danny - 7 Apri 2024
Cycle club Holiday at Orange - 8 April 2024
Today 7 April 2024 was our first Autumn away-ride. We had 12 Riders ready under cloudy skies. We were joined by two more riders from the club who were based in Bathurst overnight, Rod and John B. Great to see them both, after a pretty ordinary night concerning the weather.
Carol was our Ride Manager, and we were off under a slight drizzle, but the BOM showed no rain, right on time 9.04am. She took us up along some back streets to keep away from the main roads and before we knew we were on Lake Canobolas rd. towards the lake.
Our first climb was Pinnacle Rd. and Stairs Rd climb and finally a bit of a descent towards Racecourse. Soon after we were on Lake Canobolas rd. towards the lake, where we had our Coffee break. Was great to see some of the non-riders waiting to join us for coffee.
After coffee we were going to ride around the lake, but the track was pretty ordinary [crappy] and was not safe for the thin tyres, so Carol decided it was not safe and we went back on our track.
We were aware that there was quite a climb out of the lake, Cargo Rd. Was a torturing climb, the Electric bikes had not much problem, and I was struggling, When I was travelling at 6klm/hr John D went past me so he would not fall over, and my heart beat reached 180+ I had to have a break and John B stayed with me, while I walked up the hill and eventually got to the downhill where the rest of the group was waiting. I was a relief to see the hills were over. After a bit of a rest we were descending towards Orange City. One of the tuffest 40 klm, I have ever done,
Great to see that we all got back safe and hope you all enjoyed the ride and BOM was correct, we did not get wet.
See you all tomorrow and see you all tonight at 5.00 pm For Happy Hour.

M/t group #2 at Lake Canobolas - 7 April 2024

Rest stop - 3 April 2024 Nikki's photo
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 3 April 2024
Group 1 - Four riders, from a witness, rode up to SRA and down the highway and Motorway to Sparkes Road. Then Warnervale Rd and Minnesota to Wadalba, probably for coffee at Sam's Bakery, along Wahroongah to Tuggerah Lake, up The Corso and around the top of Budgewoi Lake to Budgie and back to JDR.

TDCC Group 2 ride report for Morisset-Martinsville-Cooranbong-Morisset Loop 3 April 2024
There was a lot of excitement in the camp today as we prepared to tackle a new ride designed by Carol. The ride was as per the ride calendar starting at Morisset, then going to the Adventist University at Cooranbong, Martinsville, then onto the new estate at the back of Cooranbong, finally to the café for coffee at the University Café, before returning to Morisset.
The conditions at the start of the ride were around 15°C, this with a slight westerly breeze made the first part of the ride a bit chilly, though it did not take long to warm up, the temperature at the end of the ride was around 25°.
To our pleasant surprise 20 riders turned up for the fore-mentioned jaunt. There were two visitors - James [he told me his name was Steve] and Margaret that helped swell the numbers. The other riders were Carol the ride leader, Nic, Hans, Jenny, Warwick, Robyn, Keith A, Rolf, Jill, Trevor, Dave R, Dave G, Virginia, Chris B, Estelle, Stuart, Linda, and James the sweep.
After the ride briefing from Carol, we headed to Freemans Drive along the shared bike path then turned off towards the old swinging bridge across Dora Creek at the back of the Sanitarium and University complexes. Thankfully the swinging bridge has been replaced by a new bridge and they now have a shared path all the way to the Cooranbong shopping centre. Unfortunately, one of our riders’ bikes suffered a puncture on the shared path. Chris was soon getting to work giving a helping hand to him. The damaged tube was replaced, and a handy electric pump soon had the large tube at working pressure.
After arriving at Cooranbong, we headed South along Freemans Drive then turned right into Martinsville Road. We cycled eight kilometres along the road before doing a U-turn and returning to Cooranbong central. The ride along Martinsville Road was very scenic and quite hilly especially for those with muscle bikes. We were surprised by the road works near the end of Martinsville Road where they are carrying out major drainage works to the road - they even had traffic lights installed.
On the way back to Cooranbong some bloke riding a bicycle at high speed nearly clipped the tail-end riders, no warnings he was coming, then a bloke in a Ute tried to overtake us close to a blind corner [not me], he only just returned to the correct side of the road before another car came around the corner. They must have left his brains at home. Keith A and Dave G must have found the hilly terrain a bit hard on their muscle bikes, as they decided to cut out the last few kilometres of the ride.
After arriving back at Cooranbong central, we were greeted by Danny who planned to meet us for coffee later in the morning. After saying cheers to Danny, we headed NE along Freemans Drive before turning left into the new and still being built estate. The ride around the estate was mainly on shared paths with some riding on the roads. The whole area has been nicely landscaped with lots of native trees and plants.
The fun side of Carol and Linda came to the fore when we had a rest stop at a children’s park with a flying fox on location. See photo elsewhere for photos of the two reliving their childhood. After performing the loop of the new estate, we headed back to the Café in the University grounds.
On the path into the University, Keith suddenly heard a voice from one the houses - it was his daughter, and by the sound of their voices they were excited to see each other. The ride into the Café is via a very steep climb, but we managed it ok, just. A sign before the climb said, “Elderly and Disabled drop off point”, we felt quite at home seeing that sign.
On our arrival at the café, we were greeted again by Danny who had a nice table reserved for us in the shade. We were lucky that we arrived early as the students from the University came streaming into the café for lunch. Thankfully the service, coffee and food was great.
As we were leaving the café, the rider whose bike suffered an earlier flat discovered that they had a slow leak, Danny was on hand to give them a lift home, but they decided to keep going and rode all the way home. Good effort by our rider!
We returned to Morisset the same way we came. On arrival at Morisset the usual post-ride chats were held, then we all said our goodbyes and left for home. Thanks to Carol and all those who helped on the ride. Best wishes to all our friends recovering from ailments and those having treatments for their illness.

Lunch at the Avondale University café, Cooranbong. Newbies Steve and Margaret at left, Nikki's photo - 3 April 2024

Wyong's famous Old Milk Factory, Coasters enjoying m/t - 29 March 2024
TDCC Club Rides - Good Friday 29 March 2024
Skylarkers - The only thing I could find on Strava was Vic who did another 100km, starting at San Remo, riding up to Lizzie Bay Drive, down to Jenny Dixon Reserve, then back up the SRA all the way to Belmont, back to Sparks Road then back to the start, while not starting his Strava till almost Doyalson on the way north. May have had companions. Wonderful effort!
Coasters - Friday 29 March 2024 ( Good Friday) a Mystery Ride was organised by the Club and I (Chris) volunteered to do the ride.
As usual the meeting point was Jenny Dixon. None of the 7 riders (Carol, James, Nicolette, Rolf, Graeme, Merrilyn, & David 1) who turned up at JD knew what route we were going on. There were 4 riders that wanted to know where they could joined us, whom I secretly advised.
Right on 9.00 we took off towards Toukley Bridge, where we had our first stop to inform the riders the next part of the journey.
Next stop was was at Moala Pde to pick up the other 4 Riders.( Colin, Len, Virginia, & David 2) Then it was towards the Pacific Hwy. Through some back streets onto Sparks Rd. I think it was in that area that David 2 had a mechanical issue with his bike and was not able to continue the ride and had to call for some assistance from his wife (information I received from James, who was our tail man, thanks.)
With very little traffic, it was a very pleasant ride towards Hue Hue Rd where we turned left after a short stop to inform the group the next stage of the ride.
We turned right [left] onto Holloway Dr. and left [right] into Burlington Ave. Few hills and good decent [downhills?] and we were able to see how the rich with big houses and lots of land live!?
Soon we were back onto Hue Hue Rd for a good stretch to Alison Rd. to the Milk Factory for Coffee. Thanks to Nicolette who was able to find (we think) the only place open on GF for Coffee?!? on our path.
Quite a crowd had come there, not only for coffee, but a market with quite a few stalls [dried flower arrangements and crocheted teapot covers] all set up for the day. Danny was informed by Nicolette, and was waiting for us. Great to see him looking very well. We were very lucky to have a table that was booked out for a later time. Coffee took a while, which we were expecting.
After Coffee, it was a no-brainer to know which way we were going back to JD. Back on Alison Rd. Old Maitland Rd. and McPherson Rd towards Mardi, Wyong, along the river and Tacoma. At Rocky Point we took the bike path along Tuggerah Lake to Gorokan, where we lost 4 of our Westie Riders for a short-cut home then it was back over the bridge, to JD via Peel street,
According to my little survey, it was a good and safe ride. It was a 50+ klm ride, average speed was around 20klm/ Hr. Elevation 350. Could not have asked for better weather, NO RAIN, NO WIND, and NO SUN!
Hope you all enjoyed the ride, have a great Easter. Take it easy on the chocolate!

Waiting for our coffee at OMF - 29 March 2024

A fine turn-out by the club - 27 March 2024
Wednesday 27 March 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - Several people, including Group 2 regular Chris, rode out through Wyong and over Kangy Angy to Ourimbah Creek Road, up there to Hidden Valley, and back along Enterprise Drive to Toowoon Bay and The Entrance and back home up Wil Barrett Dr, about 83km, well done! Vic stretched himself with a loop around Lake Munmorah as well for 112km.
Group 2 - T&DCC Peel St to Tea Tree Reserve loop in the SCA report 27 March 2024
On arrival at Osborne Park, we were greeted with perfect weather for riding, however as soon as the Sun got active, a strong southerly started to blow, which later in the day had some consequences. The wind did not deter eighteen of our exuberant riders from turning up for the hilly ride through the Munmorah State Conservation Area to Tea Tree Reserve. On arrival at Peel Street, we were greeted by John Roberts who is in recovery mode. He did not ride with us but came to say hello before returning home.
The ride was as per the calendar, that is Budgewoi, Blue Haven, Doyalson, Chain Valley Bay, Kanangra Drive, MSCA, Tea Tree Reserve, then return to Peel St via Budgie, The Lakes Beach and Noraville.
Warwick was the ride leader with Doug as sweep. Carol was in charge of first aid, Warwick the “000” man, with Nic and others acting as back up to Carol. The other riders were Keith A, Rolf, Linda, Michael B, Len, Dave R, Dave G, Jean, James, Karen, Jill, Trevor and Virginia.
After the ride briefing from Warwick, we set off towards Noraville then Budgewoi taking the old highway and bike track beside the Toukley golf course to Slade Park at Budgie. No snakes sunning themselves on the path today as we have seen sometimes in the past. Then it was on our way to Edgewater Park taking a detour along Buff Point Avenue due to the bike path still not being repaired. Our next stop was at the Wallarah Creek Bridge. On the way Jill and Trevor detoured and planned to meet us at Doyalson. On arrival at the bridge Virginia left the group and cycled home to attend to an appointment.
The ride plan did not stipulate we ride via the Blue Haven loop, so Warwick took us via another route by joining the Highway after going under the bridge. Soon we were at Doyalson where we were joined again by Jill and Trevor. From there it was full steam ahead to the turn-off at Chain Valley Bay Road. The forementioned Southerly played its part by pushing us along at a great rate of knots. Next, we turned up the dirt link road that joins up with Kanangra Drive. To our disgust someone had dumped asbestos rubbish in the bush, the council has put up signs advising people not to go near the dumped material. Don’t know what goes through some people’s brains, if they have any.
Soon we were at the start of Blue Wren Drive ready to tackle the hills to Tea Tree Reserve. On the way into Tea Tree Reserve some of us looked at the gradient of the hills going into the reserve and thought the muscle bike riders may have some troubles on the way out. Soon that was forgotten as we enjoyed the scenic delights at the reserve’s lookout. Lots of photos were taken as can be seen on our social pages and Strava.
While taking the photos on the lookout some of our members looked northward towards the nudist beach, but thankfully no one was on the beach.
After our rest we then looked forward to the challenge awaiting us riding up to the top of the hill at the corner of Blue Wren Drive. The riders on electric bikes seemed to cover the ground with ease, however some of the muscle bike riders were seen to be suffering. Eventually we all made it to the top of the hill without incident then powered downhill to Lizzy Bay.
Leaving Lizzy Bay, we were soon heading to Budgie, we then encountered the fore-mentioned southerly that was blowing its heart out. Some of us really struggled on the way to Budgie. On arrival at Budgie, Jill, Trevor, Doug, Keith and Rolf left the group and did their own thing.
The rest of us headed to the Ants Pants Café at Lakes Beach for a well-deserved coffee and goodies break. Anne did not partake in coffee and left us at this juncture. The café owner sees us so often he has remembered our orders from previous visits. Of course, our old, sorry young, mate Danny was there to greet us at the Café.
After coffee it was full steam ahead back to Peel Street, we did not have the usual after ride chats as some riders had appointments, and the committee members had to go home and clean themselves up before going to a committee members meeting.
T&DCC Peel St to Tea Tree Reserve loop in the SCA report 27 March 2024 As can be seen on WhatsApp and elsewhere, Paul is recovering from his medical incident. We wish him well in his recovery and hope to see him soon.
Thanks Warwick, Doug, and Carol.

Everybody, including Support Worker Danny, paying attention at Ants Pants, Lakes Beach - 27 March 2024

Coasters at Blue Wren Drive, Crangan Bay, Barry leading - 22 March 2024
TDCC Club Rides - Friday 22 March 2024
Skylarkers - John D rode on his own up to Blue Wren Dr and down to Toowoon Bay for 56km, training ride.
Coasters - CVBN/SRA with coffee at Lakes Beach
On the first cool morning this year, we all turned up at Jenny Dixon Reserve (JDR) with a wish that the BOM had got its forecast correct. Thankfully it was correct, they predicted 1mm, we got 1mm, but in 0.1 mm doses. That is 0.1mm on and off for the duration of the ride.
Sixteen riders turned up for today's ride to CVB South and North with the return leg via the SRA and Lizzie Bay. Barry was the leader and Doug the ever-reliable sweep.
The riders in sign on order were Barry, James, Nic, Carol, Len, David R, Estelle, Chris, Rod, Doug, Keith A, Huddo (sometimes known as Karen), Linda, Col, Anne, and Virginia. Greg H turned up at the beginning of the ride but returned home to Erina as he had already ridden to the start from home. He is an amazing man all the rides he does on his fold up bikes. Today saw the return to riding with the group of Rod who has been on holidays. Welcome back Rod.
During Barry’s ride briefing our old mates Di and George passed nearby and gave us waves and hellos, nice to see them out and about most days on Strava, and in real life.
The ride started out with a WSW breeze of 6km/hr greeting us on the way to The Corso, so it was not a hindrance. We rode our normal way to the Wallarah Peace Park over the Bridge on the footpath as we had to turn into the Wallarah Peace Park for a regroup. At this stage it started to sprinkle, a clue to most of us to put on our raincoats.
After the regroup we set off again along The Corso, where we met up with Linda. We then continued onto the nasty footbridge over Wallarah Creek where some of us decided it was safer to walk across the bridge than ride. Col joined us at the bike path after the bridge. Virginia joined us somewhere along the way, the location which was somehow missed by our intrepid reporter.
After our regroup at San Remo, we set off towards Roper Road. Some of us were looking for Lilly the Water Dragon as we rode along the bike path to Colorado Drive in Blue Haven. She/He must have been out looking for food or other activities and was not seen sunning themself today.
After we completed the Blue Haven loop we were on our way to Tall Timbers Road along the highway, when a tradie Ute pulled out of Ruttleys Rd, and tried to barge into our bike lane, this caused evasive action from a group of four riders. Thankfully most of us stopped quickly in the wet conditions, however one rider skidded for about 5 metres as their tyres would not grip in the wet conditions. So, this caused us to think that we need to allow more stopping time in wet conditions as we do when driving a car. It was noted from the said riders that these tyres were not the best in the wet.
After that little incident we were on our way to Josh Porter Reserve (JPR) on Lake Macquarie, soon we were relaxing, having a chat, and enjoying the visual delights of the reserve. One of our riders noticed that a dopey parent had left a child aged about 5 years old alone in a boat on the water. We kept an eye on the little fellow until the owner returned about a minute later. Some people!
After our nice regroup at JPR we headed off towards the dirt Link Road from Chain Valley Bay Road to Kanangra Drive. It was noted that Virginia’s tyres looked a bit narrow for the conditions but being the accomplished rider that she is, there were no problems encountered.
After crossing into the SRA, we had a regroup at the entry to the park. After setting off again through the park, via our peripheral vision we noted a strange animal scuttering through the vegetation beside the road. On closer inspection we could see it was a water bottle, Keith A must have hit a bump in the road, and the water bottle decided to go its own way. Luckily Keith realised what had happened and retrieved the bottle before carrying on and catching up with the group. He is a pretty fast rider, our Keith, he is still using a muscle bike and puts those of us to shame who are using electric bikes.
After a regroup at Lizzy Bay we headed for Budgie where Doug then left the ride. Dave R then took over as sweep. The rest of us carried onto the Lakes Beach, where we stopped for coffee at the greatly named Ants Pants Café. We were helped along from a breeze that had changed from WSW direction earlier in the day to a NNW direction at 7km/hr.
On arrival at the Café, we were greeted by our old mates, Pedro, Mike S, Rolfy, Paul, and Danny who was in standby retrieval mode. It was great to see these blokes. Paul was not riding due to those nasty skin problems we get from the Sun. Pedro in a similar situation to Paul, and Mike is now semi-retired with no time frame for his return to riding. Rolf was having a break from riding, and Danny is now officially retired from riding. During our chats Nic mentioned it is 14 years to the day since she landed in Oz. Congratulations on your anniversary Nic, you looked a bit different them with your long hair from the photograph you showed around.
After coffee half of the riders rode home, and the rest returned to JDR. it was noted that Nic had her trusted Red Steed back in her hands and was looking forward to riding up the steep incline along Elizabeth Drive to JDR. Much easier now that she is not pushing the muscle bike up the hill.
From Strava it is noted that Vivian is still on holidays, his last ride was over 100km in hilly terrain, congratulations are in order for Vivian.
Thanks to Barry, Doug and David R.
[And to you, Jimmy!]

Coffee at Ants Pants, Lakes Beach (Estelle managed to completely block out Danny) - 22 March 2024

Barry's group on the beautiful path at Tuggerah Lake, Rocky Point - 20 March 2024
TDCC Group Rides - 20 March 2024
Group 1 - Started at Noraville and rode to Wyong, then Chittaway to Tumbi Road and down to Terrigal. Back up WBD to finish - 72km.
Group 2 - Weather prediction for this week by BOM has been all over the place. To our surprise under cloudy skies 17 Riders turned up at Peel Street for our Wednesday Ride, which was as per programmed. Won’t mention all the names, you know who you are.
After a quick briefing by James, our Ride Manager, and a bit of knowledge he got from the training course he is attending for safer riding. As usual Doug volunteered to be the tail.
We were on our way towards Toukley Bridge, Gorokan, where we picked up 3 more riders.(Virginia, Paul, and Colin) near Molly’s house. (The Black Cat, which was nowhere to be seen.)
James informed us, if anyone wanted to go ahead towards Prawn Beach Lane (PBL), to do so. But no-one was in any hurry, so we cruised up and down the Roller Coaster towards PBL where Linda was waiting for us, Now we had 21 Riders involved in our Ride. Good numbers for a cloudy day and the humidity was around 76%.
We continued on the Cycle path and onto Wolesley Ave. Along Wyong River and turned right into Hillcrest Ave and Braithwaite Rd, towards Jensen Rd. & Pollock Ave before a brief rest on top of the hill at Johns Rd.
Through Wadalba around the neighbourhood and on to Minnesota Rd. to Sparks Rd. and left on Hiawatha Rd. to test the 3 riders who were on muscle bikes (!?!) and finally right onto Hakone Rd for a nice flat bit of road. We made our way towards the Pacific Hyw. and decided to go a bit more north to cross it, It took us a while, as the traffic was horrendous.
Crossed over at Charmhaven and finally on the bike path over the bridge to Budgeewoy. Colin decided to take a short cut home, and Paul also left us there for home, and to catch up with us for coffee.
Budgeewoy Lake looked like a mirror, very calm conditions and a pleasant ride along it. Once we reached Budgeewoy we lost a few riders who had home duties to take care of. The rest did not have to be told where we were going for coffee, and before we knew it we were at the Lakes Coffee for our break.
The group ordered their coffee and were scattered in the park, where Rolf & Danny were waiting for us. After our break we all went in different directions.
The westies went home, and the remainder back to Peel St where we started. The Ride was about 45+ Klm. @ about 19 to 20 klm/ hr and NO Rain, & No Wind to complain about.
Good Ride & Good Company. About 44km.
[Thanks Chris, and thanks to Nikki for the photos!]

Coffee at Lakes Beach, Ants Pants - 20 March 2024
Friday 15 March 2024 - Club Rides
Skylarkers - No information
Coasters - JDR-TheEnt-KVale-BBBeach-theEnt-JDR Loop ride report 15 March 2024. Another perfect day for a ride, although the weather man said otherwise. The early morning sprinkles deterred some riders, but we eventually had nine eager participants turn up at Jenny Dixon.
Carol was the ride manager and James the sweep. The riders aside from those mentioned were Len, Keith A, David R, Rolf, Daryl G and Linda.
Carol advised us at the start of the ride that some sections of the ride would be like a mystery ride as most of us would not know them even though we were told the names of the road. Carol lives in the area so knew all the streets like the back of her hand.
During the pre-ride discussions, and after mutual agreement with the riders, Carol changed the plan of attack for The Entrance Bridge - it was agreed we would ride over the pathway and not the road.
As usual, the ride manager Carol advised us that we could overtake her on the way to The Entrance, some did but the strong SSE wind of 40km/hr made the going hard so there were not too many takers.
After arriving at North Entrance without incident we set off over the bridge, the forementioned wind kept trying to pull the handlebars from our hands and was determined to send us in a direction it was going.
All safely across the bridge we headed for Killarney Vale where we crossed Wyong Road and ventured onto Tumbi Road. Shortly up Tumbi Road we turned left into Roberta Street and did a tour of back streets most of us did not know existed. We passed through some very nice areas, that was made more enjoyable due to the lack of traffic. The highlights were Northumberland Way, Maree Blvd, and Playford Road.
After 15 or so minutes we were back in familiar territory recognising Brooke Avenue and Eastern Road. As we entered the Southern entrance to the Bateau Bay shopping complex, Rolf’s bike suffered a flat. Unfortunately Rolf’s bike had suffered a flat early in the day, so he was left without his spare. Thankfully, we remembered Danny was on call to pick up any riders in this situation. Danny was just about to start his coffee at the Euro Bean Café when Rolf called him about his predicament. Danny jumped into his superman guise and headed to the Bateau Bay shopping centre near the underpass to pick up Rolf and his bike. Thanks to Danny for helping the club and Rolf. [You're welcome!]
While Rolf was waiting for Danny the rest of us headed to Bateau Bay Beach. After a 10 minute break we headed for the Euro Bean Café. Carol introduced us to a new route back to The Entrance along Eloora Rd avoiding the traffic on the main route we normally take.
On arrival at the Euro Bean Cafe, we discovered Nic had set up a table for us, some of the riders added another table so most of us could sit together, thank Nic.
Shortly after we arrived at the Euro Bean Café, Danny and Rolf arrived. Rolf shouted Danny coffee and a snack for doing his good deed.
After all the clouds in the sky earlier in the day, the Sun was now out, and we enjoyed a pleasant sojourn at the Café.
Thankfully, when it was time to return up WBD, the wind had dropped considerably to around 23km/hr so the trip back to JDR was most pleasant with a tail wind helping us occasionally. It was noted the new bike track is coming along at a faster pace than in the past. It looks great due to some nice landscaping taking place. We can’t wait for it to open.
The ride was around 45km, the speed around 21km/hr, the weather was great, except for the early morning wind. The WhatsApp app came in handy and we found it a great help by keeping in touch with the rest of the group during the tyre incident.
Thanks to Carol for her ride leading, and Danny for providing his pickup service.
Sorry, no photos as our photographers were unavailable.

Crossing at Lakedge Park, Buff Point - 13 March 2024
TDCC Club Rides - 13 March 2024
Coasters - Tkly-Gorokan-SanRemo-Budgie-LizBay-LMun-Doylo-SanRemo-Tkly-Loop ride
The calendar says Autumn, the early risers knew it is true due to the lower-than-average temperatures we have been experiencing in the early morn. It was about 16°C out west compared to mid 20° temps in the last few weeks.
On arrival at Osborne Park, we were greeted by 18 keen riders who were champing at the bit to get going. The 18 riders from memory were Rolf, Carol, Chris B, Dave F, Dave R, Len, Michael B, Virginia, Col, Trevor, Jill, Nic, Paul, Stuart, Keith A, Evi and James.
Rolf, who has not been 100%, turned up to lead the ride that was as per the ride calendar. With Dougie being absent, Dave R and Stuart took on the roles of dual sweeps.
Rolf gave his pre-ride speech about the route that included some slight changes in the Lake Munmorah area, and on the return journey to San Remo, that was an attempt to make it easier to get into the San Remo shopping precinct for coffee.
Carol then followed with a short speech about first-aid protocols and about her leading the ride this Friday that will include a new way to cross the Entrance Bridge in a safer manner.
So, off we go towards Aldi, slightly after someone in the group forgot some device they needed on the ride, so as they went back to retrieve the said item, Rolf and the group waited at the top of Peel St in the shade. Shortly after, we were on our way to the Wallarah Peace Park at Gorokan as a fast clip.
Riding along The Corso we were joined by Virginia who had ridden from home. Soon we were crossing the narrow footbridge at Wallarah Creek. James and 2 others decided to walk the bridge. Unfortunately, James’ bike front wheel nearly clipped the following rider Stuart as James was dismounting his steed. It will be great when the people in charge of our main roads build a proper bridge with shared paths in both directions. About 5 members have come to grief when riding along the non-shared path, that is why some riders now do the walk.
After we crossed the bridge Col joined us, then we headed for Budgie along the bike path. On the way we crossed paths with Di and George, and instead of saying 'riders up', some were calling 'Di and George up', as we see them so often.
We stopped at Edgewater Park, Buff Point, where we met up with Evi and Paul. It was nice to see them and Col as they have not been riding regularly with us due to other commitments.
Rolf wisely by-passed the damaged section of the bike path near Buff Point, and we traversed via Buff Point Avenue to re-join the bike path at the end of Buff Point Avenue.
As we were riding the path it was noticeable that a lot of people in motorised wheelchairs were out and about enjoying the views on either side of the track that has some great water views. Lots of mums with bubs in strollers etc also on the bike path, that was nice to see.
Leaving Budgie, we headed towards Lizzy Bay at a fast pace that left some of the muscle-bike riders huffing and puffing. Rolf noticed this and lowered the pace so that we would all regroup in Lizzy Bay around the same time.
After guzzling down some water at Lizzy Bay we headed for Lake Munmorah foreshores at the end of Diane Crescent. After a short break we joined the shared path and continued to the end of path before returning to Colongra Bay Road then the Pacific Highway.
Again, seeing that the road to Doyalson was a straight run, Rolf turned on the afterburners and we were soon crossing the lights at Doyalson. At this point Rolf led us down the Link Road to the turn off to Aldi, then after a few turns we crossed the Pacific Highway at the lights opposite the North Lakes Shopping Centre on our way to La Macchina.
Danny met us for coffee and after lots of chats amongst the groups at the scattered reels, the main group returned to Peel St via Budgie instead of going via Gorokan. Chris, Dave 2 and James cycled home after coffee. The rest of the Westies also rode home.
On today’s ride we experienced some people laughing at us, but in general we were encouraged by the courteousness of drivers on the road, especially some bloke in his hotted up Red V8 Commodore who was very patient driving behind us for some distance on The Corso.
The ride conditions were pleasant, the ride was about 50kms, no incidents to report.

Happy riders with non-rider Danny at La Makkina, Northlakes Shops - 13 March 2024

Lovely candid shot of the Coasters at Lakes Beach - 8 March 2024
Friday 8 March 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Vic posted a record of his ride today with the Skylarkers, from Doyalson to Lake Munmorah, down to Budgewoi, across to Wyong and around Tuggerah Lake to Tumbi Umbi, Tumbi Road to Terrigal, back up Wilfred Barrett to Budgie, Scenic Drive to Buff Point and back to his start, 103km - excellent ride, and the same for whoever went with him.

Coasters - Sixteen Riders were present at JD on a beautiful Autumn day. In no particular order they were - James, Keith, Doug, Virginia, Angela, Daryl, Karen, Estelle, Rolf, John, Len, Lyn, Barry, Dave 1, Dave 2, and Chris.
After a short briefing of the Ride by James our Ride Manager for today’s ride we were on our way to Budgewoi via the cycleway to Slade Park. A short re-gathering and off to Elizabeth drive. Unfortunaely Lyn had some issues with the glare due to a problem with her eye and had to abandon the ride for a short ride home.
When we reached the Pacific Hwy, we went straight across to Carters Rd towards the bike path at Chain Valley Bay North to Teraglin Lakeshore Home Village, and right into Mulloway Rd. Across Chain Valley Bay Rd and onto the Dirt Road to Kanangra Dr. Since the dirt Strip had not been graded for a while, it was a steady and cautious ride. Once we were back on the smooth road, we picked up a bit of speed towards Summerland Pt via Cams Blvd, our half way point, where we had a bit of a rest.
At that point we started noticing that the temperature was rising, with quite a bit of humidity, so it was time to start our return trip. We proceeded along Cams Blvd loop and going back on our track to the Pacific Hwy. and across to Blue Wren Dr into SCA, and right into Birdie Beach Dr. towards Elizabeth Dr. The Ride was going too well so far, to be true.
When Karen got a flat, the front of the pack were heading for the coffee break, thankfully Doug, Keith and Rolf offered to stay and fix the problem, while the rest proceeded to the Lakes Coffee Shack.
On the way there we encountered another flat, this time it was Len. He decided just to pump the tyre as he was not so far from the coffee shack.
When we reached the shack, Nicolette was waiting for us, and before we knew, we were all together again, apart from Doug, Keith & Rolf, who went to their preferred Coffee Shop in Budgewoi. [Danny had already been and drank his coffee and had to rush back home for a tradesman.]
Nicolette was not able to ride today due to a Cortisone Injection to her injured shoulder, we wish her all the best and hope she will be back riding sooner than later.
After our coffee break and a chat, we all got back on our bikes to JDR, a short ride to complete our Friday Ride, some went straight home and the remainder back to their car at JDR.
The Ride was about 40 Klm. and very enjoyable, thanks to all that did the ride and hope you all enjoyed the time together.
Have a nice weekend and see you all next week.

Morning tea at EuroBean, The Entrance - 6 March 2024
TDCC Group Rides - 6 March 2024
Group 1 - no details available.

Group 2 - Toukley-TheEnt-BatBay-KVale-T/E-Tkly Loop ride report for 6 March 2024
At last, the day dawned in a perfect condition, with a slight breeze and a nice temperature to greet us as we prepared our steeds for the promised ride to Bateau Bay Beach via The Entrance and returning via Killarney Vale and The Entrance for coffee.
On arrival at Osborne Park, we were greeted by a nice NE breeze. Warwick and Robyn must have left home early as they were there as some of us arrived about 8:25am. Warwick and I had a chat about how things work as far as administration goes in the club. This was added to the information passed onto me from Chris, Rod, and Carol. Thanks for your advice and help boys and Carol.
Barry was the ride manager, and old faithful Doug with his shadow Keith were dual sweeps. After Barry’s pre-ride briefing, we also mentioned safety again as we do not want any of us to get hurt while riding. Not nice for the injured person or those people who witness any incidents. [For sure!]
There were 16 riders ready for the ride, as per the calendar. Barry made a slight change on the return leg; we were to cross Wyong Road at the lights instead of at the roundabout. The riders in sign-on order were - Barry, Robyn, Warwick, Michael B, Len, Chris B, Nicolette, Virginia, David R, Keith A, Doug, James, Dave F, Paul, Estelle, and Linda.
We took off at a good pace and headed for WBD, after a slight pause to see if all riders got through the lights at Main Rd/Evans Rd. We set off again and in the blink of an eye we were heading down WBD without stopping at the quiet place on the hill.
Barry set a good pace to North Entrance, and we were strung out over a fair distance. Some people on the muscle bikes struggled up the hills but were like greased lightning down them. Those on ebikes overtook them on the hills, but were soon overtaken on the downhill and flat sections of the road, due to the faster gearing on the muscle bikes and possibly due to their greater fitness levels.
Shortly after arriving at North Entrance, Linda advised us that she was not feeling 100%, and decided to ride back to Peel St. Best wishes to Linda and hope she is feeling better as quickly as possible.
After a short break we headed for one of favourite places, Bateau Bay Beach, where we spent some time under the shady trees as the day was starting to warm up. After enjoying the ambience of the beach and parklands we set off toward Killarney Vale via Bateau Bay Road.
We cycled around the back streets of Bateau Bay before crossing Wyong Road into Passage Rd, then into the sports field at the end of Passage Road. The only problems on some of these paths is the barriers that makes navigating through them difficult. We supposed it is better than having motorcycles on the paths.
After we came out of the sports field, we headed along Cresthaven Avenue where we expected to ride past Vivian’s house and give him a wave in Sir Joseph Banks Drive. Unfortunately, we did not get to wave as Barry decided to go straight through to Rotherham Street.
Regarding Vivian, he has notified us that he will not be riding with us for a little while. Thanks for letting us know Vivian.
Soon we were crossing Wyong Road and on our way to The Entrance, but as usual someone abused us. A young woman walking abused us for not using our bells. The leaders did, the rest of us used our voices instead, which we assume is a more friendly way to notify someone [depends what you say]. David F copped most of the abuse, but he stayed his normal calm self.
When we arrived at The Entrance for coffee, we were greeted by Carol and Danny. Chris and Carol discussed the ride leaders and their routes for the away trip to Orange. Chris has had talks with others re the ride. Thanks, Chris, for all your work in organising the rides. We expect to see some information about the away trip rides soon.
Danny has volunteered to become the cyclist- and bike-retriever in case any of our riders can’t get home due to bike failure or other reasons. Sometimes we don’t have relatives or friends that can come and pick us up due to circumstances. Thanks Danny, much appreciated. [You’re welcome! Just ring me, hopefully I'll be available.]
After coffee and chats with our fellow riders, we set off up WBD for Peel Street. Most of us were either Westies or Northies so went our own way after the new bike path at Canton Beach.
Best wishes to anyone of our riders who are in the sick bay, or who have partners not going so well, as we know some have. The weather was great, 27°C maximum, humidity 80%, winds NE 4-6 km/hr. Distance was 48km.

Looking for whales at Bateau Bay - 6 March 2024
TDCC Group Rides - 1 March 2024
Skylarkers - Ride to Wyong and over Kangy Angy and up OCR to Hidden Valley, back along Enterprise Drive and around Tuggerah Lake back to start. In Vic's case this meant a loop around Lake Munmorah for a 112km ride. Well done in the muggy weather!

Coasters - Today 1st of March 12 Riders turned up at JD for our Friday Coasters Ride, with the temperature a lot better than yesterday. Slightly under overcast skies but a bit humid. The group were James M, Barry S, David 1, David 2, Carol M, Lyn S, Len, Darryl G, Rolf S, Doug T, Keith A ,Chris B.
The Ride was as published on our Ride Calendar. We took off towards Toukley Bridge and we received a message that Paul F. Would be joining us at Gorokan, near the Black Cat residence. Which changed the quantity of riders to a baker’s dozen?!? We also saw Virginia at Noraville, who decided to have a earlier ride to dodge the heat, if it was going to be a repeat of yesterday. She rode with us to Gorokan and left us at the Bridge.
We continued on towards Marks rd. and the rollercoaster and turned right into Jensen Rd. After a quick stop at Pollock Ave we headed straight to the Wyong toilets for a short break.
We had advised Danny (Our Retired Rider) where we were going to have our coffee and glad to hear that he would be waiting for us.
From Wyong we headed straight to the Old Milk Factory for our coffee break. On our arrival we were quite surprised with all the renovations taking place there. The place was quite deserted, we had it all to ourselves under cover.
Unfortunately Doug had an appointment and had to go. It was good to see that Keith accompanied him back. We thought the service was going to be a bit slow, as there were only one person at the counter, but she called for some assistance and all went pretty well, and Danny turned up right on time, was great to see him looking well.
While we were having our coffee, Paul received a call and had to leave us, we hope all is OK and got home safely. Then it was time to head back to JD.
We went back on our track towards Wyong and along the River towards South Tacoma, at Rocky Point we went on the Bike Path to Wyongah. After the Rollercoaster Len left us for a short-cut home.
At Gorokan, of course, Barry said bye to us, as we passed his front door.
Just before the Bridge, I (Chris ) decided since the weather was so perfect to do a few extra Klm. And did the Corso loop back to Wadalba. The rest continued on to JD. 62km for me and 41 for the standard ride.
A big thank you to James for managing the ride, and to Doug who looked after us at the back to the Milk Factory Cafe, and David 2 for taking over from Doug back to JD.
To conclude - a great day for a ride and hope you all enjoyed it, and HAVEAGOODWEEKEND.
No photos as our photographers are away, or not riding.

Paul, Len, Dave and Chris at Star Café, Morisset. Nikki's photo - 29 February 2024
Wednesday 28 February 2024 - TDCC Ride Reports
Group 1 - Insufficient data. JD did SRA.
Group 2 - T&DCC Morisset-Cooranbong-DoraCreek-BonnelsBay-Morisset Loop ride report for 28 Feb 2024
On arrival at Morisset some of us were taken by surprise by the sight of the Entertainment Dome being built on the old Morisset Golf Club. Looks very impressive. The weather was just as impressive - we were greeted at Morisset Rotary Park with a temperature of around 23°C with humidity of 90-100%. Thankfully a light NE breeze was blowing to keep us feeling comfy.
Eighteen cheerful riders turned up for the ride through Cooranbong, Dora Creek, Bonnells Bay, Balcolyn, Silverwater, Brightwaters, Morisset Park then back to Morisset.
Warwick was the ride leader who replaced Danny as he has retired from riding. Keith and James were the terrible duo acting as sweeps, as Doug was absent today. Warwick announced a new protocol being trialled for when an accident-incident occurs. Warwick named Carol in charge of safety and treatment, Warwick was to handle any urgent calls that needed to be made, Nic and James had support rôles under Carol’s guidance.
The eighteen riders were in no particular order were, Paul, Chris B, Daryl M, Rolf, Hans, Michael B, Estelle, Dave R, Len, Keith A, Trevor, Jill, Robyn, Warwick, Rod, Nic, Carol and James.
After Warwick gave us his blessing, sorry briefing, we set off towards Cooranbong along Kahiba St, when we reached Freemans Drive, we turned right, when unfortunately, a few kilometres up the road it looked like one car was turning into a driveway and another car coming the other way clipped the turning car at 45°. it looked as though both cars could have been a write-off. It appeared as though no occupants were injured, thanks to the safety gear in new cars these days.
Venturing through Cooranbong we turned right at Newport Road and headed to Dora Creek. We were amazed how much Cooranbong and the surrounding areas have grown over the period we have been doing this ride. At least one of our riders has moved from the coast to this glorious part of the country. The acreages on the way to Dora Creek were stunning to say the least.
On arrival at Dora Creek, Warwick encouraged us to keep together as we crossed the Dora Creek Bridge. Crossing the bridge was a piece of cake, even the traffic behind us was respectful and courteous. We expected to see Lindley today as he lives in the area, he must have had something else to do, maybe next time.
After crossing the bridge we turned left into Marconi Road, we assume named after a famous Italian radio inventor. The road ahead was like a ribbon, lots of ups and some down. A certain rider did not have her e-bike today, and really suffered on the way to Bonnells Bay and for the rest of the ride, it was much hillier than some of us remembered. We should have listened to Col’s advice on WhatsApp.
After a short break we headed around the foreshores of Lake Macquarie passing through the suburbs mentioned above. Google maps was playing up again, so Warwick consulted Len who knows the area well and guided around the numerous road works and detours in place on our planned route.
As we rode through Trinity Point, we admired the beautiful buildings that have been erected. Someone mentioned there appears to be a lot of money in this area, hard to disagree. As an aside the people that developed Trinity Point also own the land and the new entertainment centre in Morisset where the Golf Club used to be. (Trivia we know).
After leaving Trinity Point, we were soon back in Morisset heading over the railway bridge, again Warwick nicely organised us as a group to cross the bridge, this seems the way to go.
We had organised to meet Danny at the Star Café in Morisset, unfortunately Danny got there a bit early, and by the time the péloton got there, Danny had left for an appointment. [Had my coffee at Cooranbong. D]
The temperature varied between 27-29° during the ride, the humidity was high at 90-100%, thankfully sometimes we were exposed to a nice NE breeze of 6-7km/hr. The ride was around 40kms. We climbed around 450 metres; someone will sleep well tonight.
[Thank you James!]

Taking a breather at Bateau Bay Beach - 23 February 2024
Friday 23 February 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Various rides of different lengths in view of very hot conditions. Good effort to go out in it!
Coasters report for Bateau Bay Beach Loop via KVale-Return via The Entrance 23 Feb 1024
We all knew it was going to be hot today, but not as early in the day as it was, the high forecast temperature did not deter 15 riders from participating in the ride. The conditions at the start of the ride at Jenny Dixon were quite pleasant and did not give an indication of how hot it was to become later in the day.
James was the ride manager, Doug the sweep, Stuart, Nic, and Carol were the safety crew. The riders aside from those just mentioned were Barry, Rolf, Seppo, Therese, Len, Karen, Vivian, Chris, Lyn S, and David R.
As you can see there are two names that we are not familiar with, of course they are Seppo and Therese who have been riding with another cycling group in Newcastle, that regularly rides 50kms. They decided to give us a try, as it is a long way to Newcastle from Summerland Point. After we gave Seppo and Therese the risk warning and ambulance coverage information etc we started the group briefing, this stated that the ride was as per the calendar, that is to Bateau Bay Beach via Killarney Vale and return to Jenny Dixon via The Entrance and WBD. We headed towards The Entrance at a fast speed, some riders were looking like they were racing to get tickets to see Taylor. Unfortunately, Chris missed out on the tickets as he suffered a puncture near the Magenta Resort. Doug and some others in the crew stayed with Chris to help him get back on the road. The rest of us cycled to the North Entrance watering spot where we waited for them under the pine trees.
All back together after 10 minutes, we took off towards The Entrance bike track via the bridge and the round-a-bout. Carol was waiting for us at the end of the bridge as she had ridden from home. After turning off the round-a-bout into Coral St and then into Manning Road, we observed the Central Coast Council (CCC) were at last adding kerb and guttering to the worst road on the Central Coast. This road had more potholes than the Moon, Congratulations CCC.
After navigating the surface of the Moon, we headed along the bike tracks and roads to the boat launching ramp area at Long Jetty, where we had a short break for water etc.
Next, we crossed the notorious Wyong Road at the pedestrian crossing that leads into the carpark just up from Central Coast Cycles. From the carpark we re-joined the original route at South Street and continued to Bateau Bay Beach (BBB) avoiding the roads as much as possible, sticking to the shared paths wherever possible.
We had a nice break from the heat at BBB, where shade and a slight breeze helped keep us a bit cooler. Seppo looked like the heat was getting to him, but he soldiered on to The Entrance where we met up for Coffee with our warrior Danny, whose has almost fully recovered from his bicycle fall.
After a good chat, food, and coffee we were off again to Jenny Dixon. By this time the temperature was nudging 37°C with the humidity around 40%. By the time we got to the existing bike track beside WBD, some of us were feeling the heat, including myself. Unfortunately, Seppo was feeling worse for wear and decided to abandon the ride, as did some of the group 1 riders as we were advised by our members on Strava. Therese, who is Seppo's wife, came back with her car and picked up Seppo. While he was waiting for Therese, Stuart and Chris stayed with Seppo and made him comfortable. We rang Seppo after the ride, and he said he had fully recovered and felt ok.
Chris had a bad day with his bike, suffering another puncture along WBD, thankfully with help from Stuart he was back on his bike in no time flat and made it home without any further punctures.
Maximum Temperature was 38°, humidity was 40%. Ride was close to 40km. Photos by Nikki.

Morning tea at EuroBean - 23 February 2024

Warwick with his flock at, I think, Blue Wren Drive - 21 February 2024
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 21 February 2024 Group 2 Ride.
Group 1 didn't ride today because of the weather. Eleven Riders turned up at Peel St even though the BOM Advised us of No serious downpour. After looking at the sky, we had our doubts!?
So Warwick replacing Danny as Ride leader, decided to still have a shortened Ride. After a short briefing by Warwick, the rest of us (James, Jill, Trevor, David2, Keith, Doug, Nicolette, Rolf, Len, and Myself Chris. We're on our way towards Budgewoi and onto Elizabeth Bay Dr. Across the Pacific Hwy. Onto Carters Rd. and the bike path to Mulloway Rd. (still no sign of rain) to Chain Valley Rd. Since turning Right on PHWY, would have been too dangerous, we went left towards Kanangra drive, and did a “U” turn and crossed the PHWY at the lights into Blue Wren Dr.
Smooth sailing back towards Budgewoi and Noraville for our coffee break at the “Haus” where Carol & Danny joined us for coffee. FYI. Danny is still having some scan, so will Not be riding until he gets the all-clear. Must say, he looked pretty good after only a week from his mishap?!?
After coffee, it was time to head home, there were a few black clouds in the sky that looked like opening up at any time.
Most of the Riders went straight home, and the rest made their way back to Peel St.
We should have trusted the BOM, I don't think any of us got home with a wet bum. Today’s Ride was shortened to around 40 Klm.
Thanks to Warwick for filling in and as usual to Doug for keeping an eye on the group.
See you all on Friday. CB.
Thanks to Nikki for the photos - D

Some of today's team with Danny at Beach Haus, Norah Head - 21 February 2024
Friday 16 February 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Friday Coasters Ride 16/2/24 (No report from the Skylarkers)
Fifteen Riders turned up under cloudy skies. After a brief talk about the Ride, which was Round Tuggerah Lakes (Anti-ClockWise) we all made our way over the Toukley Bridge towards Marks Rd. We picked up Virginia near Molly’s house (the Black cat) who was not there to greet us?? Up and down the Roller Coaster to Prawn Beach Lane. A quick stop at the Tacoma toilet and on our way to Wyong.
Across the Pacific Hwy onto the Tuggerah Straight. Before we reached Church Rd, we decided to do a lap of the sports complex. What a difference riding on the freshly refurbished Church Rd! On our way to The Entrance we chose both the Bike path and the road, depending of what surface you preferred. By that time the sun was out and the temperature had risen.
We were right on time arriving at EuroBean where Rod, Danny and Pedro were waiting to have coffee with us. Great to see Pedro out and about and specially Danny after his recent accident. ( hope the scan you had is all clear [next week])
After coffee we all headed back to JD along WBD. The progress on the bike path along WBD seems to be going well, hopefully will be completed during 2024. Just before arriving at JD we lost some of the riders going west . I took the remainder back to JD. Altogether quite a nice Ride and NO Incident.
We completed around 50 - 60 klm depending where you lived.
Thanks again to Doug for keeping an eye on the group at the back.
Hope you all enjoyed the ride.
[No photos even though Nikki was there with her camera.]
Wednesday 14 February 2024 - TDCC Club Rides
No sign of Group 1. JD rode with the other group.
Group 2 - Gwandalan Loop. The weather as usual was supposed to be very hot, it started out that way out west where us westies live. On arrival at Osborne Park, we were pleased to see that the temperature was quite pleasant due to the nice breeze coming off the lake.
The warm weather did not detour the 15 riders that turned up for the ride to Gwandalan that was to be led by Rolf. Doug as usual volunteered as the sweep. Thanks guys.
Fifteen riders started at Osborne Park, they were Rolf, Doug, Danny, James, John D, Vivian, Dave F, Dave R, Dave G, Nic, Michael B, Estelle, Stuart, and Len.
Being a warm day, Rolf took it easy on us till we got to Mackenzie Park Budgewoi where Jill, Trevor, Lyn and Paul joined the ride. After we left Budgewoi, Rolf then turned up the throttle and we hi-tailed it to Lizzy Bay turning right at the 2nd Round A Bout, where we had a rest before facing the challenging hills in the SRA.
It was noted that John D from group 1 put us riders on e-bikes to shame going up the hills, passing us with ease. John is having a few rides with group 2 till he gets back to peak fitness before re-joining his mates in group 1.
Before crossing the Pacific Highway, Rolf suggested we ride a different route for a bit of variety. The decision was yes, so Rolf planned the ride that way.
With the pace up a bit higher than usual through we were soon crossing the Pacific Highway to Kanangra Drive and then on our way to Gwandalan. Kanangra Drive turns right at the round a bout that divides Summerland Point and Gwandalan. It was a pleasant ride along these roads, and we were surprised to see so many new homes in the area.
On entering the downhill section of the road, we encountered newly laid road humps. These had not been painted yet as they had only been laid the previous day, they were not painted with orange stripes at the time of our ride. Unfortunately for Danny he did not see the humps and was thrown off his bike. He sustained some cuts to his arms and legs and had a lump on his head. Nic took control of the first aid and monitored Danny’s breathing and pulse. Stuart called 000 after consultation with Nic, and James about Danny’s condition. Stu then kept the 000 hot line informed of Danny’s condition. He only stopped after the ambos arrived on the scene. Thanks to Nic, Stuart and David F who waited with Danny’s bike before it was picked up and taken to a safe place later in the day. Thanks also to the other riders who offered help, I can’t remember who they were due to the frantic situation.
Dave F who looked after Danny’s bike told us that after we had left the scene, some workers turned up to paint the humps with bright orange paint.
After the situation was under control, and with Danny in the safe hands of the Ambos who took him to John Hunter Hospital, some riders continued to Gwandalan and other went back to Danny’s favourite Café, La Macchina at San Remo.
After coffee all riders either returned home or to Osborne Park. Unfortunately, Nic got a flat on the way to Osborne Park and decided to walk the last kilometre.
An update on Danny’s bike - the force of the fall was so severe it filed the top of the brake oil container [master rear brake cylinder] off. Luckily Danny only had minor abrasions, we expected them to be more severe due to the severity of the fall. [Twenty-four separate injuries including a bleed on the brain. All better now though, 2 days later!]

Coasters re-group at Batto Bay Beach - 9 February 2024
Friday 9 February 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Fred's History Ride - down Wilfred Barrett and around Tuggerah Lake, including out to Chittaway Point and South Tacoma, and back along the Pacific Hwy to Kanwal. 74km.
Coasters - Good turn-up this morning, with 20 riders at Jenny Dixon and one more at The Entrance (T/E). James was leading and Doug looked after the other end. Weather was cool and cloudy with wind 5 (at 0900) -15 (homewards) knots SW.
After riding down Wilfred Barrett Drive (WBD), with a re-group at Roberts St North Entrance, we headed for the lakeside bike path, while Carol waited for us at EuroBean, but being smart she was looking out for us and joined us on the path. Quite a mob of us to muster, but despite a few tricky bits we managed to get everybody to the Batto Bay lookout, where the adjacent photos were taken.
On to the EuroBean café where we met Pedro, and managed to all sit together. Somehow I finished up with an extra cup of coffee which I didn't want but, in their good-customer-relations style, they took it back and refunded my money. Well done, thanks!
Then a lovely tail-wind back up WBD to the bike path exit to Evans Road where we Westies left the péloton to head for the Toukley Bridge, while James and his flock returned to JDR. More Westies than flock!
Thanks everyone for coming today - it was a wonderful club ride! My distance from home was 54km, while John L'Est, coming from Umina did about 80, probaby 89 including the trip to the Woy Woy Rail. Good effort! The basic ride from JDR was about 40km. Nikki did 50km in her quest for photos. More of her photos on our FB Group page here.

Another shot from the beach - 9 February 2024

Re-group at Mary Street, Dave putting his coat on in the background, Danny, James, Rolf, Doug, Waz and Stuart - 7 February 2024
Wednesday 7 February 2024 - TDCC Group Rides
About 12 people turned up at Peel street, 3 went home soon after, and 9 agreed to ride. Waz led the ride, cloudy and rainy though it was, and we set off. Two more absconded at that stage, but seven of us perservered, making our first re-group in Mary Street, Gorokan, at Molly's place, where the above photo was taken. Still raining at this stage, with us getting quite wet. The ride was meant to be to Wyong and around Mardi, but we shortened it. After getting past the Roller Coaster,we entered Prawn Beach Lane and did the entire Tuggerawong Bike Path, as we call it (I guess the walkers don't). After visiting the beautiful Tacoma toilets we headed towards Wyong but instead of going the the Wyong toilets we cut straight across to Pollock Avenue and headed for Sam's Café and Bakery. As we rode along the peaceful said avenue, a police car came screaming past. At Wadalba there was a police helicopter hovering over the area for the whole time we were having coffee. Apparently some miscreant was trying to run away, but we never found out any more about the operation.
After a lovely drink of coffee and some baked goods, we all headed home to get changed and showered before the AGM. Everybody in the group, except maybe Rolf, and Warwick of course, were Westies, so it was very convenient for us.
We rode about 35km. The rain had stopped not long after we started, so we weren't too wet. There was an AGM after lunch, mainly to elect a new president, James, after Chris resigned, and a new vice-president, Nicolette I think. I'm still the publicity officer. We talked about our holiday in Orange, coming up in April, deciding on a different ride leader for each day. With no TTT Ladies available, we will have to have our m/t in cafés in Orange, which will be a boost for the local economy.
We were very keen riding in such condition (lucky it wasn't very cold) setting a new standard of dedication for this club.

Relaxing at Sam's while listening to the poice helicopteryx - 7 February 2024

Coasters at Chain Valley Bay North, Lake Macquarie - 2 February 2024
Friday 2 February 2024 - TDCC Club Rides
A beautiful warm sticky day, winds from west to south, 10 to 18 knots. Skylarkers did a huge loop incorporating three lakes, clockwise, then Enterprise Drive, Pacific Hwy, Narara, Gosford, back to Ourimbah, over Kangy Angy the hard way, Wyong, including I would say Oasis Café and back around Tuggerah Lake to wherever they started, Vic's Strava map showed 108km and 773 meters of vertical. Saw Ric and Kez near Noraville. Go Skylarkers!
Coasters - Danny leading on an easy course for those on the compromised list. Twenty-one of us after we picked up Lynnie at Budgewoi. Then in a loop around Chain Valley Bay North and South, back down to San Remo. Bit of a fright on the path near Buff Point which is broken and patched and the warning sign no longer there, causing me, riding at a brisk pace, to become airborne. Then on to Budgewoi and Lakes Beach for coffee and lunch.
A very pleasant ride with no dramas of any sort, apart from said jump. Doug looked after the tail. Thanks for coming everyone. Nice to see Ray still with us, I mean not going back to Blighty. Thanks Nikki for the photos. More on our FB Page here.

Buff Point assembly - 2 February 2024

Some of our riders arriving at South Tacoma. Nikki's photo - 31 January 2024
Wednesday 31 January 2024 - Group Rides
Group 1, about 7 were seen, rode out to Yarramalong, some incorporating two lakes for extra kms. 75-95km for the day.
Group 2 Ride - Waz leading, Doug chasing, nineteen riders, out to Wadalba and Wyong, then down to South Tacoma. Back to Oasis café in Wyong for coffee then continue out along the Pacific Hwy to Minnesota Road, then via Hamlyn Terrace wetlands, Arizona Road and Moala Pde back to Peel Street. About 50km for most of us, with Col taking the top distance at 65km. My shakedown ride after throat surgery - all good! No dramas or incidents. Thanks everyone for coming!
I was very slow coming back from South Tacoma, something wrong with my bike, but then I turned it off and back on again, and guess what - fixed!

Relaxed morning tea at Oasis café Nikki's photo - 31 January 2024
Private ride with members of TDCC from JDR to San Remo and return via Budgewoi.
With the common knowledge of the dire heatwave predicted for today, the club cancelled the scheduled Coasters ride to Wyee returning via Tooheys Road. The BOM prediction for Wyee was 42°C. As the programmed ride was cancelled, some members decided to have a private shorter ride to San Remo and back via Budgewoi, and if conditions allowed a brief detour along Sunrise Avenue at Halekulani. The route was planned to ride near Budgewoi Lake and Lake Munmorah shorelines to take advantage of the cooler locations.
We were pleasantly surprised when seven riders turned up at Jenny Dixon. The riders in no particular order were, Daryl G, Ray, Doug, Stuart, Dave R, Rolf and James.
After setting out from JDR we then rode on the bike path beside the golf club to avoid the holiday traffic. Our senses needed to be at their best, due to OOT (out-of-town) drivers and some hoons skylarking.
After a quick stop at Slade Park and Edgewater Park we quickly arrived at San Remo. There was a lot of OOT walkers and riders on the track, so we were forever ringing our bells and saying thank you, and they back to us thanking us for alerting them of our presence. Nice feedback for a change.
On arriving at San Remo, Doug saw some old fishing mates dangling a line and joined them for a chit-chat before heading home as he had ridden to JDR.
The rest of us turned around and headed for Budgie. We had the obligatory stop at Edgewater Park that was devoid of patrons, very unusual, the parents most have deemed it too hot for their young ones.
Next, we headed to Budgie. On arrival it was noted that Stuart and Dave were not behind us. Next moment we received a WhatsApp notice that Stuart‘s bike had a flat. Daryl and James decided to do the Sunrise Avenue loop to add a few more kilometres to our ride while the repair was carried out. Stuart and Dave decided to give it a miss and went onto the Ants Pants Café at the Lakes Beach. They arrived before us at the Lakes Beach, so they must have used all their technical expertise to get the new tube inserted and go on their way in such a short time.
On arrival at the Ants Pants, we expected to see Danny, unfortunately he could not arrange transport to the Lakes Beach in time. While we were having coffee, the new giant umbrellas that the manager had installed blew out of their bases and went on a merry dance. The manager had them taken down for safety reasons. Luckily the umbrella we sat under was OK due to it being near the sand dunes. The wind did not have much effect on the giant brolly as the shed and the dunes provided protection from most of the wind.
After an extended coffee break, Stu, Dave and Rolf rode home as they had ridden to JDR. Only James and Daryl returned to JDR where they met up with Kerry and Rick. Rick had mechanical problems during their ride and had to be picked up by Lyn.
After all the warnings about a heat wave, thankfully it was not the worst conditions we have ridden in. The ride was about 30kms, the temperature go to 35° while we were riding with a humidity reading of 70%. Importantly the dew point only got to 21°, which is a safe level. The conditions at Wyee were only slightly higher. Fortunately the NE winds made the conditions not too bad. [No photos. With Nikki back next week you should see an improvement in graphic displays.]
Wednesday 24 January 2024 - TDCC Rides
Group 1 - Out through Wyee, Morisset, Dooralong, Jilliby, Wyong and back - many kilometers. Beautiful day for it.
TDCC Grp2 CVBay loop via SRA, return via Tall Timbers Rd and Lake Munmorah.
With thoughts of higher than usual temperatures forecast for today’s ride, we expected a lower than usual attendance. To our pleasant surprise 22 riders turned up for Chain Valley Bay North and South loop as advertised on the ride calendar. Barry made a small change that took us up through the SRA instead of the Pacific Highway.
As our head reporter will be absent from riding for a few weeks, Chris B and James will take over the writing of the reports till Danny is back to his best again. We wish Danny and the other riders not feeling the best, all the best in their recovery endeavour.
One of our riders, who had not ridden from Peel Street before, turned up at Peel Street to find no riders in sight. Thankfully after a while they noticed bikes on cars going to Osborne Park, all was saved.
Barry was the ride leader and old reliable Doug was the sweep as in most of our rides. Twenty riders including those just mentioned turned up at Peel Street for the start of the ride. They were, in sign-on order, Barry, James, Len, Michael B, Stuart, Carol, Col, Kee, David G (3), Jill, Trevor, Chris B, Hans, Linda, David R (2), Rolf, David F (1), Doug, Keith A, Jean, Paul and Lyn. Paul and Lyn joined us at Slade Park, Budgewoi.
During the briefing from Barry, a new rider David G was introduced, whom we will call David 3 when ordering coffee, it must have been a popular name way back when.
It was nice to see Kee and Hans who we do not see regularly these days as both have a fair distance to travel to Toukley.
Barry promised a group 2 speed ride during the ride briefing, and so sticking to his word set a nice clip on the way to Slade Park where Lyn and Paul joined the ride.
Before setting off towards the SRA, Barry advised us that any rider who wanted to burn the pavement could set off and we would meet them at the Southern entry of the SRA. The riders took off so fast it was not noted who they were, it was suspected that Stuart, Col, Davids F & R, Jean and Paul would have been amongst those riders.
Unfortunately, halfway to the said mentioned SRA, Chris’s bike suffered a second flat in a week. Thankfully he had the sweep and a few other helpers on hand that got him back on the bike in 10 minutes.
After Chris re-joined the péloton, we entered the SRA observing electronic signs warning about delays entering the SRA over the long weekend. Sounds like a good idea to avoid this weekend.
As usual the first climb on entry to the SRA tortured the muscle-bike riders, the following roller coaster type hills did nothing to help their disposition. Thankfully they all made it through the SRA. The traffic in the SRA was much heavier than usual and some drivers were speeding. Maybe the bloke who patrols Main Street Toukley should spend some time in the SRA.
After regrouping at the corner of Blue Wren Drive and the Pacific Highway we crossed into Kanangra Drive then did a left turn into the unnamed dirt track that leads to Mulloway Road. The dirt track is in a good condition compared to how it has been sometimes in the past. Once in Mulloway Road it was a nice downhill ride to the bike track that joins CVB North and South.
After a pleasant ride through the wetlands at the edge of Lake Macquarie we were soon at Josh Porter Reserve. A lot more expensive yachts and motorboat were observed anchored at bay today. One yacht had the tallest mast some of us had ever seen. A beautiful location we all agreed.
After leaving JPR a nice driver let us all pass from the road to the bike path that leads to The Pacific Highway [Scaysbrook Ave]. After crossing the Highway at the pedestrian crossing, we were soon on the bike path at the bottom of Colongra Bay Road. From there we cycled along the bike path and went up Diane Avenue to Elizabeth Bay Drive. From there it was a quick ride to Budgewoi. On arrival in Budgewoi, several riders left us to partake in coffee at the mobile café-on-wheels near the bridge.
The rest of the group went to the Ants Pants Café at Lakes Beach, where, as usual, the service and quality of the food and coffee was great.
While we were just about finished our coffee, Danny and Rolf arrived. Rolf had left the ride earlier and picked up Danny in his vehicle. Thanks for your effort, Rolf.
The ride was 40km long with an average speed near 21km/hr. The weather was pleasant due to the NE breeze that was present during the ride.
After coffee we headed back to Peel Street where the temperature felt a bit cooler due to a nice breeze coming off the lake. After a bit of a chat, we all returned home for a good, well-earned rest. Thanks to Barry and Doug and those guys who helped with the repairs to Chris’s bike.
[No photos today as both Danny and Nicolette are AWL]
TDCC Club Rides - 19 January 2024
Skylarkers - Just three riders (Irene, Kerry and Rick) rode out through Wyee and Morisset, out along Mandolong Rd to Mandolong, then down Jilliby Road and back through Wyong. I saw them on Toukley Bridge, but they didn't see me. 75km for these brave guys, well done!

TDCC Coasters Ride report Bateau Bay Beach Loop via Killarney Vale
The weather prediction for today was 28°C, it was a welcome change from the 33° days with high humidity that we have been experiencing. The cooler conditions were quite noticeable as soon as we arrived at JDR, with a nice sea breeze adding to the change in the conditions.
The change in the weather encouraged 19 riders to turn up at JDR for the ride to Bateau Bay Beach via Killarney Vale. The riders in sign on order were James, Superman Col, Len, Stuart, Vivian, Paul, Rod, Lee who Rod brought along as a guest rider, all the way from Nambucca. The other riders were Chris B, David R, Merrilyn, Karen, Linda, Ray, Daryl G, Lindley, Keith A, and Doug.
James was the lead rider with Doug and Keith sharing the sweep roles. After the pre-ride briefing, we set off towards WBD where the riders were encouraged to ride ahead of the Peloton down WBD to the loos at the North Entrance. Half of the group took this course of action and finished a kilometre or more in front of the other riders. Good effort by these riders.
After the first break at the North Entrance, we headed over the bridge then onto the road leading to the bike track at Long Jetty. While we were having a water break at Long Jetty, Doug mentioned that Pedro was at home and would welcome visitors, he can’t wait to get back on the bike, in the meantime he would like to have a chat with his fellow riding mates.
On that note, it is appropriate we wish all our riders in the sick bay, the best wishes for a quick recovery.
After leaving Long Jetty we crossed over Saltwater Creek Bridge before turning left off the track to Melaleuca Street via a dirt track. Thankfully not too many people or their four-legged friends on the track.
We then crossed Wyong Road to the set of lights east of where we normally cross Wyong Road, then via the car park we turned right to join South Street and the original route, that took us along South St, Robertson Rd, Brooke Avenue, then a right turn up Eastern Road. We continued along Eastern Road to Sherry Street where we turned left and were meant to turn left into Rotherham Street fifty metres up the road. Unfortunately, James had a senior’s moment and missed the turn off, thankfully Jean [French pronunciation] was on hand to put us on the right track as he lives in Sir Joseph Banks Drive which is just up the road.
At this point Jean, or as he is otherwise known, Vivian, took over and guided us through the parklands to Sir Joseph Banks Drive. James took over the lead again, then as we were riding along Sir Joseph Banks Drive, we joked that Jean’s wife would most likely greet us with a coffee as we passed their house. Shortly after we spotted a woman on the road videoing the group, we thought NBN had got word of our ride, but to our pleasure it was Jean’s wife videoing the ride for prosperity [ha ha]. At this stage we encouraged Jean to ride ahead so he would be clearly seen in the video. After a hug and few words with his wife, Jean then re-joined the Peloton.
After the ride through Sir Joseph Banks Drive, we turned right into Cresthaven Avenue and then rode through the Bateau Bay Sports Ground before crossing The Entrance Road on our way to Bateau Bay Beach (BBB). BBB as usual was gorgeous as the blue skies gave the ocean the look we always cherish and appreciate.
After inhaling the ocean scents, we headed off towards The Entrance. Along the way we were abused by a young bloke in a car with a Red “P” plate who used foul language towards one of our members. Our member retaliated in a manner that will make the “P” plater think twice about abusing riders in the future. A car with little children also gave us the middle finger salute. What type of people inherit the Earth these days?
On arriving at The Entrance, we split into 3 groups for coffee, while we were settling in Danny arrived in time for coffee. Danny had ridden from home after waiting for a call from his doctor. Danny advised us he is going in for surgery this coming Monday. We wish Danny all the best with the surgery and a quick recovery. - James
Continuing on with a new field reporter - I (Danny) stayed with the group at EuroBean. There was plenty of room, and I was sitting with Ray and Daryl and Chris (?). Lovely coffee and banana bread.
On the way back up WBD (on the bridge actually) Chris got a flat back tyre, the only one for the day I think. Never saw Chris, Doug or Keith again. In fact I didn't see a lot of today's riders, coming late and staying put at EuroBean. Back up WBD with many westies turning off at the bike path to Evans Road, except me as I had already done that bit. Said goodbye to everyone at JDR then home for a total of nearly 40km. Many other riders didn't do much more than that even with the BBB loop.
I might have to look after myself for a few days with throat surgery on Monday. Thanks everyone for coming and thanks to James and Doug/Keith for lookig after us.
Danny. No photos again as there isn't any room left. Miss our photographer Nikki! Come back Nicolette, all is forgiven!
TDCC Club Rides
A special ride today for Group 2 - From Heatherbrae down to Tomago and out to Medowie and back through Raymond Terrace. Our leader was Warwick and James swept up behind. Fourteen riders, with ideal conditions, warm, slightly breezy and fine. A few riders had never done this trip before, even Christian who has been with the club for a long time. So all new to them, especially the more recent members, like Dave2 and Stuart. All were asking where do we have morning tea/coffee, when everyone else knows that you don't get anything till you finish the ride and get back to the Heatherbrae Pie Shop.
Back to the start, where Waz took us out onto the Pacific Hwy heading back to Newcastle, till we got to Old Punt Road, where we took a short-cut across to Tomago Road. Too dangerous at the start of Tomago Road! It's a long drag down to Nelson Road but only about 15km from Old Punt Rd. Sweep around past the airport and the RAAF Base, not a single plane in sight. Turn left at Medowie Road, where a bit further along Carol got a flat, but with her eagle eyesight and a handy pair of pliers she found the offending culprit - a 5mm bit of high-tensile wire.
Continue up to Medowie and turn left towards the Grahamstown Dam, which is a shock to those who hadn't seen it before. It's a massive freshwater lake, supplying the water to the whole area. We finally saw a couple of fighter jets, which is what I'm looking for everytime I go near the Williamtown Air Base.
No stopping at the lake today, just keep riding towards coffee. As we entered The Terrace, Stuart got a flat tyre, but it was soon fixed. Thanks to everyone who helped with both punctures. Soon back at the pie shop, after negotiating the large roundabout, which is so far across you can't make it to the other side before cars and trucks start arriving from Masonite Road.
All safely back, time for a cuppa, though it was so hot (33°C) that some of us went for the cold drinks. Thanks everyone for coming, and thanks to Waz and Jimmy for looking after us. No photos as I forgot to take any. I also forgot to finalise my Strava at Heatherbrae, so by the time I got home it was 138km for the ride. I also forgot to take the exit at Sparks Road, thus adding half an hour to my and Stuart's journey. I also forgot to unmute my phone even though I was waiting for a call from the specialist, which I missed, twice. However everything was resolved nicely and no harm done. Cheers!

Coasters at Gorokan. Sorry, fuzzy pic - 12 January 2024
TDCC Ride Groups - 12 January 2024
TDCC Coasters - No Skylarker data. Coasters started at JDR, Carol leading. One of our team got booked for parking in a disabled space at JDR - very nasty fine! Sixteen riders after we picked up Linda at Moala Pde. Very warm and muggy, with a nice NE then E breeze of 10 knots.
Westley joined us today after I met him on Tuesday, so I think he will be a regular. He and Linda and I, and Dave2, raced ahead with Carol's permission, but everyone was not very far behind, up the highway to CVB Road. Came back down the highway then across to Budgewoi from San Remo for coffee at Lakes Beach. The Maître D' looked after us very well today, even supplying us with freshly toasted banana bread for free as he had over-ordered. Nice! My large coffee was too much so I put the cup in my water bottle holder, and, against all expectations, it survived the trip home, and had cooled enough for me to drink on my porch.
No adverse events today, apart from the parking offence (which we will be resisting), no punctures or falls. I did get told not to go off on my own, after asking permission, but I already knew that.
Thanks very much to the Management Team, including Doug and Keith at the back. And everyone for coming - a superb ride in the country with mates!

Team Leader Carol at Gorokan - 12 January 2024
Group 2/3 at Mary Street, Gorokan - 10 January 2024
TDCC Wednesday group rides - 10 January 2024
Group 1 started at JDR and rode up to Summerland Point before returning down the highway to the Motorway Link and exiting the M1 at Sparks Road. Made their way to Wyong and Tuggerah then down Wyong Road (on the roadway!) to Chittaway. A short break at Better Days café (just found out that's from a poem) then home via The Entrance. That's a 90km ride, 100 for Rick!
Group 2 and 3 did a huge loop including Toukley, Tuggerawong (including Prawn Beach Lane), Tacoma, Wyong, Wattanobbi, Minnesota Road, Charmhaven, San Remo, Budgewoi and Lakes Beach, where we had coffee. There were twenty riders in Chris's group, but we started to lose some at Charmy where Col went home for a total ride of 59km. Basic ride was 53km, I did 65, Chris did 77km and Dave would have done about 75. Despite the long ride, I was never more than 11km from my centrally located home, even less by bee-line.
No dramas, just a beautiful ride together, in a beautiful part of our State. Thanks to Chris for leading, and Doug for sweeping up, and his off-sider Keith.

Back half (detail) - 10 January 2024

Back half of péloton in Birdie Beach Road - 5 January 2024
TDCC Friday Rides - 5 January 2024
Skylarkers - At least JD rode out through Wyong and over Kangy Angy, back through Chittaway and home via Wilfred Barrett Drive. About 66km. Well done, Skylarkers!
Chris assembled 15 Coasters at Jenny Dixon for a pleasant ride out through Budgewoi and across the top end of Budgie Lake to San Remo. We used mostly Buff Point Ave to avoid the broken path, easier actually, then did a loop of Blue Haven, exiting the east end of Roper Road on our way up to Kanangra Drive in Crangan Bay.
Len left us along the way to welcome his grandson at home. With 14 of us now, we rode down Blue Wren Drive through the beautiful State Conservation Area, to Lizzie Bay Drive. Onwards to Lakes Beach Café, where we had coffee and lunch, at least I did (smashed avos on toast), a beautiful looking dish - well done the chef!
Off home then with cyclists going in all directions. Thanks Chris for the leadership, and thanks Doug for looking after the back end. Distances ranged from 38km (basic ride) to 65km for Chris and no doubt 10 more for Dave2, starting at Warnervale. I managed 53.

Front half (detail) - 5 January 2024

Westies departing Better Days for Tuggerah and home - 3 January 2024
TDCC Group Rides
Not sure about Group 1, JD did a ride around two lakes, don't think it was official.
Groups 2/3 left Peel Street with 16 riders, with James at the front. Col went straight home but still clocked up 41km. Picked up two more (Jill and Trevor) at the cemetery, down Wilfred Barrett Drive (WBD), then met Carol at The Entrance (T/E) bridge.
Head south along the Tuggerah Lake path for a while then veer off towards Batto Bay in a vain search for whales, as James hadn't organised any. There was a feeling among the management that T/E CBD was going to be very crowded, so we forwent EuroBean and made for Better Days, a community café in KIllarney Vale, well-hidden in the backblocks there off Adelaide Street. Very well organised and able to handle 18 customers at once. Lots of coffee and a Brekkie Roll which I shared with my chums Virginia and Linda.
As we were so far south some of us westies (people living on the west side of Toukley Bridge) decided to go home via Tuggerah and Wyong instead of backtracking all the way up WBD, me included. Only problem was that as I took some photos the others all took off and I followed them a couple of minutes later, but didn't know my way out of there. After riding around in a big circle which included going the wrong way along Wyong Road, I checked my Strava and realised where I was (lost). Found myself back on Adelaide Street for the second time in 5 minutes, so I had no hope of catching the others.
Meanwhile the main group, with James at its head, headed back up WBD. From what I could glean from Whatsapp Dave1 had a problem with his e-bike but managed to get home somehow. These guys all did about 50km , so probably about the same as the westies going to Wadalba.
I remembered I had to buy some more CO2 cartridges so I headed towards Giant Tuggerah, but had noticed that my gears kept changing on their own so I got them to check my derailleur too. They checked it for me and found that my hanger was loose and bent, so no wonder it played up. They fixed it for free, as I am a good customer. So I never saw anybody else on the trip home. Hope they weren't worried about me!
So, 62km for me and 72 for Chris, coming back via Toukley. A good ride, warm breezy weather. Thanks to James for leading and Doug for sweeping up, and Keif for the back-up. Sorry about the crummy photos but it's all I could manage.

Chris and his team leaving Better Days - 3 January 2024

Some of today's crew at Edgewater Park, Buff Point - 29 December 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 29 December 2023
Skylarkers - no ride today. Ric has medical issues.
Coasters - Twenty-one riders today, some added on the way to Moala Pde, but some started leaving after Charmy Bridge (James who had a strained fetlock). I joined at Gorokan Peace Park after waiting in vain for a plumber at my place. A good turn-up for this time of year.
Just a short ride - a loop around Budgewoi Lake with a loop around Blue Haven. Conditions were warm and clammy with clouds.
By the time we got to Budgewoi a few more had left, but we still had a sturdy group for morning tea at Lakes Beach café. The owner there is desperate to get more staff and tried to recruit some of us to cook.
Dave R, Stuart and I went back to the west side via Buff Point, as we had ridden the home stretch already and there's too much traffic in Toukley. 42km for me, and 44 for James who left early. Must have got lost! Most people did 30km up to 40.
Thanks for the ride Baz, and thanks to Doug and his offsiders who looked after the back end for a while. Thanks everyone else for turning up.

Morning tea group at Lakes, with Barry's cousin's wife - 29 December 2023

Rolf and his flock on their way to South Tacoma
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 27 December 2023
Group 1. No sign, I don't think they rode today.
Group 2. Today's Ride was managed by Rolf Styner. After a quick briefing at Peel Street under cloudy skies, 15 Riders took off with Doug looking after us at the back.
The ride was as per the Ride Calendar, Marks Rd. to the bike path, and turned off short to meet Jensen Rd. towards Pollock Ave, by that time Virginia had joined us near Gorokan, I think.
We continued on towards Wadalba, and turned left on the Hwy. to Watanobbi where we encountered few hills to get rid of some of that Christmas pudding. (thanks Rolf).
After the loop we headed back to Wyong, for a quick dash to South Tacoma where Danny met us in his car (truck) because he had not had time to repair his punctures he had in his previous ride. (What an excuse !!) His son Marcus is up from Melbourne to join him.
After a quick look at the new jetty and a family enjoying themselves in six separate canoes and finishing with a swim, we all made our way back to Wyong for a quick toilet stop, before heading back to Wadalba at Sam's Coffee shop for our well-earned coffee. Unfortunately, by then we had lost a few riders tracking back home. But of course Danny was not going to miss out on a coffee even though he had not ridden [it's what you do isn't it?]. He was already at Sam's when we got there.
As usual after our coffee and a long chat, the remainder of the group started heading back to our starting point, while some took shortcuts home, including myself.
I hope that everyone made it back home safely, and did not get any rain, as the clouds were building up. Thanks for everyone for turning up for a very nice ride of about 50 Klm. And thanks to Rolf & Doug for looking after us.
Hope to see you all again before the end of this year, if we don't, we wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Morning tea at Sam's, Wadalba, with Danny and Marcus - 27 December 2023

Lovely view at Chain Valley Bay - 22 December 2023
Friday December 2023 - TDCC Club Rides
Skylarkers - Loop Tuggerah Lake this morning, via Wyong, Chittaway, Tumbi Road, Wamberal and back up WBD - 57km.
Coasters - Danny led this ride but didn't finish it. First out to Budgewoi where a pleasant surprise awaited us (new wide kerbs of Hot Mix). By-the-way, 17 riders today, but Doug and Keif left us at Lizzie Bay for something important.
We hung around at Lizzie Bay while we fixed Danny's back tyre, plenty of willing helpers, (lucky to get around that roundabout at the bottom of the hill into LB). All good so up to the highway (Pacifically) to Josh Porter for a pleasant break. Coming into Scaysbrook Avenue at CVBS Paul had a mishap, but Carol was on hand to patch him up.
Back up Tall Timbers Road and down towards Doyalson without stopping (lost time with the flat) and towards San Remo when I got another flat. Of course I had a spare tube and another gas bottle, but it wouldn't stay up either. Daz lent me his spare, but it had an incompatible valve stem, so we were getting desperate. In fact I gave up and sent everybody on to La Macchina for coffee while I walked the e-bike down the highway. Doesn't work with flat tyres, so I chained it to a fence behind the bus-stop and walked down to Northlakes shops where the others were. On the way, Len rode back to see if I needed help, and offered to ride home, get his car, and come back and get me and my bike. Needless to say that was the end of my ride. I found the rest of the péloton at La Macchina and went in to get my coffee, but by the time I returned, everybody had decided to head back, so I sat there on my own till Rolf joined me for his 2nd cuppa just to keep me company. Soon Len had returned with his car so we had a nice little chat. I know this isn't about the bike ride anymore, but it's all I got.
Everyone made their own way home or back to JDR via Buff Point, having covered about 37km for the standard ride, or over 50 for Chris and Dave R.
Thanks to everyone for their help, especially Chris, Daz, Rolf, Len, Stu, James, Carol, Karen, Dave and anyone else who helped. Especially Len and Rolf.

The remaining crew at Northlakes - 22 December 2023
Wednesday 20 December 2023 - Big Ride
I was so looking forward to a big ride today down to Wyong and Chittaway and Glenning Valley, up Berkeley Road and back along Enterprise Drive, but rain stopped us. Apart from Rolf of course, who managed to ride to morning tea at Sam's Bakery to join eight of us for coffee. It didn't rain all the time, but we erred on the side of caution - no point in taking chances with our safety and comfort.
Nicolette brought along some mince pies, no brandy custard, to add to the Christmassy feeling. She took some photos but I don't have them yet.
We'll have a good ride on Friday with the Coasters, regardless of the weather. See you at JDR at 0900 then. Me leading again!
Checked at Peel Street at nine o'clock and only Doug was there. Somebody help him with his WhatsApp!

Some of the riders at Mannering Park (take no notice of James) - 15 December 2023
TDCC Club Rides - 15 December 2023
G'day! The Skylarkers ride today was the Three Lakes Loop, heading up through Lizzie Bay first, then down the Pacific Highway and Motorway Link to the M1, Sparks Road and Minnesota Road to the Hwy. Follow that busy road right through Wyong (no fear!) to Tuggerah and Chittaway (m/t at Better Days?) then complete the three lakes up WBD to the start/finish. 71km, good effort everyone!
Coasters - Barry led us out of Jenny Dixon Reserve down to Budgewoi, with Doug sweeping up, making 18 riders for the day. Len joined us near the end, from Lizzie Bay, with Coco The Wonder Dog. Conditions were perfect, warm (25°C), and a 10 knot southerly breeze.
Down through Toukley and over the bridge to The Corso, to Lowana Avenue and north on the Pac Hwy to Charmy Bridge. Crossing the bridge carefully and ride around Blue Haven finishing up at Roper Road and said hwy. Safely cross the Motorway Link and keep plugging north to Ruttleys Road. Veer into Mannering Park, past all the coal mines and power stations to the natural beauty of Vales Point where we stopped for a pretend cuppa.
Baz got us going again and we headed back to the highway via the lovely bike path around the edge of Chain Valley Bay, but turned left at the highway as we now do, to avoid Doyalson, riding further north to Lizzie Bay Drive and somehow finished up at Lakes Beach Café. With only two staff, the service was a bit slow, but it was worth the wait as the coffee was excellent and my passionfruit cheesecake was to die for (not having anything else till tea-time).
Not far to the end of the ride except for the westies who then had to ride back to the other side of Budgewoi Lake. Dave2 did 73km, Col did 70 and Stuey and I did 65km. The basic ride was about 45km. Which means that between us we did over 800km with no punctures or accidents, just a stick stab in the leg for Paul which produced a lot of blood. Nurse Karen fixed him up at coffee.
Thanks for coming everyone, and especially thanks to our duty officers for keeping us safe.

Baz and Danny at Wallarah Creek, San Remo, ready to attack Blue Haven - 15 December 2023 (Nikki Photo)

Group 2/3 at Kitchener Park, Blackwall (Rip Bridge) - 13 December 2023
Wednesday 13 December 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - several riders did a ride over Toukley Bridge and through Kanwal and Warnervale to Sparks Road and the Durren Durren area via Dicksons Road and back down Jilliby Rd. Coffee at Wyong in Hely street then back home. About 70km.
TDCC Group 2/3 - Seventeen riders came to Gosford Sailing Club for an Out-of-Town ride around Brisbane Water. Waz led the ride and Doug looked after the tail-end. Down to Woy Woy then along the path to Blackwall where we took some photo and continued along that very interesting route including Empire Bay, Bensville and Kincumber.
Warwick explained that our favourite Davistown café, The Little Teapot, although closed on Tuesdays was open today, Wednesday. Then he took us past it and down to the boat-ramp nearby. So those of us who were keen for refreshments cycled back to the café and had coffee, tea and delicious treats, mostly outrageous cakes. I had a Brekky Pie which was sublime. The service at Little Teapot was excellent, and plenty of room out the back in the garden under umbrellas.
Back on the bike and through Yattalunga, Saratoga and Green Point, all with beautiful views of the waterfront. Quite hilly in places but no drama for super e-bikes. Finally back to Gosford SC for a total of about 50km. A very pleasant and well-run ride, thanks to Waz, Doug, Keith and all the participants. Thanks very much everyone!

Lunch at The Little Teapot - 13 December 2023

Twenty Coasters enjoying the supreme scenery at Tuggerawong - 8 December 2023
Friday 8 December 2023 - TDCC Club Rides
Skylarkers - Maybe six of them set out early for Blacksmiths. About 64-70km depending on whom you ask. Good effort and back before it got too hot.
Coasters, nineteen riders at JDR, and Paul waiting for us at Gorokan on his new red bike, to make twenty - good roll-up. Danny (I) was leading and Doug swept up, thanks you guys! Hot temperatures were forecast, but they seemed to not materialise till lunch time with a 13 knot NE breeze keeping us cool (25°C). Did get up to 30° later but.
Off down to the Toukley Bridge then along Marks Road and the Tuggerawong Roller-coaster to Prawn Beach Lane for a lovely ride through paradise by Tuggerah Lake. Took some photos, then out the other end at Palmer Street, Rocky Point, and on to the Tacoma toilets. After a wee break we headed off to the Wyong toilets but didn't stay long as we had no business there.
Over to Wyong west and up Hope Street where some dopey chick gave us a beep as she tried to pass us up the hill. She then found herself stuck beside us at the crossroad while we gave her the evil eye, but she and her equally intelligent brother (I'm guessing) stared straight ahead till they took off then she gave us the finger. Dave1 wanted to hunt her down and discuss the matter but I wouldn't condone anything like that. They were too fast anyway.
We made our way through the beautiful Wattanobbi and pulled up at 1 Brittania Way where some guy gave us a hard time a few years ago. Not forgotten, Pal!
Continuing on the Pacific Highway to North Wyong and on as far as Minnesota Road. The curve in the highway there is known for the deposit of débris including sharp things. As it happens Baz got a puncture soon afterwards, so we'll have to do something, like sweep the road before we intend to ride there. Col remembers when it was the scene of many fatal crashes before they worked out how to make roads properly.
Soon at our destination - Sam's Café and Bakery in Wadalba - where we had coffee or cold drinks in the warmth and something nutritious to eat. It's an interesting situation at Sam's as it's nearly empty till we arrive, then there's 20 customers, pulling chairs and tables out of the caf and putting them in the outdoor area, then we put them all back when we've finished, like good customers, with appreciation from the staff.
At this stage of the ride, a few westies started to lose interest in the ride and headed for home. This was repeated all the way back to Jenny Dixon's till we finally arrived back with about 7 riders left. As I had to ride back to the start as part of my duties as leader I finished up completing just under 60km for the day, while Virginia, who is not long back from an o'seas trip, rode around Budgewoi Lake as part of her gradual return to work, but got conned in to doing the whole ride and did 60km, leaving her less than sparkling. A good effort anyway, Ginnie!
Thanks to everyone who came on the ride, including Rodney who has just moved house and couldn't even find his club shirt, but wanted to come on the ride while Kathy sorted the new house out.

Same crew but Nikki taking the photo and me in it - 8 December 2023

James leads his flock up Birdie Island Road - 1 December 2023
Friday 1 December 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Strava has lost their ride so no report.
Coasters - James led us out of JD Reserve down to Budgewoi and up to Lizzie Bay. Can't find the ride on Strava so it's all memory. Up to the Pacific Hwy and across into Kanangra Drive. About 13 of us, including a fellow Mauritian for Chris called Vivien. Turn right at the roundabout and into Gwandalan via Parraweena Road. Head NW to the boat ramp and reserve for a pit stop before returning a completely different way back to P'weena Rd and Kanangra Drive.
Continue east to the Gravelly Link Road, down that quite good rough track and straight across onto Mulloway Rd. Right through Chain Valley Bay North (CVBN) and the bike path to CVBS to pay homage to Josh Porter at his reserve. Don't listen to announcers and other wankers who insist on saying 'hommage' the French way. Homage (homij) is an English word.
Back out of CVBS and up Tall Timbers Road back to the hwy for a quick trip down to San Remo for coffee at La Macchina (makkina) where we caught up with Brenda.
After m/t James took the remnants of the péloton back to JDR while the westies went straight home as we had all ridden to Norah Head for the start.
A beautiful day despite forecasts aù contraire. Thanks Jimmy, and Doug for looking after the tail. Thanks everyone for coming.

At the Gwandalan boat ramp pitstop - 1 December 2023

Group 2 Morning tea at Lakes Beach - 29 November 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 29 November 2023
TDCC Group 1 - Rode north from Jenny Dixon to Budgewoi and up Lizzie Bay Drive to the Pacific Highway. Turn left there and stay on that road and the Motorway Link to Sparks Road. Turn left and follow Sparky and Albert Warner Drive and Warnervale Roads to Minnesota Road. Through Wyong and Chittaway to Tuggerah Lake. Possibly stop for coffee at Better Days before completing the loop of Tuggerah Lake. Total about 72km.
TDCC Grp 2 Ride report. 29/11/2023. PeelSt-Gorokan-PBL-Wyong-Wadalba-Chvn-Budgie-Noraville-PeelSt Loop
Eighteen spritely riders turned up for the programmed ride as per the calendar. Our riders must have said some prayers to the weather god last night as she gave us great weather for the ride. No sign of rain or excessive wind gusts.
Chris was the ride leader, and Doug was the sweep accompanied by old faithful Keith. The other riders were James, Nic, Karen, Len, Rolf, Linda, Estelle, Barry, Stuart, Dave R, Carol, Angela, Col, Jill and Trevor.
As usual Chris set off at a nice pace suited to all the riders. Before we knew it we were at Molly’s house for our usual stop. Unfortunately, Molly must have had a better offer today.
Next was the exhilarating ride along Prawn Beach Lane (PBL), lots of dogs taking their owners for a walk and some dreamy walkers that we had to dodge along the way.
Next stop was Tacoma at the new loos that are a big improvement on the ones at Wyong. After the break we set off towards Pollock Ave with the nice NE breeze at our backs. Chris does not like the Pollock Ave hill as he looked to be struggling. As he is still on his muscle bike we can excuse him, maybe it will not be too long before he gets some help from electrons.
After reaching the top of Pollock Avenue, Chris advised we would return to Minnesota Rd via Orchid Way and not by Danny’s favourite detour along the streets named after horses and outback locations.
Soon we were at the wetlands and within a few minutes we were crossing the Pacific Highway at the Charmhaven safety barrier. The traffic was particularly heavy. Probably make-believe Santas out buying Xmas presents.
As Linda had ridden to Peel St, she left us near the wetlands to return home.
Next, we were on the bike path heading towards Budgewoi. After a quick stop at Edgewater Park, we headed off towards the Lakes Beach for coffee and goodies. Jill and Trevor left us at this point to go home as they had ridden to Peel St. Uncle Doug, Keith and Rolf also left to enjoy coffee at the roadside stall at Budgie that they tell us makes great coffee.
On the way to the Lakes Beach, we saw a rider coming the other way in club colours, as we got closer, we recognised that it was Ralph. After a few hellos we arrived at the Lakes Beach for coffee.
We had a pleasant surprise when one of Chris’s relatives who was at the café come over and started talking to Chris. He informed Chris that he is taking over the café in 2 weeks and that he is going to make some improvements to the café. Sounds promising.
It was noted that when Angela placed her order and they asked her what was her name, she replied Anton, we all gave quizzical looks, apparently last time she was there they called her name out as Anton, it is now a standing joke.
We spread ourselves out into little groups of 3 or 4 people and chatted about all the things that were happening in our lives. Not knowing what was said at the other tables, we can only pass on what was talked about at our table.
Karen showed us half a dozen brown marks on her hands, we could not guess what they were. Apparently, she brushed some stink bugs off her plants while she was wearing gloves. So be nice to stink bugs if you don’t want brown marks on your skin.
Angela had a story about snails who were eating her plants. Angela moved them 20 metres away from her house, but they keep coming back. Someone told her you need to move them a lot further away or otherwise they keep finding their way to their favourite plants.
Another person had a small Python in their backyard, they decided to move it into the nearby bushland. They put a cover over the snake so it could not see where it was being taken. However, in a few days it had made its way back to their garden. Must have liked our rider’s yard, with lots of chook eggs in the backyard enticing it back.
All these stories make us aware what a wonderful, interesting part of the world we live in. After coffee we returned to Peel St via a few detours around the back streets of Noraville.
Thanks to Chris and Doug for organising things.
The ride was about 46kms, the weather was warm, but with a NE breeze cooling us down most of the way.
We must apologise to Danny for not responding to his post on WhatsApp regarding whether we were riding and where the coffee break would be. Also we forgot to tell Paul where we would be and he turned up just as we were leaving the cafe. [It's been raining here in Merimbula for the last 24 hours! Thanks Nikki for the photos. Danny]

Waiting at Tacoma for the others - 29 November 223

Doug with his faithful crew at Peace Park, Gorokan - 26 November 2023
Sunday 26 November 2023 - Dusk/Night ride by TDCC.
For the first time in quite a while, a Dusk/Night Ride was organised by Doug Tucker.
Present were Doug T. (ride Manager) Marshall I. Stuart C. James M. Gary K. Rodney B. Nicolette G. David R. Daryl G. Linda H. Chris B. & Keith A. (sweeper) 12 of Us.
We took off from Wallarah Peace Park [next to Toukley Bridge] at 6.00 pm. and headed towards Marks Rd Roller Coaster under blue skies and turned left onto Prawn Beach Lane and followed the lake on the bike path. Back on the road to Tacoma and right into Hillcrest/Braithwaite, then Jensen and Pollock. It was still pretty light at that stage as we progress towards Wadalba, and continued on to Minnesota towards the wetlands.
By then it was necessary to have all our lights on to progress towards Charmhaven, but the presence of a Full Moon made it quite comfortable to ride. As we got onto the bike path around Budgewoi Lake it was a very pretty sight to see the sun setting in the West. (Picture Perfect).
With all our lights and the powerful lights of some of us, specially James, we lit up the bike path, and it was very easy to see where we were going. When we reached Budgewoi, Doug weaved his way on Bike paths so that we were not on the road, and before we knew it we were in Noraville, and again through the back streets of Toukley and over the Bridge and back to where we started.
Alltogether 40 Klm. Average speed 19Kmh.
Back at the Park, Coffee, Cake & Biscuits to finish up a Nice evening Ride, with perfect Temperature. Was a bit concerned about David R. who rode from home, so had to ride back to Warnervale, hope all went well.
I am pretty sure that we all had a good evening, judging by the conversation we had while having our coffee. Thanks to all for coming and thanks to Doug and Keith for looking after us.
Hopefully there will be more of those Rides in the future for a great experience of something different.
Chris Boi.
More of Nikki's photos on our FB Group page here.

Some of the riders having supper after the ride - 26 November 2023

Coasters at Long Jetty - 24 November 2023
Friday 24 November 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Three Lakes Loop - Ride up through Lizzie Bay to the SRA to Pacific Highway, turn left and down to Doyalson. Continue along Motorway Link to Sparks Road, left, right into Albert Warner Drive, Minnesota, Highway to Pollock and continue around Tuggerah Lake. Stop,for coffee at Better Days café. Back up WBD to finish. 75km
Friday 24th. of Nov. TDCC Coasters Ride. Ride Manager Barry Smith.
Fifteen Riders joined us at Jenny Dixon under cloudy skies, but a bit humid. It was great to see Ray Schofield back in Aussie Land from the for his summer holiday and able to join us on the ride.
The ride was as scheduled. We took off down WBD toward the Entrance at a steady pace. Then it was on the bike path for a loop around Killarney Vale - Ferndale - Eastern Rd - Entrance Rd - B/Bay - Shelly Bch. - & Long Jetty - where Greg left us for a shortcut home, and finally at The Entrance for our Coffee Break.
It was great to meet Nicolette's husband Rod (see pic) who joined us for coffee. Would it be an incentive for him to join us on a ride one day??
After quite a lengthy break, it was time to head back towards JD, back on Wilfred B D with a light breeze in our faces.
Just before reaching JDR, we had a short stop where we split up into two groups, Six of us headed West, as we had ridden from home, and the rest went back to JD the starting point. Thanks to James who took over as leader. Also glad to see Len again, and hope he is enjoying our club ride.
Thanks to everyone for your participation.
Today's ride was Around 40 km. & average Speed 20 Kmh.

Nikki's photos - Morning tea at EuroBean, The Entrance - 24 Nivember 2023

G2 at Josh Porter Reserve, only Stu and Chris paying attention. Nikki's photo - 22 November 2023
Wednesday 22 November 2023 - TDCC Club Rides
Group 1 rode up to Catherine Hill Bay, then down the Pacific Highway to the Motorway Link and on to the M1 Motorway. Exiting at Sparks Road then continue to Wadalba for coffee at Sam's before riding back to the start. About 67km.
Group 2. Instead of Danny O'Shea (away on holidays) being the ride manager, he was replaced by Warwick Barwell, Thank you Warwick.
15 Riders were present at Peel Street, under slightly cloudy skies.
We welcomed a new Club Member, Len Brierley, who I believe is a member of the Kayak Club. (I hope I have spelled his name right [yep]).
Soon we were on our way to Charmhaven via The Corso, and our first re-group was under Charmy Bridge. Unfortunately, we lost one of our best riders Colin, due to a tooth extraction couple of days ago. (Hope you got home OK. and look forward in seeing you back soon).
We continued our ride around the lake to Budgewoi. Had to have a detour off the path, due to a very dangerous crack on the bike path, which has not been repaired for quite a while... ?? !! and on to Lizzy Bay Rd. to the Pacific Hwy. No issue on crossing the Hwy. onto Carters Rd. for a small rest at Josh Porter Res. (Very picturesque!)
Then it was time to head back towards Doyalson via the Pacific Hwy. and turning left towards Emu Pde and back onto the Bike Path towards Budgewoi. At that time, we lost some of the riders that decided to take a short cut home. We hope they all got home safe and enjoyed the ride.
On the way to our Coffee Break at the Lakes Cafe, Nicolette had some issues with her front brakes. After some investigation we decided to continue on to the cafe, to see what we can do. But after some adjustments we were not satisfied with the outcome, so Nicolette rang around for a bike mechanic, and with the help of Linda found one not far from Nicolette's place.
After a well-earned break we all wended our way back, some back to Peel Street, and others back home.
Distance covered today was between 50 and 70 Klm. Average speed was 19 Klm/ Hr.
All together great day of riding. We hope all enjoyed themselves and we hope to see you all back soon.
[Thank you Chris! The only photo is Nikki's, thanks Nik!]

Tuggerah Lake 10.40am - 17 November 2023
Friday 17 November 2023 - Coasters Ride to the Old Milk Factory
A big southerly buster hit at 0200 with wind up to 50kmh, with lots of rain. Not looking good! However some riders were still interested so I gave the go-head for the ride to Wyong and duly arrived at JDR to find James installed in his car waiting. Dave R soon arrived, and we decided it was not worth riding in such conditions viz still blowing 50kmh southerly and showers somewhere. So we published our decision on Whatsapp and headed up to the Beach Haus for coffee. In due course (40 minutes later) Daz arrived having replaced his car battery.
After he had finished his coffee, we decided to head for home, with James the only one not on his bike. Dave opted to ride back to Warnervale via The Entrance, and Darryl joined him as far as T/E, while I just rode home. So, 20km for me, about the same for Daz, and maybe 60 for Dave. Pretty good result I reckon!

Rolf leads Barry over the SRA on Birdie Beach Road - 15 November 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 15 November 2023
Group 2 was led by Rolf and swept up by Doug. Thirteen of us, plus one more at Budgewoi. Weather was perfect!
Up to Lizzie Bay and up Birdie Beach Road to the look-out, not that anyone was looking. Re-group at the highway. No dramas, like flat tyres, falling off, heart attacks... We've had all of those at that place! Turn right on the hwy and ride for miles up to Flowers Avenue which eventually takes us to Catherine Hill Bay.
After a drink, a chat and a good look round we continued our trip up to Montefiore Blvd. Turn left onto the Pacific Hwy and ride straight down to Doyalson. Existing plans were ditched to streamline the process, so skip La Macchina and Emu Avenue, straight to The Secret Café in Charmhaven. Stuart went straight home as he had important business to attend to (I think). It was very pleasant in the sunshine and the coffee and stuff was excellent.
A few Westies and Northies went straight home as we had already ridden the Peel Street leg.
Thanks to Rolf for a nicely organised ride, and Doug for keeping us safe. More photos on our FB Group page here

Beautiful Catherine Hill Bay - 15 November 2023

Re-group at Gorokan Peace Park (Toukley Bridge) - 10 November 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 10 November 2023
Skylarkers - no information
Coasters - fourteen riders started from Jenny Dixon Reserve and made our way through Toukley to The Corso, Gorokan. In Panorama Avenue we picked up Linda then continued around Budgewoi Lake to Blue Haven. Eventually we went up the Pacific Highway to Doyalson then left into Wyee Road, without any misadventures.
On arrival in Wyee we turned left into Gosford Road, which imperceptibly becomes Bushells Ridge Road. On the way along here Carl came to grief by touching someone else's back wheel with his front and sustaining some abrasions on his elbow and knee, as usual. After Carol patched him up we continued down to Hue Hue Road and Sparks Road.
Not far along Sparky, James picked up a screw to the front tyre which not surprisingly went flat when he pulled it out. That fixed, we rode up to Albert Warner Dr (the extension of Warnervale Rd) and along that carriageway to Minnesota then found ourselves at the WV Wetlands and spewing out onto Pacific Hwy at Charmhaven.
At this point a few of us left, Linda, Col, Stuart and I, as we had ridden from home and were nearly back there. I went home and changed and drove with Brenda to the Beach Haus, Norah Head, for coffee with everyone else.
Thanks Jimmy for leading us, and Dave and Stuey for looking after the tail end. About 50km for the basic ride, more for those riding from home (Col 62km) then back to the start then home again (Chris 78km, and Dave R about 85). Thanks Carol for your professional help.

Pit Crew at work on James wheel, Sparks Road - 10 November 2023

Re-group at Rotary Park, Long Jetty - 8 November 2023
Wednesday 8 November 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - A few riders cycled out to Yarramalong and back, for a 77km total. Well done!
Group 2 - Warwick led 17 riders out of Peel Street to WBD and down to The Entrance North with no dramas. Saw George and Bobby on the way, in fact they stopped for a chat at Robert Street at our re-group for a chat. Good to see them again, on their little electric tractors. Picked up Carol once we crossed T/E Bridge and continued along the lake bike path to Saltwater Creek where we took more photos at Rotary Park.
More lakeside cycling till we got to Ferndale Street, Killarney Vale, where we crossed Wyong Road into South Street and Robertson Road (for those interested in finding out where we went), and various other roads all the way to Batto Bay ocean lookout where we looked for whales. Sadly there were none to be seen, as predicted by Wazza. We made sure we didn't leave Nikki by herself like the other club did.
Straight back to EuroBean at The Entrance for coffee (except for a short detour for roadworks) where we had a large table all to ourselves. Chris said he booked it, but I think it was just good luck. Brenda was there to greet everyone enthusiastically. So gregarious! (That's a good thing.)
Afterwards everyone set off up WBD, but I went home with Brenda in my truck, after riding 42km for the day. Chris did 69km, Carol 46, Karen 50 and Col did an impressive 82km. Not bad for a very old guy with medical issues! Good on you Col - legend!
I saw the G1 riders at the Cemetery on the way home. Thanks everyone for coming! See you Friday!

TDCC Group 2 dining at EuroBean at The Entrance - 8 November

Re-group on Tuggerawong Cycleway - 3 November 2023
TDCC Friday Groups - 3 November 2023
Skylarkers - A good turnout for this ride, from JDR to Budgewoi, Buff Point, Doyalson, Wyee, Morisset, Mandolong, Jilliby and to Wyong Oasis café for m/t. Back to JDR for about 75km for the ride.
Coasters - about 14 riders with James leading and Doug sweeping. Perfect day, across the Toukley Bridge and Mary Street, where we had a re-group, and, amazingly, Molly the friendly black cat suddenly appeared after an absence of many months - I thought she was a goner! Then on to Marks Road and Prawn Beach Lane and the Path where the photo above was taken.
Out the other end at Rocky Point, towards Wyong toilets, but we didn't need them as there are some beaut new ones at Tacoma. Hiving off at Hillcrest Avenue towards Jensen Road, then west to Pollock. We had picked up a few more riders by then so 17 altogether. Quite a short ride today with the main feature being morning tea at The Secret Café
A few of us had already ridden the next leg back to JDR so we just went home. Only 36km for me, 41 for Chris and 45 for Col. A very pleasant ride indeed!

Coffee at Secret Café - 3 November 2023

Re-group at bottom of Fernleigh Track - 1 November 2023
Wednesday 1 November 2023 - TDCC Rides
TDCC Group 1 - Ride to Hidden Valley. A few keen riders set out via Toukley and Kangy Angy to Ourimah for a ride out to Hidden Valley. Back around the end of Tuggerah Lake to Norah Head for a total of 85km. John, Carl and Warren at least.
TDCC Grp 2 Ride report. 1/11/2023 Blacksmiths to Bar Beach Loop via Fernleigh Track
With the weather radar showing puffs of white clouds criss-crossing the sky, and the weather forecast was for no rain, we were surprised on the way to Blacksmiths that the rain came teaming down.
On the way we passed Rolf who had ridden from Buff Point. The later ride participants said he was drenched as they passed him. No doubt Rolf is a tough rider, riding from Buff Point to Bar Beach and back.
On arrival at Blacksmiths 11 riders were present. While we were waiting on Rolf to appear, Hans got a call from Rolf saying he has had mechanical problems, and to go ahead without him.
The eleven riders at the start were Warwick, the ride leader, Robyn, Barry, Nic, James the sweep, Dave R, Stuart, Jill, Trevor, Anne, Col and Hans.
While we were waiting to start the ride, it was announced that it is Nic‘s 64th Birthday is today. Congratulations Nic from all of us.
The ride was to be as advertised on the ride calendar. We set towards the start of the Fernleigh Track via the new cycleway and the highway. On arrival at the start of the Fernleigh Track, Hans wanted to check up on Rolf. After discussing the state of the repairs needed, Hans decided to return to Rolf in his car and take him home. Thanks Hans, your gesture is much appreciated.
During the phone conversation the main group of riders had set off towards the end of the Fernleigh Track where they were going to wait for us. After leaving the start of the track we were joined 5 minutes later by Dave, who had gone to the wrong start point. Shortly after, we met up with the main group who had decided to wait for us a few kilometres up the track.
After a short chat we set off towards Bar Beach via Adamstown, Dumaresq St and Parkway Avenue. Some of our riders who have not ridden in this area commented on the great old homes in the area, none of us disagreed.
On arrival at Bar Beach, we found the beach was closed due to the high seas. Due to the bad weather, there was plenty of seating and of course much quicker service than in the middle of summer. The coffee and cakes were up to the normal good standard.
After the coffee break, we headed back towards Adamstown the same way we came. There was a lot more traffic than earlier in the day, but we managed to stay together before re-joining the Fernleigh Track.
Some of us struggled up the hill and through the tunnel to the high point of the Fernleigh Track at Whitebridge. On arrival Nic was taking photos of the riders as they passed through the summit.
As James was the sweep, he rode past Nic as he was waiting for her to continue. Nic must have decided to take a few more pictures, by this time the peloton was out of sight. Nic and James put the pedal to the metal in an effort to catch the other riders. Suddenly Nic slowed down and allowed James to catch up with her. Nic then explained that she nearly had a Goanna sandwich for lunch, when a 2-metre-long Goanna crossed the path in front of her. Thankfully for Nic and the Goanna, no harm was done.
As we approached the end of the track, we eventually caught up with the second group of riders. After a drinks break, we set off towards Blacksmiths via a detour along Beach St and Hudson St that took us past the earth works for the extensions to the Fernleigh Track. It appears it will come out close to the northern entrance to the Belmont Golf club.
As we were riding on the shared path to Blacksmiths some old codger in a motorised wheelchair hogged the centre lane so we could not pass. Some of us slid past when he was not looking, others took to the grass. Don’t know what he was on.
My apologies to Rolf for not answering his phone call, as I was in the little boy’s room.
Our numbers were down today for this popular ride as some of our riders were with the CCTCC at South West Rocks. Danny was with Brenda catching up on lost time.
The ride was about 55km, Nic did 64km to match her new age.

Morning tea at Bar Beach, Newcastle - 1 November 2023

I only made it to the Toukley Bridge before being forced home by appalling weather - 27 October 2023
Friday 27 October 2023 - TDCC Coasters
At 0805 the weather looked surprisingly good - sunny and fine. So I got kitted up and headed out the door to meet my friends at Jenny Dixon Reserve for a ride, or at least a cup of coffee. By the time I got out the front door it was raining again, so I went back inside to get my raincoat. Pressed on through the nasty weather down to Toukley Bridge, and crossing the bridge copped the worst of the weather - 25-30 knot southerly wind across the bridge, and rain in the face so hard it stung. Got halfway across and decided it was prudent to turn around and go home.
So, 7km and wet from the waist down, I got dried and changed, hoping to drive to JDR and join Rolf, Dave and James for coffee, but James posted a photo of his Eggs Benedict on FB so I decided to call it quits and have a coffee at home.
Dave R and Rolf both rode from home (Warnervale 34km and Buff Point 10km respectively), so good on them. Very disappointing! Can't imagine the Skylarkers even got out of bed.
Well done everyone who made an effort, even an abortive mission is fun!

The water was surging under the bridge - 27 October 2023

Rest break - 25 October 2023
TDCC Wednesday 25 October 2023 - Group Rides
Group 1 - Six or so riders of that faster group left Jenny Dixon Reserve by 0800 and headed north through Budgewoi and Lizzie Bay to the top of Birdie Beach Lookout on their way to a circuit of Gwandalan and Summerland Point. Back down the highway and Motorway Link to Sparks Road to exit to Warnervale Road and straight to Sam's Café. Still enjoying the coffee when G2 turned up to crowd the place out. Home from there for about 71km (83 for Kerry).
Group 2 - A warm and windy start to the morning at Peel Street, Toukley. Seventeen riders gathered for the ride to Mardi with Barry leading and Doug sweeping up. They picked up James at the Toukley Bridge, and Danny quietly joined at the same spot without anyone seeing him. (I'd been to the Wyong Hospital for a pacemaker check-up first then rode down to Gorokan Peace Park to meet everyone, but nearly missed them.)
Barry took us along The Corso and Panorama Avenue to Awaba Avenue and up to the Pacific Highway on our way to the Warnervale Wetlands. After riding along the wrong side of Sparks Road from Peppercorn Avenue to Minnesota Road, mostly on a service road, we followed that American road to Wadalba and Pollock Avenue to the Wyong toilets.
We then rode to Allison, passing the Old Milk Factory, west to Old Maitland Road where we re-acquainted ourselves with our black woolly alpaca friends before continuing on to MacPherson Road for a quick shortcut to the highway at Tuggerah. Backtracking through Wyong and Wadalba to Johns Road and Orchid Way to Sam's Bakery and Café. I disgraced myself with a sausage roll and an almond coffee ring - delicious but huge!
When we arrived at Sam's we found Group 1 already embedded, so that would have made about 25 TDCC riders at the café at once. After a very enjoyable morning tea we headed back to Barry's place where he left us in the capable hands of someone for the trip back to Peel Street. A few of us headed straight home from the west side, James and I not even venturing over the Toukley Bridge all day.
A lovely ride, with distance varying from 48km to 72 for Chris and not sure how many for Dave, but a lot. Thanks everyone for coming, and to Barry and Doug and substitute leaders for keeping us safe.

Group 1 at Sam's Bakery (Vic, Kerry, Ric and Waz, JD missing) - 25 October 2023

Cruising down Prawn Beach Lane, Tuggerawong - 20 October 2023
Friday 20 October 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
TDCC Coasters Ride report. 20/10/23 Wyong-Wadalba-Secret Café Loop
On such a nice morning we expected a good turnout for today’s ride. We were not disappointed as 16 riders turned up to enjoy the ride and the company of their friends.
Danny was supposed to lead the ride today, but an appointment with a man with a big needle, taking parts of him out of his body for inspection, meant he could not ride. So, Chris took over as the leader.
The riders were Chris as mentioned, Keith A the sweep, Keith M his companion sweep, Carol, David R, Gary K, Linda, Nic, Rolf, Stuart, Dave F, Daryl G, Graeme, Merrilyn and James.
It was great to see Gary King, who has not ridden for a while due to a leg problem. Originally, we were told via the mysterious grapevine that he had returned to live in Canberra. Well, the grapevine was incorrect. Gary had been recovering from the mentioned leg problem. Great to see Gary back riding with us.
We were pleased to see Dave F joining the ride. David has been recovering from a nasty bug. Although not fully fit he rode very well, good effort David.
Special cheerios to Col, one of our favourite riders, who could not ride today due to a previous commitment.
For the information of our riders. Rob White informed us during the week he will be returning to riding with us shortly. He has had commitments that have kept him busy recently.
The ride was to be as advertised, and so it was mostly. However due to circumstances, Chris added a few kilometres to the ride via a loop around Warnervale.
On leaving JDR the breeze was a slight northerly that built up as the ride progressed. Our first stop was Molly’s place at Gorokan, then Prawn Beach Lane, where we were joined by Linda. Nic took some photos that will most likely accompany this report.
From PBL our next stop was the new Tacoma loos, where we had a vote about the new loo’s quality, it was given a 10. Good work CCC.
From there it was a quick spin to the Wyong Loos. After a quick pit stop it was back up Pollock Avenue, then into the back streets of Wadalba before crossing the Pacific Highway at the traffic lights adjacent to McDonalds.
On the way up Pollock Avenue, some deranged woman started cursing and yelling at us. It continued from the sweep to the lead group, she could be heard from 50 metres away. What type of people are we becoming?
Up to this stage of the ride, we were all smiles and eager to get to the Secret Café as soon as possible. However, lady-luck turned against us as soon as we started to ride down the Pacific Highway. The main group of riders were a few hundred metres in front of the second group and did not notice that one of the riders had a mechanical problem.
When the first group arrived at Minnesota Road, we noticed the second group was missing. Chris then made some phone calls to find out what had happened. Eventually we found out that Nic had run over piece of metal that had cut her rear tyre. It was decided by the sweep and his helpers that nothing could be done as new tube would be exposed to the elements and most likely puncture again.
At this stage Angela put her hand up to ride back to JDR and bring her van back to pick up Nic, and her nice red bike.
The club would like to thank Angela for helping out Nic, it was a nice gesture and much appreciated by Nic and the club.
When Chris was aware of the problems encountered by the delayed riders, he decided to push on and told the second group we would meet them at the Secret Café.
On the way to the Secret Café, we did a detour around the back Streets of Warnervale then onto Sparks Road and then the wetlands.
On arrival at the Secret Café, we were happy to see Pedro and Mike who are recovering from surgeries. Pedro’s face looks fantastic, the surgeons have done a great job in patching him up. Pedro mentioned he is recovering slowly but has problems with his left ear and left eye. Mike looked like his old healthy self again and said he is feeling much better after surgery. We give them both our best wishes for their recovery. Danny was there too.
After coffee, the westies and the Budgie groups headed home. The rest of us crossed the busy Pacific Highway at the pedestrian barrier opposite the Charmhaven shopping centre. Chris and Keith A left us on the way to Gorokan. James and Dave R guided the rest of the riders back to JDR.
On the way back a crazy boy-racer drove perilously close to Chris and James, another one who took nasty pills before driving.
The ride was about 45km, the wind strong, the company very pleasant.

Congregating at the Tacoma toilets - 20 October 2023

Rest stop at Chain Valley Bay South - 18 October 2023
Wednesday 18 October 2023 - Group Rides
TDCC Grp 2 Ride report. 18/10/23 Crangan Bay-CVB Loop
After a successful stint at Moss Vale and surrounds, the troops were back at Peel Street with the enthusiasm of youngsters waiting for Mr Whippy’s delights. The early morning rain and the blustery breezes did not deter 15 riders from turning up at Peel St.
Before the start of the ride, we were informed that Chris would take over from Barry as the ride leader. Barry will take over from Chris next week as Barry had commitments today. A mutually-agreed swap.
The riders at Peel St were Chris the ride leader, James, Carol, Dave R, Keith A, Rolf, Doug as sweep, Angela, Hans, Col, Stuart, Jill, Trevor, Nic and Rod.
During the ride briefing Chris informed us that Paul is not riding for the foreseeable future due to a visit from our old friend Arthur. All the best Paul and we hope a solution is found.
The ride was as per the ride calendar, that is Crangan Bay, via Gorokan, San Remo, Blue Haven, Doylo, Kanangra Drive, Link Road, CVB North, CVB South, Josh Porter Reserve, Pacific Hwy, San Remo, Budgewoi, Lakes Beach for coffee, return to Peel St via Kelsey and Evans Roads.
We set off towards Crangan Bay battling wind gusts that seemed to come from the direction we were heading at the time. Soon we were at Gorokan then the various roads around the west of the lake to the Pacific Highway. Linda joined us at the junction of Moala and Panorama, making a total of 16 riders.
Crossing the Wallarah Creek bridge is still a problem for some of us, 5 riders dismounted and walked across the bridge on the footpath, a wise decision for those riders with wide handlebars.
Next, we rode around the Blue Haven lowlands, then up to Roper Road, it was noted that Rodney was on his new Scott bike, he put his new bike into overdrive and left the rest of us in his wake. A very nice bike it is, nearly Xmas so it was justified.
After leaving Roper Road it was full-steam ahead to Kanangra Drive, where we regrouped, then set off for the Link Road to the left of Kanangra Drive hoping to go to Chain Valley Bay North. Unfortunately, the local council had decided to repair the road. The lollipop man would not let us through at first, but after some sweet-talking from Nic and some of the blokes, he let us through. The road had been dug up for about 20 metres with what Danny called Sheep Feet or something similar [sheeps-foot roller]. This meant we had to dismount and walk through what looked like a ploughed paddock. Nic reckoned Danny would have been able to make it.
Soon we were on our way again to North Chain Valley Bay. Some riders forgot the way, and headed up the path to the school at Lake Munmorah but after a few loud shouts they turned around and followed the other riders to Josh Porter Reserve (JPR).
JPR as usual was a very pleasant place to be so we stayed a bit longer than normal to soak in the ambience of lake, boats, trees and the bird life that seems to have travelled from the drought areas to the coast where more food for them is available. Corellas and Rainbow Lorikeets everywhere we looked.
Some motorists must have taken nasty pills this morning, as we were abused with the “W” word and then some bloke blew his horn for the full distance of the ride group, probably did not realise he was breaking the law.
After leaving JPR we were soon at Doyalson, then onto the bike path at San Remo. Our next stop was Edgewater Park, then Budgewoi. Along the way we ran into our old mates George and Di who we meet on a regular basis. Good to see them out and about.
Doug, Keith, Rolf, Jill and Trevor left us at this stage for coffee elsewhere. The rest of us went to the café at the Lakes Beach.
On arrival at the Café, Danny was waiting for us. He did not ride as he had a prior engagement as advertised on WhatsApp. Hoping all his tests on Friday turn out OK.
At the Café only one person was on duty, so there was a bit of a delay before we got our goodies. Thankfully the staff are pleasant, and it was a nice place to wait listening to the waves and the conversation of our fellow riders.
Col returned home to Blue Haven after coffee and the rest of us returned to Peel St via Kelsey and Evans Road. Linda and Chris left us at Canton Beach turn off, while Nic, Carol, Angela, Dave and James returned to Peel St.
The ride was about 52 km, the wind made it hard going in places, the temperature was perfect for riding.

After waiting for an hour, Danny is joined by the riding contingent - 18 October 2023
Friday 13 October 2023
TDCC Coasters Ride report. 13/10/23 Tuggerah Lake Loop ACW
On a great sunny day, we were expecting about 5 riders to turn up for a spin around Tuggerah Lake. Unfortunately, Col and Doug had other commitments, so we were without our 2 stalwarts.
As the starter's gun went off, Barry the sweep, Virginia the sweep's companion rider, and James the lead rider were the only participants. This made for a simpler ride with all 3 riders riding at similar speeds.
Due to the strong Westerly breeze, it was a hard ride to Tuggerah against the wind. Of course, we went via Prawn Beach Lane, but no pics as our roving photographers were not present.
On arrival at Wyong Lions Park, Virginia advised us that the Tuggerah Straight bike path was closed on Thursday, so we were prepared for a detour around the back streets of Tuggerah. Fortunately, when we arrived at the Red Rooster, we could see the work had been completed so it was plain sailing to the Bryant Drive roundabout. From there we rode the Wyong Road bike path to Chittaway as Church St was closed and will not reopen till the 18/10/23.
On arriving at Chittaway, we took Chittaway Road to the bike path at Chittaway Bay. It is always a pleasure to ride on this road due to the slight downhill gradient and the hot mix surface on the road.
On arrival at the bike path, we set our GPS to Adelaide St so as not to miss the turn off to Better Days Café at Adelaide St. Unfortunately, the lead rider got confused because another coffee shop had put out signs on the bike path with the word COFFEE is big lettering. After realising his mistake, we had to detour back to the bike path before stumbling across the turn off to Adelaide St and the Café.
As we settled into the new chairs that are very comfy, Barry mentioned he had never been there before and was very impressed with the food and drinks. He plans to take Lois out for lunch sometime in the future, keep that a secret as he wants to surprise Lois.
After the pleasant sojourn, we headed back to JDR. On the way the breeze had turned into a gale and made the going up WBD hard work especially for Virginia who is still riding a muscle bike. The works associated with the new bike path made it a bit dangerous in parts as the barriers they erected poked out past the bike lane. So, be careful when riding past these as you will need to enter the traffic lane.
Virginia and Barry peeled off for home at the WBD bike path, and James continued onto JDR. While loading his bike a very nice senior lady enquired about the bike carrier and his bike. She chatted for about 20 minutes, and maybe she was convinced to buy an electric bike, whatever, she is going to take her 2 bikes to AA cycles and see if she can strike a deal. Maybe a future member.
Rode 48km, speed about 20km/hr, weather warm but windy.
No photos.

Stopping at Buxton for a break - 13 October 2023
TDCC Moss Vale Holiday Day 7 - Colo Vale to Buxton
Freezing this morning with a strong breeze from Antarctica. Sixteen of the remaining riders drove to Colo Vale, about 24km north of Moss Vale. Carol managed this ride with Linda sweeping up. Towns visited on the way around the loop were Hill Top, Buxton, Thirlmere and Tahmoor, where we had morning tea.
The course is a loop first heading west, then north, east, and not surprisingly south again. Hill Top came first, with some surprising connections with members of today's ride - Karen owned a house at Hill Top, and somebody else's family lived nearby. Not fact-checked. There is a long stretch of road where the road is in a steep cutting, with meter-deep gullies next to the roadway, and no room for mistakes. Cars on this busy road had to bank up for quite a distance, but there wasn't anything we could do about it. We had split the péloton into 2 groups to make it easier for everybody.
Lyn had a problem with her battery unable to make proper contact, so had to forgo the ride and travel with Peter H in his car instead. At Buxton there was a wonderful railway museum with magnificent steam engines and diesel locos, not to mention all the fully-restored railway cars. All housed in beautiful new sheds, so would be worth visiting sometime.
Finally got to Tahmoor where Jenny and her team had set up morning tea at a lovely park. Such a spread, you wouldn't believe. We are so lucky to have such people in our club. See the photos.
Of course all this riding so far was done with a tailwind, so we flew along - up to 65kmh at times (downhill). So suitable were the conditions I couldn't catch the muscle bikes as they made the most of them. On the way home from Tahmoor it was a different story, with very long stretches uphill, all into a stiff head wind. I was with the fast group and was able to help them out by riding in front to break the wind.
Finally we all made it back to Colo Vale, where it was still freezing. Max temp today only about 18°C. Some of us were all set up to go straight home from here, so we said goodbye and drove back to th Moss Vale Holiday Park. Happy Hour was somewhat muted but we still enjoyed it. We all said goodbye fore heading back to our humpies. One interesting event, and I'm sure they won't mind me blabbing about this, but Annie lost their caravan keys, so had to squeeze through a bathroom window to gain access to their van. Many good stories were then related about similar lost-key incidents.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this wonderful cycling holiday, and thanks for coming. Till next time (Orange next March?). Thanks to Nicolette for providing most of the photos for this trip, and the internet capacity. Without her help this website would remain not updated.

Jenny giving her time and effort to keeping us well-fed and refreshed.
Wednesday 11 October 2023 - Group 2 ride
Grp2 Ride report. The Entrance-Killarney Vale-BatBayBeach-The Entrance-Peel St Loop
While the MossValians were away, the Non-MossValians decided to play, and have their own ride to Bateau Bay Beach via WBD and Killarney Vale. On a day that looked like rain would come in from the Ocean, the weather gods stayed on our side and gave us perfect conditions for riding. A cool 17°C at the start and 24° at the finish of the ride.
Six dedicated riders turned up for the ride to Bateau Bay Beach. James was the leader and Doug the sweep. The other riders were Virginia, Angela, Col and Keith M.
Before we set off on our ride, some nice mature granny who was looking after her grandkids in the new playground, asked us how far we were going to ride. Of course, with our chests out, we told her about 50km, she was very impressed as you will see later in the report.
So, after the pre-ride spiel, we set off towards Wilfred Barrett Drive and headed to The Entrance, sadly Wilfred was not sighted again, it is assumed he has gone to Maggie Heaven as someone had sighted a Magpie on the road in the shape of a dinner plate a few weeks ago.
After leaving the North Entrance we were on The Entrance bike path after deciding it would be nice for a change as there was not too many walkers or riders on the path. The road is so badly pot-holed, there is no pleasure in riding on the road.
We turned off at the lane to Adelaide Street and headed up to Watson Avenue where we crossed Wyong Road at the pedestrian crossing. It was the first time we have used this route and we found it better than crossing Wyong Road at Tumbi Creek Road. Again, we found the lights in the centre of the road were synchronised with the lights on the other side of the road, so we had a seamless crossing of the road.
Onto Tumbi Road we rode with gusto, demolishing the hills and enjoying the downhill sections till we reach Bellevue Road where we then headed to The Entrance Road before detouring to Bateau Bay Beach.
While we were resting at the Beach, Doug spotted a whale on the horizon, the rest of us had difficulty finding it at first, some said it was a boat, but as Doug is younger than most of us, and does not need specs, we took his word that it was a whale.
After the rest break, we headed back to The Entrance for coffee. On arrival we met 3 fellow riders from group 1, ie Warren, Vic and Garry. After hellos etc we settled in for our coffee break.
Whilst enjoying our coffee a smartly-dressed man appeared on the scene with what looked like 2 South American parrots on his arm, of course they were Feathered [tethered?] to him by a cord. Very beautiful birds with the loudest bird calls we have ever heard. Virginia reckoned her birds are also very noisy and wears ear protection muffs when she sits outside with her birds.
After the coffee break, we headed off towards WBD via a different route, as on our last 2 rides in the area we have been abused by motorists coming into Bent Street. We have been illegally joining WBD via Bent St that has a No Entry sign when trying to enter WBD. So, we decided to ride via Coral Street and the roundabout leading to the bridge and found it satisfactory, even though we encountered a bit more traffic.
The ride back to Peel Street was a bit harder than the ride to The Entrance due to a strong NE breeze. Doug and Virginia being Westies departed the ride near Canton Beach and headed home as they had ridden to Peel St.
On arrival at Peel St the forementioned granny was still at the playground, she then asked us how far we had ridden. She was excited when we told her nearly 50km. She then went onto sing our praises to another granny who had joined her in the park. Their words of encouragement made us feel 10 feet tall. Everyone said how much they enjoyed the ride before departing for home. Unfortunately a few will be missing from Friday’s ride due to other commitments.
Thanks to Doug for again doing the sweeping duties.

Milling around at the Holiday Park waiting for the briefing - 12 October 2023
Thursday 12 October 2023 - TDCC Moss Vale Holiday Day 5
Still cool but warming quickly. Twenty-four riders were at the briefing, including Kee and Mandy who rode separately. Chris led us out, and Waz swept up.
We swept through Moss Vale and diverged at the Bong Bong Common Cycleway, which we followed for miles till we reached, you guessed it, Bong Bong, which is a real place. Then through Burradoo, which has its own railway station, all of 20 meters long, and continuing north to Bowral. At this stage we split into two groups - the slow ones and the slightly faster ones. Twelve in the faster group which I joined, and so did a few others on e-bikes. Ric led and Carol mopped up this group, thanks guys! We just went on a longer loop up Old Hume Highway, and under the Motorway and back again. The other group took a more direct route to Berrima for morning tea. Apparently the shorter ride had worse hills, but the bigger group had to contend with Bendooley Hill, a long and consistent climb. All fairly easy on the e-bike of course. Well done to the muscle-bike riders, especially those not practising Skylarkers, like Rodney and Rolf. Going through Mittagong there was a big traffic jam, which didn't affect the bikes as we were in a narrow lane at the laft, but it was pretty nerve-wracking, flying past all those slow-moving cars at 50kmh down the hill. Irene got a puncture but they fixed it soon enough.
When we got into Berrima, some of us missed the turn-off, same as we did a few years ago, but Carol got us back on track, arriving at the lovely river park where the Team Tetley had laid out a magnificent spread, including pikelets with jam and cream - thanks Jenny! Of course by the time the later group had arrived, there wasn't much left, but we still managed to find a feed. Just kidding!
Such a lovely place, very relaxing. A few people went for a walk, especially along the historical river walk with tributes to whatever happened there many years ago. I didn't go this time so I can't remember.
It was only about 13 km back to Moss Vale, which went quickly enough, a short but enjoyable day. Back by noon, with around 37 and 45km on the clock, respectively.
No Happy Hour today as we are having our big night out at the RSL tonight, with chicken schnitzels for everybody! Thanks to all the unsung helpers, like Cheryl and Kathy, and everyone who worked to make this a memorable day on our Moss Vale Holiday.

Morning tea at Berrima - 12 October 2023

At the start, ready for a big day on the road - 10 October 2023
TDCC Moss Vale Holiday - Day 3, Tuesday 10 October 2023
A beautiful morning, only slightly cool, with John D leading us on a ride up Illawarra Hwy to the Hume Hwy and south to Murrimba Road. All of the Illawarra was tight on space, and the Hume was frightening with many large trucks flying past at warp speed. Plenty of room in the safety lane though. Only at Paddys River Bridge was it bad with no edge space. Brrr!
The muscle bike riders kept together at the front, mostly, while the e-bikers struggled to catch up, except on the uphill stretches. The MB riders did very well though. Down to Wingello and onto the Kareela Road through picturesque countryside to Bundanoon where Jenny and her crew met us with morning tea, mostly scones and j/c. We had a stop before then with two of our number coming victim to punctured tyres. All roads were secondary, meaning they didn't have much verge. After Bundanoon we headed for Exeter then continued on to Moss Vale.
Thanks to everyone who helped the ride to run smoothly, doing corners and helping with flat tyres. About 68km today. Thanks again to Nicolette for the photos.

John leads his crew into morning tea at Bundanoon

Morning briefing by Ric ahead of the ride to Fitzroy Falls - 9 October 2023
TDCC Moss Vale Holiday - Day 2, Monday 9 October 2023
Another cold start to the day, but warming nicely by morning tea. About 22 riders today, bound for Fitzroy Falls down the road. A few hills but everybody coped well. A lot of the ride today was on busy highways, so we had to concentrate on riding properly.
Through the township of Moss Vale for a while, then turn right onto the Illawarra Highway, then follow that busy road for miles, then turn right on to Pearsons Lane, which eventually became Myra Vale Road which took us all the way to Myra Vale and the Fitzroy Falls Reservoir, where we enjoyed morning tea with all the trimmings, thanks to the Tetley Team.
We turned onto Nowra Road and rode to the reservoir and the falls area and had a good look around, leaving all our bikes near the Tourist shop. After a few photos, we got going again on Nowra Road, all the way to the junction of Yarrawa Road which we took to Moss Vale. All country roads with traffic, but all the drivers were well-behaved and respected us. Many hills, but all the muscle bike riders were up to the task, and the e-bikes coped well too.
Thanks to Ric for leading, and Waz for looking after the tail, and everybody who assisted with the ride. No flats or breakdowns or other misadventures. Thanks everyone for coming and helping the ride run so smoothly. Thanks Nikki for the photos

Group photo at the fitzroy Falls - 9 October 2023

The morning pre-ride briefing at the holiday park, Warwick presiding - 8 Ocober 2023
TDCC Moss Vale Holiday - Day 1, Sunday 8 October 2023
Moss Vale is such a beautiful place - just a bit cold in spring. One single degree C this morning! Anyway it soon warmed up and by 10.00am we were basking in 14°C, getting to a top of 18° as the highest. Warwick was leading today's ride, 23 riders, and Carol did the tail. Out onto Golden Vale Road (or similar) and make a right turn a couple of kms down the road. Beautiful scenery, including hundreds of meters of perfectly coiffed hedges and lawns. Soon the nice country road turned in to a gravel road. No problems, just ride down this long slippery hill till we came to a water hazard. It was a creek crossing, but the water was flowing directly over the road, The surface under the creek was vey stony, not suitable for bikes or even 2-wheel drive cars. With 23 of us banked up at the creek, Waz had to make a quick decision. A few of us thought we could get around the stony watery barrier, even shifting rocks around to make a detour, but it was clear that no matter how appealing we made the detour, not everybody would be up to the task of navigating the barrier.
The prospect of riding up the hill we had just sailed down was not appealing, but we had to do it. A couple of muscle bike riders chose to walk some of it to conserve energy, but soon we all made it to the top. We had an alternative route but this turned out to be a dead-end, so we had no option but to go all the way back to the main road. Waz rang Jenny to discuss, and amazingly she soon turned up where we were with her off-siders, Cheryl and Lois. After a brief chat we were on our way again, back past the holiday park and into Moss Vale, turning towards Berrima for our morning tea.
Peter (Linda's mate), and I went and checked out some beautiful motorbikes parked over the road, mostly Harleys, with a couple of fine BMWs. After m/t we proceeded towards Bowral, mostly on dedicated bike paths, and eventually arrived back at Moss Vale, having completed 54km for the day, including the ill-fated trip north.
At 1700 we had another Happy Hour (we had one last night, but no report for a non-riding day). A very successful event, like the usual happy hour, but in the camp kitchen, mosrly on the tables and benches provided. Thanks everyone for bringing such nice stuff. See you tomorrow. Thanks Nikki for the photos.

High level discussions about which way to go - 8 October 2023

Maintenance break, Birdie Beach Road, Lizzie Bay - 6 October 2023
TDCC Friday Rides - 6 October 2023
Skylarkers - Headed north to Lizzie Bay and up the SRA to the Pacific Highway, then further north to Montefiore Parkway and Catherine Hill Bay. Stop and admire the view from the SLSC then continue north up Flowers Road to the Pacific Hwy at Cams Wharf. Some big hills there! Turn left on the hwy and ride all the way down to Sparks Road via the Motorway Link. To Warnervale and Wadalba before the home run back to the start. About 70km and 700m vertical.
Coasters - James led us up Lizzie Bay Drive and up the SRA, same as the Skylarkers, but at the highway we diverged and headed over to Kanangra Drive and Summerland Point. Perfect conditions today with mild temps and no detectable breeze. Doug was our sweep but had a mechanical problem at Lizzie Bay and went home. Chris was promoted from sidekick to Sweeper for the rest of the ride. Don't know who his sidekick was. Eleven riders in this group.
A good look round at Frying Pan Bay, Summerland Point, then back to the highway via Cams Blvd Rural before continuing on our dedicated trek to La Macchina at San Remo for caffè. I was just given a membership card for La Macchina so don't have to pay for anything there till next year. Thanks Sue and Steve from CCTCC!
Virginia and Paul Flacco met us there for coffee, then Stuart and I headed home to Lake Haven while everyone else made their way back to JDR via Budgewoi. Except Col of course who also just rode home up the road. 54km for me. A very enjoyable ride, and the last for some of us for a week or more as we drive down to Moss Vale for the club holiday. Thanks for coming you guys and thanks to James for leading us.

Everyone paying attention. Dave looking resplendent in his new gear! - 6 October 2023
Wednesday 4 October 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 ride - Down Wilfred Barrett Drive and around to Chittaway, Enterprise Drive, Kangy Angy to Wyong and back to JDR. 90km.
Group 2 Ride report. Wadalba-Budgie Loop - Wednesday 4 October 2023
On a day that looked like the weather might have been against a good ride, it turned out to be pleasant for cycling. It was overcast but a cooling breeze made for a comfortable ride.
With a few people in the sick bay and others preparing for the Moss Vale trip, only 12 riders turned up to sample the delights of the ride. They are in sign on order, were James, Chris B, Stuart, Col, Warwick, Doug, Hans, Carol, Rolf, David R, Anne and Angela.
The ride was as advertised on the ride calendar, that is a loop around Wadalba returning via Budgewoi.
Due to the smaller number of riders, we were able to set a good pace to Gorokan where we had our first water break. Molly was nowhere to be seen, looks like she has found a Tom to her liking [hope so].
From Gorokan we took a different path through Mascord Park, side tracking to the Wadalba Skate Park and then the mini watercourse, before coming out near the Wadalba School. No students around but lots of schoolteacher’s cars in the car park swotting up for next week’s return to school. Soon we were crossing Minnesota Road and heading for the wetlands where a young recalcitrant waterfowl acted like a road runner and did its best to get run over, thankfully we averted disaster.
In a flash we were on the Pacific Highway heading towards Charmhaven, at this stage Stuart left the ride as he had ridden from home. The rest of us crossed the Pacific Highway at the pedestrian barrier near the Charmhaven shopping centre. Col and Warwick decided to ride over Wallarah Creek on the road section of the bridge, brave guys. The rest of us did a cook’s tour of Charmhaven’s back streets before crossing Wallarah Creek on the footpath section.
After crossing the bridge, we headed towards Budgewoi along the bike path and stopped at Edgewater Park for refreshment. Just as we were about to take off, our old friends Di and George appeared going the opposite way. Of course, we had a quick chat with them and then were on our way again.
Some of our riders noticed how dry the grass and undergrowth was, this was not a good omen for likely summer bushfires. After dodging dogs off their leashes, we safely arrived at the Budgewoi Road Bridge over the canal linking the two lakes. Warwick and his sidekick Col crossed on the Southern side of the bridge as they could see the roadworks in progress on the other side of the bridge. Our group did not see the roadworks and crossed on the other side. Luckily for us the lollypop man guided us down the steep pedestrian path to the left of the bridge. So, we managed to avoid the big line of cars on the road.
Unfortunately, Hans had a mechanical problem with his rear gears and could not continue the ride. Fortunately, Rolf came to the rescue, rode home, got his car and retrieved Hans and his bike. Many thanks Rolf.
Next stop was an unplanned stop at the Lakes beach Café as we were too early to return for the GM. The coffee was great, the company great. The ocean was the loudest we have heard for a long time, for us westies not used to hearing the pleasing sounds of the ocean waves, it sounded great.
After coffee we headed back to Peel Street, and after a quick change of clothes we were off to the GM.
Best wishes to all our riders affected by the flu that is going around, and any other riders with ailments. Best wishes to Pedro with his recovery, Mike with his recovery, and Paul after his leg infection.
Please note that during the Moss Vale trip we will have rides next Wednesday and Friday. Details to be issued on WhatsApp.

Morning tea at Sam's, Wadalba - 29 September 2023
TDCC Friday Group Rides - 29 September 2023
A perfect day for bike riding. Skylarkers rode up to Whitebridge on the Fernleigh Track and tried out a new café, then rode back. 88km for some, well done!
The Coasters started out with 16 riders at Jenny Dixon's and picked up two ladies on Panorama Avenue (so 18 all up). Barry was leading and Doug looked after the other end. Everybody behaved themselves and no mishaps were suffered. Over Toukley Bridge and down to Charmy, then a quick circuit of Blue Haven before we headed out onto the highway up to Doyalson where we turned left onto Wyee Road.
After a quick break we continued out along Gosford Road and Bushells Ridge to Hue Hue Road and down to Sparks Road. Conditions were ideal - warm and sunny - everything perfect! Back towards Warnervale Road and Minnesota Road which we took to Wadalba where our destination, Sam's Bakery and Café, sits. I had a lovely though very hot curry pie and equally hot coffee, and the remainder of Angela's vanilla slice - yummy! This is where all the photos were taken due to my forgetting about them otherwise. Two are mine and two are Chris's, but his are better.
After a prolonged (due to hotness of the coffee) time we got going back to Jenny Dixon's again, except for all the people who just went home, ie all the westies, and the northern contingent. My distance was 53km, less for those who didn't start at JDR.
Thanks for coming everyone, and thanks to Baz, Doug and Angela for looking after us. The first photo is mine and the one with Karen looking gorgeous is Chris's.

Chris's excellent pic at Sam's - 29 September 2023

Morning tea at EuroBean, The Entrance - Wednesday 27 September 2023

James late entry , Batto Bay
Wednesday 27 September 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - About eight of them, left Jenny Dixon and rode down to Wyong, Tuggerah, Kangy Angy, Enterprise Drive, Mardi, Hue Hue Road and back up to Sparks Road for coffee at Sam's. About 70 odd km. Good ride!
Group 2/3 - Sixteen at Peel Street, with James leading and Doug sweeping up. Picked up Lynnie at the cemetery and rode to North Entrance before following the lakeside bikepath to somewhere (lost after that) and turning up at Batto Bay lookout.
Arrived at The Eurobean café where Nikki was waiting with a big table for us. She took the morning tea photos you see here (as edited). No dramas today, just riding and social pleasure. About 50km for those who rode from home. Thanks everyone for coming.

The other end of the table - 27 September 2023

Our photo break at Wyongah - 22 September 2023
TDCC Coasters Ride - 22 September 2023
Such a change from Wednesday (34°C) to 15° today, similar breeze, just cold instead of hot, and 15-20 knots S - big difference! Baz pulled out before leaving home, and a nursin' person went home without getting her bike off the car. Still, a dozen of us stayed and easily made up a quorum. James led us and Doug helped at the rear, though I don't think we caused him any trouble. Col had to leave early to keep an appointment, but at least got in a 40km ride.
Heading south-west, we copped plenty of cold headwind and an occasional spray of precipitation, but not actually getting wet. Through the Tuggerawong roller coaster to Prawn Beach Lane and along the beautiful sports path, stopping as usual somewhere for a photo shoot. Such an amazing view over the lake! Keeping up a good pace (25kmh) to Wyong toilets, but no complaints from anybody, in fact the ones at the back caught up!
After meeting personal needs at the Wyong Toot, we rode through the Wyong CBD and into the village of Watanobbi, much relieved now to have the breeze behind us. On reaching the Pacific Highway we continued along that major interstate road to Wadalba where we eased into Minnesota Road for the next phase of our journey. After riding the complete length of that American road we travelled through the wetlands, with very pleasant scenery and interesting Water Fowl and other birds, popping out within reach of our coffee bolt-hole - The Secret Café!
A very nice time was enjoyed there, sitting in the sun, all talking at once, with our mate Paul coming to visit us. Then it was time to head back to Jenny Dixon Reserve, except those of us fortunate enough to live west or north who went straight home. Chris of course made it a long day riding from home then back to JDR then home again - 71km. The rest of us did about 45km.
Thanks Jimmy and Doug, and everybody else who assisted the smooth functioning of the ride. A bit challenging in the first half, with the cold wind and all, but totally worth it overall. Thanks everyone for coming and contributing to an enjoyable outing for seniors.

Nikki's photo of morning tea at Secret Café - 22 September 2023

TDCC Group 2 on Tuggerah Lake Pathway - 20 September 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 20 September 2023
Such a nasty day for anything outdoors, especially bike-riding - high temperatures, 34°C, and strong hot winds 22-28 knots (55kph) NW.
Group 1 headed off early - I saw them at Toukley Bridge, so did Rodney. Seven of them including John from Bathurst. Tough going for them, JD never made Terrigal, I don't know if anyone did, 51km for him.
Not very nice for Group 2 either, with 11 starting at Peel Street, then Virginia joined us after lapping Budgewoi Lake, then leaving at Rocky Point for a total of 47km. Angela pulled out at Wyong, already fazed by jet-lag so fair enough. Pulled up OK after a rest at home.
Chris was leading and Doug swept up. Out through Tuggerah then over Kangy Angy, past the Heatherbrae pie shoppe. Would have loved a coffee at that stage! Burns Road and Enterprise Drive to Chittaway. Rodney checked it out yesterday but Church Road was blocked with roadworks today so we had to backtrack, adding a few more unnecessary kilometres to our trip.
Getting very hot and bothered by then, but we perservered and made it to Sam's Bakery in Wadalba for a refreshing curry pie and hot coffee. Many westies in our group today, even the ones who drove to Peel Street, so we left early to go home. Very glad to get there, with about 63km elapsed. Thanks to everyone who came, well done in the adverse conditions!

James with his flock at Gorokan Peace Park (Toukley Bridge) - 15 September 2023
Friday 15 September 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - Around Tuggerah Lake and down to Terrigal for a 73km ride. Good effort!
Coasters - James gathered his flock at JDR for a Wyee Loop ride. Twenty riders after we picked up Linda and Virginia at Moala Pde, Charmy. Weather conditions were perfect. No dramas at all.
A short loop through Blue Haven before hitting Wyee Road for a fraught trip on the roadside down to Gosford (Road), then Hue Hue to Sparky before finding our way to Wadalba for coffee at Sam's Bakery. Very efficient staff so we were all served quite quickly considering how many of us there were. Paul joined us - I love the way we always try to keep in touch despite distractions (appointments etc). Miss these moments terribly if we can't make it. The girls did about 35km and the full distance was about 50km for the day. Thanks for coming everyone! Thanks to Doug and Keith and James for looking after us.

Carol took this lovely photo at the Khartoum Hotel near Cessnock where we had coffee
Wednesday 13 September 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 did a nice ride today, out to Lizzie Bay, and down the highway and Motorway Link to Sparks Road, through Tuggerah to Killarney Vale for coffee at Better Days, then back home via WBD. Three Lake Loop - 70km.
Group 2 met up at Cessnock Park in Aberdale Road, Cessnock, for an away-ride. Warwick was leading us, and James looked after the tail. Fourteen riders all up, so a good turn-up for a country ride.
I made some mistakes today, viz left my bumbag and wallet home, left my phone on the tonneau cover of my truck for 4 hours while we rode (because I didn't have my bumbag to put it in). But I did some good things eg made my lunch before I left home, as I knew there wouldn't be any take-away food on the ride, recovered my phone when we got back, and managed to stay upright all day.
A very enjoyable ride, no bike-paths, all riding on the country roads with everyone else. Only 3 mussel bikes and they all did very well. Even Rolf brought his e-bike in accordance with my recommendation. Nobody had lunch except me, so I don't know whether they found somewhere local to get something. Just so happy to have my phone back! 50km.

Karen fronts the Coasters at North Entrance - 8 September 2023
TDCC Friday Rides - 8 September 2023
Awful weather forecast, but when I left home it was blue skies everywhere, which is probably what got everyone else motivated too. No Skylarkers today, mostly sick. Quite warm - 22°C - windy as hell, and cloud forming soon after. Seabreeze.com said it was blowing NNE at 0900 at 10 knots, but increasing to 25 knots NW an hour after for the rest of the day.
Nine of us gathered at Jenny Dixon Reserve, me (Danny) leading, on a planned trip around Tuggerah Lake. Welcome back, Keith M, after a period of poor health. Off we went, down Wilfred Barrett Drive (WBD), with rain falling on us within minutes, but not for long.
Still work going on with the roadway, but the nice Traffic Ladies let us ride through without the cars, thanks! At Roberts Street, North Entrance, we re-grouped, but our sweep, James, was missing. Chris told us that James had forgotten his helmet so went back for it. After ages waiting, with the weather looking worse by the minute, a mutiny was fomenting, and JD set off for home back up WBD. Then Linda said she wanted to go back too, so I relented and decided best to join them and head for coffee at Norah Head. Met James coming back the other way, saying that the Highway Patrol was staking out his car, with the helmet sitting on the bonnet, so he had to get off his bike and walk the last few hundred meters, and back again, to avoid getting booked. I think that's what he said.
The wind was very strong, still not cold, and spots of rain falling. Actually I didn't get more than a minute's rain all day, so it was just the wind really. Found our way to the Beach Haus, but only after some of us picked up their cars on the way. Very nice coffee and stuff, and we sat inside for a change as everything was wet outside.
Thanks to those who came and made it all worthwhile. Good decision to cut the ride short.

TDCC Group 2 regrouping at Gorokan Peace Park - Wednesday 6 September 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 6 September 2023
A beautiful clear day on the Central Coast, warming up nicely later. Group 1 got a quorum together and made their way out to Mandolong and back through Wyong, with coffee at Glee Grinders. I saw them coming.back through Toukley, about 5 of them. About 75km for the day. Well done you!
Group 2 started at Peel Street and eventually got to The Corso where our original 21 riders were swollen by a couple more, viz Ginnie and Linda, so 23 all up - a good effort. Soon crossed the Wallarah Creek at Charmy and found ourselves in Blue Haven where we did a big loop before getting onto the Pacific Hwy and riding up through Doyalson towards north.
Warwick was leading in his usual professional manner, while Doug looked after the tail, thanks to you both. Turning left at Tall Timbers Road then right into Scaysbrook Ave on our way to Josh Porter Reserve, a favourite stopping place.
Over to the north side and up Mulloway Road and Link Road, which despite being gravel is in very good condition and quite suitable for any bike. At Kanangra Drive we headed for the highway and crossed over into Blue Wren Drive on our way to Lizzie Bay through the SRA, but couldn't see any coastal scenery due to the thickness of the vegetation.
On arrival at Lakes Beach we ordered our stuff - coffee mostly and toasted banana bread for me. The quality of the service and the food and drink is excellent, thanks you guys! It was very pleasant sitting out in the warm sun chatting away and enjoying the company. Afterwards we headed back to Norah Head and used the footpath to reach the cemetery before getting on to Evans Road for the last leg. We westies (me, Chris, Linda and Virginia) hived off for the Toukley Bridge. Thanks everyone for coming.
Jean Holt as given some updates on Pedro's condition since his serious operation, so we're hoping for the best for him.

Some of us at Josh Porters Reserve, CVBS - 6 September 2023

Coasters deciding not to ride today - 1 September 2023
Friday 1 September 2023 - TDCC Activities
Mixed media day - sunny to start, windy, cold and rainy later, sunny again even later. Skylarkers got away early and had a ride around Tuggerah Lake, well done.
Coasters arrived at JDR in time for an icy change of weather then a shower and eventually we decided to go to Budgewoi for coffee, then go home for a while. We all turned up at noon for the Social Day, still quite cold and very windy, but it did improve and actually became sunny.
Jenny's take: A great social day at Mackenzie Park. The sun did shine on us and some fun and games were enjoyed by many. Plus a great spread of yummy food.
As the photos show, it was quite a successful day with plenty of socialising and fun. Jenny's photos are on our FB Club Page here.
The SOF m/b crew (Doug, Rolf, Rodney, Dennis and Keith) had a good ride in the sand dunes. Just sorry Pedro couldn't make it, but we sent him a nice card for his imminent surgery date, all the best Peter.
A lucky-door prize was held, with half of us getting something nice. Carol wouldn't say what was in the little packages but it looked like contraceptives. On the other hand, I won a beautiful bottle of Cab Sauv, all nicely wrapped, which I shall keep for Father's Day.
Thanks everyone for coming, and to all the people who worked hard to make it all happen. We are very lucky to have some amazing entrepreneurs in our club.

TDCC members enjoying a social day in the sunshine - 1 September 2023

Some of Rolf's crew at Blue Bell Park - 30 August 2023
Wednesday 30 August 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - Ride north to Summerland Point via Lizzie Bay Drive and Birdie Beach Road and Blue Wren Drive, then back down the highway and M1 Motorway Link to Sparks Road, then to Sam's Bakery at Wadalba before returning to JDR. 66km for Group 1.
Group 2 started at Peel Street with Rolf leading, and James sweeping up, rode to the Cemetery at Noraville to pick up a few more riders, making 21 all up. Conditions were the best we've seen forever! On a winter's day! Riding down to The Entrance (T/E) on the newly-completed Wilfred Barrett Drive, not even any magpies to spoil our fun.
Through T/E CBD and Toowoon Bay then making our way down to Tuggerah Lake at Salt Water Creek for a pleasant cruise around the southern end of the lake to Blue Bell Park. We rode via Church Road and Lake Road, but the condition of Church Rd is very dodgy, with many pot-holes. At Blue Bell Park we had a little wait while riders further back sorted themselves out. Soon on our way again to Wyong where we looked forward to a yummy lunch at the Oasis Café near the cop shop. Turns out they didn't have any electricity so were unable to accommodate us. Instead we rode up the hill to the Glee Coffee Grinders which is a superb café where we were well looked after. Beautiful coffee and food, with excellent service and plenty of room for a change. Eventually we headed back to the Wyong toilets, already having lost a few members keen to get home. Same goes for me and Linda who went via Pollock for an early finish. The remainder of the riders rode along the 'river' road back to Peel Street, losing riders along the way who went straight home. 57km for Group 2.
Such a perfect day for riding, thanks everyone for coming, thanks Rolf and James for looking after us.

Coasters in Jensen Road, Tacoma - 25 August 2023
Friday 25 August 2023 - TDCC Club rides
Skylarkers - Rode up to Summerland Point and Gwandalan via the SRA lookout, back down the Pacific Hwy and Motorway Link, exiting at Tooheys Road. Then Bushells Ridge Rd and Hue Hue Road back to Wyee, out towards Morisset then right into Ruttleys Road, right to the other end and then north again to Lizzie Bay Road then back to Norah Head. 80km, well done Skylarkers!
The Coasters had a route planned which from now on appear on the Ride Program. Today was the Bruce Cres Ride, which involved riding to Jensen Road and back along Pollock, via Orchid Way then Minnesota to Warnervale Road to the end. Then east along Sparks Road to Bruce Crescent and all the way around that curly hilly road. Chris was our Ride Master, and James acted as tail gunner. We had 14 riders at Jenny D's, then picked up three more at Mary Street. Conditions were fantastic, cool, sunny then warming up nicely. Dave F had a flat in Virginia Road, our only hiccup. We have done Bruce Crescent before, but I didn't notice the haunted car there. Creepy!
From there it's a quick dash to The Secret Café for m/t. Credit to the staff for coping with us all. After that Stuart, Rolf and I and maybe some others headed straight home, leaving Chris to take the remainder back to JD's. 70km for him. For the others, including the westies, about 44km - perfect!
An update on Wednesday's ride, Virginia told me that when they got to the lights at the Gorokan Shops, they copped a green light so were away before I could find Mary Street and were out of sight, leaving me wondering what happened.
I love the Coasters Rides, so thanks for coming everyone. Thanks Chris and James for looking after us.

Nice skeletons at 510 Bruce Crescent - 25 August 2023

Riders from Peel Street and Mary Street at Tuggerawong Bike Path - 23 August 2023
Wednesday 23 August 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Group 1 - Rode out to Yarramalong and Cedar Brush Creek. Carl managed over 1100 meters vertical, not sure how. About 90km. Trouble with magpie at North Entrance.
Group 2 started at Peel Street, Toukley, but with big plans so only half of the group started there, the rest joined us along the way. Danny leading and Doug and Keith sweeping, thanks fellas.
Out along the Tuggerawong pathway, see picture above, and via Wyong to Kangy Angy and Palm Grove to Footts Road. At Ourimbah Creek Road (OCR) we had a discussion, then changed our minds, with some going straight to coffee at Heatherbrae Pie Shop, just down the road, some going right out to the end (mostly the Wyong toilet starters looking for distance) and some just going to see the friendly farm animals and take photos. No alpacas but still a good display of tame-life.
The ride was posted as being 80km, which was pretty right, as I did 77, and didn't go to the end of OCR. Too much for a G2 ride, so we should start Hidden Valley rides at Wyong. Still, no complaints so well done everybody! Morning tea at Heatherbrae Pies but more like lunch time (noon).
Came back along Burns Road and Enterprise Drive, Wyong Road and Reliant Drive, and Gavenlock Road. Rod peeled off there and others went home along the way to Toukley Bridge. In fact in Gorokan as Virginia went home, I went towards the Wallarah Bay Club to reach the bridge, but everybody followed Virginia and I never saw them again. I waited at the bridge but they never appeared so I went home alone.
Good ride in perfect conditions, no dramas except Chris got a blowout in Enterprise Drive but they were on their way in 10 minutes. Thanks everyone for coming.

Our favourite cattle on Footts Road, Palm Grove - 23 August 2023

Waz and Hans enjoying the calm atmosphere at Vales Point, Mannering Park - 16 August 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 16 August 2023
Group 1 rode to Terrigal via Wyong and back up WBD for a 74km ride. Coffee at the Sewing Machine café, but the working tables are gone.
Group 2/3 - Good morning, followers! Fifteen riders turned up at Osborne Park Toukley this morning, with Warwick taking the lead and Doug acting as Tail Gunner. Very chilly at Munmorah Lake at about 8°C, warming to 17° later in the day. Fine, cloudy and calm, though you didn't need much breeze to feel it at that temperature. We picked up Virginia at The Corso later making 16 altogether.
With Mannering Park as our destination we headed down over the Toukley Bridge and along The Corso. Waz did suggest that we cross the highway at Lowena Ave and ride straight over the Charmy Bridge, but there wasn't much support for that idea. So we rode down beside the highway on the beautiful path they made for us, and those who don't like riding over the narrow footpath walked their bikes as usual. When we got to Blue Haven we rode all the back streets we could find before reaching Roper Road for our transition to the highway again.
Conditions were very nice for riding today so we cruised up to Ruttleys Road and into Mannering Park. After a short rest at Vales Point Reserve we continued our ride through Manno, taking the excellent bike path around the water's edge, past the sailing club and the scout hall before reaching the Pacific Highway.
At this point Warwick turned us left all the way to Lizzie Bay for an extended detour to our final destination of The General Store at Norah Head for our morning tea. This extended our ride so that the basic ride was 54km and my distance was 65 and Chris rode 74km. Paul attended m/t, still recovering from his wounds from last Friday, but looking good.
Thanks Waz and Doug for guiding us, and thanks everyone for coming.

A candid shot of us at Vales Point Park - 16 August 2023

First break around 10.00am, maybe at Edgewater Park - 11 August 2023
TDCC Club Rides - 11 August 2023
Coasters - We had a long ride with G2 on Wednesday, so Chris decided to make today's journey on the short side. A few little detours and a mishap near the end made it interesting. Twenty-one riders, with Chris up the front and James looking after the back end. Cold and sunny.
First of all, ride to Budgewoi then into the Gulag Archipelago to visit the retirement villages. Across to Buff Point via the inland route, saving the scenic ride for later. Continue along the back roads to San Remo and under the Charmy Bridge. A big loop around Blue Haven before coming back to San Remo for our coastal trip back to Budgie.
Along the way, near Buff Point, an elderly woman with an unrestrained dog blocked our path, and Barry had to stop quickly. Paul riding behind also stopped but with the path raised 15cm above the grass, his foot found thin air and he tumbled off. Quite a drop, and resulted in several nasty injuries to his legs, with quite a lot of blood pouring out. We remonstrated with the old woman but she just responded with abuse and walked off with her mangey mutt.
Luckily we had Nurse Carol on standby and she dressed Paul's wound with her First-Aid kit. She asks that anyone with spare dressings give them to her for use on our injuries. Luckily Paul lives only a few hundred meters from the scene, so Barry accompanied him back home where he got his wife June to drive him back to our coffee stop where he had left his own car. Carol found the miscreant coming back and had a stern word about letting dogs run loose, but her reply was that we were riding too fast. Hah! Thanks everyone for helping in this emergency.
The new management at Lakes Beach Café is fast coming to grips with the business and very good coffee and food are available there. A very enjoyable ride with many friends, thanks for coming everyone!

Happy faces, including Brenda's, at Lakes Beach - 11 August 2023

Group 2 riders at Catho Bay - 9 August 2023
TDCC Club Rides - 9 August 2023
Group 1 - At least 4 guys made up G1 today, taking the Nigel's Ride out to Dooralong via Wadalba, Warnervale, Hue Hue, Dicksons Road, Durren Durren, Jilliby and back to Alison, Old Maitland Rd, and around the bottom end of Tuggerah Lake with m/t at the little café hidden away at Tumbi, and back up WBD. Good ride of 84km, well done!
Barry led fourteen riders in Group 2 from Peel Street down to Slade Park, Budgewoi, where we collected six more, making twenty riders. Pedro gave us a summary of his health status - not looking good!
Up Lizzie Bay Drive to LB, then up Birdie Island Drive to the top of the RSA and through to the Pacific Hwy. With a mix of e-bikes and mussell bikes, there was a wide range of effort made by the riders, with credit to the pushbikers, who despite the gap in assistance all made the top of the hills. Annie told us she has moved on from loving that hill to the opposite, but still managed to achieve success, same with Pedro who is far from being at his best, but still did all the hard work.
Brenda joined us for morning tea at The Secret Café, where we were well looked after. Other non-riders might have joined Pedro somewhere else as some of the usual suspects were missing today.
Thanks to Baz for leading, and Jimmy for sweeping, and everyone for coming out in such gorgeous weather for exercise and socialising. More photos on our FB Group Page here.

Everyone at The Secret Caf, except Rolf who didn't make the cut (far right) - 9 August 2023

All 18 Coasters at Tuggerawong bike path - 4 August 2023
TDCC Coasters Ride - 4 August 2023
Barry hosted this ride, and James looked after the back end. At Jenny Dixon Reserve (JDR) there were 14 riders, and four more were picked up at Gorokan and Tuggerawong, making 18, so a good turn-out on a beautiful day. See the photo above. More stunning photos on our FB Group Page.
It turned out to be quite a long ride, over 50km for most people, a bit less for the westies who didn't come to the start. I told Brenda to be at The Secret Café at 10.30am, but in fact we didn't get there till noon. At least she had Pedro and Mike to talk to. And she ordered my coffee, so it had cooled down nicely by the time we got there.
Anyway, back to the ride. So, up through the Roller Coaster and on to Prawn Beach Lane, then the whole length of the footpath, then continue along the 'river' road to Wyong toilets. After a wee break we headed up towards Yarramalong and turned left onto Old Maitland Road (OMR) at Woodbury Park where our furry friends were waiting. You should have seen how excited these alpacas were - running to the fence, jumping up in the air, doing whirleys... Two black alpacas and a dreary old sheep, always together.
After we took about 20 photos we left them to it and headed towards Tuggerah along the whole length of OMR. Some of it has been renovated and is quite good, but the part with not much room for bikes was thankfully void of traffic, so we had a good spin down the hill (57kmh) and cruised into Tuggerah near the Westfields Shopping Centre.
Turning left at Woodbury Park Drive and creeping through to Gavenlock Road to make our way over Wyong River at the bridge, then under to the toilets again, before continuing along Pollock Ave to Wadalba. Eventually we arrived at Charmhaven and the long-awaited coffee stop.
With our non-riding mates we had over 20 club members, and took up two big tables. This is the pay-off for the long ride - socialising and chatting with your mates. I wasn't allowed to buy any food as Brenda and I had a luncheon date straight afterwards.
I left the ride at this point, as did a few other westies, including Baz at Toukley Bridge, so Chris and James took everyone else back to JDR. AN excellent ride, enjoyed by all. Thanks everyone for coming.

Our furry friends glad to see us again - 4 August 2023
Wednesday 2 August 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Grp 1 ride report - The group 1 ride was as advertised on the ride calendar. From Strava it was seen that Rick, Kerry, and Gazza were riding. The ride took them to Wyong via Gorokan, Wyong, Kangy Angy, Fountaindale, Palm Grove then onto Hidden Valley. On the way back they returned to Ourimbah and then returned to Tuggerah Lake via Enterprise Drive then WBD back to JDR. We could not determine where they had coffee from Strava. The ride was about 90km at a speed of 23.2km/hr. A good effort Kerry and the boys.
Grp 2 ride report - Following a run of nice weather, we were surprised this morning that the nice weather had disappeared, and light rain was falling. This did not deter our 18 riders. The ride was as per the published ride and it took us to the Entrance, Tumbi Umbi, various hilly roads to Forresters Beach, then to Bateau Bay Beach, The Entrance for coffee and then back to Toukley via WBD.
The riders were Warwick, Robyn, James, Estelle, Trevor, Jill, Chris B, Rod, Pedro, Paul, Col, Dave F, Barry, Dave R, Virginia, Rolf, Keith A and Doug. Warwick was the ride manager and Doug the sweep.
We set off towards the quiet place near Dennison St at Norah Head where Jill, Trevor and Paul promised to meet us. To our pleasant surprise Pedro was also there to greet us. Pedro has not ridden for a while, so it was pleasing to see him fitted out in Lycra.
From the start it looked like Warwick was trying to test our stamina and he set a blistering pace to The Entrance. On the way the nice road worker with the lollypop stopped the traffic and let us go ahead, when we were through the road works, they then let the traffic come through. Nice touch, road workers, though the motorists were probably not too happy.
On arrival at the Entrance, Pedro decided to return home. He declined our offer to go with him. Later on, Pedro informed Doug that he had arrived home safely. On our way to Long Jetty, very fit looking Male and Female riders decided to see if they could get to the bike path from the Entrance to Long Jetty before us. They had a joke when we all arrived at the bike track at the same time. We think they were surprised at the speed us people with many birthdays could achieve.
Next challenge was to cross Wyong Road. Warwick had a new plan of attack, instead of crossing at the pedestrian crossing we were instructed to cross with the cars at the traffic lights, worked out perfectly, no one got caught at the lights due to the long time they stayed green.
From there we rode along Wyong Road then turned left into Beckingham Road that continues into Palm Valley Road and Leetes Lane. If you win Lotto and want a great house on property, this is the place to visit. Only problem was the number of Hills in the area, Warwick was trying to push us to the limits today. From Leetes Lane we turned right into Hansens Road then right into Tumbi Road that was a pleasure to ride along as it was mostly downhill. From Tumbi Road we turned left into Bellevue Road before meeting up with the Entrance Road.
It was noted that during the ride along the previously mentioned hills, Estelle on her fold-up bike performed exceptionally well and left some of blokes panting in her wake with her speed on the hills. Of the 3 riders on muscle bikes, Virginia, Chris B struggled on the hills, while Rod, being a mountain bike specialist, breezed up and down the hills with no problems. The rest of us were glad we had some electrons pushing us along. Special mention must also be made about Col who has kept riding throughout his treatment, and Paul who has got back to near his best after his earlier incident.
From Forresters Beach it was a short ride to Bateau Bay Beach for a rest break, no whales or other marine animals in sight. After a short break it was back to The Entrance for Coffee. We expected to see Danny and Brenda, but unfortunately Danny with a run-in with a vegetable slicer and could not make it for coffee. We rang him later in the day and he is recovering ok and said he was going out to see a play with Brenda [TIM at Wyong Arts Centre.]
After trying to solve the woes of the world and discussing the likely outcomes of this weekend's NRL matches we headed for WBD. Thankfully the NE breeze stayed at home, and we had a pleasant ride to Noraville. At this point the Budgie, Buff Point and Blue Haven riders left us for home. The rest of us headed up the bike path to Peel St with Doug, Keith, Chris and Virginia leaving us along the way. Unfortunately, Robyn had a fall just a few hundred metres from Peel St, thankfully she was ok except for some missing bark.
As Danny and Nic did not ride today we have no pics for your enjoyment. The ride was about 52km, the speed around 21km/hr, a small bit of rain to start the ride but otherwise ok. Thanks to Warwick and Doug. Best wishes to all those members who are in the sick bay or who have partners in the sick bay.

Coasters having m/t at The Secret Café - 28 July 2023
TDCC Friday Rides - 28 July 2023
Skylarkers - Rick led the Skylarkers to Woy Woy via Wyong, Kangy Angy, Lisarow, Wyoming, Gosford and Tascott, they returned via the same way till Ourimbah where they diverted towards Chittaway Bay and returned via the Entrance to JDR. A most impressive feat by all the riders, a distance of about 104km at an average speed of 26km/hr.
Rick was the leader, the other riders were Irene, John from Bathurst, who is Virginia’s brother, Gazza, Fred, and Vic.

Coasters - Thankfully today was much warmer than the last few weeks, this was shown up by the number of riders that turned out today for the ride to Josh Porter Reserve via Budgie and Lake Munmorah, with the return loop taking us via Kingfisher Shores, Charmhaven, Secret Café then return to JDR via Toukley. Twenty-two riders fronted the starter's gun, we were led by Chris with old faithful, Dougie, acting as sweep.
The riders were Chris B, James, Evi, Merrilyn, Graeme, Dave F and Dave R, Doug, Keith A, Nic, Virginia, Karen, Chris, Carl, Westley, Rolf, Paul, Col, Rod, Barry, Daryl and Linda. Danny could not make the ride today as he was waiting on tradies, but he promised to meet us for coffee.
As we were preparing for our ride Nicolette came back from her warm-up ride to Soldiers Beach, Nic was in an excited state of mind, this was because she had seen a giant Fur Seal sunning itself on the rocks. Carl who is a Norah Head local mentioned that he had never seen a Seal at Soldiers or Norah Head in the past. We decided not to ride to check out the Seal but carry on with our ride, some riders mentioned they would check back after the ride. See Nic’s pictures on Strava and probably Facebook.
After the excitement Chris gave us his route and safety spiel, then we were off to Budgewoi. A fast pace was set, and we were at the roundabout opposite Slade Park in no time flat. We were met by Evi who has been away in Tassie for a while, so it was nice to catch up with her and have a chat as we rode.
Our next stop was Elizabeth Bay, then we headed towards Josh Porter Reserve at South Chain Valley Bay. Must have been some turnout on at the schools we passed as there were lots of vehicles in the car parks and on the road.
We passed some nice dog walkers and their Doggies along the bike path to JPR and exchanged pleasantries with the dogs and their owners.
On arrival at JPR we had a short chat and drinks then headed off towards Kingfisher Shores, we doubted any Kingfish would be in this area of Lake Macquarie, but it was a nice loop before returning to the Pacific Highway.
As we headed towards Doyalson we were informed via WhatsApp that Danny wanted to know how long it would be before we got to La Macchina, we sent back a message saying 20 minutes. All good so far.
As we were stopped at the Doyalson lights, the coffee venue was changed to the Secret Café as there was too many of us to be accommodated at the LaMachina. Unfortunately, we informed Danny too late of the change in venue, and, as he had already ordered at LaMachina, he of course did not do a runner, so had coffee by himself.
It was noted today and a few times previously that Karen has become one of the most powerful riders now that she has migrated to an electric bike, Karen being a lightweight, flies up the hills as though they don’t exist, good effort Karen.
Some riders did not come for coffee, and others went elsewhere for coffee, the main group went to the Secret Café and enjoyed some great food and coffee. To our surprise Danny turned up later in the proceedings and told us his story, and that later in the day he was going to Central Railway Station to meet up with the lovely Brenda from Merimbula who had travelled up by train.
On our way to the secret café, we had 2 different drivers cut in front of us and turned left between riders instead of queuing behind us, we had to be on our toes to miss them. Also, as we were crossing the Wallarah bridge, a bus started to overtake us, and Paul nearly ended up in the drink, the bus had got so close to him, very scary. We have most likely seen similar thing on a Channel 7 program called Spotlight last weekend, scary viewing.
During our discussions over coffee, it was noted Nic is becoming an excellent Cello player after changing over from the Violin, with her lessons continuing she may be ready to play at our Christmas party. After coffee the locals from the area went home and the rest returned to JDR.
The ride was about 36km long, a bit shorter than usual, the temperature was nice, a slight wind behind us on the way back. Thanks to Chris and Doug. Best wishes to all those members who are in the sick bay or who have partners in the sick bay.

Combined Groups 1 and 2 on Mandalong Road, Mandalong - 26 July 2023
TDCC Wednesday Rides - 26 July 2023
Group 1 - Ric, JD, Kerry and Vic started at Jenny Dixon's and rode through Toukley and Charmhaven up to Doyalson, then along Wyee Road to Morisset. Turn left at Mandalong Road and head towards Jilliby, meet Group 2 on the way, where this photo was taken, then continue along to Mandalong Hall where G2 caught up and we took more photos and had a good chat before continuing their long ride down to Jilliby and Wyong for morning tea at the Oasis Centre. Then ride back to Norah Head for a total of about 75km. Well done!
Group 2 started at Mandalong Road just west of the M1, with Linda managing the ride. Thirteen of us, a few on mussell bikes, which is commendable considering all the big hills on this ride. They all did very well of course, good on them!
We rode to Mandalong Hall, being caught up by the G1 on the way, then catching up to them again at the hall. Up to Lemon Tree and back for an extra ten kms. Back at the hall we split up, with 3 riders going straight back to the start, and the rest of us going straight ahead along Jilliby Road down to Durren Road, across to Dicksons Road and back up to Mandalong Road for an extra nine or so kilometers. The riders who headed straight back from the hall did about 43km while the rest of us managed about 52. We saw some nice wallabies up Lemon Tree Road, but they were a bit shy. Nikki got a good photo of one, which is on our FB page.
Half a dozen of us went to m/t at the Wyee nursery café which I highly recommend. Thanks everyone for coming, and special thanks to Linda for organising the ride, and James for sweeping up the rear.

Group 1 at Mandalong Hall - 26 July 2023

Coasters Re-group at Dianne Cres carpark, Lake Munmorah - 21 July 2023
TDCC Club Rides - 21 July 2023
Another cold morning, but this time cloudy with no sun at all. Rain had fallen but we missed it. A light NW breeze, getting a bit stronger after m/t, did I mention cold?
Skylarkers headed south to Terrigal via Crackneck, returning via Wyong for a 74km ride.
Chris led the Coasters on an interesting and varied ride, with advice from Col to make it more interesting. North via Budgewoi and up Lizzie Bay Drive to Birdie Island Rd and up to Blue Wren Drive, before turning left at the hwy and riding back to Doyalson.
Not going the usual way to San Remo, we kept on the MTRWY Link Rd (that's what it says on the sign) to Blue Haven Way then left past Aldi and right into Roper Road. Follow a strange course through the boondocks of BH, saved by Col's local knowledge, and under the bridge into San Remo. Minimal bike path from the start of Buff Point Ave till the eastern end (the whole length of that fine road) and so on to Lakes Beach Café.
The fourteen of us had dwindled a bit by then, but we had a good cuppa and a chat. The two oldest riders had driven their cars to Lakes' thus saving themselves for the ride. The distance was from 42km for the basic ride, to 69km for Chris, and 58 for me.
I found a lovely jacket on the roadway in Gorokan Drive at 8.05am, so I threw it on the verge, where it remained till I picked it up four and a quarter hours later. A new heavy black hoodie, size M, so I thought it wouldn't fit me but it does, so I've stored it for safekeeping.
Thanks for coming everyone - a top ride with nothing else to report. Thanks Chris and Col, and James for sweeping up.

Table B at Lakes Beach, with more of Nikki's photos on FB - 21 July 2023

All 21 of us on Wyongah path (no photoshopping) - 19 July 2023
Wednesday 19 July 2023 - Jensen Road Loop
A very clear crisp morning with a cold SW breeze 8-10 knots increasing at noon to 15 knots and the temperature starting at about 8°C rising slowly to 14° by home time - in other words, quite chilly.
Twenty riders signed on at Peel Street, Toukley, for this ride, then we picked up Virginia at Gorokan to make pontoon. I (Danny) was the ride leader, and Doug took on the job of sweep, thanks to both of us.
We made our way across the Toukley Bridge and the Kanwal roller coaster to Prawn Beach Lane for a lovely trip down the beautiful bike/running/dog path, where we got that photo thanks to a nice lady, till we got to Jensen Road exit, then headed west along that country road to Pollock Avenue. Heading north along Figtree and Minnesota to the Warnervale Wetlands to Arizona Road and up to Bunnings where we crossed the Pacific Hwy. We see some spectacular scenery along these roads, sorry I haven't got a photo. I realised as I was spinning along that I never get more than 10km from home on this ride, even though I finished up doing over 60km. Creepy!
North again alongside Budgewoi Lake to the Charmy bridge and through San Remo over the top of said lake to Budgewoi. The footpath on the bridge is very narrow so some of us walk it, but that needs more room than riding so still isn't safe, as James found out the hard way. Still, I didn't see anything, being at the the other end of the péloton. There was another hazard down a steep narrow path which is broken and the council recommend giving it a miss, which of course I didn't but we all made it through.
At Budgewoi Jill and Trevor decided to go home, but the rest of us pushed on south into the freezing wind to Norah Head where we stopped at The General Store for coffee and food. Always good coffee there, and nice food, and not crowded today. Paul joined us for coffee, so did Debbie, Virginia's sister, nice to see them again. At this point a few of us decided to go straight home, I don't blame them.
Back on the road again to Peel Street for those still interested, then back into the breeze again for me. Chris did 67km while Virginia did only 38, getting a lift home with her sister rather than tough it out. Thanks everyone for coming. A wonderful ride!

Some whitecaps on Tuggerah Lake on the way home - 19 July 2023

Social gathering at the Wyong Toilet Park - 14 July 2023
Friday 14 July 2023 - TDCC Club Rides
The Skylarkers set off from Jenny Dixon Reserve (JDR) and rode up to Budgewoi, Lizzie Bay then took the SRA hill to the Pacific Hwy. Turning right there and continuing up said hwy through Swansea and on to Belmont, where they joined the Fernleigh Track. Still going strong, this small but determined group then rode up to Redhead where they diverged across to Redhead Beach for the extent of their ride. Not sure where or if they had any morning tea, but they then made their way back along the highway and Lizzie Bay Drive to the start, 84km, well done everyone!
The Coasters also started at JDR but much later and with Chris leading and James sweeping up eleven of us cycled through Toukley and over the bridge, to pick up a couple more riders at the Art Gallery (Gorokan Peace Park). Then on to The Corso and Malvina Pde where we met a couple more of the Coasters, getting a bit foggy about how many there were but about 14 by this point I think.
All the way along this lakeside road till we finished up on the highway. Turn left and head back towards Charmhaven to Bunnings in Chelmsford Drive and make our way through the back streets like Hakone Road, where we were held up by roadwork traffic lights, to Hiawatha Road. Anyway, to cut a long story short we finished up at Wyong toilets as usual. A spin down to South Tacoma followed, quite a boring little 10 kilometers, but very pleasant in the perfect weather and with all our mates. We remembered two good friends, Margaret Latham, who lived in South Tacoma, and Moonie, who died one year ago today.
Back into Wyong and through the CBD to The Oasis café. This is a special place where young catering staff get training and the coffee and food is delicious and cheap, like a middle-sized coffee and a huge blueberry muffin for $8.00! Gave them a boost in funds as well, I think a Salvation Army enterprise (opposite the Wyong Police Station).
Fed and watered, we headed back to the toilets then along Wolseley Road to Palmer Street, Rocky Point, where we joined the new leisure path alongside the Tuggerah Lake, with the best views around. At the northern end a few of us westies went home while Chris, who also lives in the west, took everybody who wanted to go there back to JDR, thus completing 84km himself, same as the Skylarkers. The rest of us notched up about 50-60km, a good day out keeping healthy.
Thanks everybody for coming along, and thanks to those two special souls who kept us on track (Chris and James).

At the end of the Wyongah Bike Path - 14 July 2023
Wednesday 12 July 2023 - Group Rides
Group 2 - Fourteen riders today, eventually (picked up 2 at Gorokan), on a very cold and sunny day with only a zephyr (Mark 3) to contend with. James led on short notice, with Chris sweeping up the rear.
Up through Charmhaven to San Remo and carefully over the Charmy Bridge (footway so narrow!) and in a loop to Roper Road. Over the Motorway Link. I must say at this stage that if the light turns amber as you are about to cross - STOP, don't risk getting caught on the road. Up to Wyee Road and down to Gosford Road. That's a relief to be off the very busy Wyee Road, but soon we're on Hue Hue Road which is equally tight. Actually no nice bike paths today - just busy roads which we have to negotiate carefully.
Along Sparks Road and Warnervale Road to Minnesota and finally arrive at Sam's Café and Bakery in Wadalba. It's always a pleasure there, with nice staff, nice food and excellent coffee. While we were there the Group 1 cruised past, after having done a good ride down to Kangy Angy and Enterprise Drive and back up Hue Hue Road and following G2 to Sam's but didn't stop as they had already had coffee at Warnies. 74km for G1.
After coffee it was just a matter of getting everyone back home, so well done Jimmy. A very nice ride, with 50km for me. Thanks Chris, struggling through a lurgy.

All the crew at Prawn Beach Lane, Wyongah - 7 July 2023
Friday 7 July 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
On a clear cold morning the TDCC formed itself into two separate group for our weekly Friday rides.
The Skylarkers made their way out to Doyalson and rode up Wyee Road to Bushells Ridge Road, then onto Hue Hue back to Wyee. Continuing along Wyee Road to Ruttleys Road, back to the highway and up to Kanangra for a trip down to Gwandalan and Summerland Point before returning to the start, 74km.
The Coasters started at Jenny Dixon and rode to Gorokan where they picked up a few westies before continuing to the Roller Coaster via Marks Road, and on to Prawn Beach Lane, where Danny (me) was waiting by myself. I went there thinking I would have a few other westies to talk to, but they both went to Mary Street, so I had to talk to Bob who runs that Garden Sculpture shop in his backyard, seen behind me in the photo.
Sally was apparently with us for a while till she left before she even got to Wyongah. Barry led us along the beautiful new exercise path to the end, before we headed for Wyong toilets for our compulsory toilet stop (you must go here).
Despite the sunny appearence the day was quite cold, especially when going into the headwind, which seemed to be a lot of the time. At The Entrance we lobbed at Euro Bean, where there were a few non-riders to make up the numbers - a good crowd of us! They have many staff on duty there and they got all our orders in due course.
As we prepared to leave, Chris discovered he had a flat front tyre, but we fixed it pronto, and continued our homeward journey, though someone else got a puncture going up WBD. The temperature never got over 16°C, so we kept our warm jackets on for the whole day, except Merrilyn whose thermostat is busted and she always overheats.
Total riding distance was about 50km, thanks everyone for coming, thanks Baz for managing the ride, and the sweep too. No matter where we started or finished it was about the same distance.

Warwick and his G2 crew at Blue Wren Drive, Wybung - 5 July 2023
Wednesday 5 July 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Not so cold today - 12°C to 21°C, didn't notice any wind, from the NW.
Group 1 (Skylarkers) Left Jenny Dixon Reserve and headed south all the way to Terrigal, then back via Tumbi Road and around Tuggerah Lake via Tuggerah, Gavenlock Road and a quick lap around Wyong to include Oasis coffee stop, before heading back to the start. Well done guys! 74km.
Group 2 left Peel Street with 14 on board before picking up another 3 at Budgewoi. Continuing north along Lizzie Bay Drive right up to Pacific Hwy before crossing into Carters Rd heading for Chain Valley Bay North (CVBN). In CVBN Dave F had a flat. but it was fixed in about 5 minutes, so well done to the mechanic.
Waz then took us up the dirt Link Road to Kanangra Drive and down to Summerland Point for a quiet break at Frying Pan Bay boat ramp. Back up Cams Blvd Rural to Summerhill Road and across the highway into Wybung (Blue Wren Drive). Conditions were brilliant making a very enjoyable ride for us all.
Nearly there, across to SRC Lookout and down the spectacular hill. No stopping as we had the smell of coffee in our nostrils so we just went for it till we got to Lakes Beach. A lovely break and delicious coffee and excellent food, which we have noticed for a while. The owner tells us he has been there since last October, and has plans for a modern café, so good luck to him.
Everybody went home or back to Peel Street. Thanks to Waz for managing us, and to Doug for sweeping up, and to everyone else for keeping out of the way.

Couldn't resist this shot of Budgewoi Lake this morning - brilliant! - 5 July 2023
Friday 30 June 2023 - Coasters Ride to Wallarah
A cold and sunny morning at Jenny Dixon Reserve, Norah Head, about 12°C, but 21 people turned up anyway. Chris was our ride leader and Dougie swept up the rear.
We hadn't got very far (about 20m) when Daryl announced that he had forgotten to bring his battery for his e-bike, but insisted that he would continue anyway, a very tough call! Sure enough he soon disappeared, not to be seen again till we had nearly got to the café at the end of the universe.
At Mary St we picked up Virginia, restoring our number. Not a very long ride, but interesting and different. Through Wadalba to Minnesota Road and along Warnervale Road to some new road which we had never been on before, at least I hadn't, but I later found it on the map and it was Virginia Road, as a tribute to our latest member. Left off W/vale Rd then it just goes in a loop, and showed us all the development happening in our region. Habitat to all manner of little creepy crawlies and snakes, lost forever.
Up to Sparks Road then right, till we came to Bruce Crescent, which loops around for about 4km. One of the guys told me that they used to race bikes on this loop when he was young, until the landowners forced them off it.
The wind was a south-westerly and we had it in our face up till then, but for the rest of the ride it was a lovely tail wind. Through the Warnervale Wetlands to Arizona Road and into Chelmsford Road were we met up with Daz again, back to 22 riders, then we were at The Secret Café for a delicious m/t. Some of the girls couldn't eat their raisin toast, they were so huge, so I had to help them out, but then I couldn't eat my almond croissant.
You should have seen us trying to cross the highway afterwards - took ages! Eventually a kind guy stopped for us while a nasty guy blew his horn in frustration. Ginnie and I went home then, like many of the westies and northies, so I'm just hoping they made it alright.
A wonderful ride, my first for two weeks after contracting an URTI, glad I did it. Thanks everyone for coming, thanks Chris and Doug for keeping us safe. No photos today as I forgot to take any.

Carol with retinue at Batto Bay - 23 June 2023
Ride report TDCC Coasters Bateau Bay Beach loop 23 June 2023
The day dawned with what sounded like a gentle pitter-patter on the roof, but on closer inspection it was a downpour of enormous proportions. Thankfully that only lasted a few minutes. This must have been enough to deter some of our regular rider with only 5 starters turning up at Jenny Dixon. It was after inspection of the weather radar that the riders who turned up realised that the rest of the day was going to be fine, and so it was.
The ride was as Chris advertised but with a little bit added on to increase the ride above 40km. Carol was the ride manager and Col the sweep who was assisted from time to time by Paul. At the briefing Carol explained the route and mentioned a few safety issues and stressed where we should take extra care due to conditions. Aside from those riders already mentioned, Dave and James were amongst the riders.
After take-off we headed for Soldiers Beach that was bereft of humans and whales, no matter how hard we tried, we could not see of the critters, so after a short time we took off and headed to the Entrance.
Carol set a good pace that some of us had to put in an extra effort to keep up after our hard ride on Wednesday. As 99% of the road works on WBD are now completed it was a great ride to The Entrance on the newly laid hot mix tarmac.
As there was no need for a long stop at the North Entrance rest stop, we were on our way again riding across the bridge, thankfully no wind on any note to blow us off course. Without our resident photographers present we did not stop at The Entrance Baths for pictures but carried on to Bateau Bay Beach with a short stop at the Toowoon Bay Pines.
On arrival at Bateau Bay Beach, Carol asked if anyone wanted to do the Crackneck Point Lookout ride to the summit. Wisely we all declined so we decided to have a rest and take a few pictures that will be with the report.
After a bit of chit-chat, we headed off towards The Entrance, just as we were leaving for The Entrance, we were joined by Nicolette who could not make the start at JDR. Instead of heading back to The Entrance the way we came, Carol took us on a nice detour around the back streets of Bateau Bay.
Once back at The Entrance we stopped at the Euro Bean Café for coffee, where most of us had coffee plus some calorie-laden goodies, all very nice.
After the coffee break it was back to Jenny Dixon, we encountered strong winds along part of the ride, thankfully it was noted that the wind changed direction and the rest of the ride home was quite easy.
Thanks to Carol, Col and Paul for managing the group. Best wishes to our riders who are in the sick bay, we were told Danny will be back on his wheels next week.
Grp2 Ride report Tarro-Morpeth loop 21/06/2023
When the alarm bells went off at 7.00am, we all thought it was going to be a cold morning for our ride from Tarro to Morpeth, as was the case. The people living in the western areas awoke to near zero temperatures and the first frost of the winter. Loading a cold bike onto the cars for the trip to Tarro must have left most riders fingers a little blue.

On arrival at Tarro, we encountered 8km/hr winds at temperatures around 3°C. We then knew to rug up or freeze, we all looked like we were heading to the ski fields.

Sixteen riders were not deterred by the conditions with a healthy group from the Newcastle area arriving for the ride, some of whom we had not seen for a while. The ride was led by Warwick with Doug the sweep. The other riders were Estelle, Lindley, James, Robyn, Chris, Marshall, the two Dazzas, Keith A, Angela, Trevor, Jenny, Hans, and Carol.

After a detailed ride briefing from Warwick and selection of the sweep, we set off Northwards towards the west of Raymond Terrace via Woodberry Road at Millers Forest and Raymond Terrace Road. On the way we passed lots of farms with cattle and horses, and they kept looking out for Danny and Nicolette who normally carry carrots and apples to feed them, but to their disappointment they were not riding today.

The roads up to this point were quite good with most having a wide verge and hot-mix surface that made the going very pleasant. There must have been some construction work going on East of us as Double Bogie trucks were going past us every few minutes, luckily, they were courteous.

On arrival in the Raymond Terrace area, we did a left turn from Raymond Terrace Road into Seaham Road and passed through Nelsons Plains, which is very aptly named due to the level playing fields for us riders, again a nice road to ride on with plenty to look at including animals, nice acreages and grand houses.

Warwick set a fast pace and it was an omen of what was to come. On arrival at Hinton Road, Warwick asked if anyone wanted to take a longer ride through Brandy Hill and Wallalong that would add an extra 10km to the ride. So, the decision was taken with half the group going via Hinton to Morpeth, led by Trevor, and the rest of the group via the forementioned route.

Warwick mentioned the route was suggested by Pedro, who did not turn up for the ride, we soon found out why. After the said mentioned regroup, both groups then set off for Morpeth. The group led by Trevor had no problems on the way to Morpeth. The group taking the riders via Brandy Hill were soon realising why Pedro did not come today - lots of hills, not so steep, but seem to go on forever. The tail that mostly consisted of muscle bike riders were soon left in the wake of the lead group. Thankfully for them Warwick took pity and we had a few regroups and slowdowns to allow them to catch up.

This area is very beautiful and is worth a drive in a car for those who have not been in the area. Our resident cattle expert Carol had been pointing out the various cattle breeds on the way, and as we were riding along Clarence Town Road, we saw some unusual large cattle, we mentioned to Carol that they were Buffalos, Carol said they were not Buffalos but were American Bison, they were about 3 times the size on everyday cattle, it was a very impressive sight.

We continued along Clarence Town Road to Wallalong where we turned left into High Street, there were signs everywhere about flood levels and lot of houses were built up high on dirt mounds to avoid the flooding of the Paterson and Hunter Rivers, lots of farm produce being produced in the area, we could not recognise the produce being city slickers.

Continuing along High St, we arrived in Hinton and crossed the old wooden bridge over the Paterson River to re-join Hinton Rd, we then continued to Morpeth, again crossing over another heritage-type bridge, this time over the Hunter River. On arrival in Morpeth, we re-joined the other group who were already getting stuck into their coffee, pies and other goodies.

After taking in the views of the Morpeth Township we headed back to Tarro via Berry Park using the cutely named Duckenfield Rd that took us back to Millers Forest. The road conditions were not as good as in the first part of the ride, but this was compensated by the lack of traffic and great scenery along the way.

On arrival back at Millers Forest, we re-joined Woodberry Rd, and then took the same roads back to Tarro as we had ridden on our way to Morpeth. Along the way as we were passing a run-down farm that looked like the crop had been damaged, we were startled to see four wild pigs doing their thing making of mess of the crop and ground. On seeing us they fled as though we had guns, no guns just curious looks.

Shortly after, we arrived back at the starting point and thanked Warwick and Doug for managing the ride. It was a lot warmer at Tarro than when we started. Farmer Keith A had excess produce and gave out lovely Grapefruits to those who wanted them, thanks Keith. The longer ride was 52km, the shorter ride was 40km. After a quicker than normal goodbyes we headed for the warmth of our cars, and the trip home. A great ride had by all.


Photo stop on Tuggerawong Path - 9 June 2023
Coasters ride to Mardi - 9 June 2023
Another beautiful freezing morning on the Central Coast, with 15 riders meeting at Jenny Dixon Reseerve, Norah Head, and three westies joining us at Mary St, Gorokan. Barry led this ride, and Doug and Keith swept up. A new guy joined today for a try-out, viz Chris, welcome Chris!
After a break at Wyong Mansions, we headed towards Allison and up Yarramalong Road for a few kms, then back to Old Maitland Road, which is all new now, and so is McPhersons road - so nice compared to all the pot-holes before. We had a pause at Woodbury Park, to visit the animals opposite. Not disappointed, there were the usual brace of black alpacas and the faithful old English sheep. One alpaca is forthright and friendly, the other is a bit shy, and the sheep is non-committal.
Photos all taken, we set off up to McPhersons Road which has also had a complete rejuvenation and is a delight to race down the hill. Back to Wyong Bridge and via Pollock Ave to Johns Road, heading to Wadalba for coffee at Sams Bakery. There we found the Skylarkers. That made a very busy coffee shop with about 20 cyclists, and dozens of chairs and tables being dragged out of the shop to the footpath where we like to sit. We always put them back, a fact mentioned by the owner with gratitude.
At this point the group started to disintegrate, as all the westies (those living on the west side of the lakes) hived off home leaving the remainder of the péloton to wander back to JDR or home in many cases.
Can't add much as I had gone home myself by then. Thanks everyone for coming, and to Baz for leading, and the boys, Doug and Keith, for minding our rear ends.
Skylarkers - Just four of them today, with Ric away sick, riding out to Summerland Point and Gwandalan, back down the highway all the way to Motorway Link and Sparks Road, before heading through Warnervale and Wadalba for coffee. 67km for them.

Nikki and Carmelita at the farm, Woodbury Park - 9 June 2023

Beautiful morning - 7 June 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 7 June 2023
Short rides today owing to General Meeting at 12.30pm. Group 1 was seen heading west, but eventually rode through Wyong and down to Tuggerah, then over Kangy Angy and the Palmdale loop to Chittaway Road and Enterprise Drive. Continue around Tuggerah Lake southern end to The Entrance and back up WBD as promised. 67km.
Group 2 started at Peel Street and rode around Toukley, over the bridge and through Marks Road roller coaster and up Wahroonga Road to Wadalba, picking up extra riders on the way, including Danny who had to go home from Peel Street to get his helmet. Tsk! A total of 23 riders.
Ride the whole length of Minnesota Road, then through the Warnervale Wetlands to Bunnings at Charmhaven and cross the highway at the pedestrian refuge despite Pedro barrelling through on the highway. Close call! Up to Charmy bridge where most people walked cross the narrow pedestrian lane, whether they wanted to or not, and headed for Budgewoi.
Very soon after that, Danny had a flat tyre, and after finding a piece of glass and installing a spare tube found that said tube was already pierced and had to be replaced as well. Luckily Barry had his automatic battery-powered pump. We thought it was pumping too much air into the tube and made him stop at 30psi instead of the recommended 50, as it felt so hard, but in fact the pump was correct Baz and it only had 30 in it when I got home. You can't judge tyre pressure by your fingers!
We split up and the front group got sick of waiting for us and took off back to the church hall in Toukley for our meeting and we caught up later. A snack and coffee was waiting for us, thanks to Jenny and others. Total distance was from 37km to 54 (for me with racing home to get my helmet). Thanks to Linda for leading us, not sure who was sweeping up but probaby Doug, thanks!

The Coasters at Sams, Chris's pic - 2 June 2023
Friday 2 June 2023 - TDCC Club Rides
Beautiful cool day with cloudy skies, fining up later. Skylarkers, about four of them, rode through Wyong, up the highway to Hidden Valley, then back along Enterprise Drive and around Tuggerah Lake, dining at Better Days café in Killarney Vale. 83km for them.
The Coasters, eventually 16 of us, rode through Toukley and down Tuggerawong Road and Jensen Road to Wyong and all around Wattanobbi before gliding down the Pacific Highway to Wadalba. We welcomed a new guy, Stuart, and the return of missing riders Carol and Pedro. Dave F came with us, and so did David, the new bloke from last week, and John, Virginia's brother visiting from Bathurst, where it's much colder. Their other sister Debbie came to coffee also. Peter Bones, whom we rarely see, also did the full ride with us.
Morning tea was held at Sams Wadalba, where everything is very hot, especially the curry pies. Rolf was there to greet us as a member of the walking wounded brigade. About 33 to 48km was covered by the riders, plus of course 78km by Chris doing double distance as leader. Doug swept up, and Danny ran interference as usual.
Thanks everyone for coming. Carol, as mentioned, is back after visiting her son and beautiful GD in Brazil. Wish we had a photo of the little miss, aged 2 and a half!

Brief stop at Peace Park, Gorokan, to pick up more riders - 31 May 2023
Wednesday 31 May 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Typical autumn weather (it's the last day) with cool temperatures (13°C) and sunny skies, with a 15 knot NW breeze. Group 1 did a Nigel's ride today, out to Dooralong and back to Wyong for coffee at Oasis centre. 70 km approx.
Group 2 - Fourteen riders with three more to come along the way. Chris leading. Two new guys today, John and David, both on e-bikes, so no worries about keeping up. Over Toukley bridge where Virginia and Danny bailed out early, she after a ride on her own, for family duties, and Danny to meet tradesmen at home unexpectedly and where Paul and Col met up, and on to The Corso and Panorama where Linda slotted in.
A loop around Blue Haven and up the highway to North Doyalson where Danny was found sitting at the bus stop (tradies' duties quicker than thought). A pleasant quick ride up to Kanangra Drive and down to Summerland Point for a quick visit to the boat ramp. Rolf was waiting for us there with a bag of delicious little chocolate bars, after just getting home from hospital.
Chris had planned to take us back down the highway to San Remo for a trip across to Budgewoi for m/t at Lakes Beach, but after a suggestion from us he took a vote, and we rode across the hwy and down Blue Wren Drive to the SRA, to finish up at the same place (Lakes) but much quicker. The Ants Pants café was found wanting, with a sole operator having been left by his off-sider, so had to serve about 20 customers on his own. Lovely coffee, but only one muffin to eat (by Angela) and painstakingly slow. Non-riders Pedro, Mike and Rolf met us there.
A few of us went straight home from Kanangra or Lakes. My phone ran out of power as I didn't charge it overnight, so my Strava record was ruined. Barry left early to help Rod with the entry key to the church for next week, but Linda and I caught up with him at Toukley Bridge. Thanks everyone for coming, and thanks to James for leading and to Chris for sweeping up.

Nikki's pic of us at Summerland Point Reserve on Frying Pan Bay - 31 May 2023

Coasters at Soldiers Beach - 26 May 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 26 May 2023
Not as cold as expected this morning, Skylarkers headed off south to Terrigal and dropped in to Euro Bean on the way back for coffee, where they saw the ill-fated Coasters on their way south. 57km for the Skylarkers.
Fourteen Coasters led by Chris started off with a homage to Soldiers Beach (see photo) before continuing down to The Entrance in beautiful weather, and quite warm for this week. Chris gave us free rein down WBD, so I took off, as usual, but even though I was going as hard as I could on my e-bike, Linda managed to catch me on the flat. I passed her on the hill but couldn't keep up, then Rob passed me on his retro-mussel bike, both of them getting to Robert Street first, but then strangely failing to turn into that street, continuing down to the caravan park before returning after everyone else had got there. Rob doesn't know where he is down this way, so some other person was to blame.
Saw the Skylarkers at EuroBean as we continued down to Batto Bay in pleasant conditions, with some people removing surplus clothing on the way. On arrival at Batto Bay, Chris offered to take us up to Crackneck Lookout, which half a dozen of us accepted. Unfortunately the development of the carpark at the top hasn't finished and there is a big fence across the road. Very annoyingly, there is no plan for toilet block at this very busy tourist spot. There is a walkers track running beside the road so a few of us walked up there to the top of Crackneck, and I took a few photos to prove we made it.
A wonderful whiz down the hill back to BB to find everyone but Doug had got sick of waiting and had left for coffee at Euro Bean. We took off after them but only met up at the venue, with Rob catching me up again on his immaculate old bike. The weather had turned a bit nasty in the meantime so we just got back as it started to rain, and all the jackets went back on.
While we had our coffee and egg and bacon roll, the skies opened up and the wind picked up with thunder and lightning. Seabreeze tells us that after a very gentle start to the ride, the wind got up to 45 knots, for a couple of hours, which is over 80kmh. This provided a great tailwind for going up WBD, and even helped going west home for me and Chris. I couldn't have made any headway against such a strong wind, which is a Force 9 (Strong Gale) on the Beaufort Scale.
Anyway, rescue plans were devised and most people got a lift back thanks to willing volunteers, including Peter H. A hot shower and change of clothes and everyone's warm and dry and looking forward to the next adventure. Thanks to Chris and Doug and Keith for keeping everyone safe. Thanks for coming those brave souls!

Linda puts her jacket back on at EuroBean - 26 May 2023

Barry and Group 2 at Buff Point - 24 May 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 24 May 2023
Another perfect day in Australia thanks to the high atmospheric pressure over the whole continent. Group 1 rode from JDR in Norah Head to Catherine Hill Bay, back down the Motorway Link to Sparks Road and to Wadalba for m/t at Sams Bakery. A nice ride of 67km.
Group 2 starting at Peel Street had 17 riders, some joining further down the track. Barry led and Doug and Keith looked after the tail end.
Up to Budgewoi and across the top of Budgewoi Lake to San Remo and Blue Haven, loop to Roper Rd and up the hwy to Wyee Road, taking care crossing the Motorway Link Road. Down to Gosford Road, left and continue on to Bushells Ridge and Tooheys Roads before re-joining the Motorway Link, exiting at Blue Haven Way, and re-tracing our wheel tracks all the way back to Budgewoi, where we headed for Lakes Beach café for coffee. There we found Nicolette, still waiting after the other club left her there on Sunday.
A majority of the bikes today (and every day) were battery driven, a reflection of the riders' age group. A very enjoyable ride, thanks to Baz and Doug/Keith for looking after us. No punctures or anything nasty to spoil the perfect riding day.

Beautiful Budgewoi Lake with no breeze - 24 May 2023

Toilet stop at Buff Point - 19 May 2023
Friday 19 May 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Skylarkers - A good-sized group set off early from Jenny Dixon Reserve for Yarramalong in cold but perfect conditions. Total ride about 75km.
The Coasters led by Chris did an interesting ride out of Norah Head, up to Budgewoi and across to San Remo. Fourteen riders, then picked up Paul at Buff Point, then lost Col at Northlakes, so we're claiming 15 for the day. Temperature was about 12°C at the start but warmed up to 18 by morning tea, which was held at Oasis charity complex opposite the Wyong Cops.
Karen had her new e-bike which she makes full use of, such a bonus for her. After San Remo we went straight down the Pacific Hwy to Bunnings then via Arizona and Hakone Roads to Sparky, then left into Minnesota Rd and Figtree Blvd almost to the end, Pollock Ave, hesitate at the Wyong toilets before making our way to Wyong CBD. I found a bag near the railway bridge, which turned out to be a nice Drizabone coat in its own travel bag, so I dropped it in to the police station. Hope to get it back one day.
On our way back we took Wolseley Avenue to Rocky Point and Palmer St where we had the new scenic path to ourselves for the whole length. Wonderful ride! Then time for the westies to head for home. Thanks Chris for the enjoyable ride, and Keith for sweeping up.

New bike path at Rocky Point - 19 May 2023

The three bikemen of the apocalypse - 17 May 2023
Wednesday 17 May 2023 - Warwick's Special Ride
Our run of beautiful weather has come to an end, with cold southerly winds and rain greeting us today. I was determined to go to Peel Street, as usual, so I put on my rain pants and nice jacket and set off into the cold and breezy day. At Peel Street I found James, as expected, in his car with the bike on the back. Soon Warwick turned up, alone, with his bike - such dedication! Then Rolf arrived, wearing his new dun-coloured rain jacket, then Chris, making 5 of us, but there was no way the drivers were getting out of their nice warm cars. James decided he had better things to do, and took off home. The rest of us rode/drove up to Main Road to Lou's café where we indulged in a cup of coffee. No food was purchased, seeing it was only an hour since we had brekky. It rained some more, then the sun shone, but by the time we headed off home it was raining again. See the photo of Tuggerah Lake at Toukley Bridge with the white-caps, where the temperature was only 12°C,
Sorry no more people came, it was a pleasant morning despite the rain.

Adverse conditions at Toukley Bridge - 17 May 2023

Waiting on the highway near Blue Wren Drive while a puncture is fixed - 12 May 2023
Friday 12 May 2023 - Coasters Ride to Summerland Point
No Skylarkers today, but the Coasters gathered at Jenny Dixon Reserve (JDR) on a brilliant coolish morning, with Chris leading us, for a ride up to Summerland Point. Sixteen riders, though we shed a few before we got back.
The temperature was about 18°C max - perfect for riding. Heading north to Budgewoi, then up Lizzie Bay Drive all the way to the Pacific Highway, where we turned right on course to Kanangra Drive, the road to Summerland Point (SP) and Gwandalan. Taking the left fork to SP we enjoyed the ride to the SP boat ramp park where we had a rest, before heading back to the hwy along Cams Blvd Rural.
At the highway we turned right but were immediately halted as Gaz had copped a flat tyre. We waited patiently for it to be fixed, while James had to head home for a luncheon date. Soon on our way again with Col and I matching speed along the hot-mix, up to 48kmh down the hill towards Ruttleys Road. Up the other side (much slower) then all of a sudden Col had disappeared. I found out later that he too had copped a flat tyre, and rang his emergency back-up team (Jan) to pick him up.
The three musketeers had gone AWOL by then (Secret Café) so whoever was left found their way to La Macchina, where my friend Brenda was waiting with my coffee and almond croissant. Skipping straight to the homeward trip, Linda and I rode to Bunnings, and Chris led the others down to Lowanna Drive and Main Road back to JDR, Chris finished up doing 74km, and Nikki and I both did 50.
Thanks everyone for coming, and Doug and Keith for sweeping up, and Chris of course for managing the whole day.

Happy faces at morning tea - 12 May 2023

Nikki's photo of the crew - 10 May 2023
Wednesday 10 May 2023 - Watanobbi
Group 1 - Unfortunately, the three riders who set out in group 1 had a little dingle at Gorokan and did some damage to their bikes, but thankfully all three, Rick, John, and Warren were OK except for some abrasions. The ride was supposed to be about 80km but was cut short to about 8 km. Rick’s wheel had about 30% missing and he had to be picked up. John rode home, but we don’t know how Warren faired, from reports his bike was still rideable so we are assuming he rode back to his car.
Group 2 - As our group assembled for today’s ride we got the first taste of Winter, 9°C plus a westerly blowing off Budgewoi Lake made it feel like 5°. This did not deter 13 of our hardy riders who turned up to brave the elements.
It was good to see Frank back with us after a short break, and Col who has been missing for a few rides due to treatments he has been having. We also wish Paul and Mike all the best with their recovery efforts. Danny was missing due to him having a day out in the big smoke with Brenda. Via Strava, Danny mentioned that they were having a meal at a fancy Restaurant at The Rocks, so we wish them a nice day out.
While we were preparing to ride, a Husband-and-Wife team started talking to us and mentioned that the Husband Chris would join our rides from next Wednesday. His wife Kim then suggested she would like an “E” bike so she can join in on our rides. Hopefully, they will both join our club.
The riders were Nic, Col, Chris, Doug, Keith A, Rolf, Estelle, Rod, Frank, Angela, Ray, Virginia, and James. Doug and Chris acted as tail for various sections of the ride, James was the ride leader.
The ride was as advertised in the ride calendar. So, we set off towards Aldi then Gorokan, steadily increasing the pace as we went. When we arrived at Mary St, Gorokan, we expected to see Molly The Cat, however Molly was nowhere to be seen. [I think she has run out of lives. D]. To our surprise Virginia had ridden to Mary Street and joined the Péloton. Not wanting to waste too much time, we pushed onto Prawn Beach Lane where Nic did her thing with her magic camera. See the photos attached that were taken from her FB page. The CCC should be congratulated on the work they have done on the Prawn Beach Lane bike track; it is one of the best bike tracks we ride on.
After the pics were taken, we pushed on towards Wyong where we had our water bottles refilled and discussed the problems of the world, not the budget. After the break we headed up the very steep Hope Street, Wyong, some people call it Heartbreak hill. Frank mentioned that the wind always seems to blow down the hill making it harder than the normal gravitational forces we expect on steep hills. This reminiscing related to a time before he got his electric bike, so he might have been exaggerating.
After conquering Hope Street, we rode around the back streets of the much-maligned Watanobbi, thankfully it was peaceful today, and we had an enjoyable ride with a mix of road styles, hills, winding bits, rollercoasters, and straights. We were surprised that Nic and Frank, and probably others, had not ridden this route before.
After leaving Watanobbi we ventured up the Pacific Highway to Minnesota Rd from where we progressed to Sparks Rd, then to the Woongarrah wetlands and then Charmhaven. There must have been specials on at the shopping centre up the road as it took us forever to cross the road as the traffic was so heavy, thankfully a nice tradie in his flash ute pulled up and let us cross the road, thanks mate.
At this point Doug, Keith and Virginia departed from the Peloton and headed for either a coffee or went home. Twinkle-Toes Ray left us at Budgewoi as he had to get ready for his dancing sessions later in the day, well done Ray.
The rest of us headed for Coffee Café at Lakes Beach. By this time it had warmed up a bit, so we sat in the sun, chatted, and had our coffee and goodies. Nic and Angela walked over to the beach and reported that the waves were indeed as we saw on the news - bigger than Texas.
After the coffee break, we headed back to Peel Street with some of us leaving for home on the way. The feedback from our riders suggested it was an enjoyable ride, so well-done Warwick, for it was a new ride.

Relaxing with friends at Lakes Beach after a hard ride - 10 May 2023

Photo stop on Tuggerawong Pathway - 5 May 2023
Friday 5 May 2023 - TDCC Group Rides
Such a beautiful morning - cold but free of clouds, rain or breeze. Skylarkers did a stunning ride, out to Martinsville (Cooranbong way) and back a different way, Irene did 90km and Ric a Ton.
The Coasters with Barry leading completed a lap of Tuggerah Lake, about 50km, more if you rode from home. After we picked up Virginia at Gorokan shops (nearly missed her!) and Linda at Prawn Beach Lane, making 15 of us, we kept going along the new bike path to the very end at Rocky Point, for those of us who hadn't done the new bit before. A stop at the Wrong Toilets (sic) then down Tuggerah Straight to the cloverleaf and exit onto Lake Road/Church Road. Very bumpy this bit, so if you're leading a ride, go the other way (tho still bumpy).
No stopping till we got to Saltwater Creek bridge, then push on to The Entrance, where Paul was waiting for us at Euro Bean.
A very delicious m/t, with excellent coffee, except for Nikki whose coffee failed to impress. Mine was tops! Back up WBD to Norah Head, except for the Westies who took the New Bike Path to go west and home, including Baz, who surrendered control to James for the final sprint. My elapsed distance was 65km, due to riding from home to Jenny Dixon, same as Baz.
Thanks everyone for coming, a solid turnout! Thanks to Jimmy and Doug and Keith for keeping us under control. An inspired bike ride!

Barry and followers arriving at Prawn Beach Lane - 5 May 2023

TDCC Group 2/3 on Richardson Road, Medowie - 3 May 2023
TDCC Group Rides - 3 May 2023
What promised to be a perfect day riding in the country soon changed to feature 20-30 knot North-westerlies that could blow a dog off a chain.
Group 1 started at Norah Head and made their way across to Toukley and down Tuggerawong Road to Jensen Rd and through Wyong to Tuggerah and up through Kangy Angy on the Pacific Hwy, detour around Footts Road, Ourimbah, and Enterprise Drive to Chittaway, Long Jetty and Toowoon Bay before a sprint up WBD. Coffee at The Entrance. Distance about 65km.
Group 2/3 started at Heatherbrae at the pie shop where fourteen participants took part, with Warwick leading. The start was delayed somewhat to allow everyone to get there, after encountering heavy traffic everywhere. Moral: leave home earlier! Not a long ride, 47km, but interesting. No jet planes at Williamtown today, maybe too windy!
A lovely spin down Tomago/Cabbage Tree Roads with the wind behind us, less enjoyable once we copped the wind in our faces. Predictably, Grahamstown Dam was a washing machine, with 30-40cm waves, see photo. Along Richardson Road, Rolf had a flat tyre, but with Doug and Keith pitching in (I presume) they fixed it and we resumed our ride west to Raymond Terrace, including some nasty hills for the pushbike riders. We e-bike pilots helped all we could by blocking the wind, but I don't think it worked that well, sorry! We got strung out a lot in Raymond Terrace and some people were left behind, so we must pay more attention to posting corners. If you're in the middle and there is nobody in sight behind you, please wait on corners for the tail-enders.
It was a relief to arrive back at the pie shop and slam a juicy pie down one's gullet, washed down with a hot coffee, or an iced one.
Thanks to everyone for coming, and thanks Waz for leading us, and the tail guys, Doug and Keith, and Rolf. A memorable ride!

Good day to stay off the water - 3 May 2023

First break at Norah Head - 28 April 2023
Coasters Ride to Batto Bay - 28 April 2023
About 15 riders joined Barry at Jenny Dixon Reserve for today's ride by the seaside. New guy Chris joined us on his e-bike and managed well, for his first time. Col and Paul also joined us but decided on a shorter ride, owing to their recovering from trauma, but finished up doing the whole ride anyway. Rob now has a beard, see photo above.
Conditions were perfect, as they have been for several days. Happily the ride was uneventful, always welcome. Morning tea was at Shelly Beach SLSC, where we went on Sunday last with the other club. Saw the Skylarkers at Euro Bean at The Entrance, and they passed us going up WBD including Irene, after they did a 3-lakes 80km loop.
The basic ride was about 40km, but Linda did over 60km and I did 58, after riding from home, Chris did 68, after taking the riders back to JDR where we started.
Thanks everyone for coming, it was a blast!

Linda, Paul, Col and Chris at Batto Bay - 28 April 2023

Riders and visitors at The Old Milk Factory - 26 April 2023
Wednesday 26 April 2023 - Old Milk Factory
Twelve Riders (Nicolette, Virginia, Jill, Angela, Warwick, Rolf, Trevor, Paul, Barry, Rodney, Colin, and myself) were at Peel Street ready for our ride. The ride was as per the Calendar Ride, and after a small discussion we agreed that the ride was safe enough to do.
When we reached Toukley Bridge, we were joined by Keith Arnott, and we continued on towards Lake Haven where Paul Flack, after his little mishap a while ago, decided to shorten his ride and left us at Charmhaven for home (32 Klm.) Well done!
We continued on towards Sparks Rd. via Chelmsford, Arizona & Hakone. and a small detour via Warnervale Station and back on Sparks Road towards Hue Hue Rd, where Colin decided that he had ridden enough and took a short cut home (43 Klm. Good One )
With the help of Warwick we were able to dodge a Wee Hill, by turning into Holloway Dr. ( lots of nice homes and picturesque) and joining back on Hue Hue Rd. again. Since Coffee was at the Milk Factory, it was a very quick trip along Hue Hue Rd. and I nearly forgot and was reminded quickly by Warwick to take a left turn instead of a right at the end...
We all made it safely to the Milk Factory, when Rod had to go home for an appointment. While we were enjoying our Coffee break we were joined by Peter Holt and Michael Sawatske for a chat and Coffee. (great to see them both). After coffee, we headed through River Rd. for Wyong and we were able to use the Extension Bike Lane at Tacoma (Absolutely Fabulous) and through the Roller Coaster, (we dropped Barry at his place) and then to Toukley, Peel Street.
Great Ride. No Rain, No Wind, No Sun. Absolutely perfect conditions. Thanks to everyone for coming and Thanks to Rolf for keeping the group together at the rear.

Nikki's map of our route (thanks for both the pix Nikki) - 26 April 2023

Nicolette's photo, waiting at Molly's place for sweep - 21 April 2023
Friday 21 April 2023 - Club Rides
Forecast to be sunny, but in fact a showery cloudy day.
Skylarkers rode up to Mandolong for a nice country ride, via Munmorah and Rutleys Road to Wyee Point, Wyee Road to Morisset and back by Durren Road and Wyong. About 77km for them.
Coasters did a short one today, as many of our riders had just come back from a break, or were old and tired, so we only managed 40km, except Chris of course who racked up 63km. Had to wait at Mary Street while Rolf and Doug fixed Rolf's puncture. Then over to Wadalba and on to Minnesota Road, but turning left at Warnervale Road, up to Albert Warner Drive, and right at Sparks Road. Apparently we have done Bruce Crescent before, but not me. A very interesting and longish ride for a little side road, through the country, with horses and alpacas - very picturesque!
Back along Sparks Road easterly to the W'vale Wetlands and through the back streets to Charmhaven and The Secret Café. It rained steadily during morning tea but we were all safe and dry under cover. When we were leaving I had the opportunity to thoroughly disgrace myself for the entertainment of others - starting off back to JDR I spied a large puddle and thought it would be a good idea to test out my bike, so I rode through it. Sinking about 15cm into mud, I could easily have fallen off into the puddle, but I didn't. Would have looked like a silly old bugger, but I think I got away with it.
I went straight home for a basic 40km while Chris took the others somewhere else. A very enjoyable ride, hardly got wet at all, and caught up with all my friends. Perfect!

Watching Danny playing with the alpacas - 21 April 2023
Wednesday 19 April 2023 - Group Rides
Beautiful warm morning at Peel Street for 16 riders, including Barry who led them all up to Kanangra Drive, Crangans Bay, and back down the gravelly Link Road. I had an appointment, so didn't ride that bit, but joined them all on my bike for morning tea. Back down the highway to Blue Haven for a look around before crossing the top of Lake Budgewoi for coffee at Lakes Beach. Col drove his car to the café before the start to avoid doubling up on the way back.
I managed 28km and the basic ride was about 50km.
Everyone enjoyed themselves with the lovely weather and good company. Thanks to Baz for leading, and to the sweep, not sure whom. Well done everyone!
By-the-way, last Friday's ride was cancelled due to rain. No pictures today because nobody took any.

Charming Group Two riders at Soldiers Beach - 12 April 2023
Wednesday 12 April 2023 - Group Rides
Group 1 - Rode to Summerland Point and Gwandalan, and back to Wadalba for coffee at Sam's, a total of about 70km.
Group 2 - Fifteen riders presented at Peel Street, with more to pick up on the way, so 18 altogether, but not at the same time. Fly down WBD to Robert St, where we were joined by Jill and Trevor, who were delayed by a flat. On to The Entrance (T/E) CBD where we found Carol, but others had left by then. On to Batto Bay, at the ocean lookout, then through the back streets to Cresthaven and down to the lake. Conditions were cool but sunny, with a pushy breeze from the NW.
Coffee was held at Euro Bean, where we found a couple of riders who had earlier left to apparently go home. One was Robyn, so Warwick unknowingly headed straight back to Peel Street, where he waited for her while she enjoyed coffee with her friends.
Apparently there was an accident in Budgewoi which blocked all access north, so they diverted everything back through Toukley, causing major carnage everywhere. Didn't affect us on our bikes though, but made it hard for drivers from Peel street.
The weather deteriorated as we left T/E, getting cold and looking like rain. As the four westies were heading back home over the bridge, not Peel St, the rain came and it got quite cold. Luckily the rain lasted only 30 seconds so we didn't get too wet. The total distance was 50km, except for those of us who rode to the start, so over 60 for us.
An excellent ride, thank you James, with help from the tail-end guys, Pedro, Doug and Keith. See you all on Friday. Don't worry about the rain, it never lasts long.

The Sweep Detail at Soldiers - 12 April 2023
Most of us at Buff Point, Lake Budgewoi - 7 April 2023
Friday 7 April 2023 - Club Group Rides
Forecasts of storms across the region today, luckily they were wrong, and we had a lovely fine, cloudy day for our Friday rides.
The Skylarkers went on their usual 100km ride, except for two guys called John who restricted themselves to a sensible 63km. They met the Coasters later for coffee at East Toukley.
The Coasters had eight brave riders (six blokes and two girls, all on e-bikes except Virginia), all keen to do a good ride, even though it looked a bit nasty at times. It wasn't cold though, and we set off towards Budgewoi then joined the bike path by the lake towards San Remo.
Where we had to divert to Buff Point Avenue, we found Dave out in his garden, trimming the grass. Pressing on, we introduced Ray to Highview Avenue and Camp Breakaway, which took us up to Doyalson and across into Wyee Road. On our way to Wyee, Ray had a puncture, which Doug fixed while the front detail waited in Gosford Road.
Back together again, we were soon cruising down Bushells Ridge Road in conditions which you would describe as perfect, if asked. Into Tooheys Road and down the slippery hill, my favourite, and eventually onto the Motorway Link. We managed a right turn into Blue Haven Way without incident, out onto the Pacific Hwy and over the Charmy Bridge with not a car in sight!
We finished up at Lou's café in East Toukley, one of very few cafés open on Good Friday. There we met up with the two aforementioned Johns, plus Debbie and Geoff, so a jolly group to be sure. An excellent eatery and we should keep it in mind. So many good cafés, so little time!
Only as we sat drinking and eating a blt did some light rain finally arrive, so we were very lucky. Though there must have been a good shower at Lake Haven as the roads were all wet.
Thank Doug for sweeping up, and all the others for making the effort to come on my ride.

Virginia, Linda and Carol enjoying morning tea at Oasis - 5 April 2023
TDCC Group Rides - Wednesday 5 April 2023
Group 1 went to Nords Wharf, 49km.
Group 2, on a morning which had experienced rain, but turned out fine, had 7 starters at Peel Street, and picked up a couple more as we headed west, up through Wadalba and Johns Road to Pollock Avenue.
Arriving at Wyong toilets, we had a brief stop and crossed the Wyong River on the bridge and headed down to South Tacoma. A few nasty pot-holes but we were warned, eventually reaching the far eastern end at a terminus. We spent a few minutes remembering our friend Margaret Latham, who used to live there. Still wondering what happened to her.
We then returned to Mardi and crossed the bridge into Wyong where James and his little group remembered to wait for me and Carol, who were delayed. Then into the CBD and opposite the cop shop we found the rather unique Oasis café where we had morning tea - a lovely place, with charming staff, funded by the Salvos, I believe. I got a Snitty Sanger, the remaining half of which awaits me at the tea-table.
Heading back up the service road towards Wattanobbi, some gorilla in a truck yelled abuse at Carol, even though she was 50 meters away from the highway. A passing lady asked if we were the object of the abuse, to which Carol replied, yes, we're used to it. Unfortunately.
Continuing up the highway, we got to Minnesota Road and turned left towards the Warnervale Wetlands and Arizona Road. Virginia and I rode straight home, as we had already ridden to Peel Street. We had clocked up 50km, as did the others once they reached their start-point.
An enjoyable ride, sorry if you missed it through fear of rain. On Friday I will be leading the ride, up to Wyee Road and along Gosford Road to Tooheys Rd. Sadly La Macchina is closed for Good Friday, so I'm still researching options. Join me in this adventure.

Ray looks on in amazement as Danny scoffs a snitty sanger - 5 April 2023

James' Coasters group at the SRA lookout (see Birdie Island?) - 31 March 2023
Friday 31 March 2023 - Coasters Ride to Summerland Point
Such a beautiful day at Jenny Dixon Reserve, and eleven riders turned up to participate in James' ride up to Summerland Point. Everybody is shown above in the photo, except for the photographer, who hasn't bothered to paste himself into it. A scattering of mussel bike riders, amd a few e-bikes.
No dramas as we rode up to Budgewoi and Lizzie Bay, to the Pacific Highway at Lake Munmorah, where we turned left to reach Kanangra Drive. It's a bit of a worry along that road, with the cable fencing for most of its length. Straight up to Summerland Point, the village, to the boat ramp, for a break. Rolf was kind enough to buy some scones with jam and cream for his very best friends, thanks mate!
Back along the other part of Cams Blvd, once called Cams Blvd Rural, but now apparently it has had a name change and they have dropped the rural bit, so now the whole road, several kilometres, is just Cams Boulevard.
On reaching the hwy we rode straight across into Blue Wren Drive. Took a couple of goes but we finally got across. At this point Rolf noticed he had a broken spoke or two, and a resultant wobbly wheel, but he decided to keep going, even down that big SRA hill. Somewhere near Budgewoi the tube was pierced, but Rolf kept riding on the flat tyre to Lakes Beach café, where he remained till Col went back to JDR and got his car to take him home. Pretty-well destroyed the tyre I think. and maybe the wheel.
Morning tea was very nice, as Lakes' has blossomed with the new owners. The basic ride was 40km, but Virginia and I totalled over 50 riding from home. Thanks Jimmy for managing the ride, and everyone for coming.

Karen and Debbie with their mates at Summerland Point Boat Ramp - 31 March 2023
Wednesday 29 March 2023 - Group 2 ride to Nobbys Beach
On a dull, wet and rainy day, four hardened riders turned up at Blacksmiths for the ride to Nobbys. Unfortunately it was still raining at depature time. This dampened our spirits, plus the thought of water spray from the sodden track and slippery roads sunk us deeper into despair. So a unaminous decision was made to cancel the ride, and have coffee at the cafe across the road. Great selection of cakes and other goodies tempted us to partake of calorie-loaded goodies. As we finished our coffee, Jenny, Hans and Darryl were talking about a private ride as conditions had improved.
See you on Friday for our ride to Summerland Point.

Nikki and the crew at Tuggerah Lake - 24 March 2023
Friday 24 March 2023 - Coasters Ride to Tuggerah
Eleven people turned up at Jenny Dixon Reserve in Norah Head this morning, where Carol was leading her ride to Tuggerah via the beaut bike path at Tuggerawong. We picked up Col at the Toukley Bridge so that made 12 I think. Doug offered to be sweep, with Keith.
The weather was cloudy, and at one stage threatened seriously to rain, but it never happened. Over the bridge and down towards Prawn Beach Lane, and along the iconic bike/dog track, where we attempted to take some photos despite the poor light. Then on to the equally iconic Wyong toilets, where a few of us decided to wait until Carol returned with her caravan in tow, after visiting Tuggerah Sports Complex on Lake Road to do a lap or two.
I decided not to do the second lap. so headed straight back to Wyong, but couldn't find anyone there, so I continued to Sam's Bakery at Wadalba, where I found only non-riders Barry and Paul. Eventually the péloton arrived, followed by the missing riders who had been safely seated in the picnic shelter by the river. Glad we got that sorted out. Thought I was going nuts!
Good to see the sick-list non-riders today. Had a good chat and coffee and cake before heading back to JDR. A few of us peeled off to go home before the bridge, as we had already done that bit.

Prawn Beach Lane - 24 March 2023

James and his flock at Buff Point - 22 March 2023
Group 2 ride to Lake Munmorah - 22 March 2023
Unsurpassed conditions this morning at Peel Street - hazy, sunny, mild, slight breeze from somewhere... James led this ride, and 9 others joined him at the start, while another three joined us on the way, so thirteen altogether. Pedro offered to sweep up, with the assistance of Doug and Keif.
Off we went around Toukley and over the Toukley Bridge, where Virginia joined us on The Corso, keep pedalling to the Charmy Bridge, turn right and follow the lake around to Buff Point where this only photo was taken, quite a nice one really. Continue east to Budgewoi where we met up with Jill and Trevor, nice to see Jill again after an absence of 7 weeks due to an injured back.
The thirteen of us continued north to Lizzie Bay and into the boondocks of Lake Munmorah, the suburb, where we did a sight-seeing tour before heading back to the highway, with our sights set on San Remo. Doug got a flat at this point, so we never saw our tail-team again. They always go to a different café anyway. Hope they got it fixed. Col was able to join us for the whole ride, so it was wonderful to have him with us. Flacko also joined us for m/t at La Macchina, still not back in form after his NDE at the SRA last time. He now has a new pacemaker with bonus de-fibrillator and is looking very good. Without Carol in attendance, and the SRA staff, and the quick attendance of the ambulance, we would have lost Paul as he had only a 10% chance of surviving that experience without immediate action.
Only four of us were left after all the westies went straight home after m/t, and I'm assuming they all made it OK. Thanks James for an excellent ride, and to everyone who helped in their own humble way. See you all Friday for the Coasters Ride.

Nikki's photo of everyone else at La Macchina, San Remo - 22 March 2023

Coasters at Tuggerah Lake Pathway - 17 March 2023
Friday 17 March 2023 - Danny's ride to Tuggerah
Hot day forecast, but beautiful at 0900 at Norah Head. Ten riders turned up at Jenny Dixon Reserve, including old friend Ray Schofield from The Old Country. I think everybody except Gary had an e-bike, but he didn't have any problems keeping up. Pedro acted as sweep.
With the temperature likely to reach over 30°C I planned a shortish ride, not too far from home. Down to Toukley Bridge, and Marks Road roller coaster (we are coasters after all) to Prawn Beach Lane. On the Tuggerawong pathway we took some nice photos, some with me in them with the help of some passing girls.
Continuing on to Wyong Toilets (there are some new toilets now at Tacoma, with a drinking fountain (bubblers to you NSW types) provided. While Pedro stayed safe at Wyong, the rest of us cycled carefully over the river and up the Tuggerah Straight to Anzac Road and back down Gavenlock Rd for some extra distance - still only 40km basic ride.
Re-joining Pedro at Wyong, we then made the short trip to Wadalba and Sam's café and Bakery for some precious social time, with coffee and food as a bonus. We did shift all their spare chairs out of the caf onto the street section, but put them back afterwards.
Time to head back, so we rode across to Louisiana Road and down Wahroonga Road to negotiate the roller-coaster again. At this stage Barry peeled off at his place, and soon some westies also went home at the Gorokan shops, except me as I was leading. The temperature was quite warm but bearable while we were riding.
My total distance was 60km, thanks to the extra riding from home, but I felt fine after a shower and a zero beer. Thanks all you others for coming, a very enjoyable ride.

All together enjoying our social break - 17 March 2023

SCA Came down this hill on the way back - 15 March 2023
Group 2 ride, Kanangra Dr via CVBN and back down SRA - 15 March 2023
Barry took charge of the group at Peel Street, and by the time we met Rolf around the corner there were ten of us. Humid day after a cool start, but lovely for bike riding. We rode down to Budgewoi then off towards Buff Point before noticing that a couple were missing (Doug and Keif). Someone had a flat, but we caught up with them at San Remo bridge.
Then up to Blue Haven before crossing the Motorway Link and finishing up at Doyalson Ambulance station, where we found Pedro who had skipped the Blue Haven Loop bit. Then all the way up to Tall Timbers Road and Scaysbrook Ave to Josh Porter Reserve where we had a break. Most of us were on e-bikes anyway, but we all enjoyed the break A good chance to take some photos, if we had a camera, which wasn't forthcoming. My phone was flat as I had gone to bed late after watching the Paris/Nice bike race. What a fabulous place France is, this time around Nice on the last day, so I collapsed into bed without plugging in my phone.
Up to CVB Rd then The Link Road (gravel) which a couple on skinny-tyred bikes gave a miss to. Re-gather on Blue Wren Drive and down the hill back to Lizzie Bay Drive and so on to Lakes Beach. The three amigos went to a secret coffee van near the Budgewoi bridge, but we found the Lakes café much improved from recent times, with excellent coffee and really nice food. The HCT toastie was divine!
We split up after that with only a couple needing to go back to Peel street. The ride distance was about 50km, with Virginia and I doing about 58, and James who got dropped at Peel St at the start rode home so a good total for him too. Thanks everyone for coming - a lovely ride!

Coasters re-group at Lakedge Park, Buff Point - 10 March 2023
Friday 10 March 2023 - Coasters ride to Wyee
On a beautiful morning at Norah Head, eight riders formed with James at the front, and Westley at the tail, for a ride down to Budgewoi and beyond.
On the way down to Budgewoi, Darryl noticed a soft tyre at the back, but after a pump-up at Slades Park, he never had any further issue with it.
Continuing along the north shore of Budgewoi Lake at Buff Point, we diverted at one stage because of pathworks, then had a rest at Lakedge Park where this photo was taken. Up through San Remo and Blue Haven and back to the highway, where we crossed the Link Road, happily without incident, and rode up to Doyalson, making sure not to upset the speed camera car on the way.
Nearly halfway, we rode towards Wyee but turned left into Gosford Road, then Bushells Ridge Road to finish up on Hue Hue. That hill down Hue Hue is a ripper, my bike maxxing out at 60kmh. Left at Sparks Road, then right at Albert Warner Drive, at the pedestrian crossing for safety, to take us into Warnervale Road. Left at Minnesota, and you know the rest. Deb left us at some place, and Wes went straight home, leaving just a few of us, even less after Baz, Virginia and I went straight home after m/t. My distance was 53km, probably the average as I'm on the way back to JDR. Col failed to make it due to medical issues.
Thanks Jimmy and Wes for looking out for us. Glad everyone had a superb day out riding in the sunshine.

View from Toukley Bridge, looking good! - 8 March 2023
Wednesday 8 March 2023 - Group Rides
Fine morning, see photo, at Peel Street, Toukley, where 7 G2 riders gathered, plus one (Ric) from G1, with all the others away today. With the leader position free, James assumed control, thanks Jimmy!
Ride across to Norah Head and down WBD and the lakeside path to Killarney Vale, where Doug left us for a shorter ride. Past the Better Days café and across Wyong road onto Tumbi Road, which we followed to Bellevue Road, Bateau Bay, then head towards the favourite lookout, where the other photo was taken.
Only Ric and Angela were on mussell bikes, and the rest of us old codgers used electric assistance. Thanks God!
Jenny rang us about m/t so we gave her the details, and met her and Kerry there, at Euro Bean. Lovely to see Kez again. And Jenny of course! Jenny pointed out that there is an excellent cake shop around the corner, but I resisted it.
Then we all rode up WBD, and onto the 'new' bike path to Evans Road. Barry and I, having ridden from home, took the short-cut down past the caravan park and along Canton Beach. I maxed out at 62km, and Baz would have been almost the same, while the carpark crew rode 50km.
Thanks for coming everyone, an excellent ride in perfect comnditions.

Perfect day at Batto Bay - 8 March 2023
Friday 3 March 2023 - Coasters
TDCC Coasters Gwandalan loop via Budgie and SRA 1/3/2023
After only 6 riders turned up last Wednesday, we were not sure how many riders would turn up today. The old faithfuls Col and Doug turned up, as well as Gary K who has returned from holidays.
As most of us had seen the route on WhatsApp and all agreed to the route of the ride. James was the ride manager and Doug was the sweep, thanks Doug.
After the formalities of the ride, we set our wheels moving towards Budgewoi and did a detour via the old road opposite the Lakes Beach, and then cycled along snake alley otherwise known as the Lakes Bike Path. After a short regather at Slade Park, which is just past the roundabout on the CCHwy (Central Coast Highway), we rode under the bridge, turned left at the exit of the path then right at the Pub, then a left turn at Dominos, and then right at the Caravan Park next to Mackenzie Reserve. No, we are not doing advertising for these familiar businesses.
On to the CCHwy and full speed ahead to the SRA where we turned into the SRA at the 2nd roundabout just past Matt’s Diner that is styled in the 50-60s décor etc, well worth a look. Most of us are probably too young to remember those times.
After our rest break, Gary on his non-electric bike put us all to shame by keeping up easily with the electron powered mob. Good effort Gary. Soon it was much easier going up and down the curvaceous and windy hills. A few motor bike riders were also having fun by overtaking us and leaning over as much as possible to get their thrills.
Crossing the Pacific Highway was a breeze with only 4 riders trying to cross the road at the same time. After crossing the road, it was full speed ahead along Kanangra Drive where we set a good pace with the help of the breeze. At first our thoughts were that we were getting fitter, then reality dawned on us.
We turned right at the top of the hill at the roundabout which is still called Kanangra Drive to our surprise, then a quick hook next right, and we were heading downhill most of the way to Gwandalan Lioness Park, a great name, gets one back on the boyz.
While we were refuelling, Col mentioned Point Wolstoncroft which is just around the corner from the Lioness Park, looks worthwhile investigating a ride into that area in the future.
After a chat we were riding again and soon back on our way home via Kanangra Drive, the SRA and Elizabeth Bay. Col had a surge of energy and took the lead along the CCHwy back to the Lakes Beach.
Thankfully there were not many people around and a table under the trees was ours to enjoy, the coffee came quickly and with a smile.
Doug left for home on his trusty steed, while Col had parked his car at the beach and went home in comfort. Gary and James cycled up heartbreak hill to Jenny Dixon, Gary did it with ease in his human powered motorless bike, good effort Gary. Our average speed was around 22km/hr, not bad for our maturity rating.
Next week most of our Myrtlefordians will be back in town, we look forward to having a full complement of riders.

Looking over The Gorge at Beechworth - 2 March 2023
Myrtleford Holiday Day 5 Beechworth - 2 March 2023
Our last full day of organised riding - Beechworth. Two stages here, Myrtleford to Everton, 28km, most people drove this bit, then 15km up a long hill to Beechworth. A few stalwarts rode the whole thing, such as Carol and Linda who, on their e-bikes, did nearly 90km, and JD and Ric, who totalled 101km each. Amazing effort. Other riders managed heroic distances too. For those of us who parked at Everton and rode up the brilliant bitumen path to Beechworth, then around the township and back for 40 to 50=odd kms. Extra distance was achieved by visiting the famous Gorge, as we have done in the past, but this time we were thwarted by a road closure at the bottom of the Gorge. This meant a ride back up the one-way road to the top again or, if you weren't afraid of a little hill, a trip up another road to the middle of town about 800 meters away, a saving of about 3kms. (I'm the only one who did that.)
We all finally met up at the top of the big downhill run and rolled our way back down the hill. I got to the front doing 42kmh but Ric eventually passed me, then Chris, Keif and Rod, all going faster. Great fun!
That night we had a dinner at the pub (22 of us) with some lovely main courses, but no dessert or coffee owing to the kitchen shutting down (it's the country you see). A wonderful finish to an amazing holiday in the mountains of Victoria. Brenda, Carol and I had coffee at a nice spot on the main road in the perfect evening - bliss!
As I write this on Friday, there are still quite a few of us here and some good rides were achieved but they're a story for another day. There are many more photos of mine which will appear on the FB Group page soon.

Last photo of the day, top of the gorge - 2 March 2023

Beautiful ride out to Harrietville - 1 Mar 2023
Myrtleford Holiday Day 4 - Harrietville
Carol's special ride - Bright to Harrietville. Drove to Bright and parked, despite some keen people wanting to ride the whole way, then rode on lovely bikepaths through the countryside out to Harrietville, just one long up-hill bit. At H'ville we could only find one coffee place, viz a coffee van with one operator, and a narrow selection of food. Very nice all the same. A lady there with a beautiful brown Murray River Crinkly-haired Retriever (a dog).
Afterwards we found a fully-equipped café up the road. The Ovens River, just a babbling brook at this stage, and a dredge-hole making a beautiful lake full of people swimming and jumping off a rope. Picture somewhere. A couple of lads then rode the whole way back to Myrtleford for a total of 90km. The basic ride was 58km.

Fun at the lake Harrietville - 1 March 2023

Group 2 ride, Peel St - 1 March 2023
TDCC Grp 2 Wyong-Wadalba-Charmhaven loop ride report. 1/3/2023
Things were looking bleak on Tuesday arvo regarding not having enough riders for our Wednesday ride due to Myrtleford commitments and people on holidays. Come early Wednesday morning no confirmations about riding had come to light. However, Barry, Kee and Col confirmed they were riding, via WhatsApp, later Wednesday morning, so we had a quorum. On arrival at our departure zone, an unrecognisable rider was sighted in the distance, it was Kee doing some warmup laps around the neighbourhood. It was good to see Kee as he has not ridden with us for a while due to a nasty injury. Shortly after Michael B, and Barry arrived, so six riders in all. As Nic pointed out, all blokes. James was the ride manager, and you know who volunteered as the sweep, we will reveal his name later.
As Col, Doug, and Barry had ridden to Peel St and planned to leave the ride near Charmhaven, we all agreed to alter the ride, cut out the Budgewoi Lake loop, and have coffee at the Secret Café.
The weather was very pleasant at the start of the ride, the noisy Little Corellas must have agreed and had flown to Peel St to munch on the local food offerings, everywhere we went during the ride they seemed to follow us with their raucous calls.
The revised first half of the ride was the same as the original listed ride, that is, Peel St to Gorokan, then Wyong, Wadalba, Sparks Rd etc. However, on reaching Sparks Road the temperature was rising quickly so we decided to detour via the Wetlands where we would have access to more shade, a good decision boys. As mentioned earlier the Budgewoi loop was cut out and the 3 remaining riders planned to return to Peel Street via the Corso and the usual route.
When bell went off, we set off towards Aldi and shortly after arrived in Gorokan for our stop at Molly’s place, unfortunately Molly was not in the mood for a pat and ignored our calls. We then discussed the speed of the ride so far and it was mentioned that it was too fast, around 26-27km/hr at and average speed of around 24km/hr. So common sense prevailed, and we rode thereafter at between 20-22Km/hr with an average speed around 20km/hr, our riders red faces soon came back to normal.
After our break we set off for Prawn Beach Lane for the beaut ride along the path, not many walkers or other riders around so an enjoyable jaunt before we came back onto Tuggerawong Rd. From there it was full speed ahead to Wyong, as we passed the closed café River Reflections, we felt what a shame it is closed as it was one of the best places to have coffee, unfortunately looks like it needs a bit of love and care. On arrival at Wyong feeling hot and bothered, we had an extended break while discussing blokey things like cars.
We then did a “U-ey” and turned back the way we came till we reached Hillcrest Ave where we pedalled up the hill to Jensen Rd, turning left before joining up with Pollock Ave. From there we pedalled the back streets of Wadalba to the Pacific Highway which we crossed as one group due to the small number of riders. As mentioned, we detoured from the original route to the shady wetlands bike path which was most enjoyable. From there it was a quick ride to the Secret Café, where we got a table under the trees, thankfully the Corellas did not find us as it is a Secret Café. As usual the coffee and service were great.
Thanks to Doug for doing the sweep duties and Kee for taking the photos as our famous photographers Nic n Danny were not present today. After coffee Doug, Barry and Col left for home as they had ridden to Peel Street, the rest of us did a ride around the back streets of Charmhaven before re-joining The Corso and pedalling back to Peel Street.
We again would like to give our best wishes to those riders in the sick bay, Kerry, Mike S, Paul, and Col who is still riding while having treatment.
Thanks to all our riders in Myrtleford for the photographs and Danny for the reports. [You're Welcome!]
See you Friday.

Morning coffee at a secret location - 1 March 2023

Halfway out to Everton, at Taylors Gap - 28 February 2023
Myrtleford Holiday 28 Feb 2023 Day 3
Seventeen riders, but not the same 17 as yesterday. This time also on a complete railtrail ride, to Everton, on the way to Beechworth. JD leading again, Pedro sweeping. Another 30km to Everton rail, then back to Everton café for a long-awaited coffee experience. Sadly however the anticipation was not matched by the reality. Most riders just had a packaged milk drink. The only food we could see was a couple of potato cakes and 2 dim-sims. Back the same way again, 58-61km for the day. Weather was the same as yesterday, cold in the morning (11°C) but hot in the afternoon (29°)

Rest break on the way to Bright - 27 February 2023
TDCC Myrtleford Holiday 27 Feb 2023 Day 2 - Bright
Seventeen riders today, with John leading, out to Bright on the rail trail. Beautiful little town, with a stop at Eurobin railway station (nothing to do with the Euro Bean café). 65km today. Happy Hour in the camp kitchen today, not as roomy as the outdoors, but seating on site.

Beautiful mountain range on the way out to Bright - 27 February 2023

Sixteen riders on way to Buffalo Lake, Myrtleford - 26 February 2023
Myrtleford Holiday - 26 February 2023 Day 1
Warmish morning at Myrtleford Holiday Park, with 16 riders ready for a nice easy ride out to Buffalo Lake, with John D leading, and Keif sweeping, thanks guys. Fairly flat and straight road out for 23km to the beautiful lake, with vast expanses of fresh water, speed boats, fishing, an interesting dam wall with spillway, and beautiful countryside and hilly views.
Brenda took Danny's truck out there as a support vehicle, but nobody really wanted anything, apart from a bit of water. Still, a nice outing for non-riders like Debbie, Pedro, Rod's wife Kathryn and Chris's wife Cheryl.
Danny acted as windbreak on the way back for about 16km, till overtaken by JD, Rod and Robyn. Back at The Myrt, a café was localted for m/t, but our experience was less than fabulous, so we'll see how we go in future. My total kms was 46. Happy hour tonight at 5.00pm under the tree.

Nice cows on the way out to Buffalo Lake - 26 February 2023